
Jujutsu Sorcerer: Hana Watanabe

José Weber, a famous former professional sportsman, is murdered on his thirtieth birthday, then he finds himself reincarnated on a fragile body of a girl in the dangerous universe of Jujutsu Kaisen and, to make matters worse, his mother seem unable to see the abominable curses that he has to face on a daily basis, how will this end? How will his existence change the original plot of this work? Which side of this war will he be on? Is there a destiny? Can it be changed? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Story was also posted on Wattpad

Anne1326 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Meeting the Strongest Sorcerer

If I remember correctly the six eyes can tell if you lie, so I must tell the truth, but without seeming suspicious, what a joy... I can do it, I just need to tell the truth, but not everything, I must also be very careful not to speak something I shouldn't know. Yeah, it's not that hard... Who am I kidding? Here we go...

- My name is Watanabe Hana, I am the daughter of Watanabe Masako, her name was inspired by a famous manga artist. - I answered nervously.

- Watanabe Masako, huh... I don't think I've ever heard of that name, but tell me... You have great control of your cursed energy, don't you? - Gojo asks, teasing.

- Cursed energy? Do you mean my powers? If so, yes, I believe I control them very well. - Declare.

- Hmm... Hehehe, what an interesting little girl I found. Tell me, what is your relationship with this boy? - He asks pointing at Yuji.

- He's going to be my foster brother, my mother hasn't signed the papers yet, however she's already one of his caregivers, he's very important to me and I won't let anyone hurt him! - I say trying to be confident, I believe this was a good speech, true and having the confidence of a teenager who has powers.

- I see... Does that mean you would fight me if necessary? Even after seeing my battle and how strong I am? - He scoffs.

- Definitely! - I say after a sigh. - I worry a lot about him and you won't intimidate me, I fight monsters since I was little without anyone's help, you don't scare me! - I declare, obviously lying about the last part, Satoru really is scary.

- ... Very good. - The shaman says to my surprise.

- Huh? - Fushiguro and I asked.

- You may not know it, however you have a great potential, and I don't like to pass up opportunities. I'll talk to the director of the school I teach, I'll try to enroll you there, in that school you'll learn more about your "powers", innate technique, and these "monsters", curses. Your brother will have to participate in it, if he wants to survive, nothing personal, you understand, right? - The adult asks while putting an arm around my shoulders.

- Not completely, but I believe enough? - I declare with a forced smile. - Anyway... My senpais are injured, we should take them to the hospital as soon as possible... - I try to change the subject.

- Okay, Megumi take care of the boy, I'll help Watanabe-chan to take her classmates to the hospital. - The one with a blindfold speaks after throwing Yuji to the other teenager.

I quickly go to the edge and jump with all my strength to go back to the school, I end up landing on the edge of the hole, Gojo has to put a hand on my back to steady myself. Still nervous, I take Sasaki in my arms, while the white-haired one takes Iguchi, with the injureds in hands, the sorcerer teleports us to the hospital, I let him explain things to the receptionist.


Damn, I'm still really nervous, does Satoru really know how to be intimidating, or is he just intimidating because I know what he's capable of? ... That seems like that question, I don't remember who asked it, If he's the strongest, because he's Satoru Gojo, or if he's Satoru Gojo, because he's the strongest... Where did I even hear that phrase...?

- I'm done, we can go back to the boys. - My future teacher informs.

- OK I agree.

He touches my shoulder and teleports us away... THIS IS NOT THE ROOF NEXT TO THE SCHOOL!!! Shit, he noticed something, didn't he? ... I'm going to die... At least I tried, I did my best, I'm sorry mom... Yuji... Mister Itadori... I failed.

- Heh, you don't need to be so nervous, I don't intend to kill a child. - Gojo declares. - But I know I can't let you go that easy, you didn't lie about what you said before, but there's something else, isn't there? You recognized me as soon as I showed up and you seemed to already know about the fight, besides that I wasn't going to kill the boy. - He continues.

- I... Do you really believe that I would do something to hurt Yuji? Everything I do is to protect myself or those I care about! - I confess.

- So there's something! - He points, as I realize I fucked up. - What can be this information so dangerous that you are afraid to say, huh? If you are in trouble, you can trust me, because I am the strongest! - He claims.

- ... That's what you think... - I whisper.


- And who would be that person stronger than me? Sukuna? Relax, even with twenty fingers, he at most - The bearer of the six eyes is cut by me.

- Would make you tired? YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS REALLY COMING IN THE FUTURE! HE IS STRONGER THAN YOU, ESPECIALLY WITH - I stop talking before revealing more.

- And what would be coming in the future? - He asks, seriously now.

- ... I really want to talk, but if I told you things could get even worse and I wouldn't know what's coming, please trust me, however crazy what I say sounds, it's true, a war terrible is approaching, the enemies know your weakness and will manage to incapacitate you. As long as I know what's coming, I can stealthily change things, but the biggest changes should only be made later in the day, I can't let them know that I'm acting or that I know everything. - Outburst.

- So it's so serious, huh? Can I at least know a little or how do you have this information? - Satoru questions.

- I know about the future and past of this universe, I can't say much more about it, just that the future that awaits us is bad and I want to change that. Yuji is the key to everything, so take good care of him, okay? - I ask my newest ally.

- Cool. - The man surprises me again. - The way you say it, you already consider me an ally, I can't say that I completely trust you, in the future I need you to talk a lot more to me. When I come get you, let's talk more about this. - He explains.

- No superiors! They are unreliable. - Demand.

- No superiors, promise. - Gojo promises with a big smile.

After that we teleport back. I walk shakily over to Fushiguro, sitting next to him, as I try to understand the shit I've done... Damn it, how could I have been so careless? I thought that if I just didn't say anything suspicious or act strangely I would manage to go unnoticed, I should have thought about how the face and expressions can show the truth.

I should have trained my poker face more, I managed to control my cursed energy so well that I forgot about the rest, what else could give me aways... Maybe it's good for Gojo to know, but he can be so impulsive, I'm not sure. I'm sure he's more reliable and compatible with me than Sukuna, but both don't have as good morals as ideal... Do I have good morals?


No, my morals aren't that good either, I don't really care if other people die, I don't know them, why should I care? However, I don't like causing pain or suffering to others, so I'm not that bad, right? Who do I want to fool? ... I'm not like a Shounen protagonist, with unshakable determination or morals, nor super smart, cold and calculating... I'm just a normal person...

In Jujutsu Kaisen it says that to become a sorcerer you must be crazy, or you won't survive, the same thing is said in Chainsaw Man, so maybe I should start with that, giving the "fuck this" to things? If I get too caught up in what's right and wrong, whether I have enough determination or not, I'll just die.

I'm going to take advantage of the time I have before joining the Jujutsu school, to get into their mindset, let the madness loose, I mean, I'm a thirty-year-old man, which would now be forty-five, trapped in the body of a fourteen-year-old girl. Years, in a fantasy world that has sorceres and monsters, there's no way I couldn't have gone a little crazy. This whole experience, the death, being reincarnated, processing that I have a new life, still having my old memories, all of that is crazy.


Come to think of it, Gojo is kind of crazy, besides he didn't really have a moral before Riko Amanai's death, if he stayed the same, he would have a great chance of ending up being "friends" with Sukuna, if I can call it that. Despite the similarities, if the spoilers I received about the manga are correct, the king of curses is the stronger of the two, so the most logical reasoning would be to ally with him or create a stable connection.

Or better yet, I'm from neither side, the more they protect me and those I care about, the more information I'll give out. This way, I can have greater security, but if I'm discovered, I can get into even worse trouble... So, tell the truth to Sukuna, that I'm not on anyone's side, however to the sorcerers I show loyalty? I believe this is the way I least get screwed. The king of curses does things for his pleasure or displeasure, while the current strongest jujutsu sorcerer is guided by a moral, so the side that has more loopholes and fewer rules is the curses, but it is also the one that I have a greater chance to be betrayed...

- Really what did you do?!? - Suddenly I hear Megumi scream.

- It was no big deal, we just talked a little about today's events. - Satoru exclaims smiling.

- The girl is completely shaken, anyone can see, what did you say to her? - The youngest asked irritably. - I can't trust you with anything. I don't know what you're planning, but stop, she didn't do anything wrong. - He completed.

- Hana-chan obviously has cursed energy, plenty of it and controls it very well, she has great potential, especially for having trained alone, I just mentioned this to her, actually I want to talk about her with director Yaga, I'm sure he will agree with me! - The white-haired one exclaims.

- And why would I believe you? Even if it's true, you did it in the weirdest way possible, didn't you? - The dark-haired questioned in disbelief.

- It's okay Fushiguro-kun, we just talked, I think I just felt a little pressured after seeing your strength, I had never talked before with someone who also had powers. - I said trying to make the situation calmer.

- I see... If he keeps bothering you, don't think twice before screaming for help, he's weird and you shouldn't trust him. - The emo tells me while holding my shoulders.

- Leave it to me, thank you very much for the advice. - Thank you.

-Very good! Now that everything is settled we should get going, we sorcerers have very important duties and I'm sure your mother must be worried. - The teacher declares cheerfully.

- Yes, you're right, I better start going home, goodbye... - Announcement as I start walking towards the school exit. - AND TAKE CARE OF MY BROTHER... Please... - I shout to them, after a while.

Things could have been worse... I'm going to have to mentally prepare myself for what's to come, not only about Gojo, but about my mom apparently knowing about curses. I'm almost a hundred percent sure she can't see them, but that doesn't mean my dad, whoever he is, hasn't told her about all of this.

During our conversation it's better if I just play dumb and not comment on Satoru's appearance, as mom obviously doesn't want me to get too involved in it, or she would have told me about all of this before. Maybe the reason she trained me so much on how to be a samurai was because of this? The fear of this world of curses and sorcerers? She always used the excuse about our family's past and that we should carry on with the traditions, I know she went through that too, with how strong she was in training, but there's a chance she pushed even harder about training, for protect me from curses.

She would probably tell me the truth on my fifteen birthday, as that must be when I will earn the sword passed down through generations for our family, the Higekiri Sword, used by Watanabe no Tsuna, the one who created the Watanabe clan, in the Heian period. Wasn't this the same time Sukuna existed? Do they already meet? Who am I kidding, Tsuna was a samurai, not a sorcerer, how could they know each other?

Although there are several legends in which the first Watanabe faced demons, monsters, beasts and other supernatural creatures, alongside Yorimitsu, Raikō, Urabe no Suetake and Usui Sadamitsu, if I'm not mistaken, the four together even received the title of Four Kings Guardians, an allusion to Buddhist Shitennō. His most famous feat was defeating the oni Ibaraki-doji, the main follower of Shuten-doji. He single-handedly killed him in what would now be the city of Kyoto.

Damn, how many coincidences, I think that saying that the world is small was never so accurate, huh? Thinking about swords, I remembered that there is a sword called Itadorimaru, which Gege Akutami even drew Yuji holding, if I remember correctly. Now that I think about it, my past life memories are only so vivid because of my dreams in which I remember them, otherwise I would probably have forgotten a lot by now.

Does God want me to do something with these memories? Is that why he's letting me keep them and helping to remember them? That time when I was run over I also received a sign, when I saw my hand, but it didn't help me at all, since I was reborn in a very fragile body, so is it really that these memories are so important for the mission he gave me? Am I really chosen or are things happening by chance...

I better not think about it too much and concentrate on what's going on! I'm going to focus on the conversation I'm going to have with my mother, since whatever the answer is, it won't lead me anywhere, unlike this conversation I'm going to have. I'm just a human, even if I've been given some divine mission or something like that it's likely that I don't fully understand.


I'm only human... We have short lives of at least a hundred years... Death is the only thing we can be sure will happen to us.


If she's going to come, no matter what I do, I'm going to have to go through that torture all over again, why am I so scared of dying? Shouldn't I be more confident about this, since I've already been through this experience? I'm probably the only human who knows what's after death, I'm pretty sure I'm not just going to disappear or go somewhere bad for my sins, so why am I afraid?


This fear is just holding me back, making things more difficult. Although reincarnation is extremely painful, it is fleeting and does not last that long, it must have only seemed so long because of the extreme pain, it was as if they were rebuilding my being, my essence... Maybe that was what was happening? Were they molding my soul to suit this new body?

I should be grateful for being able to know these things, for being able to prepare myself mentally for what is to come... If I look at it that way, death doesn't get so scary, it doesn't completely erase the fear, but it makes me a little more comfortable. It's not necessary to be afraid of death, I know exactly what will happen and if I need to kill someone, I should think about that too, it relieves a lot of weight on my conscience, not completely, however it helps.

I can no longer act in fear of death or killing someone, it's kill or be killed, as Flowey says. I must protect those I care about, to have more time with them and face death head on, without throwing myself headlong. I'm going to fight for this life I have, however I won't be afraid to die, the pain is fleeting and anyway, later I'll be alive again, there's nothing to fear.

I'm training to be a samurai, the things they hate the most are fear and dishonor. I must fight, without thinking twice, and stop fearing. I will face whatever comes next without fear, even if it looks intimidating, even if it hurts, even if I am exhausted, I will have to fight. I know it's not that easy, we act differently when we're facing death, but I'll get better and I won't fear it anymore, I'll become like a Shonen protagonist, I'll use my unwavering determination and that way I'll be invincible.

In this world, just talking won't do anything, I need to act and kill, it's real life, however there is magic and I can enjoy it. I will find a way to "take power out of the ass" and be strong enough to accompany the protagonist, my little brother Itadori Yuji, I will make him strong, physically and mentally, I will be by his side at all times, bad or good, we will fight together , he will protect me and I will protect him!

Even though I don't know how the manga ends, I know the mindset of the characters and fandom theories, although I can't be sure how things will turn out after I change certain events, I can keep fighting, I'll just have lost an advantage, it's different from lose or no longer be able to fight.


Finally got home... Take a deep breath José you can do it! Regardless of what your mother said, she loves you very much and won't let you go. I won't tell her everything I know but I will stand strong in her presence no matter what she says she doesn't want to talk just to tell me she's disappointed or she doesn't love me anymore, since she told me to go and save the others, Mom probably just wants to explain things to me.

- Hi Mom. - I greet her upon entering the house. - KEIKO SENSEI? What are you doing here? - I exclaim scared when I was going to take off my shoes.

- Hey brat, good to see you so energetic. Your mother and I have a lot to talk about, so please take off your shoes and sit on the sofa with us, as this is going to be a long night. - Keiko says happily, probably trying to lighten the mood while she still can.

- It's okay... I'm a little bruised and dirty, is it okay for me to stand up? - I ask the mother.

- You can sit down dear, this conversation is serious and long, so please sit down. - She explains.

- Okay. - I agree softly after having already taken off my shoes.

- Very well, now that everything is ready, let's start from the beginning, about your family's past. The Watanabes, as you already know, are samurai from the beginning. The family grew so much and stopped following traditions, that it became a common surname, without much importance. However, your mother's part of the family still follows samurai traditions. - The teacher exclaims walking from one side of the room to the other. - This part of the family keeps a secret!!! A truth hidden from the Watanabes, since the Heian era, they have fought monsters called curses and helped sorcerers, powerful beings who protect humanity, against these monsters. - She explains, leaving me perplexed and afraid of what's to come, as I clearly don't know as much as I thought I did.

- From time to time our family only rarely helped in missions or selling cursed weapons, which are the only ones that can be used by a non-sorcerer. Unfortunately I was born without being able to see the curses, nor fight against them, which makes me a civilian, only being able to help with weapons. - Mother expose. - As the last living Watanabe who still has associations with sorcerers, they wanted me to give an heir to one of the three sorcerer families, to continue our clan's legacy. I was several times trying to conceive a child with your father, unfortunately nothing I did worked, so I gave up. A month after that, I found out that I was pregnant with you, but the sorcerers didn't want to know about me anymore, so I kept you in "secret", hoping that you wouldn't enter that world. - She completes.

- However, that doesn't seem to be the case, as you seem pretty used to dealing with curses and sorcerers now know about your existence. That's why we want to prepare you even more for what's to come, especially with the chance of your father coming to see you. - Sensei says. - Your mother and I talked about all this while I was waiting for you to come back and we decided to do a test for you. - She announces.

- A test? What kind of test? - I ask worried, nothing that comes from my teacher, when she has that smile, is good.

- Usually the heir of the Watanabe family only receives the Higekiri Sword, in their eighteen years, however there is a test they can do to receive it before, either because the parents were incapacitated or the teacher believes that the student is already ready. We'd rather you didn't have to get into this, but things have changed and will change even more from now on. - Keiko reports before looking me in the eyes and asking. - Watanabe Hana, as my disciple, do you accept to take the test and become a true samurai?

- Keiko sensei, with great honor I accept to take the test and use everything I was taught, to show that I am worthy of turning the head of the Watanabe clan. - I say after doing the Za Rei greeting, which is sitting on my legs and inclining my body in reverence.

- You can get up. The test will be in fifteen minutes, where you will face me and your mother. - She speaks seriously.

- Thank you very much sensei! - I exclaim with a playful smile as I get up from the floor.

I go to my room, to treat my wounds and change clothes, I know that our conversation is not over yet, but I believe that the things that will be said later will depend on how I do in the test. The teacher taught me almost everything I know about swords and Kenjutsu, she obviously knows a lot more than me, so I can't use my techniques to my advantage, she and her mother are very skilled and powerful, so I must keep an eye out, I've fought with several curses all at once, but it's not the same as against humans, as we're smarter, unless it's a special grade curse.

However, what I learned during my battles against curses is not useless, in fact it can help me a lot. Since I was five years old, after my first sighting of a curse, I have been training my energy and cursed technique, I have very good control over both, I have improved my physical strength a lot, I have what it is capable of. And if fate does exist, then this victory will be even easier.

If even in my fight against a cursed spirit, when I was five years old, didn't know how to control my energy and didn't even know I had a technique, not to mention how weak I was physically, I can't forget that I didn't have any knowledge of fighting, if despite all that I managed to win, this fight will be a piece of cake. Heh, that day was really scary, but today is just a joke, I was so pathetic, so desperate...


- The room is empty, isn't that great Hana-chan? That way you can play with whatever you want, you just have to behave and wait until mommy comes back. - My new mother says softly with a smile.

- Mhm! Leave it to me, I'll behave properly. - I say cheerfully, not wanting to burden her any more than I already do.

- Mom knows. - Says the happy young woman. - I'm going then, I leave Hana in your care Tanaka-san. - She announces.

- Don't worry, especially on days like this, with little movement, they are the quietest. You can go, anything I'll call you. - The attendant of the small daycare explains.

- Bye dear, mom will be back soon, Tanaka-san will take care of you in the meantime, if you behave maybe when I come back I can bring you a surprise, ok? - The young adult woman with dark hair says goodbye.

- Okay, bye Mom. - I say goodbye to her.

The old daycare attendant and I wave at Masako as she heads off to her important work meeting. Before the woman can sit down next to me or say anything, the phone starts ringing.

- Sorry honey, but I have to go answer the phone, I'll be right back, you can play, I'll be quick. - Tanaka-san explains while going to another room, disappearing from my sight.

I let out a long sigh and lay down carelessly on the floor. It's been five years since I reincarnated, unlike what anime shows, this kind of thing is boring as hell and very complicated, at first it was very difficult to move my body, not to mention how humiliating it was to do basic needs and need someone to to help. Who would say that after death we are just reborn, we don't go to heaven or hell, we don't even see any God.

I know this is real life and I shouldn't expect fantasy things, however the situation I find myself in seems like something out of fiction, so it must be okay for me to be sad that I'm not in a fantasy world or with powers. Come on, who doesn't want to live this kind of adventure? Adult or not, we all have this desire to be super powerful and stuff...

Suddenly I hear the noise of something falling, I look to the side only to face a small creature that looked like a deformed baby, short arms, but very fat, big and thick legs, huge head, the face was immensely swollen and had veins bouncing all over the body, it was a true abomination, which was only slightly smaller than me.

- My babeeeee! Please, my baby. - The being spoke in a distorted and frightening way.

- T-Tanaka-san... - I tried to call her softly, in an attempt to go unnoticed by the creature.

The little monster notices my presence, somehow manages to form a scary smile and starts to crawl quickly towards me. When I thought I wanted to be in a fantasy world, I didn't mean it. I do not want to die! Please, can someone help me. I quickly get up and run to the fence gate, I try to open it with all my strength, however my efforts seem in vain, I know that I can't jump from that height with this body, so I'm trapped with this thing.

I look back, only to see the thing millimeters away from me, I quickly duck and spin away, taking advantage of the fact that the thing must be stunned with that head knock on the gate, I look around for something that can help me, but there are only toys , the only mildly useful thing is a jug of water, which is on the other side, maybe if I can get to it I can use it to hit the monster with that?

Before I can do anything the creature is on top of me, squeezing and smothering me to the ground. In desperation I tried to kick the thing off me, but nothing I do seems to make a difference, I don't want to die, not again, please God help me! I am afraid! Please just one more chance. If only I can get the jug to bewilder the deformed baby.

I stretch my left hand as far as possible towards the glass object, it's my only way out, the only way for me to stay alive, if I don't make it I'm dead, I didn't reincarnate just to die miserably at five years old, NO!!! Suddenly I feel a cold energy throughout my body, it's the same one that caused me pain and discomfort when I was just reborn, but now it doesn't hurt!

I pray this is the crazy power that protagonists pull out of their asses when they need it, please... With all my strength I try to make this energy reach the jar, it's like instinctively I know how to control it, am I a prodigy? Different from what I expected, the power settles in the water, without thinking too much about, I control it against the monster. As soon as he's out of me, I move away and even before trying to regain air, I'm already trying to crush him with water, it's extremely difficult, however I manage to make the water slightly solid, luckily it's enough to kill the creature.

I lie down on the floor, the same way I was before all this happened and with a little cough I get my breath back. I survived... NEVER AGAIN WILL I WISH FOR ANYTHING ELSE BUT SURVIVAL!

- Hana-chan!!! Everything is fine? What happened? Where did all that water come from? - Tanaka-san screams worriedly.

Damn it!


- Are you ready, honey? - Mom asks when entering my room, giving me a scare.

- Yes, I'm coming. - I calm her down, while I follow her to the patio, where we will probably do the test.

I may be nervous, however I know I can do it, this will be the first test of many! Before we arrive, I already start "activating" the Flowing Red Scale, which makes a dark red mark in the form of a cloud / waves appear on my right cheek, in addition to also improving my physical abilities with the cursed energy.


I cannot take this fight lightly, I know it's uncomfortable and I haven't done it in a while, however I must compress my cursed energy. Since I reincarnated, it has been hurting me, I think my body was not used to it, so I expelled the energy carefully, to disperse it in the environment, so as not to call curses, sorcerers or hurt me, in addition to giving me a more weak look.

I know it's an ineffective and stupid method, but I've been using it for years and it has helped me to have a better understanding of cursed energy, currently it's like my blood, I don't even have to think about it, it's already in sync with my movements and I can make it become denser and recompact in the shape of my body. Whether Satoru saw all my energy or just what I let it show is a mystery, but I have a lot, I would even say too much, it's true.

I'm going to use this to my advantage, but I can't forget that the more my cursed energy becomes apparent or grows, the more curses come to me, whether it's a coincidence or not, I don't know, I'm just aware that I must be careful, to let none of these creatures get in the way of my fight.

- Very good. Now that you've arrived, I'll pass on the test rules. - Keiko is serious, in a way I've never seen her before. - The main objective of this test is for you to incapacitate or defeat myself and your mother, this second option you can do by fainting us, making us leave the determined area, which today will be the courtyard, or make a light cut on our neck . - She explains.

- Is it really okay to cut your neck? - I ask unsure.

- If I said so, you can. Relax, I taught you how to be precise enough not to kill us and I trust you can do it, okay? - Sensei asks with a smile, before turning back with a serious expression.

- All right, I'm ready! - I exclaim with my chest puffed out.

- First of all, Hana, take this Katana, it's made of carbon steel, it's a real Katana. - My mother explains handing me the said sword.

- Thanks Mom. - I thank her, before positioning myself for the beginning of the fight.

I take a deep breath and bow, bending my knees, almost to the ground, while my spine remains straight, then stand up. The first movement is from my mother, who quickly comes to attack, she demonstrates an indescribable mastery and agility, both she and my teacher have two swords, since I have only one, I'll have to improvise, that gave me an idea! I couldn't try to create a water katana, similar to the technique Blood Edge, used by Choso?

With a quick movement I defend the left sword that was aiming at my side, at the same time I thrust towards it, in an attempt to dodge the left attack that came straight, trying to hit my face. Taking advantage of the opening that my mother opened, I hook my left leg behind her knee, throwing us together to the ground, where I use the opportunity to throw her away.

Wasting no time, I turn to the right, dodging my sensei's attack and quickly kicking her katana with all my strength, sending her flying away. Using the sword in my hands, I get up and try to kick Keiko's face, unfortunately she easily dodged it, on the other hand, she didn't seem to expect the small wave that came with all the force of the pool against her. With the experienced warrior on the ground, I turned the water into a net, like the Crimson Binding used by the youngest Kamo Noritoshi.

My waterbending isn't as strong, nor physical as blood manipulation, but it's enough to hold out until outside the courtyard's boundaries. Instinctively, without barely realizing it, I draw my blood to my left arm, making it hard enough to stop a strong attack, maybe even one from Yuji, I did something similar to convergence, however more like a shield.

Both my arm and Mom's sword sway and tremble from the effort, the young adult uses my surprise to knock me down. Acting fast, I use the water to create a wave, move away from my attacker and get up, being better positioned, I use convergence on the water, and then use the little bit of blood still stuck to me, mixing the small ball of water, transforming it in a dark reddish colored substance, then launch it, creating an attack similar to Blood Meteorite.

To my surprise, when she was almost out of bounds my mother managed to stop, she opened a smile, winked and moved the sword, understanding what she meant, I also prepared my katana. Using an attack similar to the fourth form of water breathing, as quickly as I could I made as many cuts as possible on her legs and arms, then forcefully used my left side to push her away, finally making me the only one inside of the demarcation, making me the winner.

- Well done Hana-chan, you won, the sword and title of head of the Watanabe clan are yours. - Sensei declares with a tired but happy smile, almost giving me a heart attack, because I didn't hear her coming.



Any and all constructive criticism is welcome, please keep in mind that english is not my native language, so if you notice any grammatical errors please let me know.

Anne1326creators' thoughts