
Jujutsu Reincarnation: Unleashing The Ten Shadows In Naruto

"Out of all of the worlds I could have gotten, it just had to be this one. As if there wasn't a plethora of Naruto inserts already... Oh well, at least I rolled a decent ability to accompany me in this cruel world!" OC Insert With The Ten Shadows Technique. Slow Burn Fic For all those asking... *NO HAREM!* This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Naruto nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise!

BurgerNoTomatoes · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Life Goes On

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author Note Start-

Wow, a chapter. I bet you never expected this to happen! Here's another Childhood Arc chapter. It'll probably be the last one right before we get to the Academy Arc. That one will be long. So yeah. It will have time-skips of course, but expect it to last up to 8-10 chapters. Again that is a very rough estimate, I'll see how it'll flow.

Besides that... Reviews people! Make sure to Review! We need that rating to appear! *Wink* *Wink*

Selling out aside... without further ado, onto the chapter!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Once again, in the Nara Family Head's home, we see 3 children in the garden.

The first and second are familiar, they are currently running circles around the garden.

Trying to... Throw dirt at each other.

They are, of course, Nara Shikamaru and Nara Akira, going about their... "Training"

The third child, with a rotund build and markings on his cheeks in the form of swirls. He has spiky, light brown hair that sticks upward. Is currently munching on potato chips. Observing the two running boys curiously, his face the picture of bliss every time he grabs a new chip.

-Akira POV-

*STEP* *STEP* *STEP* *STEP* I sprint as hard as my little kiddy legs are capable of, to the point of feeling my muscles aching, nay burning in pain.

The enemy is preparing to send it!

"HYAAAAAAAA" A childish scream, originating from my cousin

*SWOOSH* A dirt ball is thrown in my direction.

*GRITTY SCRAPE* My lower body is scrapping the dirt as I slide on the ground, quite literally dirtying it from the contact.

Luckily, I am fully clothed, else this would have been rather painful.

I end my slide and get up to my feet, to stare at a dumbfounded Shikamaru.

"Next time, don't yell when you throw something you know?" I flash him a smug and satisfied grin.

His eyebrow twitches in what I assume is annoyance.

He then proceeds to... Turn around and go towards Choji?!

"Hey! Shikamaru we aren't done training!" I yell out in indignation pointing at him.

He continues to move towards Choji uninterrupted.

The brat...

I silently glare at him, until he sits to Choji's right side and then takes a good look at me and says.

"Well, I'm done training. Stop being such a drag Akira. Dad isn't here to watch, so let's stop training. Any more and you'll be just as annoying as Ino" Shikamaru responds neutrally, as he then proceeds to lean back on the hardwood to lay down for a rest.

"Hehe, he called you annoying! *CRUNCH* *MUNCH*" A cheery giggle comes out of the Akimichi heir.

"I'm glad you find it funny Choji..." I respond in a deadpan as I shrug my shoulders and make my way toward them.


"I guess we can stop training for now. But don't be getting lazy about it Shikamaru. Training is important!" I chastise my cousin as I sit down on the hardwood, near Choji's left side.

"Whatever..." he rolls his eyes.

"Want some?" I see a bag of chips in front of me, nearly giving me a scare.

"Hah, no, thanks Choji, I'm not hungry right now." I thank him as I, copy my cousin's ideal relaxation posture and lay down on the hardwood. Closing my eyes as I contemplate life once again.

Now, you may be wondering, why are you guys training at home? Not in a designated clan area or training ground? Hell, even a playground could work!

The answer to your question is rather simple.

It happened around a little more than a year ago, when the Hyuga clan heiress was kidnapped.

I'll cut to the chase but she was eventually reclaimed safely but it was a whole ordeal and a big mess.

I recall vividly the wrinkles Uncle Shikaku had during that entire debacle.

Apparently, he is the Jonin Commander. Some high-status stuff. As such it was a political headache he had to experience the full brunt of.

Jonin Commander AND Clan Head? Seems like, he isn't as lazy as I initially thought. Or maybe his homely procrastinations are a direct consequence of his excessive responsibilities. Not my problem though!

Nevertheless, I don't remember him being Jonin Commander from the series. That might just be a part of my memory that was erased. Curse you knowledge wheel!


Anywhos, as a result of a clan heiress being kidnapped in such a bold move. As a safety precaution, a new policy that most of the clans had agreed to in a majority vote has been made.

All high-profile children and children related to High profile individuals in the Leaf cannot be allowed to roam free without escort until they are in the Academy.

A bit paranoid if you ask me, but what do I know? This might just be a genuine concern and the Hyuga Heiress kidnapping isn't an outlier to the norm.

All this means is... We train at home, and we go outside with escorts. Sometimes Uncle and Aunt come with us to the playgrounds in the village. Other times Uncle sends a guard or in more blunt terms, a babysitter to accompany us in our... Playground adventures and mingling.

Oh, the wonders of being a 4-year-old!

Besides that, I'm doing fine and dandy!

Training has been going great, nothing Chakra though, unfortunately, but I can't really complain. The peaceful and stress-free lifestyle does wonders for the mind! I'll tell you! Being a child is a wonderful thing in that regard!

Choji's a really nice and gentle kid. Although he's a bit weird to me, I'm used to being surrounded by adults and I'm constantly accompanied by a child genius who even gives me the creeps at only 4 years of age.

So conversations with him are a bit... Childish? Lacking in complexity? Then again, he's just a normal kid in that regard. What makes me like him though is, just like Shikamaru, he's a chill kid to be around. No playing or moving much around, unless you force or aggravate him. He's a bit sensitive about his weight. Weird for a 4-year-old but I digress.

On the topic of moving around, It's been a real struggle to get Shikamaru to train with me when not forced to do so by our guardians.

I really need to give him the equivalent of an enterprise-level PowerPoint presentation coupled with every persuasion tactic known to man in order to get him to agree.

And by that, I mean to snitch about it to Auntie Yoshino. Works every time.

Don't look at me like that! It's for the greater good!

Though the real problematic child is when you get to talking about Ino. Were not on the best of terms, to be frank with you. I won't be getting into detail right now. But pulling my hair may have caused me to...

Respond Maturely and fling a booger at her.

I admit, not my proudest of moments.

Next topic!

About points of intres-

"*CRUNCH* *MUNCH* Is he in his trance again?" Choji wonders aloud, glancing at me curiously.

"Yes, don't bother him. It's not a good idea, Last time I did it, he bit my hand." Shikamaru nods as he warns Choji to not bother me.

Wise decision, Young Shikamaru.


About points of interest...

Well, I've thought about what I'm going to do in regard to... the smidgen of canon knowledge I have.

Although my knowledge was erased. My goal before most of my memory of this world was erased was... To Survive.

Ominous I know, but with my current knowledge, there isn't much danger that I really need to survive, do I?

I mean sure. Orochimaru and that Sand-Sound invasion is dangerous. But it's not all-encompassing.

If that were the main danger, why did I stress the need for survival? I could easily move to a different country. Or become a farmer, anything really that isn't related to a literal fight to the death.

All in all, as much as I am excited and hyped about being powerful and having supernatural abilities.

If I die shortly after that, it really isn't my cup of tea.

So... My theory is this... The stress in regards to my need for survival from before my memory was erased exists because there is maybe a WORLD ENDING threat looming in the future.

A threat that could be... Dealt with? Avoided? If I am stronger and had a strong power? I recall vividly that upon my discovery of going to the Naruto world, I had an intense desire to have a powerful ability. Not out of greed or power hunger mind you, but out of necessity, survival instinct.

Else I see no reason for the main goal of mine to be to simply Survive, prior to my memory being partially wiped of course.

Suffice it to say, my goals for now have been properly adjusted.

Live a good and enjoyable life. Survive. Become stronger. And protect my close people. What? I've started liking these guys! Also... Be on the lookout for world-ending plots. A creepy snake guy wanting the Sharingan doesn't sound too world-ending to me honestly.

In terms of getting stronger, I think using Naruto as my measuring stick would be a great idea, no? He is the Main character after all. I'm uncertain whether he was the strongest by the end of the series. But it's safe to assume he's able to keep up with the strongest.

I just hope there isn't a severe plot twist that happens in the future that'll make all my assumptions and theories fall apart...

Speaking of Naruto.

I just saw him the other day on the playground we went to.

Playing alone at the sandpit. Other kids steered clear of him at the warning of their parents. As if he would infect them with something.

A sad little blond weasel, indeed.

The prejudice and glares are REALLY bad. It's insane how much bad rep and association with the Village's symbol of evil and destruction can do. And don't let me get started on the whispering.

It's to the degree I'd fear for his life were I not to know he had ANBU guards attached to him.

This wasn't something I knew from the Anime mind you.

It's a pretty poorly kept secret. How did it get out?

Well, it was pretty obvious after the first couple of continuous attempts at the Kid's life were thwarted by mask-wearing guards. Or so I heard.

Since then, no direct attempt has been made apparently.

Makes you really feel bad for him. Truly, I wouldn't wish that type of existence on even my worst of enemies.

Did I approach and try to befriend him you ask?

No, Not really.

I'd treat him cordially and like a genuine person were he to come to me though.

Sorry, but I'm not the most social of individuals. And I know he'll be fine eventually.

But that's all really excuses I make up for myself...

I know it isn't his fault.

And it's the fault of the thing inside of him.

But, it's hard to look him in the eye when he contains the very thing that murdered my new parents.

It's pathetic I know.

It's just... Like the case of you hearing something repeated so many times by so many people, that despite it being completely false, it becomes the truth. Social proof at its finest.

So many times in the playground I've heard:

"Don't talk to the demon brat" and other similar and equally wrong statements.

Like brainwashing, the frame was set in my mind.

And my more spiteful and vengeful side accepted it with glee.

So basically, I've resolved in my cowardice and pettiness to not approach Naruto myself.

But I have also resolved myself to treat him equally and genuinely were he to try and befriend me.

Not out of pity mind you. I try not to let such a thing cloud my relationships with other people. It's degrading for them, I'd know.

Besides Naruto, I've met a lot of the other recognizable faces. Not on the same day mind you, but I'll summarize my first impressions like this.

Well, met is a strong word, I didn't approach anyone unless approached.

Kiba and Akamaru looked like they were having fun running around the playground. That's about it.

Shino was... looking at bugs on the leaves.

Sakura was playing with Ino.

Ino then proceeded to introduce the shy pink-haired girl to me and Shikamaru.

But damn, that forehead is really big.

Sakura's reception to me saying that out loud was to burst out crying and run away. My bad I guess.

The slap I received from Ino was well deserved.

I've also seen Hinata. She looks a little gloomy. But as fellow introverts, there was absolutely no shot at an interaction so that's that.

That's about all the faces I've seen so far.

Also saw Iruka that one time we went shopping with Yoshino. I think that's everyone?

Strangely, I have yet to meet Duckhair himself, lord of edge.

That reminds me... The Uchiha Massacre.

I... Have no idea how to deal with that one. To say my arms are tied in this case would be an understatement.

Sure, I can go and say, Itachi Uchiha is going to kill you all!

But would that work? There's no guarantee it'll work, and what will happen to me when I reveal future knowledge or otherwise?

I don't remember when exactly it happens. But it could be any time from now to maybe 6 Years from now.

Very useful...

Call me a monster, call me selfish. I have no clue what the hell to do, I'm too weak to actually do anything. And I'm not risking myself that much to go ahead and try.

I'm sure you've noticed. But I'm no Hero. I'm cautious, if I had more information on my hand I could try and stop it. Or more power for one.

But again, I'm a 4-year-old.

No, this isn't going to work out. Just turn a blind eye to it Akira.

God damn it. By all means, it would have been better if THIS type of knowledge were to be erased from my memory rather than the useful information...

I can in no safe way think of countermeasures to guarantee a way to stop that mess. I have the burden of knowledge but lack the measures to act on it. Another reason I need to get stronger I guess...

Real nice...

"You good there Akira? Another painful thought?" Shikamaru's even tone of voice breaks me out of that stressful line of thought upon noticing my pained look.

"Sort of, thanks I needed that." I open one of my closed eyes to thank my cousin for his observant nature, flashing him a grateful smile.

"Anytime." He responds calmly and rather maturely... Real creepy 4 year old

"Take a chip, it helps me feel better when I'm hurt." Choji says gently as he shoves a potato chip not so gently into my personal space. Or throat in this case.

*Choking* *Gulp*

"*COUGH* *COUGH* CHOJI! I ALMOST CHOKED! I CAN GRAB ONE MYSELF!" I yell out in rage at the dumb kid.

""Hahahahahah!"" They both laugh at my misery...

"Ha. Ha. Yeah, very funny." I deadpan at the sadistic duo.

And so... Life goes on.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

How'd I do? Leave some feedback! I respond promise!

What do you think about Akira himself as of now? How is he as an MC? Anything I'm doing badly? Inconsistently? etc..? I'd appreciate feedback on this!

Here's another chapter of the childhood, A small glimpse at the rather insignificant training and lifestyle Akira is currently going through along with his thoughts and contemplations.

Any questions, reviews, suggestions, or feedback would be appreciated! (They make me a better writer for your enjoyment. *Wink* *Wink*)

I enjoy responding to you all!

Have a good day/week.

Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day people!

-Author Note End-