
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Last Uchiha

Fukashi is The Last Uchiha who was born with the privilege of The Legendary Sharingan. For the first time in all recorded history The Six Eyes and The Legendary Sharingan will be active at the same time! What does this mean for Satoru Gojo, more importantly what does this mean for the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

RewindTime · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Last Uchiha

Fukashi Uchiha was a curious case, the boy was quiet and solemn. That part was not surprising due to the nasty fate that befell his clan, what was curious was his eyes.

The boy had inherited the Legendary Sharingan, the last wielder of the legendary ability was Madara Uchiha. It would be a lie to say the man was strong, for he was beyond even that.

That man terrorised the world for decades until he just disappeared.

Akira's attention quickly focused upon the boy as he threw a stone across a large shimmering lake just outside what used to be a bustling clan compound the Uchiha owned.

Said property being the one that blew up, with all clan members inside, the only survivor being Fukashi.

This was somewhere Fukashi regularly sat, he usually just stared out into the Lake. Sometimes he would even go up to the property's remains and just sit, for hours.

The building used to be a magnificent clan compound, it had its own markets and training grounds. The compound had small farms with livestock all hidden within its walls but one day it erupted in a unknown blast of cursed energy.

The only leading theories were some sort of cursed energy experiment went wrong, an extremely strong cursed spirit or the one he tried to keep hidden from the boy. The theory was that the headquarters were blown up intentionally by the Jujutsu Higher ups because of Fukashis eyes.

With Satoru Gojo already being a menace they didn't want to have to deal with another or worse have to deal with another Madara.

Akira shook his head of those traitorous thoughts and focused back onto the 15 year old boy. He fashioned the traditional Uchiha look, his hair was as dark as a raven's feathers with skin that was pale as the shining moon, but not from the boy's lack of sunlight. It just seemed all Uchiha stayed as pale as ghosts.

The boy certainly had an ego and many other flaws but overall Akira liked the boy.

Akira's pondering was quickly drawn short by the boy's words "Akira" he quietly said as he stared out onto the lake.

The smile that spread onto Akira's face wasn't one he could have stopped. He quickly dropped down from the tree he was hidden in and sat down next to the boy in a flicker of speed.

Akira turned to the boy "How are you doing boy?" His accent was quite thick. Fukashi only grunted as his eyes narrowed dangerously onto the lake.

Akira grimaced slightly, he had always called the boy, boy but well ever since the boy had grown 15 he had started to find it annoying.

He had tried to stop but it was habit at this point, he still remembered being ordered by the higher ups to watch over the boy.

They wanted the boy ignorant of his heritage, but Akira broke his no contact rule not even 3 days into his surveillance.

He found the boy sobbing at the sight of his old clan compound, he remembered panicking before swooping down and hugging the boy.

He also remembered the small scar he still has on his stomach as before Akira could react the boy panicked and pulled out a kunai almost gutting him with it.

They both smile at it now, but swooping down upon a sobbing child and grabbing them isn't the best way to introduce yourself to someone.

Akira snorted slightly at the memory and that gained Fukashis attention. "What?" He asked, no one knows this but Akira but Fukashi was a lover of any and all drama.

Anything frustrating, funny or even boring happens to Akira and Fukashi has to know every detail.

But Akira wouldn't leave the boy to wait. "I was just thinking back on our first meeting" Fukashi slowly bobbed his head before he turned to Akira with a furrowed brow.

He seemed to swallow before he spoke which piqued Akiras interest. "I want to join a JuJutsu school" before Akira could even begin to process his words he spoke again. "Specifically under Satoru Gojo, I wish to learn under someone as powerful as he is"

At least his boy did his research, Akira thought to himself with a snort. A snort the boy took as an insult Akira quickly spoke up before the boy had a tantrum. "No, no I was just thinking but yes sure, Satoru Gojo is quite busy so it might have to be a different tea-"

The boy quickly interrupted "No, I need the best".

'There's the ego, I've taught him since he was but a child and now he wishes to switch to Gojo Satoru' Akira rolled his eyes before he stood to his feet.

"Fine, Satoru Gojo" he hid a quickly forming evil grin behind his hand and with his other hand he ruffled the boy's meticulously styled hair before he realised and then Akira jumped onto his red motorcycle and left the enraged teenager in the dust.

'Jheez another tantrum' he thought to himself with an unrestrained grin at the enraged face of the boy who if he stared at Akira any harder he would burst into flames.


Satoru Gojo was whistling as he made his way through Jujutsu High, he was making his way to the headmasters office.

Was he being purposely slow? Yes. Was he making other people waste time? Yes. Was he potentially being a dick? Yes. Did that bother Gojo?


So he made his way to the office with a truly odd walk where he leaned back an obscene amount and swung his arms widely. Then again he could blame the slow walk on his grief, afterall Yuji Itadori did just die.

By dying Gojo meant he died for a couple hours then woke up but he still died which meant Gojo was allowed to show up late due to grief of course.

Gojo nearly groaned as he saw the door to the principal's office, he thought it would take longer. He shook his head in disappointment as he straightened up and walked through the door without knocking.

"Yo" he said as he used his long arm to wave to the two people in the office. Principal Yagas only showed annoyance whereas Akira expressed disappointment.

Akira was an odd man, only named Akira, no family name, nothing. The man had black short hair and pale skin, he was a grade 1 sorcerer in the higher ups pocket. Gojo knew this was the man who looked over Fukashi Uchiha.

Fukashi was an odd case that Gojo didn't know anything about, he was a secret that the higher ups seemed to want to keep.

This meeting just got quite a bit more interesting.

"So what do you want Principal" Gojo questioned as he sat in a chair opposite the man's desk. He lazily leaned back and put his feet onto the principal's quite expensive desk.

Yagas response was to glare at the blue eyed man. "I thought I would let you know you are about to have a new pupil" Gojos eyes widened behind his mask, he took his feet off the desk and leant forward.

With Akira here it could only mean the last Uchiha was joining Jujutsu High.

"Fukashi Uchiha will be joining Jujutsu High. Now the boy knows nothing about our world so teach him as if he knows nothing" Yaga said with a serious tone.

Gojo quickly stood and stretched "Okay! Now where is he" he mockingly looked around the empty room "and when will he show up" he asked the serious Principal.

Yagas smirk and answer surprised Gojo "Now". The door behind Gojo opened with a click as the teenager strolled through the door.

His footsteps echoed around the large room, Gojos eyes were wide behind the blindfold as he turned to his newest student.

He pulled his blindfold up above one of his sapphire eyes.

The teenager was radiating boiling hot cursed energy, his cursed energy almost felt like fire as it flickered and lashed around the room.

His eyes were burning red with 3 tomoe spinning wildly in each eye. He met Gojos own eyes, Red and Blue met each other with burning intensity for the first time in recorded History.

This was the Last Uchiha.