
Ch 1 Another chance

Well honestly where should I start? I was a young spartan nearly 15 of age killed in the battle of Leuctra my father Leo took me after my training as I was the best out of all my peers. Before my death I took 20 lives and two generals with me. But even that did not give us victory. As you can know by the books the battle was lost and I was killed by decapitation in front of my father that's all i remember before the dark void. Suddenly an old man in rags appeared and he looked up and starred talking to me.

"Oh young one it's finally you're time come on don't be shy I won't hurt you." I was cautious and yet he gave me no signs of a threat? "Who are you and where is this place?" The old man let out a low chuckle which irritates me. "I will not repeat myself old man." I utter in what a 15 year old can say in a threatening manner. "Oh I'm sorry disrespect from you're era is one that is not tolerated, I do apologize I wish not to hold you any long." With a shining like the once old man changed into one of the gods I have only heard of in myths. "OH MIGHTY HADES!" I bow quickly to my knees fearing what my words I have spoken just a few seconds ago. "No child you are fine rise now rise."

??? Pov

The old man that was once in front of me was no longer there instead was a giant of a man I'd say 10 feet with a intense Aura that commanded respect and not that then death he was the all mighty Hades god of the dead and wealth. Before my death the gods watched over me since birth since apparently I was a descendant of a great hero he trained and over time no one in my bloodline even my father has shown great promise. I was as in you're words called superhuman I was faster and stronger then other kids my age and even killed grown men. But I lacked experience to help in my endeavors but none the less I was given a second chance in a Era far in the future that I would not even imagine.

"You're saying that I will be reborn again, my lord this honor is one I am not worthy of?" Kneeling before the god I push my head lower

"Oh do not think you are special yes you are a rare gem of human kind but you're journey truly begins now, live this life with purpose I will watch over you so bring me a some entertainment. "Oh I will also take away you're memories of you're past life and this conversation until I seen it fit that you are worth now off you go young one." With a flick of his wrist I fell into darkness losing consciousness.

Year 1185 peak of heian ear location unknown

Pov ???

I was strapped down to a what seemed to be a operating table and sealed by wraps that bounded my cursed energy away. I didn't know where I was or how I got here but my father and brothers will find me eventually. As the first daughter born of the Sugawara clan a powerful clan third to only the zenin and gojo family we were only a few. I was set to marry someone in the Kamo clan to strengthen our alliance but things took a turn as one night we were attacked by a curse user or Curse spirit.

*clink *clink

I could hear what seems to be locks and a door opening from above. Footsteps echoed through my prison as the man himself finally appeared. I could barely see him in the darkness but I could feel his gaze, his hands touched my skin and played with my body. He touched my most delicate parts and played with me like a toy and not a single word spoken. Then as he lit a candles around the room I could see him I didn't know him by any means but what was disturbing was that his brain was exposed.

"Oh I'm sorry I must of forgotten to put the top back on. I'm still fairly new to my technique and it can get a little messy and I leave things behind." His voice was that one of a middle aged man he turned around holding a clipboard looking for certain things. "Sugawara Yui it really is a pleasure to meet you I do wish it was under better circumstances but even I am at the mercy of someone as powerful as me." As he talks he put the top of his head on and sows it with a needle "Wh-what are you let me go now!" "Once my father hears word of this you will be executed you monster!" As much as I tried to tug in the wrap they was so strong I couldn't move at all. "Now now there will be no such thing miss Sugawara after all you're family is dead well besides one left don't wanna let go of a promised bloodline now." Hearing those words I was in disbelief "Wh-what are you going to do to me…" turning around with a scalpel and mask holding a vile of 'Dark malevolent' cursed energy "I've sorta kind made a deal with The King Of Curses before his untimely sealing no binding vow needed I guess even the strongest needs an offspring".

Hearing those last word I finally put everything together and started thrashing and screaming even cry for my freedom but they fell on deaths ear. "You truly are beautiful Yui I do hope you're child is strong."

(From this point on we still don't know how Kenny made the death womb paintings so imma cut it there MAJOR TIME SKIP!!)

-June 29th, 2002 Location: Shinkjuku Hospital

"AHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA GET THIS LITTLE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" Shouted a women from one of the rooms the people in the halls even the workers were in shock of such language it has been going on for 10 hours and seems like it is something to an end. "Miss Sato I can see the head keep pushing." Uttered one of the nurses "you're almost it's coming."

Waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaa "It's a boy a healthy strong boy miss Sa-" before the nurse could finish her declaration she could see the mother lifeless body pale due to blood loss. "Doctor wan the mother she is dead." Doctor wan is an old doctor that has seen this to many times as he held the baby and looks into it's eyes. "Small child I am sorry for you're lose but you must be strong for this world is cruel and will not hold you're hand…I will take the child to the other and will see if he has any other family clean this up and have the room prepared for another." uttering those words doctor wan walked out of the room with a sleeping baby with bright red hair and red eyes.


Jujutsu highschool Tokyo, Japan

In a room filled with sliding doors and numerous of people sitting the weight of just a few hours have sent the jujutsu world into havoc. "Do you know the urgency of the meeting at hand!" Shouted a old man with a guitar startled on his back "Of course we do you old fool we all have felt it and we all are looking for answers." Said a man with closed eyelids with straighten hair "Enough both of you, we have only felt this Presents from one other child that was born into this world Gojo Saturo." "Of course we all know of her but this cursed energy is dark and full of malevolent energy and feels like that of The King of Curses Himself." They all knew but wanted to not believe that another Sukuna was born in this era. "We will send out scouts and have a check on who is responsible until further notice this pressence have caused uproar in curse actives we are all on hand on deck until further notice you all are dismissed." Just ask quickly as they came they all left but some were unpleased by the way they were.

"Do you really think it's him." Questioned yaga "No I don't but someone of something has came and this might just be a play of the gods hand or the Devil himself".


"Hey awake up already we're going to be late again." Opening the blinds letting the sunlight in stood a boy with pink hair and brown eyes say "uhhhh give me another five minutes bro please." Said a voice from under the covers "No cause I told you not to stay up and watch that scary movie now look at you and if you don't get up grandpa will come out of the hospital again and kick your ass now do you really want that?" Putting on his uniform and shoes he could only look at his little brother with he could only know one thing that would work. "I'll buy you Ice cream as well after school Ryu." Removing the covers from is form a boy with red hair and crimson eyes was revealed with joyful smile ear to ear "you got it Yuji I'll get ready now."


Hey sorry that this one is sorta all over the place I'll rework some of my wording and grammar along with the dialogue this is just only a part of what I have in store!!!