

"My goodness, what did you just ..........." Julie said in shock looking at her spoilt blouse but stop her sentence midway when she came face to face with the man who had collided with her. For a moment she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She even tried to open her mouth to speak but her mouth went on strike letting her eyes and mind work. The man standing before her was extremely handsome. The handsome type that seemed to be out of this world. The first thing she noticed was his blue oval eyes that shone bright piercing through her soul. Then his pointed nose that was perfectly placed on his face making his curved pink lips look so edible. His chiseled face made his countenance even more intoxicating. His black soft hair that was tied neatly at the back of his head even made his face more appealing as his flawless brown skin seemed to be glowing. And his physique? Goodness it was definitely goals. He  was tall, more like 6.4, with a well built body that you could see his muscular chest through the t-shirt that he had won inside his leather jacket. He was probably a gym person. That's what she thought as she oogled on the man standing before her. Not that she was doing it alone because looking at things, he seemed to be ogling at her too. Sebastian on the other hand stared in awe at the woman whom he had knocked off her coffee. Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Looking at her flawless dark skin that complimented her shining grey eyes that was sorrounded by long eyelashes that kept blinking as she stared at him made him feel breathless. And her lips? He felt like he could kiss her right there. Her beautiful short  black hair that revealed her african long neck even made her beauty so extraordinary natural. Not to talk about her splendid body figure. All he could think of was how the woman standing before him looked like a beautiful black pearl. "What a beautiful black pearl." Sebastian said breathlessly more in a whisper but obviously Julie heard him. "Such a hot stuff." Julie also muttered breathlessly.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Julie Blacks, she is a single mama, broken and maimed a thousand times. Rejection is what she's known almost all her life until she lost the hope of loving and maybe being loved again. She is a broken insecure girl not until a mysterious guy crosses her path and all her walls crumble down. Meet Julie Blacks a Kenyan Music Star and Sebastian Parker, an African American Billionaire. A miracle love story it is.

debby_liliane · Urban
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Chapter 7

Landing in Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, the four of them drove to Vilarosa Kempinski Hotel, where they had booked for the night before continuing with their journey. Of course they had to rest after the long flight.

"Damn, isn't this country so warm? I think I love it already! " Audrey exclaimed when they arrived at the hotel.

" You are right. That's why I love Africa in general. Always warm and nice. " Seth seconded her.

" Don't you think we should get married and move to Kenya baby? " Audrey commented playfully.

" Just as I always say, such comments are a sign of downfall. Be careful bruh. Don't say I didn't warn you. " Samuel chuckled.

" See who's talking, the one who worship's the ground his girlfriend walks on. "  Seth smirked back at him.

" Well, I might worship the ground she walks on but at least I'm rest assured I would never allow her to convince me to marry and migrate into some other continent, leaving behind my awesome career. That would be preposterous! " Samuel argued trying to bring out his point.

" So you are trying to say that...." Audrey tried to argue back but Sebastian cut her short.

" Okay guys, since you are really determined to wear out your speech organs over some nonsensical topics, then can you please allow me to show myself in?I need to rest. "  Sebastian who had been just watching them argue said and showed himself into the hotel before they even answered back.

"Jeez, your brother is always unbelievable" Audrey murmured as Seth pulled her with him, following Sebastian closely.

"You can say that again baby. Sometimes I wonder if his brain functions like normal human beings. " Seth added sarcastically while Samuel just chuckled at the comment knowing that, his cousin's brain always functioned differently. He was different from everyone. Even a stranger wouldn't take time to note that.

However, they followed him, checked themselves in and they were showed their different rooms. Seth sharing a room with Audrey while Sebastian shared with Samuel. They were cousins but best friends after all and as much as they were men, they didn't mind sharing a room. Of course they were stinking rich and had money to even book as many rooms as they could but when they were together, they couldn't afford being far from each other. Infact they always took such moments as golden moments where they had to talk about their own things. They shared a bond that always kept them close together.

"So guys, I tend to think we should plan out this holiday." Samuel suggested later on when they were taking their dinner.

"Yeah you are right. We have four weeks and we have to plan them out." Sebastian seconded him.

" Ooh? What a privilege to have master planners on your holiday! " Seth added sarcastically.

" Sese, you know you are pathetic right? I still wonder how you were able to make the best lawyer in NewYork with that nincompoop brain of yours." Sebastian hissed at him.

" Hey dude, stop calling me that stupid name. You can't call me Sese dude!" Seth growled, hitting him on his arm.

" Yeah a name just as stupid as you. If we shouldn't call you Sese, then care giving us a short form of Seth?" Samuel added laughing at him.

" What the hell Sam, you too have joined this idiot's team?" Seth asked angrily pointing at Sebastian.

"Okay, okay guys, can we just stop fighting and focus on what we are here for? We are to plan out this holiday, so lets just do that and stop getting into each other's nerves." Audrey joined in trying to calm the situation.

"Looks like your brain isn't nonsensical like I thought, after all. Good Audrey. Let's plan out the holiday." Sebastian told her sarcastically.

" Sebby, just stop it and let's focus please. Don't start it again." Audrey told him in a serious tone.

" Fine, and don't call me Sebby again. If you can't say Seb, then better call me Sebastian. I'll appreciate." Sebastian growled at her.

" Well, point taken, Sir Parker The Third." Audrey answered him rolling her eyes at him and Sebastian looked like he was going to eat her alive.

" Okay, you guys will never finish arguing. Can we just plan this shit out? I propose we start by visit grandma's place first before we move to any other place. What do you think?" Seth proposed.

" I don't think that's a good idea. I think we should finish up with visiting other places first before we finally finish up with grandma's place then fly back home."  Samuel suggested.

" I also agree with that. The first two weeks let's enjoy ourselves, then the last two weeks let's visit grandma's home. That would be better. At least we would have given them time to prepare for our coming." Sebastian seconded Samuel as always.

" Well, I think it's agreed. We visit your grandma's place last." Audrey agreed with them.

" So if that's the case, where do we to tour first?" Seth inquired.

" I've heard Mombasa is fun. We could go there." Samuel suggested.

" I've been to Mombasa with Sabrina a thousand times. I can't go back there. Besides you all have been to the beach many times. So think of somewhere  else." Sebastian opposed the idea.

" Well, so what did you have in mind?" Seth asked him.

" I had planned to be in Maasai Mara National Park this holiday and that's it."  Sebastian said in a tone that even another suggestion wouldn't change his mind. They just had to be there before they thought of any other place.

"Okay. Since it looks like nothing is going to change your mind it seems we will be heading to Maasai Mara then." Samuel said knowing nothing was going to change Sebastian's mind.

"Alright, so when do we leave?" Audrey asked.

"We leave very early in the morning by 3am. I believe it's not as close as we think. So we have to start travelling early enough." Sebastian answered her.

" Great, one more thing, where are we going to stay?" Seth asked.

"It's as easy as just googling. Google for the most expensive hotel around the place and be rest assured they'll offer great services." Samuel suggested and Audrey took her phone and immediately started the search as the others also did.

"I think I found it. I vote for Pearly Palacio Hotel. It seems cool and nice." Audrey said after a few minutes of searching.

"I think I also like it. The services and the surroundings seems perfect to me." Samuel seconded her as he looked at his phone too.

"Just by the look of it, I think I love it too." Seth also supported them.

" Mmh, good choice. I like the fact that you all have taste." Sebastian who had been waiting for the others to search asked commented before even looking at the picture and the information they had found about it online.

" But you haven't even looked at it. How can you be so sure we've got a good taste. Unless you've been there before." Seth stated thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. You just sounded like someone who really knows the place. Have you been there by chance?" Sam also inquired.

"Whether I've been there or not is none of you's business. The bottom line is we are headed for Pearly Palacio Hotel and we hit off at 3am." Sebastian stated and with that, they all retired to their rooms to rest and await the next day's journey.

On the other side of Pearly Palacio Hotel, Julie and her friends were taking dinner after a tiresome tour.

"Hey guys, I have to tell you something." Julie said trying to have their attention.

"Oh? Some other news apart from you and Jason are now a thing. Girl am so happy!" Grace joked laughing at her. When Julie had told her that she had decided to give Jason a chance, she had been so happy that finally her friend was going to give love another chance. She deserved it and she had waited for so long. She just prayed that all would go well.

"Grace stop, you hen!" Julie snapped at her. She just wasn't in for jokes at that moment. She was about to cut short their holiday for goodness sake. Couldn't she just wait until she talked?

"You just called me hen Juls! That's not fair. Fine anyway, what is it?" Grace decided to finish the fight after Julie had delivered the news.

"Well, I'll go straight to the point. I talked earlier with my mom today and unfortunately Jay isn't feeling so well. So looks like I have to be home by tommorow and that means I'll have to leave you guys behind." Julie explained to them. Earlier on they had talked with her mother just as she had promised and told her Jay, her so. had fallen sick during the night and it meant that she had to go and check up on him. She couldn't just be enjoying herself while her so was ailing.

"Oh, sorry. We understand but surely if you are leaving I think we all leave because after all we were here because of you. We could all drop at your mom's place and check up on him. What do you think?" Jason suggested. He just didn't want to let Julie go. It had just been a day of her giving a chance their relationship and he just wanted to spend more time with her. Maybe it was even luck that he would finally be introduced to Julie's mom as her boyfriend.

"I think I agree with Jason on that. Isn't it a good idea babe?" Geff seconded Jason's idea knowing that Jason and Julie had to spend more time together whether they liked it or not.

"Yeah. I think it's good we leave together and head to Julie's home to check up on Jay." Grace agreed too.

" Nice. So what time are we leaving Julie?" Geff asked.

" Well, lets say around midday." She answered.

" Then we start off at midday then." Jason commented and with that they also left to their various rooms to get themselves some rest.