
Jujutsu momo

Fuck hell

Aweeeeee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Game Server


Martis slowly regained consciousness, his eyes fixed on the blinking system screen in front of him.

He struggled to piece together his surroundings in the darkness, but the familiar hum of the device brought him a sense of comfort.

As he reached out to touch the screen, his mind raced with questions.

'How did I end up here?'

'What happened to me?'

The memories beyond the pain and despair that consumed him before were a jumbled mess.

"Playing games?" he muttered, his voice echoing in the emptiness around him.

He winced as he touched his bloody forehead, his deep eyes surveying the extent of his injuries.

The pointed tips of his ears twitched as he listened to the silence that enveloped him.

Despite the confusion and fear that gripped him, the screen held a strange power over him.

Its eerie glow illuminated his features, casting an ethereal light on his ashen skin and the jagged scars that marred it.

The hum of the device soothed him, easing the ache in his soul in a way he couldn't explain.

It was hard to believe that just moments ago he had been consumed by pain and heartache, ready to let go of life itself.

Martis's body convulsed suddenly, wracked by a seizure that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"What?" he gasped.

His mind spinning as he tried to regain control of his limbs.

He remembered his father, the throne king, condemning him and his family to be devoured by a monstrous creature.

He remembered the pain and despair of that moment, the sense of betrayal and abandonment that had consumed him.

But now, as he looked around, he realized that he was sitting in a gaming chair, surrounded by unfamiliar technology.

It was all so surreal, so confusing.

"Huh? Earth?" he muttered under his breath, his mind racing to make sense of what was happening.

He felt like he was in some kind of dream, a fevered nightmare that refused to let him go.

As he pondered his situation, a flood of information rushed through his mind.

He remembered being an expert gamer, someone who loved to read manga, novels, and comics.

He remembered the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, the rush of adrenaline that came with every new challenge.

He remembered being tragically electrocuted to death, but now somehow being back in this strange place.

Martis couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow connected to this strange chair and the planet called Earth.

But how?

And why?

The questions swirled around in his mind, a dizzying array of possibilities that left him reeling.

Martis's mind was a jumble of confused thoughts as he struggled to make sense of his situation.

"Who is that? Was that a dream? A life of someone? Why do I feel like I am that person?" he asked himself, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

But before he could dwell on the question any further, a sharp chime interrupted his thoughts.


[ You have become an administrator. ]

The sound echoed through the empty room, bouncing off the walls and stirring him from his reverie.

Martis shifted in his gaming chair as a new screen replaced the previous one, pulling him out of his thoughts.

He sat back comfortably, his hands resting softly on the armrests and his feet almost touching the ground.

As he stared at the new screen, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity.

"Game administrator?" he muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the information he had just been given.

In the memories that had flooded back to him, he remembered that this was a gaming pod, a place where a game administrator could log in to a server that connected people using their mobile gaming pods or phones.


[ Logging in to the game server! ]

Martis's eyes scanned the series of ultrasonic words and symbols on the screen, his mind working to decode their meaning.

The sensation of the screen was like a warm embrace, enveloping him in a cocoon of comfort and familiarity.

Martis couldn't explain it, but he felt like he had used this system before, although he couldn't quite remember when or how.

Despite the complexity of the information before him, Martis's sharp mind quickly processed the data.

He began to make sense of the symbols and words that filled the screen, his intuition guiding him through the labyrinthine depths of the system.

As the system beeped and loaded for a few minutes, Martis's demeanor began to shift.

His expression grew more serious, his eyes focused and intense.


[ Mobile Gaming Online ]

[ Home ] [ Profile ]

[ Admin Games ]

[ Mobile public games ]

Martis furrowed his brow as he studied the options listed on the screen.

The familiar options were there, but two new ones caught his attention: "Admin Games" and "Mobile Public Games".

His curiosity piqued, he couldn't resist exploring the unknown.

"What are Admin Games and Mobile Public Games?" he muttered to himself, feeling a mix of curiosity and confusion.

As he sifted through his memories, Martis couldn't recall any mention of these options in the gaming pod he used to play on.

He couldn't help but wonder what these options were and what kind of games they offered.

Despite knowing that he should have checked the [ Admin Games ] first, Martis's curiosity got the better of him.

He clicked on "Mobile Public Games" with his mouse.


[ Mobile public games ]

[ Coins taken (0) ]

[ Online (0) ]

[ Games (0) ]

Martis's eyes widened in surprise and confusion as he stared at the words "Coins taken" on the screen.

He couldn't make sense of what they meant, and a sense of frustration began to well up inside him.

"What is the meaning of this?" he muttered to himself, his mind racing to find an answer.

Martis tried to move the cursor to the "Coins taken" option, hoping that there would be more information available.

He clicked on the option, hoping that it would reveal an explanation for this strange new feature.

As the screen loaded, Martis felt a surge of anticipation and excitement.

Perhaps there was a link or an explanation that would help him understand this strange new world of mobile gaming.


[ Cannot view information, developer option wasn't unlocked. ]

Martis's eyes widened in shock as he tried to make sense of the system screen in front of him.

He clicked on the [Public Games], [Online (0)], and [Games (0)] options, but the prompt remained the same.

"How do I view this?" he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of confusion and unease.

Despite his memories from Earth, he still couldn't fully understand this strange new system.

But Martis refused to give up. He was grateful for this system, even if it was difficult to use and understand.

He knew that with persistence and determination, he would be able to figure it out.

Taking a deep breath, Martis decided to start with the [[Admin Games]] option, eager to see what kind of games were available to him as a game administrator.

He clicked on the option, and the screen flickered for a moment before displaying a new menu.


[ Admin games ]

[ Coins (200,814) ]

[ Invited (0) ]

[ Games (1) ]

Martis's eyes quivered with excitement as he stared at the screen, his heart racing with anticipation as he saw the number of coins displayed before him.

His mind was consumed with wonder, as he tried to fathom how he had acquired so many of them.

Each coin seemed to represent a tantalizing possibility, a doorway to untold treasures waiting to be discovered.

Eager to learn more about the system and what it had to offer, Martis clicked on the [[ Admin Games ]] option, his fingers trembling with excitement.

He could feel his pulse quickening as he waited for the screen to load, his mind awash with possibilities.

But his excitement was short-lived, as a prompt appeared on the screen once again:

[ Cannot view information, developer option wasn't unlocked. ]

Martis felt a pang of frustration and disappointment, his eyes squinting in annoyance as he realized that there were still barriers standing in his way.

He longed to access more information and unlock the full potential of the system, but it seemed like he was still not quite there yet.

Undeterred, Martis clicked on the [[ Invited ]] option next, hoping that he would be able to find some clues or hints about how to unlock the system.

He was determined to uncover the secrets of the system, to unravel its mysteries and unlock its full potential.

But once again, the prompt appeared on the screen, dashing his hopes and leaving him feeling more frustrated than ever before.

[Cannot view information, developer option wasn't unlocked.]

Martis felt as though the walls were closing in on him, suffocating him in this dark and unfamiliar place.

The sense of helplessness was overwhelming, and he felt a wave of panic wash over him.

But he refused to give up. He shook his head, determined to find a way out of this seemingly endless labyrinth.

Martis clicked on the [Games] option, hoping that it would provide some answers or at least some entertainment to distract him from his current predicament.

However, as he waited for the screen to load, he was met with nothing but an eerie silence.

The screen remained blank, and Martis couldn't help but wonder if the system was malfunctioning or if there was something wrong with his own computer skills.

Frustration began to build within him, and he decided to try clicking on the [ Home ] and [ Profile ] options, hoping that there would be some tasks or challenges that he could complete to activate the system.

Yet, as he moved his cursor across the screen, nothing seemed to respond.

His heart sank, and he stared at the screen in disbelief, wondering if there was something wrong with his computer.

Just as he was about to give up hope, a strange thing happened.

The system screen suddenly changed, displaying a new list of options and menus.

Martis's eyes widened in surprise and wonder, as he realized that he had stumbled upon something new.


[ Welcome to the games. ]

[ Play games and get stronger, the more games you play the stronger you will get in real life. ]