
Jujutsu Kaisen: Lost

He finds a cursed spirit in his living room. In this one very normal morning, his life will be turned upside down. Follow his story starting from the day he gets transported into the world of curses, a parallel world of the famous series Jujutsu Kaisen. --------- A Fan-Fic story based on the series JuJutsu Kaisen. Beware that although the story will use information taken right from the series, the world itself is not the exact copy of the series hence the word 'parallel'. His very existence in the world is already affecting everything due to the butterfly effect. -------- All works of Jujutsu Kaisen and other possible works mentioned in the story is not owned by the author.

Xekken_Quade · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Unknown to Nanami, Michael has been lost in thought ever since he walked out of the apartment.

No, ever since he picked up 'his' phone.

His eyes glued to the phone on his hands. It was an older version of his phone, he had one just like it years ago. The wallpaper is different, not to mention that it says the password is wrong when he tries to open it. Not only this, but he doesn't recognize the outside of his apartment. But the most important thing is the date on the phone! It says June, 2018....!?!





These are all just some of the various feelings Michael is going through this moment.

'It's like the apartment got teleported to the world of Jujutsu Kaisen? No.... wait... this shirt, why does it seem newer? The shoe rack had different shoes too... What else is different? Remember it god dammit! Why am I only noticing this now?!'

"Michael-san, please remain inside the vehicle. I will go exorcise these curses." Nanami unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. He pulls out his signature weapon, a blunt sword covered in dotted bandages. Looking back at Michael inside the car, he says, "please try to put your trust in me- no, in us."

Michael, who has been lost in thought, looks up to Nanami and nods affirming to him.

'It's not like I have any choice right now. If I'm gonna look for answers, Jujutsu High is a good place to start aside from that apartment.'

Nanami, slowly walking over to the curses, has already started to plan how to exorcise the curses as quickly as possible.

'More curses will come the longer we stay at one spot. Even though I don't like pushing myself, the faster I finish this, the better.'


Solely from the force of his first step, Nanami cracked the hard asphalt under his foot.


Michael, who is carefully looking from inside the car only noticed a blurred figure rushing towards the curses.

'Ratio Technique!'

Ratio Technique: An innate jujutsu of Nanami which creates a weak spot visible among ten lines on a target. Striking the line at seven to three will effectively deal more damage.

*Slice* *Ziiing* *Woosh*

*The sound of curses burning and disappearing*

In one assault Nanami finished the battle and exorcised all three curses simultaneously.

"Damm, that's so cool."

'I can't help being amazed seeing all this in real life even though I'm in this shitty position, or maybe.... lucky instead....?'

Nanami coming back into the car, "I hope that show was enough to put you at ease, even by a little bit."

Evidently, the jujutsu sorcerer noticed the rollercoaster of emotions Michael has been going through ever since they met.


Perhaps it was his imagination, but Michael, if asked in this moment, will certainly say an ominous sound is playing inside his head.

A pressure unlike anything he has experienced before falls down on his being. As if his heart was grasped by a hand gripping so tightly he could die any second if it gripped any harder.


A laugh accompanying the pressure echoes in the surroundings. Even after seeing Nanami's display of strength, Michael is not confident that he can exorcise this curse. Both of them are confident that it's a Special Grade cursed spirit, no, they can bet their lives that it's a special grade.

Even Nanami, who is usually calm, is unnerved by the emergency they find themselves in.

'Damm, even a special grade got lured into here? I don't know if I can protect Michael-san and fight it at the same time! When is that guy gonna come? I gave him a message as soon as Ijichi-san called me and he even---'

"Ho~~?That's an interesting jujutsu ya got there, Michael-kun."


Out of nowhere a, white-haired man with a black blindfold appears on the seat beside Michael. If the man didn't have a blindfold and his eyes could be seen, Michael would note that he's being stared at very intently. The man's presence near them put both Nanami and Michael at ease even if a Special Grade Cursed Spirit is close by.

"Gojo-san, I'm sure you already know this but more and more of them are coming."

"Yes~ yes~, I Gojo Satoru will be your chaperone. Nice to meet you, Michael-kun, I'll see you at the school, okay? Hehehe."

With that, Gojo vanishes from the car and Nanami continues to drive towards the school.

"Umm, Nanami-san what did he say to me just now?"

"He says nice to meet you and that he will see you at school."

'See me at school... wait, see me at school?? Is that what I think he meant? I'm kinda hoping that's what he meant....'


A reverberating sound crashes Michael's ears just as the car leaves the area, signaling that the battle between two special grades have started.

'The strongest huh....'

A thought and an ambitious idea that makes his blood boil passes through Michael's mind. However, this thought gets doused rapidly once he remembered his current situation.

Michael thought the rest of the car ride would be peaceful, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer is here now after all....



All of a sudden, a thundering force hits the car, the feeling of weightlessness registers in Michael's brain, then darkness.


'What... happened...?'

Michael, struggling to open his eyes becomes aware of the chaos around him through his five senses.

The metallic taste of blood in his mouth and the ringing in his ears.

Pain all over his body and the lingering smell of blood in the air.

Opening his eyes and looking at his surroundings, Michael lays his eyes not on the greatness of jujutsu sorcerers exorcising curses, but on bodies motionless on the sidewalk.

Dead people... They lay on their own pool of blood. Twisted body parts and innards litter the road.

A scene of gore not even horror movies can hope to portray decorate every single thing.

"Guahk." *hik* *hik*

Vomit comes out of his mouth, tears stream down his face and cold sweat cover his body.


'This is the real world.'

'People die'.

'I could die...'

'Just like earlier in the apartment, I could have died.'

'Did I forget so easily? No, I just glossed over it.'

Concrete continuous to shatter. The sound of glass breaking, the grating of metal bending under tension and the deafening blasts of air as objects move at breakneck speed, a new world for Michael M. Marshal.

'Lucky..? Hilarious.'

A new Michael comin' right up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Xekken_Quadecreators' thoughts