
Innocent soul

Kenji pov

(Is this the same flimsy boy that I remember? His aura feels different from before.)

" It's hard for me to believe you killed her." Kenji finds this situation amusing.

" Do you want me to demonstrate how it happened?" Gabi was slightly moving towards Kenji.

The air around them seemed to change, becoming charged with an unspoken tension. As Kenji turned to face her, he saw Gabi taking slow and deliberate steps towards him.

" Don't do that." Ms. Bushdia intervened and diffused the tense standoff between Kenji and Gabi.

Kenji observes the boy more carefully not knowing what he is capable of yet. " I'm sorry if you feel offended Gabi, I just didn't suspect .." Kenji was immediately cut off by Gabi.

" Didn't suspect what? "Gabi proceeded to walk at a slow pace to get to Kenji. "Me? A low-rank sorcerer? A nobody? A GOOD FOR NOTHING…"

Ms. Bushdia tightly gripped Gabi's shoulders, trying to prevent him from making a move he might regret. But suddenly, she was thrown across the room with surprising force. The strange sensation that had been controlling Gabi earlier had taken over his body once again.

(What is this feeling? I cannot even move a fiber in my being to save Aiko or even MYSELF.)

Gabi faces his attention back to Kenji, " Am I still that helpless boy you people all look down on?"

Kenji's body remains frozen, his muscles locked in place as he struggles to move even a single finger. He tries to speak, but his tongue feels like lead in his mouth, making it impossible to form words. 

" Why do you look so pale? Are you perhaps frightened of me?" As Gabi confidently strides towards him, he continues to mock and tease. He is no longer the quiet, distant boy they are used to - he has transformed into something unrecognizable to them.

(This boy is on another level. If he knocks out Bushida cold in one swing, he can easily break my limbs like it's a plank of cedar wood.)

As fire torches blazed around them, the room was consumed by a swirling vortex of darkness. Kenji stole a glimpse into Gabi's eyes, only to see them transformed into blood-red clocks ticking down the seconds until their impending doom. Fear and desperation flooded his veins as he realized they were trapped in a dangerous game with no way out.

" Before you asked how I disposed of my mother, it was right here in this room."

(Even though I'm petrified, Aiko was right about this cursed ability having never been heard of. It's either extremely rare or first of its kind.)

" GABI, STOP THIS!" Ms. Bushdia stood up and went in front of Gabi.

(What is Aiko doing?!)

"This is not you Gabi!" she cupped Gabi's face and made him look into her eyes.

" I do not think you're helpless! You're like a son to me and I won't let you go down this path. I understand you have been through so much growing up in this toxic society we are forced to be a part of but Kenji didn't do anything to you Gabimaru. So please don't do this." Ms. Bushida's knees were weak and she fell on her fours.

Gabi pov

(What am I doing? I hurt Ms. Bushida and was almost going to hurt Mr. Kenji)

Ms. Bushida's emotions overwhelmed her as she cried and blamed herself for not always being there for Gabi. But then, she felt a comforting presence as a pair of warm hands wrapped around her. As she calmed down, the weight of self-blame lifted off her shoulders.

" I'm sorry, Mom." Gabi hugged her tight and gave her a peck on her forehead, " Please don't cry anymore." Gabi's soothing voice provided Ms. Bushida with a sense of comfort as she embraced him tightly as if it were their final embrace together.

" HOLY SHIT! I NEVER EXPERIENCE ANYTHING LIKE THIS!" Kenji broke the precious mother-and-son moment.

Gabi broke the hug and got on his knees to bow to Kenji, "I'M SO SORRY FOR MY BEHAVIOR, MR.KENJI!" Gabi shouted with gusto to show how sincere he was.

Kenji laughed hysterically breaking the intense mood. " It's water under the bridge kid " Kenji helped Gabi stand up and walked to Bushida and helped her up.

" This feels wrong. How can you forgive me when I almost hurt you, Mr. Kenji?"

" Yeah I know what would happen if Aiko didn't stop it but I don't blame you for the way you snapped. I kinda know the feeling of being cast out."

"What do you mean? You are a part of the Saito clan, even though your clan is not in the big 3 no more, the Saito is still one of the strongest clans in the sorcerer world." Gabi became curious about what Kenji meant.

" Ever since we were kicked out of the Big 3 family, my wife had changed for the worse and had taken control of our daughter. Since my daughter was born with the Rare curse ability my wife thinks she can use that to be back on the top. I can't even recognize her anymore, the woman I once loved and what's worse I can't even recognize my little girl anymore. Both of them look down on me like I'm nothing more than a lesser being. So like I said before, we are kinda alike kid."

"Kenji I didn't know you feel that way, but I believe they don't feel that way about you." Ms.Bushida trying to uplift Kenji's spirits.

" Looks who's optimistic now. Did we switch personalities? " Kenji let out a laugh, hoping to lighten the heavy mood between them. Even though Ms. Bushida could sense that Kenji was hurting, she knew there was nothing she could say to make it better.

Gabi grabs Kenji's hands and looks deep into his eyes, " I guess we are two people on the same coin huh? We both hurt on the inside but we smile and laugh at the people we love because we don't want to see them unhappy from our miserable emotions."

Despite his outgoing nature, Kenji struggled to hold back tears as he listened to Gabi's words."It's okay to cry if you are in pain. You are so strong Mr. Kenji to still have a bright aura despite dealing with so much misfortune."

Kenji fell to the ground, his body wracked with sobs that echoed through the room. The agony in his cries was palpable as he released all of his pent-up emotions. It was like a newborn baby being born all over again, escaping from the safety of its mother's womb.

Aiko pov

(Young master, Gabi has an innocent soul for this cruel world. I hope one day everyone will treasure him instead of criticizing everything he does.)

Kenji pov

(I feel embarrassed for crying in front of a child but at the same time relieved. It's been a while since I felt peace within myself. Thank you Gabimaru.)

"That's enough of the small soap opera show." Kenji rose to his feet, wiping away the last few tears and the long trail of snot that had been dripping from his nose to his chin.`` Let's get back to the subject now." Kenji's facial expressions change from grief to stern.

" Oh yes. Back to Gabi's situation." Aiko interjected.

Kenji made his way to the nearest chair, sinking down into it with a deep breath. He needed a moment to process everything that had transpired in just one night.

" To be frank, I have never seen or heard of a cursed ability like this. Now I understand why Aiko was astounded." Kenji faces Gabi, "Your domain expansion is so powerful, when I was in there I couldn't move to protect myself. I was utterly terrified ."

" Domain expansion? How am I capable of doing that?" Gabi questioned.

" That's a question that I cannot answer," Kenji replied.

" Kenji, we need to conceal this. You know if this gets out, he will be a target to all of the sorcerers" Aiko said.

" That's right Gabi, I will seal half of your curse energy. Also, you will be under me and Aiko's care because you need to learn how to use your powers correctly. From what I have seen earlier, your negative emotions can trigger your powers." Kenji got up and walked into a closet to grab a scarf and walked to Gabi to wrap around his eyes," On top of that when your powers are triggered your eyes as well change to a red quartz clock." Kenji seems to entertain explaining this to the young boy.

" I don't want to wear this. " Gabi disagrees with Kenji's decision.

" Why young master, it's for your good" Aiko walked to Gabi ruffling his white wavy hair.

" It reminds me of Satoru, he's going to poke fun at me for "copying him" Gabi putting his foot down.

" Who cares how he feels, this is life or death Gabimaru" Aiko raised her voice to fight over dominance.

Gabi pov

(Geez she must be serious since she said my full name.)

" Okay, Ms. Bushida, but how on earth can I see in this thing? Is it blocking my eyesight?" Gabi dares to still question the fuming Aiko.

" You have to get to know your surroundings and sensing curse energy around you can help you with that." Kenji butted in to break the mother and son's little quarrel.

" That seems hard." Gabi still wasn't pleased with the answer he got.

" Of course, you won't get the results overnight. It will take hard training." Kenji laughed at small Gabi pouting, " Get rest Gabi because tomorrow morning we are going to take away half of your energy and it's going to be pretty exhausting to your body."

" Why can't we do it now, so I can get it over with" Gabi was curious

" Curse energy is a part of you, so if you take some of it or tamper with it, it can disturb your body functions, etc. I need to prepare for this because like I said earlier your curse energy is very powerful and you don't want me to mess up or else you can be paralyzed or worse you can even die." Kenji walked out of the room in style laughing.

" Wait … what…. Paralyze?" Gabi was trying to catch up to Kenji to ask more questions until Aiko grabbed his arm.

" Young master, please get some rest and have faith in Kenji, nothing will happen to you." Aiko tries to calm down Gabi.

"But he said…" Gabi was cut off by Kenji.

" Oh, sleep in the guest house, this mission is super confidential. My wife and kid might come home soon and it will be awkward trying to explain this or my wife might use this as leverage to tell the higher-ups about this." Kenji intrudes on the conversation, squatting down like he's on a stealth mission.

(Can I trust this man with my life? I might die tomorrow because of this child-like man.)

"Young mistress and lady Saito are coming so soon? Aiko asked Kenji.

" Yes they are but don't worry, they never stay too long." Kenji ensures Aiko to make sure she won't overreact.

" I never met the heir of the Saito clan but I heard your daughter is stone cold like ice," Gabi mentioned.

" The rumors are true, my daughter is the demon child born by satan himself but I still love that little devil. " Kenji replied while nervously rubbing his nape.

"I'm sure the young mistress will grow out of that phase. " Aiko tries to give Kenji hope.

" I highly doubt that it will take a miracle for Makima to change but I don't blame her, it's all my wife's fault. " Kenji replied while walking out" Goodnight fellas and be prepared for the morning." Kenji departed, leaving the two of them standing in the room. The sound of his wooden sandals echoed on the wooden floor as he walked away.