

Children can be seen in the courtyard, training relentlessly in a fierce match of hand-to-hand combat. June tried to keep up with Haru, but his speed was more proficient than his.

June sent a quick jab toward Haru, who already anticipated and made back backstep to avoid collision. June instantly switched it to a spinning elbow, but Haru was already weaving his way through. As Haru made a fast step towards June, he closed the short distance.


A sickening punch landed on the fable face of June, who staggered from the impact. Haru added the lapse of blue, dragging June in, and also increasing his speed.

Haru can't manifest blue outside of his body; but can use its property to his advantage. Haru is considered a prodigy when it comes to cursed technique in the family, although he still needs some training to hone his skills to the sharpest.

June on the other hand intends to go raw with his fist, his movements uncoordinated as he tries landing a solid hit on Haru, but Haru elops his hand with blue yet again, dragging June in, landing a serious punch to his gut.

"Guh!!!" June spits out, clenching his stomach in pain.

"Stand up June, resilience is key to becoming a formidable sorcerer." One of the practitioners spoke with a stern tone, Forcing June back to his feet, his legs shaking caused by the impact from before.

"Hey, June you don't have to try that hard... After all, am a prodigy." Haru stated in a confident tone that bears no arrogance.

"Don't worry about me Haru, I might not be a prodigy but----." Before June could finish his sentence, Haru came at a shocking speed, landing the same clean hit at his stomach which the boy barely recovered from.

June is sent flying as he lands on the ground. Not moving an inch, he lay there in a beaten manner. The practitioner walked up to June's body and kicked him lightly.

"Dead already? Pitiful, this boy doesn't deserve a place in the world of Jujutsu." Moments after some of the maids came running to the courtyard, examining the body of June.

"Take this mistake out of here, I have a lesson to teach."

Over the balcony, Kaori and Sato can be seen watching over the event. "That child... Isn't he the son of Tachibana-san?

Kaori questions, Sato on the other hand furrowed his brows. "Indeed, the son of Tachibana."

"He seems..." Before Kaori could finish her sentence Sato already replied. "Weak? Yeah, he is."

Kaori shifted her eyes to Sato, her voice calm and cold. "I was going to say dangerous... He's dangerous to be in this clan, both to him and the family."

"Huh? You mean the kid that got knocked out by Haru?." Sato expressed his confusion about Kaori's view.

"He possesses something far more dangerous." She shifted her gaze back to the sparring session in the courtyard.

Sato continues staring at her in curiosity at her calculative words. "He's nothing more than a speck in a blank cloth; I mean he has a silver hair, but that doesn't mean he's one of us."

Kaori took a step, walking past Sato, with every cautious step. "Sato... You better be careful, because your future is not that pretty." This was the last straw for Sato's eyes to start twitching, but Kaori seemed to care less about that, as she kept up her calm pace with her unsettling smile.


June can be seen looking through his window in his room, His purple iris brimming with a violet intensity. "I... I messed up training today. Wait... I've been messing up with training from the day I got here."


The door to his room opens, A familiar figure everyone respects comes in. "Sorry for the intrusion. I assume your name is June?"

"Yes... Um, what're you doing here Kaori-senpai?" June blurted out in curiosity as Kaori is a very... mysterious lady.

"Don't worry June, I saw your matching this morning, and I must say, you have a long way to go." Kaori gave June a closed-eye smile, causing him to blush slightly, noticing how beautiful beautiful she was.

Suddenly her facial features changed to a more serious expression. "June. How did your mother die?" This question thickened the air around June as he could no longer breathe normally.



Frantic breathing can be heard from the eight-year-old. The event he wants to forget is resurfacing as a result of Kaori's question.

"Um, uh... She..."

"Don't worry, no need to answer if you're uncomfortable with it." Kaori sat on his bed closing the space between him and her.

"June... I want you to know that am here for you. Even if others will shun you, am always by your side.

Kaori pulled June into a warm embrace, June felt warm from her touch. He felt a warm version of care from Kaori... But there was something June could not seem to put his fingers on. Perhaps it's her cold heart.


June sat on the steps munching his rice balls between sobs. Tears rolled down from his eyes, not because of the clan excluding him from the family table during dinner; but because of what Kaori did to him.

As his teary eyes kept producing beads of tears, he sobbed quietly, until he noticed the presence of Miss Shogawa, his teacher.

Her steady steps came to a halt as she saw the child who sat on the steps leading to the main entrance. Curiosity caught her as she quickened her pace to meet June.

" June, what's the problem?" She asked in a worried tone as she bent her knees to his level.

A squeak came out from his mouth, as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "You're so tense, did something happen to you?"

"NO!!" He blurted out, almost over the border of a scream.

His violet-purple eyes darted from the corners of his sockets to the other. "..."

Moss Shogawa narrowed her pale ash eyes, almost as if she were trying to see through him. "I suppose you're still not welcome to eat at the family table?"

June on the other hand heard her clearly but was trembling from an unknown fear. "Y-yeah, some of the kids told me am not a member of the family... Although Haru is the only one that talks to me."

Shogawa clasps his hands together. "How about we go out to get something to eat? it will be fun." Shogawa gave June a warm smile that was out of her character. June perceived her as a very strict individual and respected her teachings in class.

The silence between them grew heavily loud. June finally spoke up. "I appreciate, b-but I must decline."

Woosh the hair played with Shogawa's brown hair as her brows arched in confusion.

"Well is that so? I can't force that on you, but remember that am here if you want to talk." She turned on her heels as she made her way. June stayed still looking at the ground he fixed his gaze on.

Later that evening June stayed quiet in his room, the only company he got was Haru the only relative that he could have a conversation with without being called a bastard.

Haru continues his stories of his time here in the mansion before the arrival of June, but June seems to be in his own reality as he pays no attention to Haru's story.

The image of Kaori's unsettling smile kept coming into play in his mind. Kaori's eyes at the moment had lost their brilliant blue iris, replaced with a a dark blue that had an abyss that drew in anyone's gaze.


June snapped back to reality by Haru, and suddenly his dilated pupils came back to life.

"Are you even listening? You keep spacing out."

"Oh, am sorry. Please continue ue---"

"No am not. Matter of fact, are you okay." Haru asked with a determined look on his face.

June's eyes left the vibrant blue eyes of Haru, facing the floor of the room. " Am fine Haru." his voice barely above a whisper.

Haru knew that June was more depressed than when he first came here, but for June, He hated the feeling that no one understood him. He disliked everyone in this household... except for a few.

Haru stands up from his sitting position on the bed of June. "Am going to grab something to drink, am thirsty. Want me to bring some for you." Suddenly from the mention of drink, June's throat became dry.

"Yeah... That'd be nice."

"Okay. I'll be back in a bit." Haru replied in an energetic tone to spice up his reply to June's boring sentences.

Minutes passed and June started having the event of yesterday replaying in his mind. He shifted his position to get comfortable, but June felt as if he was watched.


The cracked open. June's face turned to relief as he expected Haru... But the one coming through the door wasn't Haru, instead...

"K-Kaori-senpai" June blurted out in a. series of stammering, his body frozen in terror.

Kaori's lips grew to a cold smile, a smile that couldn't let the boy sleep peacefully since yesterday.

"June... how are you today?" Kaori asked in a calm tone, closing the door behind her as she walked slowly toward the bed that June lay on.

"B-But where is Haru? He said he'd come back." June still couldn't deliver a straight sentence as his mind was a mess.

"Oh Haru? I told him am going to take care of you, don't you want me to take care of you." She sat on the bed as she stretched her hands towards his face.


June slapped his hand off his face as he recoiled from her advances.

Kaori's face changed, her smile falling quickly at an abnormal rate. "June. what did I tell you yesterday?"

Haru's face morphed into that of horror. "Tha---"

"---That you're mine," Kaori stated in a very calm tone cutting June off his sentence. "Will this happen again, June?"






" P-please don't do this Kaori." June pleaded with Kaori, but it fell on deaf ears as she advanced towards him.










