
Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer

In a twist of fate, a young man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Kaito Murakami, a student in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Guided by a mysterious system, Kaito must navigate the treacherous world of curses and sorcery. With newfound abilities and a second chance at life, he embarks on a journey to master his powers to protect himself and the ones he cares about. - Jujutsu Tech is a college and not a high school (Does not affect plot, just makes characters 2 years older) - Will be additional curses - Probably won't be a harem but you can offer up the love interest (No Maki) - MC has no knowledge of plot First story so give constructive criticism please Updates will be 2-3x a week.

KyotoBeenPaid · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Reckless & Reluctant

The streets of Hokkaido were a blur. The vibrant neon signs seemed to morph into grotesque parodies of themselves, the chattering crowds a cacophony of meaningless noise. Somewhere, deep down, I knew I wasn't being safe, wasn't alert to the potential dangers lurking in the shadows. But at that moment, I couldn't bring myself to care.

My legs finally gave out in a secluded park. The sudden stop jarred me from my mindless stupor. The quiet of the place, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the distant rumble of cars, was an unwelcome contrast to the storm raging inside me.

I found an empty bench overlooking a small, still pond. The distorted reflection of the moon seemed to mock the fractured state of my mind. I slumped down, my head falling into my hands. 

It was cleaner, simpler to rage than to drown in self-pity. But where to focus that anger? At Fushiguro, with his meticulous strategies and hesitation that had cost precious time? It was a seductive thought. But something squirmed beneath the anger - an admission that he might have been right. The truth of it was, we could play the what-if game until we drove ourselves crazy.

My hands clenched into fists, nails biting into my palms. This power I have, it was worthless... no, it was dangerous without the judgment to wield it responsibly. Was this what being a sorcerer was? Constant self-doubt, every action teetering on the edge of potential disaster. And if I couldn't even trust myself, how could I possibly have the arrogance to think I could protect anyone?  

Gojo's face flickered in my mind's eye. I could almost hear his voice, a blend of maddening nonchalance and blunt wisdom. Something he'd said during one of our training sessions echoed in my head: "It's okay to be afraid. But don't let it freeze you. Breathe in your fear, let it fuel your focus, not cloud your judgment."

The words felt painfully distant. My fear wasn't fueling anything but a whirlwind of doubt and rage. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to take a deep breath, then another. Eyes opening, my focus narrowed, shifting from the internal chaos to the reality laid out before me.

The distorted reflection in the pond rippled, then settled back into stillness. It was a cruel reminder that whatever turmoil raged within me, the world continued on with chilling indifference. Birds would still chirp at dawn, the city would still hum with its relentless rhythm, and new horrors would emerge from the shadows.

And always, there would be curses. An endless, grotesque menagerie spawned from the darkest corners of human emotion. Their existence was the brutal truth at the heart of this strange, hidden world I'd chosen to step into.

I thought fighting curses would be like good versus evil, with a clear path to victory for the courageous. But out here, in this lonely park, that childish fantasy seemed unbearably naive. A bitter laugh almost escaped me. No matter how many curses I exorcised, no matter how much stronger I became, would it truly make a difference? 

Damn, I would never be able to save everyone. It wasn't arrogance that fueled the thought, but a cold, bleak truth. More lives would be lost, more horrors would creep out of the darkness. The most I could do, the most any sorcerer could do, was snatch what victories we could, fight to protect those within our reach. And even then...

The weight of this settled on my shoulders. This was the price, wasn't it? The knowledge that our strength came with the grim promise of never truly being strong enough.

Well, if I couldn't save everyone, then I had to be ruthlessly selective in who I fought for.

Thinking about Fushiguro, I realized something. His caution, the infuriating delays, however much they'd grated in the heat of the moment, weren't from cowardice. He'd been playing the same grim game as I was.

His methods were different. Instead of charging in, hoping power would overwhelm the threat, he sought the perfect strategy, the one that might minimize the casualties we both saw as inevitable. My blind rush might have endangered them, and possibly even ourselves, rather than offering any greater chance of success.

The realization, far from comforting, felt like another piece of the puzzle slotting into place, not in a solution, but in a stark understanding of the realities we faced. Where I was the unrefined blade, all aggression and little control, he was the strategist, coldly calculating the odds before striking. Neither was perfect, neither was enough on its own.

With a flicker of something that felt cautiously like hope, I realized the potential lurking beneath the surface of our constant friction. If I could learn to harness my sometimes reckless impulse, channel it with precision instead of chaos, and he could be a little less focused on the plan and more on seizing the moment...

As I thought about the mission, the one thing that still gnawed at me was that symbol Fushiguro had focused on. His intensity in that moment, cutting through his usual stoicism, had been impossible to ignore. The urgency in his voice... he knew something we didn't, saw a threat beyond the immediate horror of the nest we'd demolished.

It was unlike anything I'd studied, a twisting pattern that seemed to throb with a malevolent energy even in memory. Fushiguro was the expert in this realm, his knowledge of curses and their origins far outstripping my own. I'd dismissed it as his need for meticulous analysis earlier, but now... now I saw it as a vital piece in a puzzle I barely saw the edges of.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I left the park. Dawn was breaking, its pale light doing little to dispel the shadows clinging to me. The walk back to the hotel was a blur, each step bringing me closer to the confrontation I knew had to happen next.

The hallway was empty, the silence oppressive. I stood before Fushiguro's door, my hand hovering over the wood. Taking a deep breath, I found my voice surprisingly steady. "Fushiguro, we need to talk."

The silence that followed was excruciating. Had he gone out? Was he even in there, awake and willing to face me? 

Finally, there was the sound of movement from within, and then the door creaked open. Fushiguro stood there, not in his uniform, but some worn clothes that made him seem jarringly vulnerable. His hair was disheveled, eyes narrowed with... exhaustion? Wariness? A flicker of something I couldn't read. 

"Listen...," I started, but my voice sounded hoarse, barely a whisper. I cleared my throat, forced the words out. "About what happened... I was off base. You were right to be cautious."

Fushiguro said nothing, merely raised an eyebrow. It was infuriatingly dismissive, yet somehow less so than his usual impassivity.

"I mean it," I continued, my voice gaining strength. "We both saw different parts of this fight, and neither of us saw the whole picture. That..." Swallowing the bitter taste of failure, I forced myself to speak the truth: "That was on me. I was so focused on striking back, on action, that I got tunnel vision."

He leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed. "And?" His tone wasn't accusatory, but it wasn't exactly forgiving either.

"And," I met his gaze, "I need to learn from you. I can't always charge in half-cocked. There's a difference between being a fighter and being a liability. But you... you saw something in that symbol."

His expression changed. It wasn't the shift from stoic to surprised, but something subtler. A flicker of recognition...and wariness?

"It's not a symbol I recognize," he admitted, his voice low. "But there's a...an energy to it. Something old, something powerful. Not just a feeding ritual. It felt like an anchor point, drawing in energy for a bigger purpose."

His words echoed in the silence. I finally understood his hesitation, his focus on analysis in the midst of the chaos. "So what do we do? How do we find out what they have planned?"

Instead of answering, Fushiguro turned and walked further into his room. He gestured for me to follow. The room was a mess - clothes strewn across the floor, half-empty notebooks discarded haphazardly. It was the most disarray I'd ever seen from him.

He walked to a table where a stack of ancient-looking scrolls was piled haphazardly. "I've been going through old records," he admitted, a note of frustration creeping into his voice. "Legends, folk tales, obscure historical documents... anything that might offer a clue about the symbol, or rituals like the one we witnessed."

I joined him at the table, my curiosity piqued. "Think there's something in here that could..." I hesitated, trying to find the right words, "help us figure out where they're going to strike next?"

Fushiguro shrugged. "Maybe. Or at least give us an idea of who we might be dealing with. A rogue sorcerer? A new cult? Something..."

My fingers ghosted over the aged pages. The scrolls were a mix of Japanese and some other script I didn't recognize, filled with crude drawings and dense texts. "Okay, where do we even start?"

Fushiguro pulled a scroll towards him, unrolling it with careful hands. "I found a few references to rituals focused on gathering negative energy. The wording is intentionally vague, designed to conceal their true intentions...but the imagery is reminiscent of what we saw."

"That symbol," I said, focusing on the grotesque drawing in the scroll. "It's not exactly the same, but it shares elements..." My mind raced. "Wait, this part right here..." I pointed to a twisted pattern. "It looks a bit like those knots you use in your shikigami."

The look he gave me was a mix of surprise and grudging approval. "Not exactly, but the concept... it's focused on binding energy, manipulating it into specific forms. You're right, it's similar."

An idea sparked. "If that ritual was drawing energy in, could it... could it be used to project something? Like the opposite of what those victims were going through."

Fushiguro studied the scroll. "It would take a tremendous amount of cursed energy, and a deep understanding of manipulation... but in theory, yes. That power could potentially be weaponized."

"So we're not just fighting some curses, we're against someone who could create them..."

Fushiguro closed his eyes briefly, a flicker of exhaustion crossing his face. "I don't even want to think about that," he muttered. "But that possibility - it makes these scrolls that much more important." 

I glanced at the window. Dawn had fully broken, the sickly light of morning making the shadows in the room seem even darker. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion washed over me, mingled with a lingering tension that made sleep feel impossible. Yet, looking at Fushiguro, I realized he must be even worse off.

"Hey, uh..." I hesitated, unsure how to phrase this without stepping on his pride again. "You haven't slept yet, have you?"

He shook his head, a slight wince passing over his features as he rubbed at his eyes. "Not really. There's too much to..." he trailed off, the unfinished sentence loaded with unspoken anxieties.

An idea took root. "Look, before we head back to Tokyo, we... well, I can scout the area," I suggested. "Double-check that whatever energy the ritual left behind is truly gone. You can sleep on the bed." 

Fushiguro looked at me, genuine surprise replacing the exhaustion in his eyes. "That's... unexpected. From you. Where are you gonna sleep?" There was a hint of his old sarcasm, softened by something else.

"I, uh..." I hesitated, feeling a blush creep up my neck. "Look, I haven't exactly been the best team player in Hokkaido, and, well... I think I'm gonna get an earful from Nobara when I enter the room, especially after last night." A forced grin spread across my face. "So, I'll just try to stay awake long enough for the train ride back."

A flicker of surprise, maybe even something resembling amusement, crossed Fushiguro's face. "Suit yourself," he said, a faint quirk to his lips. "Meet back at the remains of the factory at noon." 

"Deal," I said, extending a hand and he took it. 

(A/N: Just letting you guys know I will be taking a few days break as I have been feeling very ill. I've actually been feeling this way for the past week but didn't want to ruin the streak of daily uploads I had going. I don't want to sacrifice the quality of this work for some arbitrary streak though so I will be taking a few days off. Thanks for understanding!)