
Jujutsu Kaisen: Verdandi (ON HOLD)

a boy in jujutsu kaisen with Cursed Technique called Verdandi (goddess of time) Check my p@treon so you can read ahead of everyone. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos this is me trying to write a jjk fanfic and english is not my first language btw.....bye *i don't own JJK and GOH, Some changes might be there, seeing as its a fanfic. The cover art is not mine.

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

3.The Cursed Womb #1

Thank you to Isk0,Shoval,Avacus,Jet Phan, Alireza Akram, Reaper3435,

jahvi ali, FearTcb for their support and becoming a patron on patreon.

You can read ahead of everyone on patreon.

PATREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

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ps: Please support me on Patreon. I really need your help!


Outside The Detention Center

"Our window confirmed the cursed womb's existence about three hours ago, when the evacuation guide was at 90%, we closed the facility after evaluating the scene." Ijichi explained the situation to the four of them. "At the inmates hospital, 2nd lodge, five patients were left there with the cursed tomb. If the cursed womb can metamorphose, we predict that it will become a special-grade cursed spirit.

'special-grade' Sasori, Megumi, and Nobara think

"Hey, I still don't really get all this special-grade stuff," Itadori said.

Ijichi then explained it to Itadori.

"Usually a special-grade shaman like Gojo-sensei is assigned to a mission like this," Megumi said.

"Speaking about Gojo-sensei, where is he?" Itadori asked

"He's on a business trip; this industry always has a labor shortage, and many shamans have taken missions beyond their capabilities. But this time, it's an emergency, and there's an anomaly. "Things you should never battle against" you have two choices when you're against a special-grade you run or die. Please follow what your fear tells you, and don't forget that your mission is to confirm whether there are any survivors. If there are any, strive to rescue them to the bitter end." Ijichi said

"excuse me! excuse me!" Sasori hear a woman crying.

"Is Tadashi, my son, okay?" the woman asked.

"Depending on the person, there's a chance that the poison has spread." Ijichi explained to the lady, "At the present time, I can't offer any more information." The lady then cried her heart out.

Itadori saw this and said, "Fushiguro, Hanamiya, Kugisaki, we're going to save him."

"And don't die in the process," Sasori added.

"Of course," Nobara said while Megumi stayed silent.

The group makes their way to the building.

"I'll bring down the "screen". Please be careful," Ijichi said, and he began the chant, "that which frightens more than darkness itself... that which is darker than black... purify this defilement." As Ijichi was done with his chant, some sort of black ink started to appear and cover the whole building.

"It's almost night-time!"Itadori said

"It's because the residential district is nearby; the screen hides us from the outside," Megumi said to Itadori, and quitely said, "Jade Hounds," "he'll let us know when the curse comes closer."

As they walk in, everyone is shocked.

"What's going on?? We're supposed to be in the two-story dorm, right?"

"c-calm down," Nobara said nervously.

"...that's not it," Megumi said.

The dormitory expanded in size due to the curse energy, but I've never seen something this big...' Sasori and Megumi thought

"The door!!!" Sasori shouted, and Megumi also thought the same thing.

But when Sasori turn his head, the door is gone and replaced by a bunch of metal pipes.

"The door disappeared!" Itadori confusedly said.

"Why? We just came through that door, right?" Nobara said she was just as confused as Itadori.

Sasori just look at Megumi, ignoring the panicky duo behind him, and Megumi whispers something at his Shikigami. "Can you do it?" he said.

"It's okay," Megumi said while pointing his Shikagami "he remembers the smell of the exit and entrance."

They were both happily petting the Shikagami.

"jerky! Megumi, bring all the jerky you have!!" Nobara said

"I swear they were about to cry 10 seconds ago," Sasori said to Megumi jokingly.

"You really are reliable, Fushiguro; people are saved because of you, and even I'm saved," Itadori said to Megumi.

"....let's move" Sasori said, sensing awkwardness.

As the Shikigami led them to another room.

They see a corpse that is missing the lower half, and beside him are corpses that were cut into parts and shaped into a ball.

"This is messed up..." Sasori said.

"It's... okay to say these are three people, right?" Megumi asked

Itadori ran to the corpse that was missing the lower body and saw the name tag that said 'Okazaki Tadashi' Itadori said in a serious tone "I'm taking this body home."

"What?" Nobara confusedly said

"It's that lady son; his face hasn't been damaged being told "he's dead" without a body... she won't be able to grasp it.

"But...!" Nobara is trying to reason with Itadori, but all of a sudden Sasori walks toward him and grabs his collar, forcing him to stand up.

"Leave his body, we need to confirm if the other people are alive or dead." Sasori said

"When we looked behind us, the path we came from disappeared, we don't have any leeway to go back later," Itadori said

"I didn't say "do it later" I said "leave it"." Sasori said back "I don't care about rescuing people I don't even want to help and who have turned into corpses," he continued

Now it's Itadori's turn to grab Sasori's collar "What do you mean by that?" Itadori asked Sasori

Megumi decided to cut them and said "This is a reform school, you know?" Itadori let go of Sasori's collar and turned and walk to Megumi "Information about the scene is disclosed to shamans beforehand, that guy was driving without a license and hit a primary schoolgirl on her way home from school. It was his second time driving without a license." Itadori was shocked at what Megumi just said "You really fuss over leading a lot of people to the "right death", huh? But what would you do if those people you saved killed other people in the future?" Megumi asked him

"Then why!? Why did you save me...?!" Itadori shouted

"Hey! cut it out!!!" Nobara said to the three of them "There's a time and place for-" Before she finished what she was saying, all of a sudden she was gone

"Kugisaki?" Megumi said

How stupid of me!! The Shikigami is... !' Megumi think

'Shit!!! I got careless!' Sasori scolded himself, while Itadori just stood confused about what happened.

Megumi turns to see his Shikagami stuck to the wall, bleeding from his mouth and eyes.

"Itadori, Sasori!! Run!!! We'll search for Kugisaki later!" Megumi yelled

Sasori eyes start to glow at the same time a cursed spirit the size of a human appears between Itadori and Megumi.

It's a special-grade' three of them think.

-Itadori tried to cut the cursed spirit, but before he hit him, Itadori hand were cut off-

"Move!!!" Based on this, Sasori push Itadori out of the way and take the blow, he hit Sasori head directly, and Sasori got blast to the wall, making him unconscious.


"Wait! Where am i? It's completely dark, I can't s--" 'i can feel a curse's presence!' Nobara thinks, 'Why... why are there so many?!'

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