
Jujutsu Kaisen: Mahou

Before the famous Satoru Gojo, Five years ago in the same Gojo Clan, A child would be born who would inevitably be destined to be the ruler of the Jujutsu World as we know. ((Jujutsu Kaisen AU))

Mahoraga · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Surprise Guest

As the scene currently unfolded. Koya fell to her knees as she had another revelation. The same as when she firsted looked him in his eyes. It was a glimpse of the future.

Little did she know, not only did the two men come with her, but also two spies as well. The moment those fools passed out, the spies notified the Head Gojo immediately. He was so furious that he himself decided to personally visit the scene and as Mahou was about to approach closer to Koya, from the sky the Head landed beside Koya and grabbed her by her hair with a furious and disappointed look.

"You devil!" He would shout at her. He was then startled when a hand grabbed his wrist and when he saw who it was, it was Mahou who was more than 10 feet away at the time. This immediately made the Head become alert as this speed was immaculate.

"I suggest you not to do that" Mahou would say in somehow a way that doesn't sound threatening but just as threatening at the same time. As the man looked at Mahou, Mahou on the other hand didn't bat him an eye and only looked at his mother.

"Your arrogance disgusts me "

The man would say as he let's go of Koya's hair and then formed his hands in a specific seal. Mahou would let go surprised and curious to see what stunt his so called grandfather would pull...and then

"Domain Expansion: Pack Call "

(Why is this man popping a domain expansion on an 11 year old???)

Immediately, trapping himself, Mahou and Koya in a perfect sphere. The surrounding would change to a snowy like setting.

Koya would remain stuck. As she now watches her father open a domain expansion on her son, she was stuck between sides as she didn't know what to do. Thinking of the revelation she had, a part of her told her that maybe this was what needed to be done to save the world. But another part of her much more deep down also knew, that maybe this world will be claimed by Mahou and the revelation she had was the truth.

"He cannot possibly call himself a member of the Gojo Family. He would stain our family look and reputation just with existence." The father would yap a bit as I guess he was trying to justify his overdramatic reaction. It was more likely due to fear of the sheer speed that Mahou showcased in the blink of an eye and silently too. Maybe the Head Gojo felt like the only way to be able to actually hit his opponent was through the auto-hit of his domain.

He'd reach his arms out and many glaring red eyes started forming in the shadows of the snowy trees. Mahou on the other hand still stood with his hands in his pocket and observed what was going on. Suddenly, many giant black demonic like wolves started rampaging from out of the shadows and towards Mahou. Mahou simply stood there and the Gojo Family Head would smirk as he thought the kid was done for.

But then all of his confidence would evaporate as he could see the demonic wolves dissipating against the force of an invisible like barrier as they crashed into it.


The Head would stutter but Mahou would smirk once more and say

"Don't be surprised now! The party just got started" as he then suddenly jet dashed towards the man while charging his fist which was imbued with his reverse cursed technique limitless red and although the man was agile enough to block with his arms, the repelling effect of limitless red added on to Mahou's immense strength would send the man flying high speed and crashing out of his own domain and breaking it.

Koya looked up at Mahou, with slight fear and shock. Not only was he born with Six Eyes that was out of this world in advancements but he also inherited Limitless making him get another Legend to the Gojo Family as one born with both Six Eyes and Limitless only occurs once a thousand years. This automatically made him Special Grade but from the feat he had just demonstrated, being able to punch someone out of their own domain...

Maybe special grade was a down statement for where the class of Mahou's power actually stood in the Jujutsu Society.

The Head would stand up from the devastation and stare at Mahou with fear at the knew discovery of his Infinity but he still shown determination and rushed at him.

"Oh? Still have will to fight" Mahou would say jokingly as he also decided to rush at the man and allowed each other to have a clash of fists but unexpectedly the Head pulled off a Black Flash in that moment, allowing him to match the power of Mahou. The man was shocked because this then made him realize that if he hadn't done that Black Flash then he would have been destroyed in that moment. Mahou at the same time smirked

"I guess you aren't so worthless?"

Mahou would compliment before quickly going into a quick and immediate spin around the fist and sending a spinning side kick to the mans liver. Not only was it imbued with limitless red just like the last attack but he also did this in a split second of a second to trigger a Black Flash as well. The attack was devastating and once again the Head was ragdolled by the sheer power and ability of Mahou.

He was flung into a random building with blanked out eyes.