
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor

Bindings, shackles, geas, chains, all things that restrict everything in our universe. Laws must be put into place and punishments need to be handed out to those who do not respect the rules for the world to retain its functions. But what happens when one can escape that punishment? What happens when one can manipulate those rules? A contract cannot bind one who can escape it. So the world cannot bind 'him' to its rules. He runs freely, unshackled by the rules of humanity and world. A God looking down on the world. ------------------------------------- Story is very slow and does not make the MC strong for the first 40 chapters. If you don't want that then I don't recommend this book for you. *I don't own the cover nor the story this fanfic is based on.*

WutDelusional · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Emergency Mission

Exiting the building. The group of three saw Gojo and Geto waving at them. It seems that they were waiting for them. Gojo clapped his hand. "Seems like you guys did well. Honestly, I kind of thought that one of you would get hurt badly but it seems like you're all fine."

"Uhh. Hello?" Arai pointed to his ears. "I'm almost deaf because of these curse spirits! My ears keep ringing. Annoying as hell."

Gojo scowled with an annoyed face. "Who the hell cares. Ieiri can just patch you up. So, you still up for it? I'll bring us to this really cool sushi place."

Arai crossed his arms. "No can do. I'll be watching anime and mangas that I left on read for too long. Training and going on missions took way too much time from me."

"Tch. Otaku. Can't you go and have fun. You never even get out of your room except for training. God! No wonder you're so bad at getting girls."

"Hey! Anime is good and you watch it too! Besides, I'll be watching this anime I've put on hold for a while. 'School Rumble'. Been a while since I've watched a casual slice of life." Pride could be felt from his words as he had no shame revealing it.

"Oh yeah! I watched that anime. It's about-" Geto was cut off by his so called 'best friend'.

Gojo jumped in front of Gojo to do the one thing all anime fans hate. "THE BLONDE CHICK GETS REJECTED AT THE END! IT'S HILARIOUS!"

Gojo had crossed the line. Veins on Arai's red face which was flaming hot. "OH FUCK YOU! YOU STUPID LITTLE INGRATE! WHO THE FUCK SAYS SPOILERS YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

Arai pulled back his fist and attacked Gojo with his full might only to be stopped by an invisible force. Gojo was laughing while pointing at him.

Geto massaged his temples hearing the bickering. "Arai, you shouldn't swear like that. Your screams are making my head hurt. So how about it, sushi? Tempura? Dumplings? If it's the last two then count me in."

"Always fried food for you Geto." Gojo smirked.

"And always sweets for you Gojo." Geto retorted.

Haibara grabbed Nanami by the arm and jumped excitingly. "Wow. Gojo and Geto are really good friends. Do you think we'll be like that Nanami?"

Nanami on the other hand had a look of disregard. "Don't know. Gojo-senpai, when are we going to eat? You'll pay, right?"

"Sure! You guys just finished your first mission so I'll pay this time. Too bad you won't get any food this time Isao."

Arai waved it off as he got in the car the window had prepared for him. "Yeah, whatever. I'll go back."

But before going, he lowered the windows and looked at Gojo's eyes. "Don't think I'll forget this Gojo. One day. One day you'll pay for that." Arai left after that comment.

"That was just cruel Gojo-senpai. You should be ashamed of yourself." Haibara spoke up.

"I didn't actual spoil the show. Frankly I didn't even watch it, just saw some posters about it." He shrugged uncaring of the situation.

"Ugh. That was dirty." All said in unison.

["^_(9^ 1§{€2£¥7$}8%->4@*#'6~'...\!?04@*#'6~'...\!?0]

At the infirmary, Shoko Ieiri was wiping the blood from Arai's ears. "Where's my money, Arai?" She asked recalling their last conversation.

Arai seemed as if he realized something. "Oh I think I heard that Principal Yaga is coming here to take away your cigarettes."

"This is free of charge of course. It's school after all. We're not getting put a price no matter how many times you get hurt." Ieiri tried to put up a cute face.

Arai sighed seeing his friend being like this. "Since when did you become so shameless for money. Did you get it from Mei? If you did then you better stop, just thinking of you two being one person just feels like a horror movie."

"Enough about me, did you have fun with your new friends?" Shoko tried changing the subject.

He chuckled hearing her question. "I'm injured and you think it was fun? It hurts like hell. Though I did test out something I've been wanting to for a while. Results were better than expected."

"Then I hope you're ready for this new mission." Just then, a voice spoke to him outside the room. Arai turned to the door to see Yaga with document in is hands.

Surprised by his appearance, Arai got off his bed and stood up from his bed. "Principal Yaga? What are you here for?"

"Read it." The principal only said this as he handed over a document to him. Reading it, he found out that it was a mission that Principal Yaga had handed to him. Still, it confused him. Why specifically him?

Looking through the mission, he found its location. It was outside of Tokyo. "A mission at the border of Tokyo? I don't mind since its an emergency but why me. There are plenty more people qualified."

"Normally you shouldn't even be able to go on missions alone yet but we don't have time. Your classmates are unreachable and I don't know why so you'll have to do."

"Unreachable? I heard that Gojo was bringing them to eat sushi or something like that. That guy must've done something. What a pain." Just trying to imagine the situation he was in made his brain hurt.

"Sure, I'll go now since its an emergency. Brought a car for me?" Arai reluctantly agreed.

Yaga pointed to the window where there was a car outside. "Already did. The taxi is right in front of the school now. Go. It's an emergency mission for a reason."

Arai sighed as he left the room. "Alright, alright. I got it already. See you later."

"Not even a goodbye. So rude as an underclassman." Ieiri commented.

Yaga smiled. "That's what I'd expect from all Jujutsu sorcerer. Also Ieiri, don't smoke in here."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shrugged as she feigned innocence.

["^_(9^ 1§{€2£¥7$}8%->4@*#'6~'...\!?04@*#'6~'...\!?0]


"BUAAAH!" Ecstasy could be heard from Gojo's voice as he greedily finished his drink. "Now that was delicious! Bring me some more over here."

Haibara who was next to Satoru facepalmed as embarrassment was visible on his face. "Gojo-senpai... you're thrashing the entire restaurant." Having an upperclassman like Gojo certainly wasn't a good image as people were staring at him and whispering.

Not realizing that some of them were looking at Gojo because of how handsome he was.

Geto. "He's not a good drinker. The guy is a special grade but doesn't even know how to handle alcohol. More importantly-"

"What's more important than an out of control special grade curse user... Wait is he even old enough to drink?"

Ignoring Haibara's question, Geto looked at a big glass of bottle that had a bunch of flip phones within it. "Principal Yaga called me but Gojo broke my phone. I wonder what he wanted to tell me."

"Yeah why did Gojo throw our phones in the drinks. Now I have to buy another one." Nanami joined in the conversation.

Geto sighed seeing the disaster caused by his friend. "Let's just hope its not something important."


{Fun Fact: Gojo is a light drinker. So that's my excuse for him to not go on the mission. Pretty lame am I right.}

I just realized after writing these chapters... We see Ieiri a lot. Like a lot.

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