
Jujutsu Kisen: Ryomen Sukuna

Ryomen Sukuna, not the real one but a human-curse hybrid who was created by a sorcerer. This fan-fic follows Sukuna. ________________________ This is going to ba an AU and The updates are gonna be terrible, I'm just doing this as a hobby.

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs



-Satoru Gojo-

Why am I even sent to a First Grade mission? Honestly the students should take care of missions like these.

Hmm… This should be the abandoned school where the curse was reported. It's a miracle someone even came to this school in the midde of a forest near an abandoned village, though I wonder how the one who reported came back alive, from here I can sense the curse is at the border of becoming a special grade so it wouldn't leave the chance of absorbing the cursed energy from the one who reported.

I casually walk inside the school, even though the outside was bad the inside of this school is clean, is the curse's doing? This one is getting weirder as the time passes.

I stop at my tracks as the cursed energy radiating from the curse suddenly increased, now ravialing my own.

Sigh… This is gonna be hectic, I wonder if this curse will be able to talk?

I teleported to near to the location where I feel the curse, it was below the ground level, must be in the basement.

I looked around the room which was clen without any small curse like the other parts of the school, it was cleaner but the amount of cursed energy here is no joke, and now that I am in the range of the curse's cursed energy I can feel that it's cursed energy is a lot sharper.

"Who are you… you feel stronger"

I turned back to see who spoke, there stood a figure I only saw on old drawings and books, Ryomen Sukuna,

Or that's what I thought, He had, two pair of arms and eyes, pink hair. Just like Sukuna but a lot younger.

"Who are you?" I asked back to see his reaction.

"I am Ryomen Sukuna… Or that's what my creator told me" He answered, his voice was similar to Sukuna's

That can't be possible… Wait creator? Is he similar to the death paintings?

"creator?" I asked to be sure.

"He was the one who made me, I could hear him while he was taking me out of my mother's stomatch. He said that I am Ryomen Sukuna but he later buried me saying that I was a failure."

So he is similar to the death paintings and he is even a special graded one, his creator must have made him after Sukuna, trying to make a hybrid but deemed him a failure and buried him. Could it be Noritoshi Kamo's doing again?

Ahhh this messes things up.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was burrided here, under this building and when I woke up and dug myself out I didn't know what to do so I just stayed here."

"How long?" I asked him.

"I don't know"

"How may time the sun went down since you are here" I tried a different approach to see his intelligence and memory.

"Hmm… 41 times"

So he's just her less than 2 months, it's good that he never left.

"So what do you plan now?" I asked, according to his answer I will think about exorcising him.

"I don't know, I think I'll just stay here"


"Don't you feel hungry or get an urge to eat humans?" I asked him, I think I know how to proceed with his case, I'm really glad that I was assigned this mission.

"Not really, not long before a guy came in and when I told him to be careful he just ran, I just tried to help him."

Aww this guy is nice, his appearance must have scared that guy who later complained to the cops which brought me here.

Sukuna here just stood there looking at me, now I wonder where he got his clothes from? He is dressed in a blue T-shird and black track pants, There's a chance that it has something to do with his cursed technique?

"How did you get your dress?" I pointed at his dress.

"You can see while blindfolded?"


"Oh, I see." He nodded, guess he never really had any interactions with humans before and he dosen't seem mindless too. And he pointed at his dress, "I got this from the bag that guy dropped while running"

I see, he was naked too, no wonder that guy ran. If a guy with 4 arms and eyes suddenly showed up naked anyone would run.

"Are you here for the bag and dress?"

"No, I'm here for another business but that is not important anymore."

Exorcising him would be a great loss. Maybe I should teach him too, leaving his here would be inviting danger and that guy is still around. If Sukuna joins him then he would be even dangerous.

"Do you have an innate cursed technique?"

"You mean this?"

He swiped his fingers in the air looking at the pipe on his right side, and suddenly the pipe was cut into two.

A very Versatle and troublesome techniques which may have many application. Deadly in most situations, Just like Sukuna's.

"Yeah that, Do you know it's name?"

"Yeah, it's Cleave and Dismantle"

His cursed energy control and output isn't bad, though there is enough room for development I also have to consider that he's been alive for less than 2 months and being a human-curse hybrid it will definitely give him many advantages.

I have decided, I'll take him to Jujutsu high. He's already at least a Grade 1 and will continue to develop at a high rate. I don't care if the so-called 'pillars' and 'elders' of the Jujutsu world oppose it, They will have him executed the moment they hear his name or know that he's similar to the death paintings. But I don't care, just like what I did with Yuuta, I'll bring him too. The others in the school may oppose it but they will change with time after seeing his attitude.

Now I should ask his opinion,

"Sukuna, Do you want to join Jujutsu High?"


Jujutsu High, Tokyo, Japan.

"Why is that idiot late today? Today's supposed to be the day the new guy comes, right?" Maki, the cursed tools user asked, annoyed by their sensei being late again, she thought of practicing but her time is being wasted.

"Be calm Maki, you know about that guy" Panda said. Knowing well about their sensei's character.

"Tuna" Toge Inumaki said

Yuta Okkotsu, who was silent didn't know what to say in this situation.

The door suddenly opened and their teacher, Satoru Gojo, covering his eyes with bandages entered with his usual smile.

"Yo! Sorry for the delay" He said like he didn't wast half-an-hour for nothing.

The students remained silent knowing their teacher's behaviour.

"Let's throw our hands for our new students!!"

*Clap* *Clap*

Only Satoru and Yuta clapped.

"I heard the new student made quite a stir due to his admission. Is he like Yuta?" Maki asked her sensei who just smirked.

"You'll soon find out and let's see if you learned from your past." He added.

"Wha-" Maki tried to ask but was cut by Gojo.

"Come on in" He called in a cheerful tone.

All the students in the class felt a Deja vu. As Sukuna who was waiting outside the room entered.

As the door opened, all of them inside the class expect Gojo felt the enormous amount of cursed energy which felt a lot sharper, Their eyes widened as Sukuna entered. He wore the usual uniform just like Yuta's expect he had 4 arms, and 4 eyes, They could feel the danger from him. Though his curded energy was not close to Rika's or Yuta's his felt a lot more dangerous.

But unlike the last time the students remained in their position as they stood up and Yuta took out his Katana from it scabbard.

"First you bought in someone who was cursed now a curse itself? What are you gonna do? Teach it to exprcise itself?" Maki asked. The remaining students just stood on guard.

"I am not a curse." Sukuna said to Maki. He learnt about himself and his species. He was a hybrid. That fact alone puts him in a high target list.

"Yeah, he's a hybrid, he's half-curse and half-human" Gojo said like it was nothing.

"Are you serious? That dosen't make it any better" Maki asked.


"Is that even possible?" Yuta asked in shock.

"Yes, there was a sorcerer named, Noritoshi Kamo, he is said to me the most evilest sorcerer in history, he made a hybrid between Curse and Human, they are called the death paintings, They are currently sealed for more than 100 years." Panda informed and looked at Sukuna,"Are you one of his creation?"

"No I'm much older"

"Now introduce yourself to your classmates" Gojo enthusiastically clapped.

"Hello I'm Ryomen Sukuna, Nice to meet you and take care of me." Sukuna Said as he bowed, just like the video he saw.


-10 minutes of explanation later-

"So someone made him with Sukuna as the reference and named him that too?" Maki asked to Gojo, speechless at their new classmate's origin.

"Basically, yeah" Gojo nodded like it wasn't a big deal.

"And they allowed it?"

"They had to. They couldn't refuse your handsome Sensei when he threatened them" Gojo did a pose which he thinks is cool while saying how he blatantly threatened the elders to accept Sukuna.

"Now let me introduce your classmates since they are so shy,"

He pointed at Maki, "Cursed tool user, Maki Zen'in, She uses special tools to exorcise curses."

"I told you to not use my second name" Maki muttered.

He then pointed to Toge, "Cursed speech user Toge Inumaki. His vocabulary is limited to Rice Ball ingredients so good luck talking to him"

"Kelp." Toge greeted.

He then pointed at Panda, "Panda, a cursed doll."

"I'm Panda, nice to meet you"

He then pointed at Yuta, "Yuta Okkotsu, he is new to this too, he just joined a month ago and is trying to undo Rika's curse, oh and Rika is the curse that is in love with him."

"I'm Yuta, please take care of me."

"So including you that makes five first-years." Gojo concluded.

"And Maki, just like how you did it with Yuta, this time you'll be showing Sukuna the ropes"

"Why me?"

"Class dismissed you can do whatever you want." With that said Gojo just disappeared.

"Dose he disappear this often?" Sukuna asked.

"Yeah, you'll get used to it soon" Yuta said as all left the room, seeing them leave Sukuna followed behind.

"How old are you Sukuna-san?" Yuta asked trying to break the ice.

"I don't know, when my creator cut me out of my mother's stomach I was just a fetus ,I have three parents, my mother who was a human, my father who was a cursed spirit and my creator who mixed his blood with me, he later put me in some glass jar for some purpose and later buried me saying that I was a failure. I slowly dug myself out of the ground a while back." Sukuna said without showing any change in his voice.

"That's… I'm sorry to make you remember all that Sukuna-san" Yuta apologised.

"It's fine, I don't feel sad or angry at my creator. And just call me Sukuna"


They separated their ways after that but Sukuna kept following Maki wherever she went.

Being fed up, Maki just stopped and turned back to Sukuna,

"Why are you following me?" She asked clearly being annoyed.

"Gojo-sensei said that you will show me the ropes." sukuna answered.



"So what is your gr- no just show me the card that idiot gave you." Maki asked Sukuna, learning from her encounter with Yuta.

"By Idiot do you mean Gojo-sensei?" Sukuna asked to confirm.


"Here" He handed her the card that Gojo gave him.

They are currently in a graveyard. They are supposed to exorcise the curse in the graveyard which is harassing the humans nearby.

Maki bought the Student ID card and was shocked to see that he too was a Special-Grade just like Yuta.

'What's with me and special-grades?' She wondered.

She threw back the card to him and he caught it with one of his four hands.

"Hey, Newbie what did you do before enrolling in this school?" She asked while wondering why no other curses where around.

"I was in an abandoned school in the middle of a forest." He answered honestly while thinking if he should reduce his cursed energy output even further since no other curse seemed to come out.

"What did you do?"

"I just sat and sometimes walked around." He said as he reduced his cursed energy output.

Maki stared speechlessly at him for a moment before sighing and continuing to walk.

"Do you have a cursed technique?" She asked while slicing up some curses which ran towards them with her tonfa which had blades which extended whenever she wanted to.

"Yes, it's called Cleave and Dismantle, it can cut things."

"That's i-" Before she could finish her sentence she saw him swipe one of his hands' finger as the sound of an anguished scream reached her ears from the back.

She turned back to see a large curse, lying there, it's whole body was cut in half as they slowly disintegrated.

"That's awesome, yeah I was about to say awesome