
Jujutsu Kaisen: Lost

He finds a cursed spirit in his living room. In this one very normal morning, his life will be turned upside down. Follow his story starting from the day he gets transported into the world of curses, a parallel world of the famous series Jujutsu Kaisen. --------- A Fan-Fic story based on the series JuJutsu Kaisen. Beware that although the story will use information taken right from the series, the world itself is not the exact copy of the series hence the word 'parallel'. His very existence in the world is already affecting everything due to the butterfly effect. -------- All works of Jujutsu Kaisen and other possible works mentioned in the story is not owned by the author.

Xekken_Quade · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


"I saw everything. Stop the act."

'His jujutsu seems really strong but it has an obvious weakness, physical touch. From the apartment, the curse touched his hair and it died. Now it seemed like he sucked all of the cursed energy from Ijichi-san, why did he faint though? Did he do something else—'

"What are you talking about? What act? I didn't do anything!"

"Really? Did you forget that you showed me your jujutsu in the apartment earlier?"

"Jujutsu? You're the one who took care of the curse back in the apartment, by the time I turned around you already killed the damm thing."

'He doesn't seem like he's lying. If he meant to do all of this, knocking out Nanami-san would have been better. But he had enough chances to touch Nanami-san back in the car while he was driving. Did he think Nanami-san is too strong for him? Nanami-san did put on a show with killing three curses, I don't know, Argh!' Wait, why did he dodge Nue? Doesn't his jujutsu absorb curse energy? If so, then my shikigami shouldn't be any threat to him. Damm, if I only got here sooner. This is not the time for this.'

Fushiguro continues to be suspicious of Michael since he was the only person who saw the jujutsu activate twice now for that matter. Unknown to the both of them, a certain white haired man with a blind fold, has also seen the act as Fushiguro called it.

The abrupt flow of cursed energy and activation of one unique jujutsu did not escape his perception even in the middle of battle. An event which only motivated him further to finish the fight earlier. All in order to start inspecting and experimenting in detail with the jujutsu he has never seen before. Nanami, who was also fighting nearby saw his sudden hurry to finish the fight, as a sign of even more curses coming over. Thus the man who has been pushing his limits already, doubled his efforts. A choice he would regret in the near future.

The man, Satoru Gojo, who just started cooperating with Nanami to fight the second special grade, after exorcising everything else, started a conversation in the heat of battle.

"Nanami, what do you guys know about Michael-kun's jujutsu?"

*Boom* *Crack*

The curse is pounded into the ground.

"Only what Fushiguro-kun saw in the apartment, he absorbs cursed energy extremely fast with physical contact."


Another limb of the curse flies into the air. It falls to the ground making squishy sounds.

"Did you know that it's always active?"

"Always active!? Would that not fry his brain?"

Finally, the curse burns away and disappears. Its strength unable to measure up to the two sorcerers. The only evidence of it's existence is another special grade cursed object, Ryomen Sukuna's Finger among the destroyed environment.

Picking up the finger from the ground, Gojo excitedly says, "I thought so too, but now that I thought about it for some time, there's another possibility..."

'I have to look at him again to make sure though.'

"Lets go before the two new classmates try to kill each other."

"Classmates, you intend to enroll him into Jujutsu High. For once a good idea comes out of you."

"Whadya mean Nanami~kun?

"I mean what I say."

"You're gonna hurt my feelings like that."

"I do not care for your feelings."

While the two walks toward Michael and Fushiguro, they hear and see a certain calling of Divine Dogs. The chant signaling that a user of Ten Shadows Technique summoned his shikigami.

Hearing this, Nanami's first reaction was to run over and stop the two. However, the man beside him, put his hands over his shoulder and held him back.

"What are you doing Gojo-san, I thought we were gonna stop them from killing each other."

"Let me explain, there's no hurry right now, if I'm right Megumi's shikigami won't do anything to Michael."

"Wait, uhh, let me think, can't is a better word. Lets watch and we can get in before someone dies."

"Aren't there curses coming over right now as well?"

"Nope, I don't see anything coming and we can borrow a ride once the police gets here."

"Teleporting us all would do the trick."

"That's a great idea Nanami-kun except there's a certain person with a jujutsu absorbing cursed energy, see that guy over there? and wanna guess how my teleportation works?"

"We can't exactly leave him and go to the school by ourselves."

While the two professional sorcerers watch from a distance. The fight has started again between Michael and Fushiguro.

Michael is continuously diving and rolling on the ground avoiding the assault of the bird. His injuries get worse at every movement. The fears of being permanently disabled in his right leg has already appeared in his mind. Continually thinking of a way to stop the teenager from attacking him or fighting back, Michael has already forgotten that he is now in a world of fantasy where magic capable of healing exists, namely reverse cursed technique.

Reverse Cursed Technique (Healing): a process to turn the destructive factor of cursed energy into a healing one. By multiplying two negatives resulting in a positive, an energy capable of-but not limited to healing is created.

On the other side, Fushiguro is also in a state of hurry, his mind in turmoil. His only solution is to incapacitate Michael and drag him to the school believing that making the man unconscious will make his jujutsu unable to be used. The thought of more curses being attracted here pushes his actions to pursue Michael in an ever increasing speed with his shikigami. In the fight, he distances himself from Michael, avoiding physical contact, a feat easily achieved due to the man's broken leg.

After another dive to escape the clutches of a bird, Michael accidentally puts weight on his barely hanging leg.



At last the leg that was already in a terrible state after the crash has been under constant pressure, leading it this inevitable state. His fibula and tibia splits into many pieces, a chunk of it visible from the outside, piercing his fragile skin, making way for blood to flow through.

Once again it should be noted that Michael lived an average life in the twenty first century. A time when all the needs of a person is provided without danger to oneself. Contributing to society is all a person needs to supplement themselves.

Although pain is one of the major things occupying his mind at this moment, another emotion finally erupts from him, rage. Not to mention that anger is not the only emotion Michael has gone through since the morning started. The metaphorical lid of his bottled up anger can no longer hold on after all this time.

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