
Jujutsu Kaisen FanFiction ( Jujutsu Multiverse )

This is a mix story about JJK

Eilish_Sevierville · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


"Yuji, it's the time of the year!" Megumi blabbered looking at Yuji been busy on his phone lately

"That's right— that's why I've been looking for a gift"

"For whom?" Megumi asked looking at him busy choosing chocolates

"Sensei, Shinoa Sensei!" he muttered

Megumi smacked his back, "Idiot, there are a lot of things outside, I'll talk to Nobara about it— let's look together"

Yuji's eyes enlightened.

"Ikuzou.." back to his cheery personality again


"Yo Shinoa? tomorrow is valentine's day, what's your plan?" Shoko asked, surprising Shinoa out of nowhere

"I've got no plans, want to go out?" Shinoa smirked, she was thinking of a girls night

"Well— ah! I don't think so, we'll see" Shoko said looking suspicious, but it didn't bother Shinoa any longer

Shinoa was holding pile of papers— she is headed to the principals office to pass it all. Shoko intend to help her. They went together.

"Here you go Masamichi-san" said Shinoa putting all the papers in his table

"Ahhh! work!" he said exhausted

"Want to grab lunch Masamichi-san?" Shinoa offered

"Oh right it's lunch time" said Shoko looking at her watch in her right wrist

"Are— Shinoa, Shoko what are you doing here?" said Satoru whose back, Suguru is also here

"Unfortunately I pass my work!" said Shinoa

"Yo! Kento you're here also and Kiyotaka" said Shoko

"Since we're all here why don't we grab lunch together— KFC??" Shinoa suggested

They all went to KFC. A memorable place for Satoru and Suguru, well they fought here but eventually they made up.

"So it's valentine's day, Jujutsu's page announces a color coding for everyone— guess what I'm gonna wear?" Shoko opened up a conversation

"Probably black because you're alone— hahahah" Suguru burst into tears laughing so hard at Shoko

"You piece of shit!!!" Shoko said almost hitting Suguru but Kento stopped her

Satoru and Shinoa were looking at each other. But eventually averted their gaze to each other.

"I heard they also have so many activities— well valentine's is for couples— a confession day" Kento tiredly said

"Oh the message wall, the confession hall, the photo booth, and marriage booth— they prepared a lot this year..." said Kiyotaka

"Well the student council president Maki Zenin proposed that" said Masamichi

"Maki did, I never thought she'll agree with this" said Satoru who obviously knows a lot about his students

"Maybe she's up to something— hehe" Shoko grinned

They ended up spending a lot of time.

While they walk back to the school Shinoa and Satoru were besides each other at the very back. While the others are so busy talking with each other.

"Everyone is going to wear Red tomorrow— you should wear red as well" said Satoru— he obviously meant all the teacher would wear red tomorrow

But that's one of Satoru's scheme.

"Really I haven't seen it yet— busy doing my paper works" said Shinoa

"You better wear red" said Satoru smiling so brightly

"Alright" Shinoa sighed

"So what do you think?" said Yuji smirking

"It's good for me" said Nobara eyeing the one Yuji proposed

"Let's get that one" said Megumi agreeing to their decision

"They will love this don't you think" the three look so excited

On their way to get more gifts for their friends they saw Maki and Yuta together at the jewelry shop.

"It's so unusual to see you two together Maki-san, Yuta-san" said Megumi

The two look startled.

"Oh, Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara" said Yuta smiling at them

"What's so unusual about this? His my vice president we are looking for a prize for the games we are going to conduct tomorrow, baka— were nothing more than you think" said Maki blushing

"Maki's right, actually we already bought tons" said Yuta showing the plastic he was holding full of prizes

"If you say so" Megumi said and they left

"But still the two is suspicious" said Yuji

"Hm, the two had something" said Nobara

On the other side Todo and Mai is also busy looking for a valentine gifts.

"Yu, what do you think? will everyone like this?" said Utahime whose with Yu

"It's the thoughts that counts, Utahime-san" said Yu

"Then I'll get this, this isn't a surprised to you anymore" said Utahime

"Mine is not a surprised too" said Yu waving his bag

They happened to bump with each other and Utahime is struggling looking for a gift, she asked Yu to help her.

Everyone is getting busy for this upcoming event. Even Satoru, Suguru, and Masamichi are busy for this event. 




Jujutsu High School is having the event of the year. The school is pretty lively— no classes just fun.

"Announcement dear students and teachers— Valentine's Day shall begin" said Inumaki in charge for this task

Jujutsu High become livelier than earlier.

Shinoa walked inside to her classroom and saw the 1st years Yuji, Nobara and Megumi.

Their eyes brightens the moment they saw Shinoa.

"What are you doing inside the second years classroom again" said Shinoa putting the papers she was carrying on the table

"Shinoa sensei we have a gift for you" said Yuji as he approach Shinoa along with Nobara and Megumi

,"What is it?" Shinoa asked, Yuji give it to her

There was a message saying 'From your kawaii students' then the chibi drawing of Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi.

"You guys are thoughtful, thank you for this" said Shinoa and hug her students

They had given her a tower of chocolate cake.

Nobara prepared plates, forks, and a knife. She suggested for Shinoa to try it out.

Shinoa cut it and took a bite first and she was amazed, she really love sweet things. She shared it with the three who seems to enjoy her company.

"Come to think Sensei, Red means In a Relationship, so why are you wearing 'Red' all of a sudden" Megumi got curious so he asked about it

"Ah this— Satoru said to wear Red— everyone will" Shinoa said eating the cake happily

"Satoru-sensei, majikayo!" said Megumi almost puked

"We all know Satoru-sensei likes Shinoa-sensei" said Yuji who made Shinoa choked, she drank water immediately

"What are you guys thinking?" Shinoa said scolding them

Then suddenly footsteps entered the classroom, revealing Toge, Yuta, Panda and Maki. They all had something in hand.

"Sensei this is our valentine gift for you" said Maki giving her a box— inside was a necklace

"Thank you" said Shinoa genuinely

She also offered them to eat the cake the 1st years give her.

"What's with all of that?" said Nobara looking at the boys still holding onto something

"Ah this— Sensei someone wants to give you this" said Yuta handing Shinoa a banquet of lavender flowers— it's her favorite flower

"This too" said Toge and give her the blue whale plushie— this was the one Shinoa wanted a long time ago

Followed by Panda who give Shinoa a letter and chocolates.

"Thank you so much, this is a lot— but who send this?" said Shinoa looking confused

"Probably that idiot" Megumi murmured

"It's a secret" said Maki reaching out for her nape— not use to lying

Later on Shinoa posted on her twitter account. She took a picture on the gifts she had received.

'Thank you my 1st years student for this delicious chocolate cake, I really appreciate and love it' inserting Nobara, Megumi and Yuji's account

'Thank you also to my loving 2nd years for this surprised gift— I'm not use to wearing jewelry but I'll definitely use this, I really love it' inserting Yuta, Maki, Panda and Toge's account

and also to the anonymous sender, 'Thank you for this bunch of gifts whoever you are, I really appreciate it, you have a good eye for what I love, thank you— I love it so much'

Shinoa's student left to explore the booths, they also have their own agenda.

Shinoa received so many gifts from her co-teachers and co-faculty member. Also a gift from their principal Mr. Masamichi Yaga.

Shinoa was left alone inside her classroom. She got curious about the letter the anonymous sender sent. So she read it.

'I've love you from the moment you walk over that hall— I love you ever since— Staring at your beautiful face becomes my habits— Asking my friends about your name— Seeing you around the hallway— Saw those beautiful smile and dazzling eyes— I can't afford to take risk or I'm just afraid of taking risk— But I still did it— Looking back at the old days of being together— I can't still believe that you become my world— That girl who always make fun of me— The girl who knows my story— You who believe in me— I love you wholeheartedly'

Shinoa crept a smile.


"I can't believe Gojo Satoru-sensei would give a gift with so much thought in it" — Yuta

"I really didn't think that idiot can plot something like this" — Maki

"But Shinoa-sensei look happy" — Toge

"Don't you think she knew?" — Panda

"Probably" — Maki

The four of them continued their tasks as a member of the student council.

On the other side of the school. Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara enjoys the food around the campus.



"Bestofrendo!" Todo was spotted at the barbeque shop

"Todo" said Yuji in a whim giving each other fist bump

They have fun with Todo. Forgetting about their mission.

Shoko is with Suguru right now— actually they've been together for 4 years now— but it's a secret relationship. Althought they are planning to reveal it soon. The thing is they doesn't want everyone to be so surprised, especially Gojo Satoru who will absolutely make fun of them.

"Thank you for the flowers and the gifts Suguru" said Shoko saying her utmost gratitude towards Suguru

"Always for you, my love" said Suguru being so lovely dovey

"Hey— someone will hear you" said Shoko stopping him

It's almost lunch time and Todo left for his favorite idol's fan meeting.

Yuji, Nobara and Megumi got tired so they took a rest and realized that they forgot about the mission they are planning.

[ Plan to get Shinoa-sensei and Satoru-sensei together ]

"Gomenasai! I totally forgot about that" said Yuji apologizing for his mistake

"No! it's all our fault!" said Megumi taking it

"Enough with that, let's go!" Nobara was pissed

The three run towards 2nd years room but Shinoa wasn't there anymore.

"Where are we going to find her? Satoru-sensei too" said Nobara being worried and distracted

"Let's keep going!" Megumi suggested

They look around anywhere but hadn't seen any silhouette of the two. 

The three really look problematic.

"What are you doing loitering around?" They came across Maki and Toge

"We are looking for Shinoa-sensei and Satoru-sensei" —Nobara

"We don't see them around" —Megumi

"What do you need from them?" Maki asked and Toge just nodded

"Well we notice that they had a thing for each other so we planned to set them up on a date" said Yuji happily and Maki punches his head not just him but Megumi too and Nobara

"Are you guys dense?" said Maki angrily

"Hah??" they looked confused for a moment while Toge is smirking behind his mask— he got a cold

"Those two had been together for 10 years" Maki spilling the tea to the three idiots

"WHAT???" they shouted out of surprised 


Staring at the letter her boyfriend give her— it reminds her of the days they spend together— from the very first day they met— the confession— until now.

"He didn't have to do these things.." Shinoa murmured while a smile crept on her blushing face

knock— knock— knock

The door opened revealing her handsome boyfriend Gojo Satoru.

Shinoa stands and give Satoru a blissful hug. Of course Satoru loved it so much so they stayed at that posture for a bit.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I was with you when we saw that whale— and you were the only person who knew about my favorite flower, which is lavenders— it is obvious for the letter" said Shinoa giving Satoru a genuine smile

"Do you have something for me?" he asked between their embrace

Shinoa holds Satoru's face and give him a kiss in a whim, "That's my valentine's gift for you" she said, loving how Satoru is currently blushing at that moment

"How I love the day of hearts— I wish this continue forever" he said as he leaned for another kiss

Satoru held Shinoa's right hand.

"Let's go, I have something for you" said Satoru, they didn't mind the people staring at them

Satoru just think this is their moment and everything is invincible, it's just the two of them.

Satoru took Shinoa somewhere they can be alone. At the secret garden.

It has a lot of full bloom flowers at the ground— everywhere— there are flowers hanging around too and there was a table located at the center with food and wine.

Satoru offered Shinoa a sit and she sat down— still amazed by the beauty of the surroundings. She hadn't thought that there would be something like this inside the school. Well, only Satoru and Masamichi knows about this place.

Satoru sat down and poured Shinoa some red wine. He also prepared another banquet of flowers but this time— a mix of blue, red, and white rose.

"It smells like lavender" said Shinoa smelling the banquet of flowers Satoru give him

"Because you love it dear" Satoru took a bite size of the steak and feed Shinoa "Ah—"

"Ahm.. this is good" said Shinoa taking another bite— from her plate

Lunch time it is— perfect for the steak date.

After eating— Shinoa went to look at the flowers and admired them. While Satoru was staring at his beautiful girlfriend.

"Satoru can I come again and visit this place with you?" Shinoa asked

"Of course, anytime you like" said Satoru

Not so long ago red roses flew around the area that got Shinoa's attention— she was looking around when she notice Satoru's on his knees holding out a ring.

"Shinoa, will you marry me?" he asked, really nervous— his been preparing for this day

Shinoa can't help but to cry with joy as she run towards Satoru and hug him tightly.

"I do, I will always say yes to you, because I love you" she said between her cries

Satoru hug her too, "I love you too, my future wife to be"

Satoru put the diamond ring in Shinoa's hand. It fits her perfectly.

"Shall we dance?" Satoru offered

He took Shinoa's hand and they dance through the beat being played by Yuta, Panda, Maki and Toge whose been involved with this confession by Satoru himself.

Megumi, Yuji and Nobara was there too. Although Satoru was surprised to see them.

"They look so happy" said Yuji crying, Nobara too

"I love them so much!" said Nobara

"Well, I'm happy for them" Megumi muttered

The seventh are truly happy for Satoru and Shinoa. Because they witness this scene of their beautiful story.


"You've done a lot today— good work" Yuta throw a drink at Maki whose exhausted from all the work in this event made by the student council

"Thank you" said Maki opening the lid and drank it right away

"Valentine's hasn't end yet, want to go somewhere?" Yuta asked, without any hinge of hesitation

"Where?" Maki confusedly asked

Yuta grabbed Maki's hand, "You'll see!"

Maki's eyes widened to Yuta's sudden change of action.

But it made her smile.
