
Jujutsu Kaisen: Evil Ascension

A certain soul was provided the chance to reincarnate into the world of curses and sorcerers. Blessed with some exceptional skills and some unique domains, the boy trained for years before landing in the new world while maintaining his identity. Unlike what he expected, he wasn't provided with the leisure to spend a serene life, but rather a mission to bring back the era of peace in the world. **** A/N:- Sorry for the short synopsis. Well, this story would hang around canon but greatly change it. The story doesn't start with the manga, but rather at the point near the Sister school competition. Mc would be overpowered but not to the point where he can one-shot the main antagonist. He would need to strategize and force some work to win a battle against a strong foe. However, the fact that I am putting an OC surely would bring a lot of changes. Including the various deaths, Gege tormented us with. About pairing, then I am uncertain. And also, this might turn into a harem based on the situation. Well, happy reading.

Svneighter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 0- Death

It seemed like an office except for the fact that there was only one counter all around the place and also, the floor and ceiling extended up to the distance where a normal eye could reach.

If counting the livings, then one person sat on the chair lifelessly, and the other behind the counter, noting down diligently with a frown on their face.

The person on the chair didn't have any particular expression on his face. By appearance, he seemed to be in his late teens, but stress and insomnia were making him look older.

His cave-in eyes and lifeless gaze could easily make someone terrified of him, however, the being sitting across from the boy was not even in the mood to pay attention to him.

Well, for the first few minutes that is...

"Shirakawa Ryuuji. Age 17. Cause of death, suicide." Once the bespectacled person on the other side of the desk, stated the information related to the boy, he fixated his gaze on the said boy.

"Hmm...trauma I see. You slit your wrist and died while being on a lifestream...lonely I suppose. However, your livestream got taken down within a few minutes so I guess it would be treated as a temporary memory in the eyes of your viewers, at most."

The man held no amusement or shock in his voice while he described Ryuuji's cause of death and his failed attempt to garner some attention even near his endpoint.

Ryuuji had no particular reaction to it; which ushered for the man to continue.

"Hmm....Dad died, mom left. Girlfriend betrayed and your best friend was the person who stole your girl. Bullied in school and scalp itchiness never left your side. Quite rough you had it, boy."

Ryuuji flinched before he again scratched his head finding it still itchy even after death.

Hearing no response from the soul, the man continued,

"Apart from helping old people to cross the road and saving a pup during your childhood age, there haven't been any good deeds you performed. Hmm...yet there is a chance for you to reincarnate. Do you accept?"

Ryuuji frowned hearing those familiar words he had heard a lot in the past while reading countless novels, mangas, and of course, the creative way of improving and destroying many stories—fanfictions.

Ryuuji didn't ask anything regarding the offer other than a single thing, "Do I get liberated from this itchiness?"

Seborrheic dermatitis was what he was suffering from and Ryuuji could sell his soul to get rid of this itchiness. Whatever he tried meant nothing and by now, he was inches away from plucking all his hair forcefully.

The man on the other side raised his brows before he nodded, "Well a new body means no prior diseases or infection. So yes, you may not suffer with it anymore."

Ryuuji visibly showed an emotion of surprise before he straightened his back.

Seeing the cheerfulness(?) from the boy, the man sighed before relaying the rest of the information.

"The world you reincarnate into is a familiar one, however, the information regarding it and also your blessings would be directed by someone else. For now, just sit tight and wait for them."

Ryuuji raised his brows but before he could have said or asked anything, a binding light enveloped the whole place, forcing Ryuuji to close his eyes and let his consciousness—drift away.


"Eh?" The next place where he parted his eyes was also the same office-looking background but this time there was a woman standing some meters ahead of him with a blackboard hanging on the wall.

'Is it a wall...or is it suspended in the air?' Ryuuji couldn't discern nor did he pay any mind to it.

The woman had black hair, red eyes, black spectacles, and wearing a pencil skirt and a white shirt. A serious frown over her charming face as she faces Ryuuji.

"Let's start with the world, shall we,?" Even though she asked, she didn't wait for Ryuuji's permission before tapping her finger on the whiteboard and the name of a particular manga popped up.

"Jujutsu Kaisen? Of all places?" Ryuuji wondered aloud but then again, did he have any control over his situation anymore?

In the first place, he was having doubts whether this all was real or whether he still was having a dream.


Suddenly a lightning bolt flew at him at an unimaginable pace and before Ryuuji could duck, his face stung because of the assault.

"Fuck!" Ryuuji cursed while holding his left cheek from where the burning sensation strived.

"Felt the pain? Means you aren't dreaming right?" Ryuuji directed a hateful glare toward the woman who sent the attack in his direction but in response, she just shook her head and again tapped on the board.

"Now focus."

Apart from the fact that she could hear his inner thoughts, what surprised Ryuuji was the very concept of that lightning bolt which humanly wasn't possible.

'So I really died and getting reincarnated?' The realization settled a little late, but other than accepting it, he had no other option.

"Alright now, as you can see, the world you are reincarnating in is one of the fictional worlds, about which you read in your previous life."

'No shit...' Ryuuji wanted to say, but he held back.

The woman fixed her glasses before speaking,

"It's practically your training ground to be prepared for something bigger. A whole new world is being created in which real evil beings would be injected. Your conquest would help the heavens clean up a lot of garbage, so pay extra attention to the details from here on."

Ryuuji didn't say anything but his attention was entirely drawn to her explanation. After all, his future depended on it.

Apparently, the world of Jujutsu Kaisen was the same he read about, however, the soul of the Curse Spirits and the main antagonists would be a congregation of actual evil beings—which the heavens need to clear out.

These evil beings are the consequences of the reverse effect of every blessing God has bestowed upon pure souls. These evil fragments would be added to several curse spirits that Ryuuji would face.

While these Evil Fragments wouldn't change the way those characters act, there was a high chance that once those bodies possessed Evil Fragments, near their end, the Evil fragment came into play; providing a last buff to the Cursed Spirits.

(A/N: If Xyz is a curse user possessing Evil Fragment then when Xyz is near his death, a buff would help Xyz continue fighting.)

Ryuuji more or less understood the definition of what he might need to face in the future which severely grew his frown.

'...imagine Sukuna having an Evil Fragment.' That being was himself so buffed that adding another element of power up seemed nothing but absurd to go against.

The rest of the explanation included how Ryuuji would need to finish all the Evil Fragments of this world before he could fulfill his main job.

"And what job would require my future self's attention?"

Ryuuji asked, only to receive a shake of the head in response. Clearly, he wasn't going to get informed about it any time soon.

Once done, the lady once again adjusted her glasses before jumping to the next topic,

"Now let's discuss your blessings and required training."


A/N:- Drop a comment.