
…Into The Blazing Inferno!

There is a discord for this fic. It has Live Updates about chapter progress and when they are completed, pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story, among other things. Join at https: // discord.gg / aWZ9qX9mAW

Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

I recommend listening to 'Devil Trigger' from the Devil May Cry 5 Soundtrack for this chapter.

Once more a Peak Game and even Peaker Soundtrack.



10 Minutes Prior.

Maki ran ahead towards where Hanami landed, followed closely by Megumi. When they arrived they watched as Hanami stood back up, she dusted herself off passively and awaited their approach.

Although the force of their sudden attack had pushed her away she didn't seem to be all that injured as all their combined attack did was create indents on her arms which was healed immediately.

'Looks like her already annoying Durability was raised to astronomical levels, this'll need more force than previously expected.' Megumi deduced, he reached into his soul and grasped upon the strings of power within him to activate his most useful Incarnation to date.

"Incarnation: Tranquil Deer."

He muttered under his breath as Rings formed in his Crimson eyes, he felt the now familiar sense of Reverse Cursed Technique be reformed into his soul.

"Why must you children struggle so? This must be done, the world can't survive with Humanity as the Apex. It needs culling, this isn't from Malice. It's from compassion." Hanami questioned in her paradoxical tongue. To her, it wasn't a matter of who lived but a matter of the world's survival and growth.

"That's not something you Curses can decide for yourselves, this world isn't yours to conquer." Maki replied, not caring for the curse's words since it didn't mean anything to her.

"Don't bother yourself with answering the questions of a Curse, Maki. They're all Insane, even if they can talk." Megumi asserted, walking a few feet forwards before channelling his Positive energy into Kage and Cursed Energy into his Dark Moon Greatsword.

"It seems that words can't sway the two of you…" Hanami sighed out, nature responded to her plight as it bent under her will. An almost uncountable amount of Roots emerged from the ground, each had a razor sharp edge ready to run them both straight through. "...Then perhaps Violence will?"

"Try me, you Overgrown Weed. It's about time for you to get some pruning." Megumi said, before activating both of his Cursed Weapon's abilities.

In Megumi's hand, Kage burned with a fiery glow. The twisted, spiral blade radiates red and orange, with a white-hot tip. Faint wisps of smoke drift from it, adding to its intense heat. The dark, rugged crossguard contrasts against the bright flames. 

And in his other hand, the Dark Moon Greatsword glimmered with a mystical blue light. The blade radiated a cold, ethereal glow, sparkling like the night sky full of stars. Its edges shimmer with frosty energy, leaving a faint trail of icy mist as Megumi moves. 

Megumi held Kage high in his left hand, the Dark blade angled upward as flames overcame its form, casting a warm, flickering light across the scene. In his right hand, he gripped the Dark Moon Greatsword, its icy blade angled downward the greatsword emanated a frosty aura, chilling the air around it and causing snowflakes to float down from it.

[Image (In Discord)]

The two sorcerers shot forwards to close the distance between them and the Curse, Megumi charged up his Dark Moon Greatsword before swinging it back and forth towards Hanami. With each swing a slash of pure cursed frost flew towards the curse, each attack capable of rending apart humans and curses alike with ease.

The Disaster curse used her Cursed Technique 'Disaster Plants' to manipulate thick roots to burst out of the ground and block all frost arcs with only some trouble, before she grew the roots even further to flood towards them.

They both decided to meet the flood of Plant growth head on as they slammed into the plants as a chainsaw would to the trunk of a tree. 

Maki smashed through the flood of wood with brute force as her sharpened Playful Cloud shredded through it all as if it was moving through wet tissue paper. Megumi on the other hand used Kage as his main tool to get through the stream of plants, its Blazing Dark blade turning everything it touched to ashes with but the merest brush.

Although they were making headway in approaching the curse, the plants seemed to be never ending and also growing stronger the closer they reached so they chose to jump on top of the oncoming tide and ride the wave of roots as a direct path to their enemy.

However, this was exactly her plan as she proceeded to enclose around them with roots on both of their sides before summoning a Field of Flowers to sprout on top of her Roots. The flowers then released a puff of Cursed Pheromones which entered their bodies before they could hope to react.

This move took both of them off guard, Megumi most of all as she had never used this application of her abilities before from what he remembered.

Her attack had an immediate effect as both Sorcerers were afflicted by her ability's effect, causing them both to pause and lose all will to fight, which left them wide open for her follow up attack when the roots around them formed spiked ends and shot towards them with intent to kill.

Unfortunately for the Disaster curse, Maki had recovered from the pacifying effects of her ability much faster than Megumi would have due to the effect of her Heavenly Restriction; which allowed her body to filter out and overcome the effect of the flowers much faster than even Satoru Gojo would have.

Maki grabbed Megumi by his shoulder and jumped upwards, side swiping away an encroaching branch with her Playful Cloud in one hand as she did so.

"I got you!" She called out as she jumped away with the taller man in tow, he snapped out of it a second later right as she put him back down on the ground.

"Shit, that was close. Thanks for the save, Maki…" Megumi thanked, grateful for the save but inwardly beating himself for the fuck up. 

'Dammit all me! If Maki wasn't there, I would have gotten myself injured heavily and been forced to expend a lot of energy just to survive! I can't rely on previous knowledge anymore, these damned curses could all have brand new enhanced abilities for all I know!' 

"Don't mention it, now get your head in the game and let's kill this bitch." Maki reassured, taking a moment to roll her shoulders in order to loosen them up.

"Yeah, let's." Megumi nodded as both his cursed weapons fired up with their opposing elements once more.

They charged forwards with renewed vigour as their opponent responded in kind, roots emerged from the ground and flooded towards them. 

Maki and Megumi both jumped on top of the branches once more, this time they were ready for any moves. Megumi in particular was taking special care to avoid getting caught off guard by any sudden growths by allowing his Flaming blade to run rampant and burn to ashes everything in his path.

However, this time it wasn't any brand new abilities that took him off guard, it was their opponent's sudden choice to speak up.

"My Cursed Technique is called 'Disaster Plants', it allows me to Manipulate Cursed Plants to my will and morph them into any shape I desire." Hanami started, catching both her opponents off guard as the roots beneath them began to writhe and distort faster and more severely. 

"The ability you are currently facing is called 'Disaster Roots', there is no limit to how many Roots I can form. However, their Power and Speed is always Inversely proportional to the length and number of Roots I form." The Plants beneath them shot forwards with spiked ends to run them through, their power being beyond anything the curse had exhibited in this fight.

Megumi and Maki doubled their efforts at getting to the Curse, with each step they took they skillfully avoided being speared and impaled. They were even occasionally shot with Cursed Buds that tried to latch onto their bodies but were parried away or avoided.

They were only able to keep up with the speed and power of the roots thanks to their heavily enhanced bodies as if Todo and Yuji had fought the Disaster Curse alone as they did before, they would have been slaughtered without a doubt.

'What the fuck is this, when did Binding Vows become the new thing that everybody used? What is this, Binding Vow Kaisen?!' Megumi called out with annoyance in his mind as he swung his Flaming Greatsword to destroy a Root that was about to impale them from the side.

The two of them kept climbing the seemingly insurmountable mountain of growing plants, they then felt a tremor shake through the ground beneath them which made them realise that they were being lured upwards into the air by being forced to climb towards the curse.

Hanami made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a small chuckle before all of the Roots beneath them all spontaneously and simultaneously disintegrated into nothingness, leaving them both without a floor to stand on while Hanami stayed in the air as she stood atop a Wooden Ball made from her Cursed Technique.

"It's time to die, Children." Hanami declared, summoning 6 Floating Wooden Balls which sprouted 3 spikes each that shot towards their heads.

However, it was time for the Disaster Curse to be taken off guard as her two opponents that should have been left falling, flailing and helpless both disappeared from their locations in the time that it took her to summon her Wooden Balls.

"WHAT?! Where'd they go?!" Hanami screamed as panic and surprise instantly gripped her heart when both her opponents disappeared from view, doubly so when she heard an almost smug feminine voice behind her.

"Behind you Flower Hippy." 

Hanami was barely able to turn their head before it was smashed into by Maki's Playful Cloud right at her head, the user of the weapon was currently stepping upon the air itself as if it was the ground. 

Maki proceeded to strain her legs with all her strength and pushed against the air itself, causing a small wave of condensed air to disperse and send her flying above the curse.

The Disaster Curse was then surprised by a Searing pain shooting through their abdomen, Hanami looked down towards the pain and saw Kage spearing right through her, she was barely even able to take a second to breathe before a surge of Flames burst out from the blade.

Megumi flapped his Obsidian wings from his hastily activated Nue Incarnation to grant himself more air time before using the gained leverage to spike his Dark Moon Greatsword downwards into Hanami body through her flower shoulder and shredding into the rest of the Curse's inner body right as frost seeped from the icy blade and into the curse's body.

And then, sparing no time to allow Hanami even the slightest chance to breathe, Maki spun around in the air to gather momentum before slamming her Playful Cloud into the Curse's head.

The impact between the staff and the Disaster Curse's Head had caused a small sonic boom to reverberate before she was shot down from the skies and into the ground in a massive cloud of dust and rubble.

During the process of being shot down from the skies, Hanami's body was gutted and ripped open due to the presence of Megumi's twin blades still being inside of her.

Maki and Megumi looked down at the cloud of dust as they were descending to meet their opponent, landing on the fractured ground shortly afterwards. 

"Ya think it's dead?" Maki asked, scanning the area with her eyes and looking for any sign that the curse might still be alive following their combined attack.

"Eh, prolly not. I'd keep my guard up, who knows what other bullshit abilities it's got under its sleeve." Megumi asserted, he faintly remembered Hanami having some kind of intrinsic ability to blend in with flora somehow and move through them.

"I know of a good way to check." He then called out a moment later, his cursed energy firing up once more as he activated a brand new Incarnation, causing his Crimson eyes to shift into that of Brilliant Azure flames.

"Incarnation: Funeral Tiger."

Megumi felt his Cursed Energy Output rise immensely as soon as he activated the Incarnation and along with that, he could tell that outputting Cursed Energy as blasts like he trained and researched how to, would now be as simple as breathing in and out.

He raised a hand and willed his cursed energy to flow towards it, within less than a second an Azure Flame-like orb of cursed energy coalesced in his hand. 

Megumi grinned as he had finally solved the path towards a new potential avenue for growth before he crushed the orb in his hand and looked up to scan the area, as that was the actual reason he had used the Incarnation to begin with.

With his new eyes, Megumi Fushiguro could now see and absorb the remnant remains of any being that died within his vicinity much like how his shikigami could. And if he does so, then the cursed energy of whatever he devours could potentially be an indefinite addition to his total reserves of cursed energy.

"Hm, I don't see any remnants. She must still be alive, hiding somewhere nearby I presume. That or she's just so scared she ran away so that she wouldn't die."

Just then as they were about to continue chatting, the two of them felt a subtle shake in the forest, turning to face it they saw something they couldn't have expected. 

Megumi in particular was getting really annoyed at the oncoming developments.

"So on top of all your already ridiculous and varied abilities that seem to have no end, you can just go around and turn regular fucking trees into your shikigami? Ones that can even match regular Special Grade Curses to boot?" 

Indeed, Hanami had created her very own shikigami by instilling her own Cursed Energy into them and twisting the once mighty oaks into 6 horrifying abominations of nature.

"They are called 'Ents' child, manifestations of nature's disdain for you filthy humans." Hanami stated, holding her right arm with her left and forcing her shoulder to connect together again with the rest of her body as it was taking longer to heal than usual thanks to the effect of Kage's Flames.

The six Ents loomed behind Hanami like twisted abominations, their bark-covered bodies gnarled and knotted. Thick limbs extended into claw-like branches, and their faces, carved into the wood, bore deep-set eyes glowing with eerie green light. Their mouths were dark, jagged openings with splintered wooden teeth. 

"How the hell did you even have enough Cursed Energy to make them? You're barely pulling yourself together as you are now." Maki asked, somewhat confused about the logistics behind how it even worked.

"...Under the suggestion of a certain sorcerer, I prepared for the eventuality of my life being threatened and created them with the condition of only awakening once my life was under duress as it were." Hanami explained, knowingly twisting her words in order to reveal enough to incur another Binding Vow of 'Revealing Your Own Hand'.

Hanami had then reached down with her flowered arm and started absorbing the life energy of the nearby flora into it, powering up the Cursed Bud with enough energy to turn even Grade One Sorcerers such as Nanami to ashes in an instant.

Her explanation had caused veins to start bulging upon Megumi's forehead from the implication that not only had Kenjaku taught the Disaster Curses about how to abuse Binding Vows, but he was also instilling in them the concept of playing dirty, teamwork and planning ahead.

Along with that, there was the matter of her and possibly the rest of the Disaster Curses learning to adapt and gain new facets to their cursed techniques. All of this led to him releasing his frustrations in one sentence that summarised his feelings about the situation.

"...Look I know this sounds Filthy rich coming from me, but your powers are Bullshit!" 

Having made his grievances known, Megumi calmed back down and looked at things from an objective standpoint. He came to the conclusion that continuing to fight Hanami as they are now could prove risky as it might take them too long to kill her while she's being protected by her shikigami.

"Maki, can you handle the six shikigami while I kill Hanami alone?" He asked, whispering in a very low tone, knowing that she would hear him.

"I dunno, can you kill her in the 2 minutes it'll take for me to kill them?" She answered, her confidence was evident in her tone of voice.

"Well duh."

"Then you have your answer."

Megumi nodded to his partner and disappeared from his place, reappearing before Hanami right as she finished draining the forest of energy.

The Special Grade sorcerer brought his hands together as soon as he arrived in front of the Disaster curse, and with burning cursed energy he started chanting. Hanami noticed what he was doing and immediately made her own hand sign and started chanting as well.

"Domain Expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden!"

"Domain Expansion: Ceremonial Sea of Light!"

Two separate Domain barriers formed immediately and started closing around them, beginning to trap them within their clashing Domains. 

The Ents tried to enter the Domain barriers in order to support their master, but were stopped by the veritable bulldozer that was Maki Zen'in, she shredded through the first Shikigami's body in an instant, stopping them from interfering.

The Domain barriers finished forming and collided against each other right as the insides of each Domain formed behind the forms of each fighter.

Hanami's Domain Expansion is a vibrant, surreal field of colourful flowers, with petals in every shade imaginable blanketing the ground. Tall, ethereal trees with twisted trunks and shimmering silver leaves rise in the distance. Above, the sky is a gradient of blues, with wispy clouds swirling gently, enhancing the dreamlike atmosphere.

[Image (In Discord)]

It stood in stark contrast to Megumi's Domain, the shadows within his Soul flooded outwards as if trying to devour everything in sight. 

They created an Ocean of neverending Void and in the very centre of the Domain stood its anchor, a Colossal Spinal Column from which sprouted countless branches born of Bone and Void, a fruit of which was formed at the end of each branch.

Then curiously without prompting, Ten of those countless Fruits shook in their place and fell down from their places into the Infinite Ocean of Shadows without any ceremony.

The Domain Clash between the two of the Domains began right afterwards, and at first the Domains seemed rather equal as neither pushed past each other. 

However, 3 seconds following the start of the Domain Clash, the Abyss formed of Megumi's Shadow started devouring the fantastical field of flowers that was born of Hanami's Innate Domain.

"Dammit! I'm going to lose the clash, I can't afford to take his Sure-Hit no matter what it is. I can't rely on my own Sure-Hit, I need to fire the Blast and make him lose some concentration!" Hanami said, speaking outwards in her panic to try and shift the tides of the Domain Clash into her favour.

However, what she didn't expect was for her words to cause her opponent to burst out in hysterical laughter.

"HAHAHA! How Bold of you to assume that my Sure-Hit hasn't already landed!" 

"Huh, wha-?" 


Hanami looked down at her chest only to find a claw of what must have been an amalgamation spearing her straight through her abdomen.

"B-But we were in a Domain C-Clash, how did you land a Sure-Hit?"

And then another amalgamation grabbed onto her body, this time it's limb was Pink and Orange.

"Correction, we are currently in a Domain Clash. You were a second too late in casting your Domain."

And then another, and another, and another.

"Or rather more Accurately, I'm just that much better at using Domains than you that I was able to expand my Domain and apply it's Sure-Hit before you could even form your own Domain Barrier."

Soon enough, Hanami's entire body was grappled and pierced by abominations of Nature. Her Domain had already crumbled apart behind her, leaving her behind to be Devoured by the endless Abyss of Fushiguro Megumi's 'Chimera Shadow Garden'.

[Image of the Fully Realised Domain (In Discord)]

"This is the Sure-Hit of my Domain Expansion, anyone struck by it is left completely helpless as I can insert any kind Shikigami, Merger or otherwise, into their own Shadows. Of course, the one struck by this Sure-Hit will have no idea of the Shikigami's existence as they will be 100% hidden from any Cursed Energy detection." Megumi explained, a malicious grin beginning to cover his face as he knew that his opponent was well and truly fucked.

"I can make any number of copies of a singular Shikigami, and use any number of them in a Merger as I'd like. The only limitation is that there can only be a Maximum of TEN Separate Entities implanted inside the shadows of other beings." He continued, not caring in the slightest as his opponent was starting to make headway in releasing herself from his Amalgamations' grasp.

"And here's the kicker, any Shikigami I implant within the shadows of whoever is hit by my Sure-Hit stay summoned indefinitely even after the Domain has ended." He laughed out, finding the hilarity in how ridiculous the effects of the Domain were.

And of course he still retains his ability to create as many shikigami as he wishes while the Domain is active as long as they aren't being inserted into an enemy's shadow. Along with that, he can still move freely and teleport throughout the Domain as he wishes.

The only limitation to this was his own ability to keep them summoned without draining too much cursed energy as they would be dismissed if he ever ran out or was knocked unconscious. 

Theoretically, as long as he could handle the Cursed Energy drain of doing so, he could summon Ten Mahoraga clones and place them in a target's shadow indefinitely and there would be no way for the target to ever know for sure.

'Granted, I had to trade away my ability to move other people around in my Domain. As well as foregoing my ability to drown others inside my 'Sea' of Shadows, not that it mattered as the truly strong wouldn't even be affected by it in the slightest.' Megumi considered, taking a moment to rub his chin in thought.

He snapped out of his introspection a few moments later and looked back towards the Disaster Curse, finding her to have almost broken out of the shikigami's grasp due to his inattention. 

She had gotten enough time to recover her cursed technique and used it to escape the grasp of the shikigami, jumping away. She expected to be attacked or hit by another wave of shikigami but was taken by surprise when all the amalgamations simply stared at her in waiting.

"Oh, right. Still need to kill you. Well, I have been meaning to try out another prospective Maximum Technique, so how 'bout it hm? I'll release you from my Domain and you use your strongest move." He offered casually, letting the subtle threat of simply annihilating her where she stood hang in the air should she refuse.

Megumi's 'Zen'in grin'™ could be subtly seen thanks to his still burning Azure irises from his Funeral Tiger Incarnation, he stood tall as he was framed by the blinding light reaching from the very top of his Domain that promised False Hope of Survival.

"Let's have a contest of firepower, no dodging between either side. And if you somehow manage to survive, I'll let you go." 

This offer caused Hanami to take pause, thinking it through and she realised that it was her only possible chance of survival at this point.

"I.. Very well Fushiguro Megumi, I accept your challenge." Hanami said, accepting his offer as she didn't have any other choice considering the ease at which her opponent had brought her to her knees a few seconds prior.

Megumi's Domain Barrier faded away, returning them both to the ground where they stood. It was now a broken shadow of its former self, showing the scars of a brutal battle. Looking up at the sky, he noticed that the Curtain had faded which means that Satoru had likely already gone to save the others.

"Oh? I thought you would have finished up with her by now after the Domain Clash, what happened?" Maki asked, she was currently sitting upon the destroyed remains of the Six Ents with naught but a scratch on her body.

"Don't worry about it, I just want to test something so I'm gonna let it use its strongest attack while I test out a new Maximum Technique I've been workshopping in my head." Megumi answered, allowing Hanami to absorb more energy from the nature around them.

"...So a Dick measuring contest?" 

"Well, if you have to put it like that, sure." Megumi shrugged before turning to the Disaster Curse. 

"I'll be watching from a bit further away in case your dumbassery catches up to you and you need to be bailed out. Have fun!" Maki called out as she walked away and jumped up to the top of a nearby cliffside with a single bound.

"Who does she think I am, Satoru?" He shook his head while walking towards the Disaster Curse, stopping a few feet away.

'With the Heavens Above as my witness, I Vow to never channel these flames of mine through Incarnation to hurt another soul unless they are to be used in this one following Maximum Technique and preceded by the following Chants. And in exchange they are forever thereafter enhanced leagues and bounds beyond their natural Maximum Potential.'

After completing his declaration of his Binding Vow, Megumi brought his hands up before activating his Max Elephant Incarnation, along with his already activated Incarnations of Tranquil Deer and Funeral Tiger. 

He slammed both his palms together with great force as golden sparks of electricity started flowing from his body into the palm of his hand, he then started chanting to enhance his attack even further and match the requirements of the Vow.

"Ancestors Horns…"

Hanami continued gathering up energy from the environment around her, so much so that everything within a 50 metre radius had turned dark and grey. The Flower on top of her shoulder had gathered enough energy that it would blind anyone that dared stare into its singularity of energy.

"Gjallarhorn Cry…"

Megumi pulled his hands apart, static electricity connecting both his palms together as a Crimson orb of flames coalesced in between his palm. More and more flames were drawn out of his hands and compressed further and further.

"Phoenix Embers!"

Hanami had finished her charge up time and had absorbed all of the possible energy within the entirety of nearby forest, turning it all into a monotonous wasteland where nothing would grow for generations.

Megumi had also completed his Chanting, within the palms of his hands was what could only be described as a Crimson Miniature Sun and within its centre was a single spark of Azure. It flowed from and back like a semi-liquid within his hands as it barely held its shape together due to the effect of the Golden Sparks.

'Born of Crimson Flames, Guided by Golden Lightning and Powered by Azure Soul…'

Hanami just fired her Beam, without not waiting for any words or signs to start, a ginormous beam of pure solar energy flying towards Megumi Fushiguro with enough power behind it to obliterate entire city blocks without any issue.

To this, all the special grade sorcerer did was grin slightly as he thought of the name he had chosen for this ability, a play on the name of another similar ability. Megumi then unclasped his hands from around the orb of flames and announced his attack's name to the heavens.

"Maximum Technique: Flashfire Grill."

For a moment the tiny Unstable Orb of Crimson Flames and Golden Lightning seemed to be overshadowed by the sheer size of the Beam of Energy it was faced with.

And then?

Then there was Light.


All one could hear was a high pitched ringing in your ears as it was simply impossible to see what was before you from the sheer amount of light produced, not even the wielder of the Heavenly Restriction was capable of keeping her eyes open to witness the Explosion of Apocalyptic proportions.


The sounds of ringing echoed in the ears of all present and still breathing, as the shockwave and sound created by the explosion would have shattered the eardrums of any Human alive.

After a minute, the dust and ashes settled, allowing one to view the Aftermath of the Explosion as it truly was; a scene of utter devastation. A massive crater, charred and smoking dominated the landscape, its edges jagged and uneven from the force of the blast. 

The ground surrounding it was fractured with deep cracks radiating outward, each one glowing with molten orange flames that flickered and hissed like a living being. The air was thick with the scent of scorched earth and the lingering heat of the crimson fire and golden electricity that had torn through the area.

Golden Sparks of Electricity ran along the ground, the residuals of their power being too strong to simply fade away this quickly. Similarly, almost ethereal-like patches of Azure flames were scattered around the crater, slowly burning away with the eternal power of remnant Soul.

And within the epicentre of the crater was one small Azure Orb of Flames, the last remnant of what used to be the Special Grade Disaster Curse 'Hanami'.

Quiet footsteps could be heard as from an ash cloud emerged Megumi Fushiguro, though he had won their clash, he had not escaped completely unscathed.

Despite, or rather because of the Overwhelming Power of his brand new Maximum Technique, he was not completely Immune to the effects of its Flames as they hard burned off his upper body's clothing and gave him first degree burns covering his chest.

However, the special grade sorcerer couldn't bring himself to care less as he had just simply activated his borrowed Reverse Cursed Technique and was mending together his body without even flinching from what must be agonising burns.

"Not a bad outcome, all things considered. Will definitely have to watch out for the backlash of the flames the next time I use it." He muttered under his breath. "I'm also now pretty low on Cursed Energy reserves so I should probably keep that in mind, can't be a one shot wonder after all."

"...Although, should probably keep it as a last case scenario, this amount of property damage would make Sukuna Blush." Megumi chuckled to himself as he looked around at the marred battlefield, he doubted if the forest would ever recover from the amount of damage it endured.

He had deactivated all his Incarnations except Tranquil Deer to conserve energy as soon as the explosion settled down and so he summoned Funeral Tiger by his side, the Shikigami understood the silent order when it was summoned and immediately called the remnants of 'Hanami' to himself.

As Megumi Fushiguro watched the Azure Flames on his Divine Tiger's back burn greater and greater, before firing up into a Blazing Inferno which threatened to blot out the sun, a giant grin covered his face from ear to ear.

And then, he said but one word.



700 Power Stones = Extra Chapter.

Author's Note:

*Sniff Sniff* Do y'all smell that? 

I think that's the smell of Binding Vows and Overpowered Domains!

Or it could also be the smell of Hanami's ashes, who knows? :3


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Next Chapter Title: OH! THAT'S A BASEBALL!!

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