

feranmi_falade · Urban
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65 Chs

Last battle

"What's wrong Susan, why are you crying?" asked Juliet.

" Nothing is wrong,i just got something in my eye" replied Susan.She wiped her tears and was about to go out when Juliet said "You know you can tell me anything right?,if you ever feel burdened or stressed about something,tell me and i will help you in whatever way i can".

Hearing Juliet said this made Susan tear up even more.She went to sit down beside Juliet and just cried.Juliet didn't say anything and just patted Susan's back.

She cried for an hour before finally quieting down." Thanks for not asking me any question,i don't just feel comfortable with telling anybody ".

"No worries,I am here for you if you need me".

The two of them then walked out of the room to meet the rest of the team.

Everyone was excited and nervous at the same time,tomorrow was the finals they had to win this competition.

They all went to sleep in anticipation of the next day.


" Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the finals of The brain.The auditorium is filled to the brim right now with fans of the two teams,who is going to win today is it Academia who had been the winner for five years straight or the under dog Desmond group who has surprised everyone with their actions.It's happening right here right now ".

The two teams went to their post and got ready.As soon as the bell sounded they starred answering the questions.

Ariana was relaxed because she knew she would get first place but she did some of the works in order not to raise suspicion.

It was a really tough battle,everyone got busy with their works and soon they were all done.

Juliet had confidence in her team because she knew she and her team would definitely win.They all left the stage and stood nervously at the side line.

The answers were marked and the announcer came out to announce the winner. " Ladies and gentlemen,it's the moment we have all being waiting for.Who is going to be the winner today."

" The winner of the brains competition is ..." before he could finish saying what he was saying,he was stopped,a man walked up to him and whispered into his ear.

" It is very unfortunate to hear that Desmond group has being disqualified,the winner by default is Academia's group.Congratulations to them".

The audience and Desmond group were all quiet.Juliet was stunned and didn't know what to say,her team didn't cheat at all.

" We didn't cheat,what makes you say that.How does the judge we cheated "said Juliet.

" Actually the judges noticed that you did the work together which is not good,you were all supposed to do the work individually " said the announcer.

" And what part of the rules enforces that,we are a team of course we are supposed to was rk together,the judges have no right to disqualify us" replied Juliet.

When Juliet said this murmurs of agreement came from the audience,noticing this the judges maid another prompt decision.

" Why don't we do it like this,you guys would be given another set of questions this time you have to do it individually,if you can pass this test you are the winner of the competition " said the judge.

When Ariana heard this,she got really nervous.She wanted to win at all cost but she knew the judge had compromised too much for her.

"Okay we will do it" said Juliet

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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