
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Experiments and Darkness

It was hard not to relax, to feel the complacency, the thoughts of, 'Can I rest for just a bit?' appear on the edge of your mind. Lingering temptingly despite the dangers of doing so.

Staring down at the glass in his hands Atlas watched the ice slowly shift as it melted, clinking against the patterned walls. The taste of the harsh spirits settled on the back of his throat from drinking too quickly.

Moments like these were the ones he remembered the sound of gunfire.

"Atlas? You alright? You've gone pale." Toji stated, pointing a finger at him with the same hand that held his glass, almost half full of something people would normally take as shots.

"Yeah, just remembering some things," Atlas revealed as he sighed, leaning back into the seat and staring at his glass.

"Do… I don't really get you, you act like you remember nothing about your past right now you seem to remember too much." Toji states, he wasn't asking for answers, he was just stating a fact.

Letting out breath from his nose Atlas smirked in response, he must be a confusing person to be around.

He couldn't relax just yet, sure he felt that Kenjaku was going to go into hiding at least until he was able to make Sukuna appear.

But what if he was wrong and Kenjaku was changing more than he thought?

That probably wasn't the case though. There were benefits to having centuries of planning but there were also negatives. Sure his plans were adaptable as Atlas had already seen when it came to him. He was made for a similar purpose that Sukuna was used for in the original, to be the strongest person alive, but with the benefit of being controllable. When that had failed Kenjaku had started trying to break Atlas.

Who knows what he would try next but he was pretty sure he would start to work on Sukuna again, making sure that Yuji went to the right school and was in the right spot at the right time.

"There it is, he is deep in thought again," Toji stated as he chuckled to himself. Downing the rest of his glass he put it down on the table next to the coaster before standing up and saying. "Well you look like you have a lot on your mind right now, so I'll leave you to it… as for your offer, I won't accept anything now but if what you said is true… I might." Toji said with a small nod.

After he and Toji had caught up Atlas informed him of his plans to get rid of Kenjaku, and how he wanted to stop what happened to them from happening to others. That seemed to strike something in the cold man.

"Think about it, it doesn't seem like something you will do so we can work out an in-between maybe but thanks for listening at least," Atlas replied as he sipped his drink, planning on staying for a bit longer.

"It's good catching up with you again." Atlas finished as he waved over his shoulder, Toji doing the same without even looking back.

Things were back as they were meant to be, at least for now.

Atlas was starting to make some plans of his own. No, Kenjaku would be brought to the light soon enough. He wanted Gojo to at least let his infinity be automated though. But he couldn't wait until next year, looks like he needed to give the boy some special training.

He also needed to focus on Geto, making sure that recent events hadn't broken the poor boy. He was going through a lot mentally. But the one saving grace was Atlas stopped both Gojo and Geto from seeing the clapping crowd, the smiling faces as they look upon the corpse of a friend.

That was a scene that would have stuck with them both.

He was glad he stopped them from seeing that.

Standing up he finished the rest of his drink before making his way out of the bar as well. Unseen by the bartender, unseen by anyone.

Stepping into folding space he disappeared from where he was standing.


"Your brain will wear too thin, as you have seen. You need either endless cursed energy like me or unparalleled efficiency like you. The constant upkeep of the brain will allow you to train your infinity to automatically detect threats, but you must always be infusing your mind with positive energy so that it doesn't overload." Atlas explained to Gojo who was looking a bit confused, he was getting his head around it though.

"My property will break my body apart if I use it too much but I have been able to keep myself going for long fights by training my brain to keep a constant stream of positive energy going through both my mind and body subconsciously. I do it like breathing now. Have a look, you should be able to see the flow with six eyes." Atlas explained. Trying to help Gojo understand the constant flow of positive energy.

Seeing Gojo stare intently at his head as he said, "It just stops when I can't think about it though, I don't know how you would keep a subconscious flow going? The multiplication of cursed energy makes it even more complicated, unlike flowing negative energy which most can do naturally you have to automate the process of creating positive energy." Gojo said mostly for himself.

"Then on top of that, you have both positive and negative energy constantly flowing through your body without clashing or causing conflicts. It's hard enough to make positive energy while using negative energy." He finished with a huff as he pushed his hair out of his eyes, staring at Atlas.

Ignoring his student's ramblings for now as he was trying to figure it out Atlas turned to Geto who was meditating to the side. Ieiri sitting nearby after having tried to help him with positive energy. Atlas had managed to convince Geto to try and learn it.

Mostly because he wanted to see what his reversed cursed technique would be.

But also because it was incredibly useful.

Seeing that his students were making progress Atlas said, "Well I'll see you all then. I have a meeting with the principal."

Getting a murmured goodbyes as they were all concentrating Atlas chuckled to himself as he turned and left.


Walking towards the principal's office Atlas heard two voices from the room as he approached the door. "I have finally found a lead, it won't take long before the mission is complete sir." The familiar voice sounded out, catching Atlas' ears.

Opening the door interrupting what was happening he heard a scoff from the hardened voice, deeper than Atlas remembered it. "No grace as always, if you will excuse me Principal, I don't wish to be in the same room as him. May I leave?" Minori asked. Properly and formally following authority despite his dislike of Atlas.

"You are dismissed, report back to me when you find something new," Yaga said, watching as the boy marched past Atlas, his chin held high. Both boys shared a glance as Minori glared at Atlas.

Listening to the fading sound of footsteps Atlas asked, "What is that all about?"

"Your lack of formality and respect for authority regarding recent incidents with the Higher-Ups and ignoring missions has led to him having some extreme views regarding you. His downgrade from Special to First annoys him as well since you, Gojo and Geto are setting a new standard. Two of you being less than ideal in his eyes." Yaga explains as he sighed, running his hand over his short hair.

Not really what he meant, but Atlas didn't see the need to ask again. He was referring to the mission, he already knew why Minori hated him.

Oh well.

"You called for me?" Atlas moved the conversation on as he went and sat down at the desk.

Nodding his head Yaga took out some papers and put them in front of Atlas. "Yes, I have a mission that I would like to ask of you, not the Higher-Ups but me." He explained, clearly mentioning where the mission came from so that Atlas didn't outright refuse it.

Seeing the boy relax a bit as he picked up the papers he let out a sigh himself.

"I would like you to work with another sorcerer to exterminate a suspected special grade that has appeared. From what we suspected it is based on people's fear of the darkness." He revealed, motioning to the papers that explained more.

"The sorcerers that have been sent have had a hard time actually doing any damage to it at all. So I thought that you would be perfect for the job." Yaga said as he picked up his pen and got back to writing. The scratching of the nib against paper was occasionally broken by Atlas turning a page as he read the known details about the mission.

"Sure, I can do it. Although I do have a question, why am I doing it with another sorcerer?" His eyebrow raised as he looked up at Yaga who also looked up at him.

"To help them with experience, that is all. She is from the country and has suddenly been thrown into this world despite being a third year already, similar to you actually. Her confidence has been getting a bit out of control as well so Gakuganji as much as he hates you, realizes that you will show her how weak she really is compared to a special grade spirit." Yaga reveals.

So he was back on babysitting duty.

"Alright, I'll be over at Kyoto in 30 minutes then," Atlas said as he stood up, walking out of the office without being dismissed.


"Mizuki will arrive shortly, I would apologize that her personality is almost as rotten as yours but I don't feel a shred of sympathy for you," Gakuganji said as he leaned on his cane.

"Oh wow, you really don't hold back anymore do you, you might end up hurting my feelings old timer," Atlas says with a small smile on his face.

"I believe that a devil like you has none. Why would I show respect to something as foul as you?" Gakuganji bit back. His tone dropped with annoyance, wishing that he didn't have to wait here with a problem student for his latest problem student.

The recent years made him feel far older than he was. And he was already ancient.

"Careful old man. The stress might kill you on the spot. Stop being so tense and just try to relax. I know some great massage tricks if that will help?" Atlas offered knowing full well the man would refuse.

Getting nothing but silence in return Atlas smirked as he shook his head. "You're no fun."

It didn't take much longer before he heard the sound of someone approaching, the slow steady gait that radiated confidence.

Watching a young woman round the corner, flowing silver hair going down to her waist and bright almost white eyes staring back at him he couldn't help but tilt his head to the side in curiosity. Something about them was odd, their cursed energy felt a bit like Geto's in a way. Similar to that of a cursed spirit.

Frowning a bit he heard her start to speak and pulled his mind back to the present.

"So you're going to be my partner for this mission?" She asks, her voice a bit curious. "Can you use domain expansion?" She quickly asked, waiting for his answer expectantly.

"No, I can't," Atlas replied with amusement. He knew exactly why she asked that, she could and was using it as a way to validate herself.

With a small humph she started to walk past both of them and said, "Looks like I'll be handling this mission on my own too." Expecting Atlas to follow.

Turning and watched her start to walk away before chuckling and following behind her.

"Do you know where the mission is?" He asked, keeping his tone neutral. He could feel that she was being very defensive as soon as he met her and with her odd cursed energy he didn't think she was a bad person… but something was going on that he was curious about.

"Yes, do you need me to tell you?" She offered, looking up at him. She was almost an entire head shorter than him and a year younger since she was a third year.

Seeing the lack of aggression in her response, more just a dismissive tone, he changed his plans. He was planning on teleporting there and waiting by himself so he didn't have to deal with her for a while but seeing that she didn't berate him for not knowing he replied, "No I was just wondering. Follow me."

Opening a rift in space Atlas stepped into the folding mirror shards and emerged in an empty shipyard, a giant rusting cruise ship sitting in a dry dock all by itself, forgotten and taken by time.

Looking behind him at the gate of folding space he waited for a few moments before she walked out looking at the portal he had made with curiosity.

"That is cool. I heard you were the strongest in your school…" Her view of him clearly changed a bit. "I have a question." She said, waiting for him to reply before asking it.

Turning to her Atlas stopped making his way towards the ship and replied simply. "yes?"

"Can you beat Genki on your own?" Her voice was a bit hesitant to ask so.

"Easily," Atlas replied, not bragging just stating a fact.

"But you can't even use your domain?" She said, revealing that Genki probably had found his domain expansion. Talented kid.

"And? I couldn't use my technique until a few weeks ago and I was still regarded as the strongest." Atlas revealed as he started making his way towards the ruined ship again. Hearing her hesitate for a moment before following behind him he knew that she was curious about him and doubted his words.

"Was that portal your technique?" She asked sceptically.

"Nope, that is simply put an advanced use of the unique property of my cursed energy, both positive and negative used in conjunction." He stated, not even turning to look back at her as he answered.

"My property can't do anything like that… could I train myself to be able to use it in more advanced ways?" She asks, revealing that she had a property.

Not answering for a moment Atlas looked back up at her, wondering what was happening. She was incredibly unique and revealed that she just had a special property, yet she had never once been mentioned in the anime or manga.

The question was did she die quickly like during this mission or was she a product of the butterfly effect? Maybe something to do with Kenjaku, he would be cautious but not overly so.

"Depends on what your property is. Maybe, maybe not. I would need to know more before I could give you a better answer." Atlas replied honestly.

With them both finally getting to the ship Atlas said, "Be careful, we are about to step into a domain. The entire ship has been turned into an innate one by this spirit." Atlas revealed. Motioning for her to follow carefully, at least she was listening to him.

As soon as they stepped below the ships deck and into the interior of the mostly empty hull the entire world turned black, so dark he couldn't see his hand in front of his face.

The air became thick with a musty humid scent.

Walking forward a few steps he felt his feet sinking slightly, as if he was stepping through a thin layer of mud. Suddenly a silver light emerged from behind him, turning around he saw that Mizuki was glowing slightly.

"It's my property, it can create moonlight… I don't know if it does anything else though." She revealed, a bit embarrassed, after all his property could create portals… hers seemed very, lacklustre.

Nodding his thanks he kept on making his way deeper into the ship, the inside of the hull was massive, it was a cruise ship after all. Most of the rooms had already degraded leaving just a giant internal space with a few catwalks and ropes around the place, clearly left by those that had explored this place.

Getting to the bottom of the hull, he looked down, seeing the ground because of the moonlight that she radiated. A thin layer of black goo coming up barely a few centimetres. Large globs of it hung from the walls and dripped down from the ceiling.

Taking a few more steps he finally felt it. A large mass before them, slowly shifted, expanding up and uncurling from where it slept, like black fire it twisted and flickered, like a shadow it shrunk away from the light. A mass of something almost unrecognizable. Something lurking in the shadow.

An unknown monster.


Leaping backwards an attack slammed into the ground sending a crashing shock shattering through the hull of the ship. Shaking and reverberating metal walls. A crashing sound of splitting metal screeching through the air followed by a billowing roar that blew the air back.

Seeing Mizuki dash forward he let her if she was prepared to fight it then he wouldn't stop her, if she got into trouble he could save her, after all,

while this spirit was certainly powerful he would be able to handle it easily.

Watching her run forward his eyes widened as he saw her activate her technique, that was why her cursed energy was kind of similar to Getos.

White wings emerged from her back. Spreading out to either side of her as giant claws made of moonlight formed over her hands.

She was like Hoshi, half human, half cursed spirit.