

feranmi_falade · Urban
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65 Chs

Helping Susan II

Suqn was relly nervous when she arrived at Juliet's house,she was scared of what she was going to meet there but to her surprise she found out that Juliet's aunt was friendly.

" Oh, you must be Susan,lovely to meet you. You might be looking for Juliet, she went upstairs not long ago,sure for a while I'll go call her" said Mary.

" Thanks ma " replied Susan.

Mary went upstairs to call Juliet and not long after she came back with Juliet.

When Susan saw Juliet she stood up, she thanked Mary and walked over to meet Juliet. Juliet and Susan chatted for a while before they both went up To Juliet's room.

Susan was surprised to see Juliet's room. It was giving off a depressed vibe. It was coloured grey even the bedsheets were grey, although this was not how the room was when Juliet arrived she asked Mary to change the colour because she liked grey colour.

The both of them went down to business immediately. Juliet started by asking Susan questions. They started revising.

Susan was shocked one more time,she was surprised at the fact that Juliet knew this things. She was surprised at Juliet's seriousness but she was influenced and soon got serious.

Juliet set some questions for Hannah to answer while she also got busy. The both of them got busy with their works in silence.

Soon Susan was through with the question Juliet set for her to answer, Juliet evaluated it and told her the mistakes she made and gave her another set of questions to answer.

Susan was amazed at Juliet teaching skills. She understood everything and with this new question she scored the questions right. The both of them revised together and asked each other questions. Susan asked Juliet the ones she didn't understand and when Juliet explained she understood quickly.

The both of them didn't know how much time they spent inside but when they were through with their studies it was dark outside.

Susan thanked Juliet and Mary and rushed home.