
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Watchmaker

A boy who’s life was cut short, gets reincarnated into the world of JJK. Time Cursed Technique but interesting and not those overly overpowered ones.

astrofluid · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Despite the goo and blood that decorated the trees, only an atmosphere of tranquility could be found as a boy approached a white inhuman figure. A sword in hand yet no malicious intent could be found in the boy's step. Stepping forward, now face to face with his adversary, he rose his sword and cleanly cut the boys neck, separating his head from his body as it slid off. The act of murder seemed to be appreciated by nature and the trees seemed to sway in gratitude.

The serene setting was broken by the voice of the boy who's golden hair was styled raggedly, sitting just above his amethyst eyes.

"It's been what… about two weeks since I've last seen you Akame. Don't tell me you've grown shy all of a sudden."

Stepping out from behind a large tree, a black haired woman wearing a skin tight black shirt and a red skirt appeared clasping two shiny daggers in her hands.

"Confidence is a good look on you. Especially with that new haircut, but you and I both know what I came here for."

"And what is that? A fight? If I remember correctly, I had you on the verge of tears." Came his snark reply before glancing to her daggers and saying, "Don't tell me just because you've got a change in weapon you think you can beat me?" A laugh blended in with his condescending tone as he leaned back onto a nearby tree seemingly enjoying the conversation.

Her daggers were now raised into an attack stance as she held them over her chest in the form of an 'X'.

"Believe it or not, these daggers may just be the cause of your demise. Ever heard the saying 'Arrogance is the surest path to failure.'" In a blitz, she reached Aizen and swung her right dagger in a sideway slash. Leaping over the attack, he landed on the branch of the tree he was earlier leaning against.

"You'll need more than a cursed tool to defeat me."

With an enhanced jump, Akame soared through the air with her arms behind her head as she prepared herself to perform an overhead double slash with her daggers. Seeing this, the blonde boy withdrew his sword and blocked the attack from the double daggers. Rather than the sound of metal clashing, the sound of flesh ripping could be heard as blood squirted out of Aizen's body. Pain struck him hard but sensing further danger coming in the form of a kick, he jumped back and muttered a quick 'vicissim' to reverse his wounds. In an instant, the two vertical slashes that extended from his shoulders to stomach vanished.

'Her dagger is a special grade cursed tool.' His teeth gritted as he now realized the situation he was in. 'It went straight through his sword like it wasn't even there.' Steeling himself, he burst forward in a rush of speed towards his opponent that stood on the inner part of the branch and punched in a straight shot towards her face, which she responded by tilting to the side and grabbing his arm. Pulling him into her reach, she used her unoccupied arm and stabbed at his face, however just before it made contact her hand froze and no it wasn't like the time freezes where her whole body froze. She looked to her arm and saw it wrapped in a translucent bubble with roman numerals to the number 12 revolving around it.

Noticing his enemy's distracted state, he kicked towards her stomach, making her stumble a few steps back. Noting the newfound distance, Aizen leapt towards her at a rapid speed as his body seemed to rip through the wind. Performing a fancy flourish, twirling his katana in the air before striking. A heavy clang rang out from the clash of metal upon metal and the wind raged in consequence, lifting the hairs of the warriors. The strike was parried with one dagger, then returned with a stab using the other dagger, aiming for his stomach yet the attack failed as the thrust was pushed aside by the wind.

'Seems like the wind is on his side. It's infuriating to face someone with such unorthodox abilities.' She was angry. Firstly for having to face some brat with some weird abilities, and secondly for being caught up in this mess all because of a stupid favor. She should've known better than to mess with that person, if she could even call him a 'person'. His cursed energy was dark, unsettling and different. It didn't feel like hers or the sorcerers she knew or even the guy she was battling with right now. It was hardly human. She should've known better than to ask for something, out of her own greed. She shook her head with a sigh and ducked under a horizontal sword slash.

'After this is finished, I'm going back to Osaka.' She thought, before turning her attention back to the battle. Strengthening her grip on the twin daggers, she sped up, her body leaking energy, as she now activated her cursed technique. In a flash, she was before her opponent and delivered a series of swift strikes.

Ting! Cling! Clang!

Aizen grinned as he continued to parry and deflect all of Akame's attacks. "Cmon, don't be bested by a 16 year old." She was getting forced backwards onto the thinner part of the branch.

Akame gritted her teeth at his taunting and her frustration increased causing her to release more kinetic energy, her attacks now becoming faster and stronger. All that could be seen now were flashes of gold and red bouncing off each other, seeming to be locked in a stalemate.


Realizing the situation, Aizen decided to slow time to regain his upper hand. Ducking low, he avoided another one of her double dagger slashes and retaliated with a swift leg sweep, which she couldn't avoid due to current difference in speed.


The force of his kick knocked her off balance ash she fell back off the branch and slammed her back onto the ground, winding her. She didn't even have time to process the pain before she had to roll away, narrowly avoiding a sword that would've stabbed straight threw her brain. She glanced to her side and saw Aizen attempting to get his sword out of the ground. Taking the opportunity, she held her palm out and spoke out in a panicked tone.

"Reversed Curse Technique: Supreme Liberty."

And with that, a loud and echoing boom wall all he could hear as he was blasted back with an unparalleled force. He was sent rolling and tumbling through the now destroyed forest that turned into a crater. Planting his sword in the ground, he stabilized himself and stopped his fall.

"That was cute." He said aloud as he got up from his spot. The dirt that covered his face and clothes vanished and so had the pain. "Your cursed technique is to absorb kinetic energy so it's no shocker its opposite is to expel it. Ah, what time is it right now?"

Looking down to his left hand, a diamond watch, expensive, sat on his hand as he read the time to be 7.

"You're in luck. I guess I'll show you no.7." His mocking tone aggravated her. She slowly got up and stared at him as he stood opposite to her. "This is going to hurt you might want to dodge."

"Vim Extermina."


Yo, author speaking.

I don't know whether or not to continue this story because i just feel like time is too op of a power and isn't really fun to write with. I'm probably going to write a new fan fiction with a more creative power.