
Jujutsu Kaisen: Game Changer

As the former blood lord, now reborn into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, he found himself in possession of the sacred dharma treasure known as the blood lotus from his past life. In the fetal stage, he made the bold decision to sacrifice the blood lotus, a decision that would forever alter his destiny. By doing so, he forcefully awakened two bloodline talents within himself: the Six Eyes and the Ten Shadow Techniques. The Six Eyes, a rare and powerful ability, granted him enhanced perception and insight, allowing him to see the true nature of curses and their weaknesses, and bestowed the ability to manipulate and control cursed energy with unparalleled precision. However, this awakening came with a consequence. He became the second user of the Six Eyes in the same era, a situation that was not supposed to occur. To complicate matters further, he was born as the son of a member of the Gojo clan and a mother from the Zenin clan. Both clans were renowned for their powerful jujutsu techniques and bloodline abilities, also odds with each other. However, his parents lacked any talent in the realm of jujutsu and managed to escape the clutches of their respective families through different means. This made him an anomaly, a child born into two prestigious bloodline talents. Despite his troubled past and the weight of his bloodline, the former blood lord yearned for a peaceful existence with a loving family. He despised the violence and chaos that had defined his previous life and sought solace in the embrace of a normal life. However, the world of Jujutsu Kaisen was far from peaceful. It was a world plagued by curses, where danger lurked at every corner. How far he can go with his Six eyes and the ten shadow techniques instead of the Limitless technique? *** Greetings, dear readers! I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work. As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves. If you find yourself enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life. To make supporting this fanfic easier for you, I have provided a link below. By clicking on it, you will be directed to a Patreon platform where you can contribute and become a part of this creative journey. Your support will not only help me in completing this fanfic but also allow me to explore new ideas and collaborate with all of you, my amazing readers. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you. Link: [patreon.com/LostSoul420FanficWriter]

Lost_Soul420 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Forceful awakening

It may seem illogical, but he couldn't come up with any other explanation.

While attempting to connect with his Mother through the umbilical cord, he discovered that she did not possess any special abilities; she appeared to be an ordinary individual with no cultivation.

'Have I truly been born into a mortal family? Absolutely...'

He couldn't contain his joy upon realizing that his parents were simply ordinary mortals, not cultivators.

He was tired of all the cultivation nonsense from his past life.

He had no desire to engage in battles, theft, or being constantly on the run like he used to.

All he wanted now was to live peacefully and happily with his new family, free from the eternal struggle.

He planned to marry, have children, raise them well, witness their marriages to their loved ones, see his grandchildren, and eventually pass away from old age.

He envied the mortals who lived carefree lives and focused on their families.

Having mortal parents had its advantages too - they wouldn't be able to detect the 'Blood Lotus' in his sea soul.

This was a huge relief since he lacked the power to protect or conceal the lotus.

Just when he thought he was safe, the Blood Lotus began to bloom and emit a blinding red light.

'...For real?!'

Jun De, with a millennium of experience handling the Blood Lotus, understood exactly why it was behaving in such a way.

His new body harbored a powerful bloodline.

'Could it be that I am descended from some ancient forgotten cultivator lineage?'

The possibility excited him.

Despite his decision not to actively pursue cultivation like in his past life, he knew he needed to grow stronger to protect his new family in the future.

This revelation brought him joy; the Blood Lotus's reaction indicated a potent bloodline, and by tapping into it, he could enhance his strength quickly using his previous life's knowledge.

This meant he could live carefree without fear.

As he focused on the Blood Lotus, it revealed two massive trees with countless branches, each bearing numerous buds.

'What in the world?'

This exceeded his expectations.

There were two distinct bloodlines and over a hundred unawakened bloodline talents laid out before him.

He had never seen such a thing even in his thousand years of experience.

Every time he looked into the bloodline of someone he usually found only one bloodline ability and its perk, rarely two or three but here, not only did his body of him has two insanely strong bloodlines that he hadn't seen or heard of, but they also have a lot of bloodline talents here.

'How could such a strong bloodline be declined to the degree their descendant became mortals?!'

It was an unbelievable sight for him. Even the bloodline of Wivern King didn't have this much potential.

Jun De glanced around in confusion, his eyes widening as he spotted Blood Lotus soaring effortlessly to the highest branches of the two trees.

The vibrant flower twirled with excitement around three large buds, two of which belonged to the same bloodline, while the third boasted an even larger bud.

Jun De couldn't help but gasp at the sight of these powerful buds, tightly sealed by their sturdy petals.

'Those three are truly the cream of the crop!'

Jun De was seated on the floor in a meditative pose, focusing his energy on the Blood Lotus.

He decided to first focus on the three buds to bloom and was determined to unlock the potential of every bloodline talent in that space following those three.

His anticipation grew as he eagerly awaited their remarkable abilities.

Since he's currently a fetus, he doesn't have to worry about anyone attacking while he's awakening these bloodlines.

He can take his sweet time to gradually nurture them before he's born.

The Blood Lotus emits a peculiar fragrance that the buds continuously absorb as Jun De focuses.


Time slowly slips away.

His body is already developed enough for birth, but he hasn't been able to make a single bud bloom until now.

Jun De is feeling extremely desperate at the moment, lacking the confidence he had when he first awakened his consciousness.

No matter how many times he's tried to make the buds bloom, they still haven't blossomed yet.

It felt as if there was some invisible barrier preventing him from unlocking his bloodline abilities.

It was like an external force, a cosmic law ensuring the world's equilibrium, was hindering his progress.

'*sigh* Well, I guess there's no other choice... but I must find a way to make this happen...'

Jun De was determined to awaken his bloodline talents before birth, as it was the perfect opportunity to circumvent the world's balance-keeping law.

However, despite his efforts, he found himself unable to do so.

This constant struggle filled him with a sense of impending danger, making him realize just how perilous this world truly was.

In a bold move, he decided to forcefully awaken his dormant talents.

Blood Lotus spun wildly as he forcefully attempted to open the bloodline buds, dissolving into particles and being absorbed by them without a care.

Instead of focusing on opening all three buds, he decided to start with the two strongest bloodline talents.

He could clearly sense the world's Law desperately trying to prevent his actions, but he refused to let it interfere.

With even more determination, he accelerated his efforts.

Blood Lotus, a precious dharma treasure, split into two halves and was absorbed by two large buds, losing itself completely this time.

Finally, the buds bloomed, causing the Law of balance to tremble as their petals slowly stretched.

Overwhelmed by the strain, Jun De passed out without even attempting to open the third bud.

Little did he know, the world's delicate equilibrium, painstakingly restored after Gojo Satoru's birth, was shattered once more by his abrupt awakening.

His eyes underwent a remarkable transformation, captivatingly turning a deep shade of blue.

Suddenly, his mind was flooded with knowledge about two ancestral powers.

One was the Six Eyes, a remarkable ocular ability, while the other was the Ten Shadows Technique.