
Julie's choice

I had my own share of problems but I saved him not withstanding. Unbeknownst to me it was the beginning of something new. Will my secret keep the relationship or just like mom will I end up disappointed? To find out more do add the book to your library

Judithmoses · Fantasy
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Chapter 36 memories

Morgan's POV

I closed from school that day after checking the school forum I don't know how it happened but my results for that semester sucks

I decided to go home I was on my way when I saw a little girl looking straight into my eyes with no fear whatsoever

"Big brother you don't look happy. what happened to you"

I just smiled at her just having a bad day little one what is your name

"Julie Anderson"

Do you live around this neighborhood Julie?

"yes we just moved in and I have no friends. It's very boring around here"

I smiled she is very mature for a girl her age

"Big brother can you be my friend"

okay I will be Julie's friend if Julie tell me her age I watched her count her fingers childishly

she barely shows this side of her I thought

" 10 but next month is my birthday so I'll be eleven soon. Then I can marry this handsome big brother. so until then will you be my friend"

I laughed heartily

okay this big brother will marry you

I'll be going then take care of yourself Julie I said

meeting her continued till I finished senior high

the day I was going to travel I went to see her but she wasn't there

I told grandfather

I will be marring the girl from the Anderson's family

she was the only one then I never knew she had a sister till the day I saw Emilia Anderson

I knew then she's not my little bride that proposed marriage to me

I am lucky I still found her due to that accident and when I saw her details I wanted to marry her imidiately so she doesn't leave me

Although something changed about her but she's still my little bride from ten years ago

I was woken From my thoughts with a call from Wifey

I smiled as I answered the call

"good afternoon hubby, what are you up to "

thinking about my little wife I said as I imagined her blushing face

"have you had your lunch? make sure to eat before it gets cold "

okay wifey I will eat now, how is my wife doing by the way?

"I am fine about getting another company under my name so I need you to come home early so you go through the form for me"

okay wifey I'll be at your office before you know it

"okay then take care"

you too my love, I love you

I smiled as she hung up the phone soon it's not going to take so much time before I hear it from her but

I love the way she is opening up to me gradually

"Boss it's lunch hour"

Greg said as he came into the office

"where should I book your lunch?

Don't worry Greg my wife made me lunch already you can go have yours for I am not sharing this

"okay sir"