
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs


"He has done a great service to the whole Society taking out someone as terrible as Atlas…" Joben said, shaking his head sadly.

"Would you like to be there for his cremation, it can be a hard thing to watch. I promise I will personally deliver the ashes once we are done." Joben said, his voice laced with sympathy as he put his hand over his heart.

Waiting for a moment Gojo just stared at Joben, he was trying to keep his thoughts on the fact that Geto was dead, there was a slight chance that this man could read minds or at least surface thoughts so it was best to be safe. Atlas didn't think it was the case though and that he needed to be making contact with them to be able to do so.

This was why Gojo was perfect for this, no one could touch him through his infinity.

"Fine… if I don't have the urn by the time the sun sets I don't care about the society. I will kill you and everyone else that was involved." Gojo said, handing over the body of Geto to Joben. His eyes glistened with a layer of tears as he looked at his best friend. Feeling Joben try to graze his hand as the body was passed off he made sure that his infinity stopped any contact.

Neither of them showed any signs of what just happened, both acting as if were natural.

Now it was up to Atlas, he would teleport him to his and Geto's side when Kenjaku was alone.

Watching the back of Joben as he walked away with the corpse of his best friend Gojo had to turn away. He had to trust Atlas now, he was sure that Geto would be fine, there was no way that Atlas could mess this up now.

He had to stop that small bit of panic in his mind from ruining the plan.


This was all unexpected to a certain degree. He had never expected Atlas to die to Gojo and Geto, but then again, he had taught them and they were the most likely people to be able to beat him after all. Gojo was stronger than he had planned for him to be.

Atlas dying, however… it was a shame his body had crumbled, getting his powers would have made this all so so much easier.

If he was able to take the body of Atlas he could have manipulated and worked alongside Geto. But at least the brat had trusted this to him.

He must be grieving quite hard right now.

"I can take it from here. I am sure you both have very important duties to attend to. Thank you for showing me the way Principal Yaga." Joben said, a kind nod being offered to the principal.

"Of course Joben. Thank you for helping the students like this. You are a very kind man." Nobunaga said as he smiled slightly, his old skin folding at the action.

"Of course, they are our future, we must take care of them." Joben says, turning to Yaga as Nobunaga started to leave, "Is there anything you need?"

"No, I will stay to watch my student be cremated, however. I wish to be there for it, as his principal." Yaga said, looking at Geto's body sadly, this didn't make any sense to him. But it had happened. Maybe Atlas really was as bad as he had been told, working with mercenaries and curse-users this entire time.

"Certainly, follow me then. I will be taking him to a shrine nearby, to let his spirit rest. Please, do come." Joben says, his smile warming as he saw the affection that Yaga had for his students. "You certainly are a good man Yaga."

It didn't take long before they both arrived at the shrine, a single other assistant manager coming with them to help out. Laying down Geto on the concrete bed that he would be cremated on so that his ashes could be collected easily. They would be able to say their prayers as they watched the body.

Finishing with the setup Joben turned to the other two and held his hand out, taking one of each of there's in his hand.

"Sleep." Was all he said, watching as the both of them crumbled to the ground unconscious. God damn it was annoying that the two of them had followed him. It didn't matter however, he would be leaving the both of them dead after he took Geto's body. A spirits technique could make it look like a curse user did it. He would get the fire burning after he had taken the body so that they thought Geto's body had burnt.

He was a non-combatant type sorcerer and the assistant manager was weak, Yaga being here did make the story a bit more questionable but not enough to really think about it. It would have been a lot harder if Gojo had come along but luckily he hadn't.

Getting back on task Kenjaku walked over to the body of Geto and reached out, just about to put his hand on his forehead as the stitching around Joben's forehead started to undo as his eyes rolled back in his head.

Then space shattered.

"Hey, Kenjaku!" Atlas yelled as he appeared between him and Geto's body.

A sudden blast of energy turned Kenjaku's torso into a paste as Reversal Red smashed its way through only to be deflected to the side by Atlas, slamming into the wall of the dimensional cage. There was no way to teleport away like last time.

"Didn't expect me to be here did yah?" Atlas continued as he watched Kenjaku start to fall over, his body starting to heal suddenly as Gojo stepped through the folding space that he had shot a blast through, catching Kenjaku unaware.

Like a puppet with cut strings Kenjaku fell over limply, his hands suddenly falling to the floor as they were separated from his wrists by spacial cracks.

Sitting up Geto coughed as a spirit left his body and went into an inky black portal. His wound healed in an instant as he turned to the side and said. "God fucking damn it Atlas, you really did almost kill me you know!" His voice was extremely pissed off.

Glaring past him and at Kenjaku had started to back away, moving again only for his legs to be blasted off his body by the combined force of Gojo and Altas. There was no fucking way that he was escaping this.

The only reason they wanted to leave the head of Kenjaku intact was to try and prove Atlas' innocence.

If not Atlas would have already blown the body apart. Seeing it collapse dead as its chest was once more turned to paste Atlas waved his hand severing the head from the body, letting it roll across the floor before coming to a stop.

Kenjaku should still be alive there.

Hiding within the skull of a dead body.

Reaching down Atlas pried it open, finding that the stitching was already undone… the forehead coming off effortless.

Only for the skull to be filled with grey goo.

"Gojo! Do you see anything around here! Anything running away!" Atlas suddenly said, looking around desperately, where was Kenjaku.

Eyes widening a bit Gojo glanced around quickly. Trying to see anything with his six eyes, if Kenjaku was around Gojo should be able to easily see him.

"I don't see anything…" Gojo says his voice dropping in realization as Geto walked around Atlas and saw the empty skull.

"He hasn't taken over one of us right?" Geto asked, his voice a bit cautious.

"No, he has to take over a corpse I think. And anyone he has taken over will have a stitched scar across their head since he has to get inside somehow." Atlas says, his voice tense.

Standing up he tries his best to calm himself down.

He had expected that Kenjaku might have a way to escape, he had been alive for years and was guaranteed to have fail-safes but he still hated it. He really had thought nothing could go wrong. He had even locked down the space around them in another dimension. What had happened?

Oh… Reversal Red must have made a crack in his cage... that was suddenly when Kenjaku tried to move again.


Looking down Atlas saw the face of Joben slowly smile as Kenjaku said, "Oh look at that distraught face~ It truly does fill me with joy seeing that. I thought something was off when you died Atlas, but I hoped that things would once again be easy..."

Staring at the face that was still speaking despite Kenjaku not being present Atlas said, "So you never came here yourself..." His voice was dull with realization. Somehow Kenjaku was piloting the body remotely just like he had activated idle transfiguration on all the bodies in the manga. When Atlas appeared and put the cage up Kenjaku hadn't been able to move the body but the crack that Gojo made let him.

Laughing Joben's face morphed into one of victory and joy until Atlas spoke up again, "though we still won. If you show man that god can bleed he will cease to be all-powerful."

"You're just going to be branded a curse user and chased away!" Kenjaku said, his smile still full of confidence. "You Sorcerers are too weak to do what needs to be done." Was the last words the face said before Kenjaku left, leaving the face limp. Joben was truly dead.

Staring hard at the ground Atlas picked up the body of Joben. Shaking his head as he said. "Come on… at least we forced him into hiding. Let's say what we know to the council and Yaga and this assistant can give their testimonies. If they chose not to believe us well then…" Atlas says, leaving the rest implied.

He wasn't in the mood to deal with senile old bastards. They had enough proof though with Geto, Yaga and Frank… hopefully, at least, he would try to help Frank recover with Hoshi's help as soon as he got the time.

Things were moving quickly.

Kicking what was left of the main body Atlas waved his hand and the body vanished, going to another plane. "Alright, well we have some people to talk to. Let's go back to Jujutsu High and I'll stay hidden until Principal Yaga wakes up." Atlas suggested. Looking at both of them who nodded their heads. That was probably for the best.

They needed an adult.

Chuckling at the thought Atlas hid in another plane.

"Alright, well let's get moving then Geto. The entire school will be pretty pumped to see you alive. And we both owe Ieiri and Riko an apology." Gojo said, getting a nod from Geto who shook his head, looking at where Kenjaku had been laying a moment before.

"I can't believe he got away? How? Your six-eyes should have been able to see anything he tried to pull." Geto said, trying to run through what happened in his head, wondering what they had missed. Kenjaku clearly had never even been in the body.

"It doesn't matter, it's not ideal but Atlas did say that it was a possibility that he had cards up his sleeve that we don't know about. We can just be glad we can get rid of the influence he has over the Society and force him to go into hiding for a while." Gojo said although he didn't look happy about it either. "The best thing we can do is make use of the time he doesn't have a body. I don't know how he will get a new one for now either."

Nodding their heads together the two boys started to make their way back to Jujutsu High with Atlas following shortly behind them in another plane.


"So you're telling me that Kenjaku was possessing the body of Joben and was trying to get the body of Geto to achieve a goal of his. And framed Frank for the murder of Ayumu while doing everything in his power to turn the Society against Atlas who knew about his existence so you three formulated this plan to try and catch and kill him?" Yaga asked, rubbing his temple with one of his hands.

"Yep, pretty much," Atlas said, sitting across from the principal with Geto and Gojo on either side of him. Nodding along like all of this made perfect sense.

"That explains why he knocked us out and was so desperate to get down to the morgue. The man arrived agitated and started moving even faster when his lackey said that you planned to cremate him Gojo." Yaga explained as he was also putting some pieces together. There had been talk that Joben had changed ever since he had gone on a particularly gruesome mission and got that scar on his head.

He acted like he was better than others before but he still had a kind heart in a way. After the mission though he had become quieter. Looked down on people more. Became more cunning, using his silver tongue to win people over until he became an advisor of the particularly egotistical Nobunaga.

"Well, then we will need to compile the evidence we have. And talk to the Zenin and Kamo clan heads to get them to side with us before speaking to the council. It would be best if they know beforehand." Yaga said, it shouldn't be too hard to convince the Zenin clan, after all, Naobito could be fairly reasonable after all.

"We can't send Atlas or Gojo to talk to Naobito since he doesn't like the Gojo clan and dislikes Atlas even more because of his friendship with Toji. He won't respect me much either since I was a great friend with my mentor Ayumu who didn't like the traditionalist values and challenged them." Yaga says, sending a look at Atlas.

He knew what it was about, he was still mad at him that he had saved Frank. While the story might be true Atlas was refusing to let him talk to Frank since his mind was broken. Of course that was making some tension.

"I can do it…" Geto said, speaking up as he continued. "Well apart from me being the only option left I am a special grade so he should respect my strength and so far I haven't resisted authority that much at all. I've been told more than once by old timers Gojo should learn from me so I must be doing something right." Geto said, a smirk on his face as he looked at Gojo.

"Yeah? The corrupt bastards that are ruining this Society like you more? Isn't that wonderful?" Gojo countered.

Before the argument could evolve any further Atlas said, "That is the best idea. Geto you talk to Naobito. I'll go talk to the Kamo family head, Kenjaku was manipulating him and he would be more than happy to accept since Kenjaku was the one that possessed Noritoshi. I don't have much evidence apart from both had a scar but I think I can persuade him. After all, he should be more than eager to join if it can mean getting rid of that stains attachment to his clan." Atlas explained, standing up as he finished.

"Looks like we have a game plan. Sit tight while we deal with this Gojo. Maybe explain to everyone at school and get them to spread the news. Tell them all to be careful and report anyone with a scar on their forehead." Atlas instructed his junior.

Turing to Geto he said. "Also take this. It's a Talisman, if you break it I'll know you're in danger and come help you. I don't think Kenjaku will strike right away but in case he does I don't want to leave it to chance. I doubt that he will be able to take you out in a body he doesn't understand especially since you can use Darkness now publicly but it's better to be safe than sorry." Atlas explained.

"Thanks… I'll make sure to be careful. Let's get going." Geto says, turning and leaving the office. Nodding his head Atlas opened a rift to the Kamo family house planning to teleport but didn't enter as Yaga spoke up as Gojo left.

"What are you going to do if you can't convince the clan heads to join you..." Yaga asked, his voice tense as his eyes grew cold.

Turning Atlas just looked at the man and said, "I will try my best to make sure that this is solved without violence, but if it can't be, then I will make sure that all connections that Kenjaku had to the society are destroyed. No matter who I must kill." His eyes were serious.

Kenjaku was confident that Atlas wouldn't do anything because Sorcerers were weak and were allowing the Higher-Ups to ruin them. He didn't think anyone would do what was needed to root out the evil he had planted.

Atlas was going to prove him wrong, this was the point where he needed results. There was no point backing down now. It would just let Kenjaku come back in a new body.

Turning he walked into the rift leaving Yaga alone in his own thoughts.

Taking a deep breath he walked into the Kamo clan's main hall and raised his hands above his head to show that he wasn't there to attack. Seeing the clan head and his young son Atlas said out loud before anyone could attack him. "I am here to talk about Noritoshi Kamo, he wasn't in control of his body just like Joben wasn't as he manipulated you."

Pausing the Kamo family head seemed shocked by his words and sudden appearance, his eyes widening even further as Atlas mentioned how he was possibly manipulated. "Everyone leave this room now. It's not like we could stop him if he came to harm us anyway…"


Thanks for reading and I hope that you all enjoy it!

I know that quite a few people will be disappointed that Kenjaku escaped and say that is it is just plot convenience but I don't think that Kenjaku would be so willing to put his life at risk that easily. I think it made sense how he handled it.

And in the end, Atlas won, he forced Kenjaku into hiding and got rid of his way to influence the society. Kenjaku lost all the power he had and now is forced to hide away since there is nothing he can do right now. If he shows up then Atlas will kill him. And with the whole society now knowing about there being a curse user that can take over dead bodies it will be far harder for Kenjaku to get any.

Hopefully this chapter isn't to controversial! Thanks for reading once again and thanks to my patrons for all the support they provide!