

POV - Amano Haruko

Without giving up Kazuhiko kept learning more about barrier techniques.

Each time I saw him, he used a different hand sign and different chants to create barriers.

"Rise from shadows, blacker than night, A dark power, prepared to ignite Impure intentions, twisted and vile A force to be reckoned with, all the while.

In the depths of darkness, it lurks and waits A malevolent presence, sealing fates With eyes that gleam with malice and spite It seeks to spread its darkness, to smother the light.

But even in the darkest of nights, There is always a glimmer of hope, a spark that ignites A light that shines through the shadows and gloom To banish the darkness, to dispel the doom.

So rise, oh brave souls, stand tall and strong For in the face of darkness, you truly belong With courage and strength, you'll conquer the night And banish the shadows, restore the light."

As I watched Kazuhiko trying to create a barrier, I couldn't help but smile, despite knowing that his attempts would fail.

His chants seemed too weak to form any protection.

Nonetheless, I didn't discourage him; instead, I encouraged him to keep trying. 

When Susumu asked Kazuhiko to join us for dinner, he declined, saying that he was busy trying to create a new barrier.

Susumu and I were amazed by how dedicated Kazuhiko was to learning.

We decided to buy him some sweets and pudding on our way back.

However, when we returned, we found something beyond our wildest dreams.

Kazuhiko was sitting in the middle of the hall, with eight talismans floating around him because of the sheer amount of cursed energy.

He chanted, "Summon dark forces from the depths below, rise with my cursed energy's glow, bind the evil spirit that roams near, and create a barrier to keep it clear." 

After he finished chanting, the eight talismans went in different directions, forming an octagon-shaped barrier around him.

A transparent barrier had formed.


Kazuhiko created a new type of barrier from scratch!

How did he do that?

When I looked at my husband his face also showed the same reaction as mine.

This was simply absurd!

"Mom, Dad, you arrived! Look I found out why my chanting was not working all this time. In default chanting there was a part of the presetting the shape and mechanism to borrow the power from someone or something. Once I removed that part, I could now channel my barrier with talismans as a medium. Dad tries to punch this barrier..."

I couldn't understand anything at all.

What does he mean by 'removing that part'?

My husband was the first one to react, he punched that barrier by channeling his cursed energy all over his fist.


Some of the cracks were formed on the barrier but not enough to weaken them!

Even though that punch was nowhere near Susumu's real strength, Kazuhiko's barrier was able to withstand his attack!

It was blocking a physical attack!

"This barrier was at least strong enough to withstand grade-two curse's attacks for some time!"

"Isn't it amazing?!"

"Yup, it's fantastic!..."

Again, these two are getting carried away...

Does Susumu even understand what our son did? 

The default barrier technique Kazuhiko spokes was directly taught by lord Tengen to all the Jujutsu sorcerers for the sake of humanity.

The chant has a connection to lord Tengen by using that, lord Tengen could bestow greater strength on the barriers of the people he wanted, like the assistant managers of Jujutsu High.

Lord Tengen's shrine itself is the base of all their barriers across Japan.

The part Kazuhiko removed was the connection that his barrier had with lord Tengen.

Kazuhiko completed his barrier from scratch without any external help!

Kazuhiko determined the structure, properties, and range all by himself!

Something like this was only possible for those old fossils who were rotting away in three big families.

Just by showcasing this barrier alone, Kazuhiko can meet Lord Tengen and receive his guidance.

Even the geezer who taught me my techniques couldn't able to meet Lord Tengen directly.

If the Zenin or Gojo family came to be aware of Kazuhiko...


I didn't even want to imagine that at all.

Kazuhiko looked at me with his innocent eyes as if asking what I thought of his barrier.

"N-not bad... I guess..."

His eyes sparkled.

I could sense my husband's rolling eyes behind my back.

After we found ourselves alone, he inquired, "Why didn't you acknowledge the truth when it was right in front of your eyes? Kazuhiko is undeniably gifted..."

Susumu tenderly embraced me and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, comforting me in the process.

"...It's solely because of those eyes... the child cannot construct a fresh barrier from scratch... It must be due to those cursed eyes..."

"No, that's not true... it has nothing to do with the six-eyes, Haruko..."


I stared at him in confusion.

What did he mean?!

"During my time as a member of the Gojo family, I kept a close eye on Gojo Satoru. Those jerks often looked down on me, but occasionally they would assign me important tasks like protecting the user of six eyes. Although I hadn't been watching over him for long, one thing was crystal clear to me. Gojo Satoru could only imitate our barrier techniques after seeing them once, unlike Kazuhiko who could create new ones from scratch. And to top it off, Gojo Satoru had the potential to surpass all previous users of Six Eyes..."

"I mean, like, just say what you wanted to say, okay?"

"Ugh, I wanted to mention how skilled Kazuhiko was at making barrier techniques. And that's not even factoring in Six Eyes. With the right training, he could make a name for himself as one of the best barrier creators out there. Maybe he could even outshine Lord Tengen when it comes to barrier techniques..."

"Ahh!... Have you lost your mind... It's just a single weak barrier."

I couldn't help but laugh at my husband's incredible optimism.


Author's Note:

Greetings, dear readers! I hope you're doing well and are immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work.

As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves.

If you enjoy this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life.

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Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you.

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