
Julia's Dairy

Julia is a full-time author. On the top of her career she feels bored with her life and decide to take vacuum by journey to all-across nation with her motorcycle BMW R90

kidd17 · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Apologize (Part 1)

April, 30th 2023

It's already been two weeks since I broke up. Irene did not call or texted me again. Should I apologize and tell her the truth?

My dad wants me to go home because he wants to get married me with a man. I'm a lesbian and it's make me uncomfortable, but in other hand, I controlled the situation.

Not long after that, Irene came. She wanted to talk. At first, I was skeptical about that uneasy feeling, but… who knows?

Diary Entries #104

Julia Harianto


Now I'm here with Evelyn and Mrs. Sherlyn. They were here to help me with Mr. Harold's stories. I don't have any option to not ask to help people around the town. I need them to write about what they were thinking about him and this town.

"Are you sure you're gonna do this, Julia?" Mrs. Sherlyn stared at me as she tied her hair. I looked at Evelyn, who brushed her hair.

"He asked me. Besides, it's a noble favor."

Mrs. Sherlyn shook her hand. I put my DSLR on a tripod and setting the brightness, contrast, and Voila! I took a picture. Now we're good to go. Who go first?

"We are curious about you, Julia. I mean… you're background." Mrs. Sherlyn sits on the chair.

"I agree with Evelyn." Mrs. Sherlyn and Evelyn sit in front of me. It's a common question when you meet them every day. Mr & Mrs. McKenna, Evelyn, Mrs. Sherlyn, Mr. Harold, and Rose. They often bringing up my past life, or sometimes my past relationship.

It's fair to me because I met them every day, sometimes helping them with a small thing. "I lived with my foster dad when I was 10 in Oklahoma, and moved to Austin when I was 12. , a lesbian, an author and entrepreneur, and I grew up in Indonesia."

"Indonesia?" Evelyn asked.

I took a deep breath and raised my eyebrow. "Does your geography teacher teach you about Southeast Asia?" Evelyn giggling.

"So, do you know Bali?" Yeah, right. A lot of foreigners only know Bali, but did not know it's one of Indonesia's Island. "One day, I want to have a honeymoon on that island. I heard Ubud is beautiful!" Mrs. Sherlyn looks at me as if she gave me a sign.

"Okay! Enough chit-chat. Let's we start." Mrs. Sherlyn sits on the chair and I did not forget to record her story about Harold.







I entered the coffee shop, searching for my cousin. My cousin wanted to meet me. I hope she brings good news. "Julia!" She raised her hand. There you are.

I rushed walked towards her, then hugged her. "I miss you so much, Kirana." Kirana let go of our hug, then smiled.

"Have a seat, Julia. I… ordered your favorite." She fixed her dress before she follows me to sit. I guess she's not comfortable with that dress. Kirana is my cousin from Indonesia.

I was… adopted by my parents since I was 10 years-old. My foster dad was my dad's best friend. After he has car accident, he lost everything. His wife and son. My dad gave up on me because I'm not a normal child. I will tell you the detail about my family.

"Where's Anthony?" She tries to cover her undergarments, but it's a dress. What a pervert Anthony. I took off my jacket, then gave it to her. "I bet he is not far away from here."

Kirana was only silent after I said that to her. Anthony has some of… fetish that I couldn't understand. "I came far away from Kansas not discussing my boyfriend!" She covers her thigh with my jacket. "I came far to tell you something. Your dad…"

I straightened my body, then look her in the eye. "Dad wants me to go home?" I asked her.

Kirana nodding her head slowly and took a deep breath. "He wants me to take you go home with me because… he…"

"He wants me to get married to a man of his choice?" Again, Kirana nodding her head. My biological father was an entrepreneur, same as me, but the only different with us is I never want to get married because of money and traditions.

My dad wants me to get married to that man because he has what he doesn't. I'll tell you the surprise later.

"I tried to talk to him, but he doesn't want to understand!" Kirana doesn't like lies. She knew what she was doing right now. "I want you to talk to him by yourself." She said.

I took a deep breath, then closed my eyes. Don't let the anger consume you. I took a deep breath, then exhale slowly and repeat several times. This is your vacation, okay? Don't let another wave destroy your ship. "No," I opened my eyes, then glared.

"I appreciate your help, Kiran. I don't want to go home and get married to a man, okay? You know who am I. Why you did not tell me to my dad!?"

Kirana shivering. I took a deep breath and groans. That fucking old man threatened her. "I told him everything you achieved here, but he seems doesn't want to listen." It's obvious my biological dad already threatened her.

I guess most of my DNA was from him. I picked my phone and send her a picture. Rose, I owe you. A couple of days earlier, I met her at the pub again. We were drunk, and that picture was all I have. "Show this picture to the family that my dad asked to." I said.

"Who is she!? Your girlfriend?"

I don't want to do this, but right now. "She's my wife. We moved from Austin to live here." Next step is to don't get caught.

"How long you've been married to this woman?" I stand up, then picked my coffee she ordered earlier.

I'm scratching my chin, then exhale. "8 years." I grabbed my jacket, then leave the coffee shop.

This town. Rockeness. Once become a camp, now they evolve to become a small town. 8000 lives with 9 miles from suburban. Who wants to stay here? Me. I want to stay here, but I need to keep going. Once I finished this book, maybe I should stop by at the hill up there, then heading to the next city.

I took a deep breath and looking at my surrounding. These people who lived here. Have ever they complaining about life as much as I did? I took out Mrs. Sherlyn's key to unlock the door. "Julia?"

I turned around and sighed. Irene. What she is doing here? "You… want to come in?" I raised my eyebrow as I opened the door.

She nodding her head and we get inside to my room to talk there.