

feranmi_falade · Urban
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65 Chs

Hannah is angry

" Four teams would be advancing today, excited to see that Desmond high school would be progressing to the next round from here on the questions will be getting tougher and tougher" said the host.

Principal Danny was really happy to see that his team had advanced.He went to meet the team to congratulate them.

"Congratulations guys,this has been a very good experience we actually passed,this is great news.If we fail tomorrow don't be disheartened by it ok".

The whole students "..."

" It's not even the end of the competition yet and you are happy " said Andrew.

"Forget about being happy,do you really think we will fail " added Emmanuel.

" We can't fail now that Juliet is our captain,we are definitely going to win this competition" said Jason.

" I know but i would advice you to not get your hopes up,you might not win by tomorrow" said Principal Danny.

" Are you actually doubting our skills,this competition has been won by us already.No need to sweat principal danny".said Laura

Juliet just looked on as they all chatted happily,She was confident that they were going to win especially since she knew how to coordinate the team.

Nathan who had not talked at all finally spoke up " I wished i had join the team but captain Juliet didn't choose me".

Everyone laughed when Nathan said this."I would have chosen you but i knew the girls on the team would not be able to focus because of how handsome you are "replied Juliet

Everyone laughed at this except Jason.He got jealous of Nathan,he knew Juliet just said it casually but he could help but feel jealous.

" She never complimented me before..." mumbled Jason.

" As the host has said it's only going to get tougher from here,we need to brace up and get prepared for the worst,we can't let our guard down" said Juliet.

The brain competition was not only based on math,it comprises of different subjects at times it could even be general question.The hard part of it was that no one knew which subject they would be working on,they all have to be prepared for anything.

They chatted for a while before breaking up,on her way to the room Juliet was stopped by Kate.Kate was the one that once competited for the post of Captain with Juliet.

" I'm sorry for doubting your skills,you obviously deserved the position of Captain,without you I'm sure we would have failed"

Juliet was surprised to see that Kate would come apologize to her. " No problem Kate,you were just doing this because you care for the team,i would have done just that if i didn't believe in my captain's potentials".

" Then can you forgive me for what i said before..."

" Of course i can,in fact i was never angry at you"

The two of them chatted for a while before going their separate ways but before could enter the room she was stopped again but this time by Ariana.

" You guys qualified for the next round,I wonder how you did it " said Ariana

"I'm guessing you cheated because one look at you says it all and ...

Before Ariana could continue,Hannah came by

" Before you judge others you should take a good look at yourself.You are nothing but an arrogant self centered b*tch,who cares what you think,we won fair and square you are just afraid that we are going to win the competition"said Hannah angrily.

Without waiting for Ariana to reply,she grabbed Juliet and left.

Ariana who was left alone was so angry that she smashed her phone off the ground.

"Why did you allow her say all those things at you,couldn't you defend yourself " Hannah yelled at Juliet angrily.

Juliet felt touched that Hannah stood up for so she said nothing and got scolded by Hannah.

Hannah ranted in for an hour before she finally stopped.

"You should rest now,we still have to get prepared for tomorrow" said Hannah to which Juliet just nodded.


Since there are four groups remaining I decided to name them.

Juliet's group is now Desmond group

Ariana's group is now Academia's group

The remaining two teams are now Scholars and Bright stars group.