
Jujutsu Kaisen: Unlock The Eight Secret Arts at the Start

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Chapter 62

The thing was like a soft tongue, with a cold touch, walking around his back continuously, a bloody smell gradually appeared, and it became heavier.

"Here told you to die for three watchers! Which one will leave you to watch five! Hurry up!" The white-clothed man waved his left hand, and a strange stick with countless pieces of white paper hit the group of guys fiercely. .

The group of men and women on the ground dissipated instantly.

"Ghost!!!" There was only this last thought left in Yamamoto's mind. He wanted to run away, but his body seemed to be out of control, and he could only stand on the spot.

Praying that the other party did not find himself, beads of sweat the size of a bean are constantly appearing on his forehead.

"It seems that there is still one missing." The white-clothed man murmured quietly, while the black-clothed man stood there without saying a word.

"Where is the difference? Where is the difference?"

The white-clothed man's voice became smaller and smaller, but it sounded strangely in Yamamoto's heart.

That voice repeated in Yamamoto's mind over and over again.

Repeat it over and over again.

The icy touch behind him kept wandering, and the creepy voice in his mind repeated over and over again.

Tears accompanied the nasal mucus on his face unsuspectingly.

He was clearly conscious, but his powerless feeling of being unable to do anything almost broke him.

"Help me!!! Help me!!! Whoever saves me!!!" He screamed frantically in his heart.

"Help me!!!" The ear-splitting jade dragon roar spread throughout the street.

Yamamoto was surprised to find that he was able to make a sound, and the control of his body returned to his own hands again.

He suppressed his fear and just wanted to leave this weird place.

Hastily turned around.


A pale face appeared in front of him the moment he turned his head, almost touching him face to face.

Yamamoto saw that among the people, his long tongue was almost drooping to the ground.

"It turned out to be worse for you~"

A faint voice rang in Yamamoto's ear.


The cold and sticky feeling behind him disappeared, but something fell to the ground.


I don't know if he was frightened too much. Yamamoto, who was clearly close to collapse, turned his head stiffly and looked at the ground behind him.

It didn't matter to look at it, but it directly frightened his fragile mind to a complete breakdown.

"Ah!!!!!! Ah!!!"

On the ground, a whole piece of human skin was quietly spread on the ground, but Yamamoto's own appearance appeared on the human skin.

"Impermanence ecstasy, ghosts desperate for life, impermanence of life and death, ghostly return~~"

Ahhhhhhh! ! ! ! !

Yamamoto's head seemed to explode, leaving only endless chaos. However, from the angle that ordinary people could not see, the curse power that Yamamoto burst out at the moment of collapse was almost no weaker than a second level. All of Jujutsu's curse power.

That Curse hovered in the air and finally disappeared without a trace.

"This person is like this! He fell down like this."

"What is he talking about."

"Inaudible, it seems to be impermanence or something?"

In the early morning, a few pedestrians passing by here were watching a naked man. He curled up, leaning against the corner, without a trace of brilliance in his eyes, like a madman. Whenever anyone approached him, he would yell crazy. Words that people don't understand.

"Come on, this is the bad guy." An aunt glanced at the man with disdain.

"Sister, how do you know?" the passerby asked curiously.

When someone spoke up, the aunt became more proud, waved mysteriously, and whispered.

"Have you ever heard of black and white impermanence, impermanence ecstasy, fierce ghost desperate life, that thing specially takes away the soul of the wicked."

"Really or not, how old is the auntie, she's so awkward."

The aunt who heard some doubts looked very angry and decided to explode the fierce material at the bottom of the box.

"That can still be false, let me tell you, this kind of lunatics have appeared in various places in Tokyo during this time, and when the police investigated, guess what, these bastards are all bad guys, what are they doing? Do everything!"

"This is not nonsense. My son is a policeman and he told me personally."

"Oh my God! Is there really a ghost, then this is a good god!"

"Yes, protect our safety."

"Good job! If this is called a ghost, I hope there are more ghosts!!"

Just when everyone was discussing because of the aunt's words.

A young man suddenly raised his hand and said like a question.

"But every time the impermanent ghost appears, it means that someone has been killed. Even though he gets rid of the wicked person, does it mean the appearance of the impermanent ghost symbolizes..."

"What about death?"

The boy's innocent tone made everyone feel cold for some reason, and a chill faintly radiated from the bone marrow.

The crowd is now scattered with birds and beasts.

However, whether it is the audience who eats melons, or the aunt who tells.

In my heart, two completely different voices suddenly sounded, overlapping together, like a wake-up call from the Yin Cao Difu.

"Impermanence ecstasy, ghosts desperate for life, impermanence of life and death, ghostly return~~"

In a trance.

Two figures, one black and one white, seemed to appear before their eyes, and disappeared in a flash.