
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

His Ordinary Life


The nuisance of an alarm clock repeated noisily until it was quickly silenced by the young man's fist. The morning followed with the sound of a stray cat fight occurring outside and the noisy neighbor hushing them both down. Saigo Akumu was an ordinary boy who lived an ordinary life in his country of Japan. His routine followed:

Wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and go to school.

This was a routine he followed strictly without fail and he intended too diligently. Every day before he leaves he makes sure to pray to his parents makura kazari1 and lights incense before he leaves.

As he peddles on his bike he pays attention to the great landmark that is now a natural occurrence to him and many people. The New Tokyo Jujutsu High represents the power of this country and its people. A place where the soldiers of the country are trained to fight both curses and people alike who may misuse that power for evil. And the place where his father once taught.

 Once upon a time, Akumu had great dreams of going to that school and becoming a powerful sorcerer that could protect his people from invaders but after that terrible night 7 years ago he completely lost the courage to fight again.

Not long after arriving at school, he is greeted with a great pat on the back by his best and only friend Dojima Misoto.

"Still as gloomy as ever Saigo-kun2", he said cheerfully.

"That doesn't stop me from coming to this sad sack of a place sadly", he responded.

As they headed into school they both noticed that their fellow students seemed to have completely stopped talking taking into their presence. The two boys both came from a line of new-gen sorcerers so seeing them in a normal school made them outcasts of society to the point that even their juniors would make fun of them. While this nightmare brought Akumu down Misoto's determination to do better than them only burned brightly. Then one of the students finally spoke up.

"It's the Yobiko3", whispered a junior

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU LITTLE-" but Akuma quickly cuts him off and drags him away screaming.

The first bell rings so Akumu and Misoto quickly split off to arrive at their separate lessons.

Akumus' History teacher quickly gave a short lesson on the history of jujutsu in recent times as the students quickly flipped through their textbooks.

"100 years ago a great battle took place over the territory once known as Shibuya to decide the fate of humanity. The great Deity Tengen Was sealed away in that land and is now used as a power source for all of Tokyo blah blah blah blah" 

The rambling of the teacher was eventually drowned by the drowsiness of Akumu who slowly fell to sleep however it was then he noticed a peculiar man standing outside his school gates.

He wore a discrete yet simple outfit. A long black jacket covered his body and a pair of Western sunglasses rested across his eyes but what was eye-catching about him was the line of stitching that rested across his forehead.

In that short moment, the two had made eye contact however akumus' instincts told him that the person he saw just now was bad news.

"What on earth are you looking at Akumu-san"

However, as he rushed to point to the entity outside the man had long disappeared. The whole classroom erupted into laughter to mock the person they saw as a failure to act as brazenly as he did. Akumu was bullied and looked down upon as a failure of the school as he was meant to be attending Tokyo Jujutsu tech however after being discovered to possess below-average cursed energy reserves and no cursed technique of his own he was rejected admission for simply not having any future potential or prospects in sorcery.

Among the cheerful laughter and insults that the boy received an ear piercing scream echoed through the school.

Next chapter the action starts and the story starts picking up its pace.

This story follows the events of jujutsu kaisen up to chapter 253. Everything past that chapter is purely fan-fiction

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