
Jujutsu Kaisen: Rin Fushiguro

A Great Man Once Said “Dream you say? Well, I don’t necessarily have a dream, but If I had to say then it’d be to live my life to the fullest and protect what’s dear to me, you think it’s a boring goal? I Think it’s realistic, I want t- No, I am going to live my life in…” The Great Man couldn’t Finish his Sentence due to Someone Interrupting Him, How did the man want to live his life? That’s for you to find out. ————————— Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfic No Harem Op Mc Smart Mc ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a week maybe more it depends ———————— This is not my cover! I repeat this is not my cover, if the rightful owner wishes me to take this image down then please be sure to let me know.

Pluxx · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Tokyo Jujutsu High?!

( "" - Speaking )

( ' ' - Thinking )


Cursed Energy = CE

Cursed Technique = CT

Cursed Spirit = CS

Tokyo Jujutsu High = TJH


Above TJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu high ), you can see a person standing, this person has black hair that goes up till his light-blue eyes, he is 1.83-Meters tall,

Rin was currently looking at TJH ( Tokyo Jujutsu High ) from the mountain he was on, he reminds himself of the promise he had made which was to find the cause of Tsumiki's coma, the first step to that would be enrolling in TJH, to get stronger, and perhaps get information about Izumi.

A few minutes later Rin arrived at the entrance "This sure looks different in real life" he exclaimed, Seeing the multiple traditional Japanese buildings amazed Rin, he was surprised to see the difference between real life and anime "Welcome to Tokyo Jujutsu High! The place where you'll be for the next 4 years! After that, well, after that? Don't know, but for the next 4 years you'll remain in this extraordinary place!" Gojo said with his excited and goofy voice, Rin didn't even look at him, rather, he walked past him and looked around observing the beautiful scenery, "

So, what do I do now" Rin asked

"Ah today you can do whatever you want, come to the classroom tomorrow at 12 am, there I'll explain what you'll be doing, I assume you want to go to your room first, then from here go straight then take a right, then left, and then straight," Gojo answered

'it seems like he has other things to do,' Rin thought

Rin did as Gojo said, however, when he took a turn he accidentally bumped into someone, "my bad" Rin said, the person he bumped into wore a purple skirt, and on top a purple vest with pink outlines at her collar, rin picked up the pole that fell to the ground when he bumped into her and gave it back, taking her pole back she looked at Rin and said "Watch your steps" Rin didn't say anything back, rather, he ignored her and just walked to his new room 'I remember her from the anime, what was her name again? miki, moki, I forgot, she wasn't that relevant in the anime, sigh, but being 4 years in the same class as her,she looks like a bother, to be frank, I was also planning on going to the training ground but seeing that she went there, guess I'll sleep I'm tired because of the traveling anyways.




While walking to the classroom Maki, Panda and Inumaki had a conversation about their new classmate.

"Do you have any idea of who he is?" Panda asked

"No, he was supposed to join us at the beginning of the year but something came up, they said, anyways, I met the guy yesterday, and I don't like him," Maki said

"Mustard Leaf" ( Showing Concern/Worry ) Inumaki said

"Hmph, if he acts all high and mighty I'll just beat him up" Maki answered


"Yawn" Rin woke up from his good sleep, first thing he did was go to the bathroom and wash his face, then brush his teeth, and then putting on his clothes, which consists of a blue jacket with 2 pins on the side and a hood, with a blue pant under it.



Gojo: "Class! Today we have a new student! Now you guys can go on more missions, not only that but you can also learn more from each other, he is extremely strong! So he can protect you when in danger, isn't that amazing?….. isn't that exciting?…"


"Sigh, all that introduction for nothing, this pains my heart, sob,"

"Heh, even if he's strong I'll beat his ass, I don't need protection from him," Maki said

"Tuna" Inumaki uttered, ( Calling attention to something for example "Look" in this case the the door) suddenly the door was opened Rin came in the class without being called.

"Eh, I haven't told you to come in yet" Gojo Exlaimed

Rin went and stood in front of the class and did a slight bow

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rin."

"Kelp" ( A Greeting )

"nice to meet you, I'm Panda, this is Inumaki, and this is Maki" Panda said

Maki sat crossed legged, she didn't say anything, and she didn't care about Rin either she just waited till this was over, Gojo silently sighed

"Well, then students! Now that we're done with the introduction it's time to tell you guys about what we're gonna do, first you'll be split into two teams taking on a mission, this missions priority is to work together, thus it won't matter if you complete the mission alone it must be T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R! Understood? Good, Now Inumaki, Panda you two together, and Maki, Rin," Gojo explained

"Tch" Maki silently said

"Inumaki and Panda you guys begin at 1 PM, Rin and Maki you guys at 2 PM don't be late, I repeat, don't be late! Well then, that was it, you guys can go now"

Panda, Inumaki, Rin, and Maki were walking in the hallways "Oi, you better don't hold me back" Maki said to Rin "Miss Maki, I'm sure that I won't hold you back, rather, I think it's gonna be the opposite" Rin answered

"What did you say, you wanna die," Maki said as she was about to punch Rin but was stopped by Inumaki and Panda "I don't think I need to repeat myself, look how about we decide this with a fight, winner gets to be the one leading tomorrow, and to make it even more fairer I won't use my CT" ( Cursed Technique ) Rin said

"Haaaa! I'll crush you even with your CT, don't you dare go crying after you lose" Maki replied

Rin didn't say anything more about it, instead he just said "Alright, today 6 PM on the training field"

'Oh well, I'll only use my trait, if I use my cursed technique, things would get a little messy, but I doubt she could win from me even if I don't use my CS ( Cursed Technique ), seems like I also need to get a sword" Rin thought





Chapter Explanation:

WHERE IS YUTA!! You may ask, Calm Down! It's not his time to show up yet, Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is almost here, though, it may take longer than expected, we'll see I guess.

I don't think there are any more explanations needed other than the Yuta one, but if you do have questions then be sure to let me know.


Volume 2 Begins


Chapter 9 End

Well then, this was it for chapter 9, let me know what you thought of it Good? Bad? LEMME KNOWW!!!

I don't have anything else to say, so see y'all in the next one 👋✌️