
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

His Unordinary Life

Saigo slowly returns to reality only to find himself glued to the sheets of a hospital bed. He takes a look at his surroundings only to find himself to be the only one present in the room. As he got up he removed the IV plugs and ventilator that pulled air into his lungs and tried to further explore the area.

When he looked out a nearby window he saw a large empty court field that felt familiar to the now healed boy. It was a view he had seen many times yet he couldn't quite remember where he witnessed it.

His body ached from being in bed for what seemed to be almost a Century yet either way he felt wells of cursed energy flow through him. He could feel it deep down that he was different than before, it was as if he was being exposed to a version of him that had been hidden from him. It was also at that moment that he remembered what had happened to the school.. and Dojima.

"Dojima..", Saigo whispered. 

Tear droplets slowly fell from his eyes. He had never gotten a proper opportunity to mourn over his friend's death but now that he had some time to himself he slowly began to remember the times he had spent with his fallen companion.

And as if to break the silence the doors swung open and a single lady had walked into the room. She wore a long white unbuttoned lab coat with a grey shirt tucked underneath. Her hair was blond and messy yet she possessed a decently sized bosom. 

In shock from seeing who was meant to be a sleeping patient on the floor, she dropped all the notes and documents she was carrying from surprise.

After a while, the woman was able to clean up her mess and introduced herself as Jihi Asushi a doctor for the Tokyo Jujutsu Tech Academy.

"I have other stuff to deal with so I'm going to summarize this as best as I can. You have been trapped in a coma for the last 6 months. I have been able to fix and restore your body to its normal state with reverse cursed technique but that had already occurred a month after that battle."

Before Jihi could finish her summary owari loudly breaks into the room. 

"Jihi-chan~, let's talk for a bit~"

Gojos' demeanor immediately breaks upon seeing the conscious Akumu. He clears his throat quickly and immediately addresses him. Jihis' embarrassment immediately gets ahold of her as she quickly escapes the room.

"So it seems that you're recovering nicely"

"My body is still a bit limp but I should be back to normal after a week", Akumu responded.

"That's great then, So I will assume you're already aware you're the sole survivor of that incident?" Owari asked.

However, Akumus' face quickly went dark as he was still shaken from the experience. This was the second time he had felt a shock as great as this in his life.

"Akumu-kun. As of next week when you are discharged, you are gonna be enrolled here at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech."

"But why? I wasn't capable enough before. so what changed?", he asked.

"You have caught the attention of several influential figures in the jujutsu world. For starters that man, Senjuro had been attracted towards you. He is the terrorist responsible for the Shibuya power plant incident 7 years ago as well as the current leader of the star religious group(src)."

shocked Akumu responded, "But how can that be? Wasn't the incident at the plant an accident? I was told it was stray cursed spirits attracted to Tengen that killed my mother."

Gojo replied, "It wasn't cursed spirits but rather an organized terrorist attack that was covered up. If such news made it to the public it would show our weakness in national security to other nations. Countries like America, China, and the newly united Korea would see it as an opportunity to strike at us. After all, we have the largest supply of cursed energy in the world thanks to that Plant."

This was the third time Akumus' world had been shaken. He didn't remember much about his mother. Only that she used to work for the Shibuya Cursed Energy production plant(SCEPP) until the attack there 7 years ago took her life. Since That day his father had never been the same and it wasn't long until seven months had passed when he too had died in the war against Russia.

"I, unfortunately, cannot tell you any more than this. However, if you ever do desire to learn more, then get stronger to the point where you can defeat Senjuro. I'm already sure he is going to come back for you one day since he came for you personally. He rarely ever leaves that criminal island of his. Any how talk to you later?"

Owari Gets up and exits the room to leave Akumu alone with his thoughts. His Akumu now united with a new truth of his mother's death feels more rage towards the stitch-headed sorcerer. With renewed strength, he swears to himself that he will kill that man no matter what.

A week now passes by

The nuisance of an alarm clock repeated noisily until it was quickly silenced by the young man's fist. The morning followed with the sound of a stray cat fight occurring outside and the noisy neighbor hushing them both down. Saigo Akumu was an unordinary boy who lived an eventful life in his country of Japan. His routine followed:

Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and go to school.

This was a routine he followed strictly without fail which he did so diligently for the last time. Every day before he leaves he makes sure to pray to his parents makura kazari and lights incense before he leaves.

As he peddles on his bike he pays attention to the great landmark that was a natural occurrence to him and many people. The New Tokyo Jujutsu High represents the power of this country and its people. A place where the soldiers of the country are trained to fight both curses and people alike who may misuse that power for evil. It was the place his father once taught and now, his new home.

 Once upon a time, Saigo Akumu had great dreams of going to that school and becoming a powerful sorcerer who could protect his people from invaders but after that terrible night 7 years ago he completely lost the courage to fight again. But with his newfound powers and the promise he had made to Dojima his lost passion had been relit for a new chapter in his life to begin!

many new characters will be introduced next chapter as well another lore bomb

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