
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
77 Chs


I'm in a good mood, have another chapter.

Stones maybe?


So he had learnt a lot.

And he was glad he was making progress.

But he needed to keep working towards his current main goal.

Getting strong enough to kill Kenjaku.

Sitting down on a footpath, his back against a brick wall Atlas shifted, trying to get comfortable. Looking into the street he watched the curse fade, its body slowly disappearing.

He needed to be pushed to his limit, that was when people got stronger in this world. Every time someone reached a new height it was because they were put in a situation that they were forced to grow from.

Training meeting motivation.

Preparation meeting opportunity.

No matter how he worded it he needed that final push, that something to drive him further. Standing up he let out a sigh. He also needed the training, however, the preparation. It didn't matter how desperate someone was, if they didn't even know where to begin then it would be very, very hard for them to be able to do something. Unless they had unreasonable talent, but even then they needed training.

This world was powered by emotions, thoughts and feelings. All of that was able to drive people to greater heights, he couldn't let his soul become dull. When that happened, he may as well be dead.

Looking at the sun he estimated the time… he could go say hello to Frank, it was about lunch and he could just say that the mission took a bit longer than he thought it would. Seeing the curtain start to drop he looked over at the approaching assistant director he frowned… they might be a problem.

"Some curse remnants are leading this way! I'll follow them fast!" He yelled before bolting off. Dashing into an alley.

"But I can't see anythi- ah whatever…" He heard them say, just before he ran out of earshot.

Dashing down a few more back alleys he finally slowed down to a comfortable jog, making his way to the small house in the outer suburbs that Frank was now staying in.


"Not just anyone knows reverse cursed technique, and even fewer are as strong as me… just who are you," Toji asked, leaning back into the chair, his ankle on his other knee as he lounged back, twirling the whiskey he brought in the glass that was provided by Frank.

Settling his own glass down on a coaster, Frank slowly sat down, his age showing at the weary motion. His eyes constantly stayed on Toji's face as he asked. "Does it matter? I am who I am… that is all." His voice was wary, wondering where this conversation was going.

"I've come to see Atlas as maybe… a little brother. He's grown on me. That's what I'm saying, few can spar with me AND like me at the same time. I just think how you met him, is awfully convenient. So I was wondering if there was a bit more to the story…" Toji said. Putting his own glass down, next to the coaster, on the wooden table.

Staring at the glass for a moment Frank soon looked back up at Toji, their gazes unwavering and unyielding as they stared at each other, each challenger not willing to back down.

Staring to find his words Frank said, "Look mate, I get your mistrusting about the Jujutsu Society but-"

"I don't think you're involved with them. But you're involved with something. And secrets have a way of hurting those around you. Especially a sorcerer's secrets." Toji said, cutting Frank off. "I just want to know what your deal is. And Atlas deserves to know too." Toji finished, taking his glass back and letting another sip roll down his tongue, warming him.

"Perhaps," Frank said as he tilted his head to the side.

"Few have the skills you have, your strong and you know it. Just how did you gain your strength? And why?" Toji said, laying his head against the back of the couch so he could look at the ceiling. "I don't care about you, I care about him and that means that I gotta be suspicious of you. Guess that is just how I work." Toji remarked as he sunk back into the pillows.

"I know mate… I know, but, fuck. It's not something that I want him to know about me. A man's got history and sometimes they ain't too proud of it." Frank said, running his thumb over the side of the glass idly as he leaned forward.

"I'm not the one you need to tell that to. I just want to spar with him but he isn't even here. Forgot he had school… how weird is that? Atlas going to school, bet he's flunking." Toji said, looking at the corner of the room as Frank looked up at the same time.


Atlas got to the edge of the house, hiding within another plane, he was about to jump out and try to scare Frank but stopped, as he got close to the house he heard voices, faint whispers that sounded like the bubbles of flowing water mixed with a soft scattering of glass.

But as he focused on them they came into focus… As Toji was saying, "Just who are you."

Stopping himself he listened, he probably shouldn't but curiosity got the better of him. Staying with the other plane he felt he just listened in on the conversation, waiting until it was over.

When Toji started to change the subject he waited for one more moment, gathering himself. Putting on a smile before he stepped out of the plane he was on and back into the one that everyone else used. Just before he stepped out he saw them both look at him, either seeing the cursed energy or hearing space start to react.


"Yo!" Atlas said as he waved at them, "What's going on? Frank looks like he is contemplating life, what did you do Toji and why the fuck are you here. Spill the beans before I kick your ass." Atlas finished as he pointed his now-drawn sword at the black-haired man.

"I'd like to see you try Buttercup," Toji said as he lounged back further.

"Destroy my house and I turn you to cinders lads…" Frank threatened.

The three-person standstill held for a bit, the mock tension rising in the air. Apart from Toji, he looked like he was sunbathing.

"Alright but seriously, what are you doing here Toji?" Atlas said as he sheathed his sword.

Looking up Toji responded with, "To kick your ass twerp."

"Aren't you meant to be at school lad?" Frank said. Interrupting the spar they started to plan.

"Told you he was gonna be flunking," Toji said, a smirk on his face as he faced Frank.

"I'm glad to see fossils still get along, do you have so little doubt in me?" Atlas said, feigning hurt.

Both of them just looked up at Atlas, a blank expression on their faces.

"Oh fuck you both. I am trustworthy." Atlas said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I feel sorry for how often your registered guardian is going to be called," Toji said, his face mocking sympathy at such a tragic thought.

"He doesn't have one," Frank said, picking up a magazine and starting to flip through it.

"Makes sense, no one wants him after all," Toji replied with, a grin on his face.

"Toji, let's fight. I'm going to kill you." Atlas said, his face blank.

"Sure," Toji responded, standing up, putting his glass down on the table. Although after a moment of thought he moved it to the coaster before making his way outside with Atlas.


Soon the needlessly long banter ended. Toji and Atlas had a spar, fighting until sunset. Neither gained the upper hand but both were physically and mentally drained by the end of it. Atlas used the excuse that 'he needed to look beat up.'

As Atlas started to make his way towards campus, his exhausted self took a leisurely stroll through the mountains. He would run soon enough, he just liked the warmth of the setting sun.

And a figure watched on.

Tilting his head to the side Kenjaku watched the boy walk. He was growing, that was good. But was it fast enough to be worth it? He questioned the usefulness he might have. For him to serve his purpose he needed to be strong. Stronger than anyone else, he had the talent and the drive, sure. But that wasn't all he needed. He needed to be pushed. It was hard to safely push him without getting involved personally.

He would have to contact some people. He needed things to move, the bastard six eyes user was going to start to learn a lot faster now. And since he wanted to seal him instead of kill him, he needed to find the Prison Realm soon, but not too soon. Gojo had to have will enough to survive so he wouldn't kill himself inside the prison. But young enough he didn't become too strong to seal or he would have to adjust his plan.

Pieces of the game board already had to be sacrificed, but he would rather make sure he had to sacrifice as little of his pieces as possible, he still had a use for them after all.

Running a hand back through his hair, pushing the few stray strands out of his face he couldn't help but smile. Hoshi… that boy was going to be useful. One way or another, he would have a purpose, everyone did.

Everyone had a part of the machine that they had to be.

Apart from Ayumu, the old bastard had overstayed his welcome. He was getting in the way a bit too much for him to be ignored any longer. Maybe another year or two could be tolerated but soon something would change, when an opening came for him to take him out silently he would use it.

Standing up he thought about how he could push the young boy, however. But only a few thoughts came to mind, but they were good enough for now.

While Atlas could challenge Toji, he knew that if Toji seriously fought with all he had he would win, although barely. It was his physical endurance vs Atlas' cursed energy reserves. And the other man still had room to grow, he was yet to reach the flow state that he had seen other martial fighters reach. He was yet to change his mindset. He was still held back by doubt.

But he assumed that it would change soon enough.

Assumptions, they were dangerous. He was getting close to his goal, he needed to stay meticulous.

Turning he walked away. Using his cursed technique he reached out, influencing the mind that he could. Influencing those that he could. Such a useful technique but it was at its limit. But he would gain another soon enough. Soon enough, everything was so soon.

So, so soon.


Walking back up the stairs to the campus as the sun was setting he saw the assistant manager pacing back and forth. "For fuck sake, there you are! God are you alright?! I am going to get in heaps of trouble. Oh man, oh gosh. This is bad, if the principal finds out that I let a student run off and get this injured on their first mission I will never hear the end of it." The assistant said, starting to ramble as they gnawed on their thumbnail in stress.

"yeah, damn that opponent was tough. Good thing I followed them though, who knows what damage they could have caused." Atlas said, nodding his head solemnly as he pressed his lips into a thin line. Truly he put himself on the line for others. He was a saint.

"Do not worry young Furuta. You shall receive no punishment for Mr Hoshi's misconduct. He is entirely at fault for his own actions and for skipping classes on his first day. Now normally as punishment, I would send you out on a hard mission hm? But I doubt you would be upset with that. Come, follow me." The principal said as he started to make his way towards the main campus buildings.

"b-but sir, he is all beaten u-" The assistant Furuta started to say but was interrupted.

"Simply playing around. He can heal himself in an instant with the reverse cursed technique. He is putting on a show. Do not show sympathy for false emotions. Remain calm and composed. You may go Furuta." The principal said. Dismissing the assistant as Atlas fell into step beside the old man and healed himself, the act was clearly up. Not that it had even started with the blind man.

Watching the assistant hurry away in relief, a single glare was shot back at Atlas who just smiled back before he got a cane slammed into his toes for the action.

"Ow! That's abuse-" Atlas started to say but was quickly silenced as the old man simply raised an eyebrow. Unimpressed, he knew it wouldn't have hurt.

Letting out a sigh Atlas just followed the man. Stuffing his hands in his pockets. "So what punishment shall I be facing." He said, his gaze falling as he looked at the principal.

"Babysitting as you would put it. The first years shall be having a field test tomorrow to introduce them to missions properly. But as sorcerers, we are very poorly understaffed. So I am making you do it. From today onwards, you shall oversee them on dangerous missions." The principal said, a smile on his face, tugging at his wrinkled skin in victory as he felt Atlas' demeanour change.

God that sucked! It wasn't the worst, he wanted to grow some sort of bond with them but damn it. Babysitting was something that he didn't want to have to do. It had its benefits sure but it was still a pain in his ass.

"I should warn you, however. That Geto has formed a habit of admiring you for 'teaching the snowflake a lesson,' and Gojo has developed a strong… vendetta. He shall be as hard to control as you are I imagine. So do have fun with that, I recommend you get some rest." The principal said. Leaving Atlas' side as he made his way back towards where he stayed. Leaving Atlas where he had been guided, into the yard of the third year's dorm.

Pressing his lips together once more Atlas just stared at the old man's back, damn he was good. He was forcing him to grow close to Gojo who had similar powers to him. He couldn't blame him, the old man whatever his name was didn't seem to be the same as the other higher-ups. It seemed that he was trying to help Gojo grow, he probably knew something was going on. Something bigger than all this.

Turning to his dorm he headed inside. A small ache formed in the back of his head, he needed to get a drink of water. Or perhaps the damn kids were already getting to him, he hadn't even started yet.