
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Rebirth

In a devastated battlefield in the Heian era, Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, wages a final battle against the last remaining sorcerers of his time. Despite his overwhelming power, Sukuna is badly wounded and realizes that defeat is imminent. With fierce determination, he decides to seal his essence to preserve his legacy and await a more opportune moment to return. A thousand years later, in the modern world, a high school student named Itadori Yuji is thrust into a supernatural battle when he consumes a cursed finger containing Sukuna's essence. But instead of awakening the ancient demon, he awakens a new entity: a combination of his own soul and Sukuna's, a soul named Kaede. Sukuna, with his overwhelming power, has dominated Kaede throughout his life, oppressing him within his own body. Now, reborn within Yuji's body, Kaede finally has the chance to fight for his freedom and his own destiny. But Sukuna is not willing to relinquish control easily. As Kaede and Sukuna struggle for dominance within the same body, Itadori is drawn into an internal conflict that could decide the fate of the world. ----------------------------------------------- Hey everyone... Hope there's somebody out there. So, here goes nothing—my first crack at writing a novel. Honestly, no idea how it's gonna turn out. Just gonna wing it, you know? But hey, you already peeped it's gonna be all about the Jujutsu Kaisen world. Crazy, right? But I'll figure it out somehow. Thanks in advance for checking it out!"

SquirrelChan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 4: The Hidden Bond

Inside the container, we can see two figures: one sitting on a throne made of bones and the other pacing around the room.

"Man, this is boring... How about we spar a bit, Sukuna?" said one of them.

Sukuna completely ignored his cellmate, keeping his eyes closed as he pondered what to do.

"Eh? Are you going to ignore me? Pff!" complained the other, looking around. "I guess you've already tried taking control of this body. I've tried a few things myself, but nothing works."

Finally, the second individual, Kaede, decided to lie down on the bone mound. "How long has it been? From what I saw outside, everything is different. And that Gojo... He's really something. He has the Limitless, just like that girl... I wonder how good he is."

Sukuna stood up and opened his eyes, directing them towards Kaede. "Explain to me what you did to bind yourself to my soul."

Kaede just smiled wryly as he spoke. "Something simple: a binding vow. I knew that if I didn't stop you, you'd do something insane... And I really tried, but in the end, I failed," he said solemnly as he looked at Sukuna. "So I sacrificed something to see what you would do. Let me tell you, you've sunk pretty low, Sukuna. I never thought you'd accept being a curse... But that's why I'm with you."

Sukuna simply looked at Kaede, studying if he was lying somewhere. In the end, he just tilted his head and sat back down. "I hope you don't ruin my plans, because if you do, you'll meet the same fate."

Kaede just laughed and spoke mockingly to his companion. "Are you threatening me? Haha, you're not in a position to threaten, Sukuna."

All this unfolded while outside, we see Itadori bound in a room full of seals and illuminated by candles, with Gojo sitting across from him.

"Oh, you're finally awake," said Gojo.

Shortly after, Itadori woke up and looked around in confusion. "What's going on?"

"Let me explain," said Gojo, raising a finger and starting to narrate the events and the situation Itadori finds himself in.

"And so, you're sentenced to death," concluded Gojo.

Itadori, with a panicked expression, looked at Gojo. "I'm not sure if this conversation matches reality."

"Don't worry, I really tried hard. Yes, it's a death sentence, but with suspended approval," explained Gojo.

Upon hearing that, Itadori looked up. "Suspended approval? Does that mean it won't be executed now?"

"That's right," said Gojo as he searched for something in his pocket. "I'll explain everything to you. This is the same finger you ate," pulling out a mummified finger. "There are 20 in total, and we have 6."

Itadori nodded as he looked at Gojo. "20 fingers... Ah, the ones from the hands and feet?"

"No, Sukuna has 4 arms," said Gojo as he threw the finger and blasted it against the wall with a burst of cursed energy, demonstrating that it remained intact. "As you can see, it can't be broken."

Itadori looked at the finger now embedded in the wall. "Is that curse really that strong?"

"Honestly, I don't understand it very well. From what we know, you have 2 curses inside you, and that Kaede is much stronger than the current Sukuna. But they're getting stronger every day... And if you die, they do too. The old bosses are fearful, and with this new information, they're insisting I kill you... But it's a waste."

"A waste?" Itadori looked surprised at Gojo's words. "No one knows if someone will appear capable of containing those two in the future that's why I told them..." looking at Itadori " If we kill him it will be when he has all of Sukuna's fingers my bosses accepted and now you have two options," he said to a stunned Itadori.

"Die now or collect all the fingers and die alongside them."
