
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Its all about drive

The next day Saigo stood behind a door dressed in colours of red and black. After many trials and tribulations, the boy finally managed to arrive at his first class.

The door was knocked on twice as a sign of permission to enter.

It didn't take long for him to identify the most noticeable people in the room. The first was a woman with snow-white hair that disturbingly reminded him of Owari followed by a much smaller orange-haired boy next to her. He felt he had seen these people somewhere but he just couldn't figure it out. The next was another boy similar to him in height with blonde hair and blue eyes but what was more unique about him was the sheathed greatsword that rested next to him. And finally, there was the person he had met much more recently. It was the woman whose room he had walked into the other day. Her brown hair which matched her eyes reached not that long past her shoulders. Akumu could feel her staring daggers into him.

The teacher's glasses rested on his nose hiding his yellow eyes which matched the colors of his tied-up hair, despite wearing a pure white lab coat his chiseled and toned chest muscles were exposed. His sleeves were rolled back which exposed his thick arms coated in thin lines of blonde hair. He introduced himself as Yasei Omo the main teacher for class 1-A for the Jujutsu school. He promptly asked Saigo to introduce himself to the class.

Not that long after introductions he was promptly sat in between a fish-eyed boy and the other with the greatsword.

Omo was currently giving a history lesson which Akumu found pretty ironic. He was teaching about the two great clans which the jujutsu world in Japan centers around. The Gojo and Kamo clan.

After the end of the lesson, the fish-eyed student decides to introduce himself to Saigo.

"My name is Zen'in Hagone," he said embarrassingly.

"Since your new, I will try my best to show you around here since you already have missed six months' worth of school."

Saigo nodded silently.

"You not much of a talker huh?" He quickly got closer and whispered into his ear "I heard you managed to get a peek at Yukiko's figure"

Saigo was confused at first but putting two and two together he figured out that the person he was talking about was the brown-haired girl from earlier in the classroom. He immediately blushed and screamed:

"IT WAS JUST A MISUNDERSTANDING" before promptly getting slapped on the back of his head by her.

Yukiko seemingly appearing out of nowhere quickly challenges Akumu to what she calls a ranked battle in 1 month.

The confused Akumu asked," What are those?"

Hagone quickly explains, "They are battles that can boost or decrease your ranking in the school depending on if you win or lose. They are meant to be fought to show off one's strength outside of the compulsory exorcism missions."

Then Yukiko loudly spoke over him, "We will also have a binding vow invoked on the fight, the loser has to become the slave of the winner for a whole month so be prepared" 

Without giving a chance for Akumu to decline the offer the woman hurriedly rushes off.

All the female students looked away from Akumu in disgust while the male students could only watch with jealousy. Sensing the tension Hagone hurriedly drags Saigo away from the scene.

Later that day

Hagone brings Akumu to an empty dojo room that rested just outside the school. A single old lady had sat kneeling towards a wall filled with a variety of cursed tools. Akumu struggled to sense her cursed energy. Even the strongest of sorcerers could only suppress so much of their power. So when he took a look at this woman he wondered how powerful of a person she was really. It was then Hagone called out "Grandma?"

The old lady then awakened from her slumber. Her old gray hair was tied up neatly in a bun as she wore a black kimono.

She then spoke, "So you brought a friend today?"

"He is a new student who transferred over from that destroyed school," Hagone responded.

The old lady then turned towards Akumu. She quickly got up and closed the distance between the two at incomprehensible speeds. The shocked Akumu quickly took a step back, despite her old age she was quite agile. This made more questions in his mind stir as to who this woman really was. The old lady finally spoke.

"You're too skinny, your reaction time is slow and it doesn't seem like you would last long in a fight either" 

Her harsh and criticizing words struck Akumu in all directions.

"But this surely isn't all you have is it?", she asked.

 Saigo responded, " I may be weak now but surely there is room for me to grow stronger, after all, that is why you brought me here right Hagone?"

The Old woman smiled and commanded the two to have a mock battle with each other to see what Akumu could do.

The rules went as follows:

No cursed energy and techniques. This was purely a fight of strength and ability.

The two boys stood within a sumo ring facing off against each other in fighting stances.

"Te wo tsuite1" the old woman shouted

The two men quickly dash at each other. Saigo goes in first however and manages to swing a full left hook at him. Yet almost instantly Hagone grabs onto the attacking arm and throws him out of the ring and into the nearby wall. The fight lasted a whole 1 minute.

The old woman made a sigh of disappointment before covering her eyes in embarrassment. The shocked Akumu had severely underestimated Hagone because of his appearance.