
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed user in the Jujutsu world

After the monotonous life of John, who was but a simple mortal, has taken a liking to the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen due to the fight scene and philosophy they have ingrained in him, in particular the fate of a certain Jujutsu sorcerer.

Endless_ASx · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: The Competition I

Author Notes: Hello everyone! Since this is a major part of the arc, I wanted this to be special and try to give a more serious parts and world building first and fighting second but thats just for the 1st part because 2nd part..

Well lets just say things will get more spicy. :)

And sorry for this, but I will take a more casual slice of life approach to the more relaxing parts of the arcs or some sagas, for example:

Beach episodes, Mall episodes, and lastly, Camping trips.

To give characters a bit more life and give them relaxation in comparison to the anime, where Gege gives them little relaxation and just slams his characters with arc after arc.

Alongside with this, I will fix my chaotic schedule now, so it's going to be a weekend releases or release of chapter/s, so expect drops from Saturday to Sunday.

That's all for me.




3rd POV: Jujutsu Headquarters


"Don't you think this has become a precarious situation?" an anonymous man asked, his identity concealed by the shoji.


AN: Traditional Japanese doors are called shoji.


An elderly woman's voice echoed across the circular chamber: "In fact, the birth of the six eyes within the Gojo clan has turned it into a precarious one, don't you think?"

"Jujutsu Sōkan, what should we do about this situation? An elderly guy said from the other door between the two of them, causing quiet within the headquarters walls.

The other voice spoke up, breaking the stillness in the hallways. "Yes, I do agree with this event coming up right now. We can't afford such lax effort on our end with this, and the heir of the clan Gojo specifically, has finally come to a ripe age for participating in this competition," One of the council stated.


AN: (Jujutsu Sokan) Jujutsu Inspector General


As the remainder of the council processed the scenario that had devolved with the birth of the six eyes, the monotonous voice added,

"Now that it has come to our attention, we must ensure that the "monster" lurking around is not to be trifled against." The voice continued, describing the incident in more detail and highlighting the risks involved.

"With the balance of this world in shambles with his birth and the upcoming event for the various clans to emerge with their own children for participation, thus making the entire Jujutsu society fraught with dangers,"

"Along with that, there is much to do with this event unfolding now wouldn't it? Having curses rising from their wombs and becoming even stronger than ever before." The voice elaborated on the event while speaking further about the dangers surrounding it. 


"Yes, I do agree. We should also use this event to converse with the great clans regarding the events unfolding alongside the rise of spirits to negotiation with the other jujutsu sorcerers during this event if you would like to proceed, of course," another elderly male voice said as they conversed about the topics regarding the meeting.

"Very well I shall discuss this with prime minister at the latest time." The Jujutsu Sokan said.

The elderly man added further, "There is also another case for a recent hunt regarding the subjugation of a 2nd grade cursed spirit, and its sudden jump from 2nd to the special grade is alarming, but that's not all there is also the reported sightings of the same cursed spirit outside of its womb's rang-...." Its voice murmuring along the way as it shifts the focus.

In regards to the sudden shift of balance within the Jujutsu world and another great potential sorcerer in the midst.




3rd POV: Jujutsu High*

December 17, 1995


"Greetings to all of the participants coming into this event for the annual anniversary of the clans children competition!" shouted the announcer enthusiastically as more and more people from various clans across Tokyo, Kyoto, and nearby cities participated in the incoming events.


A moustached man appeared to be walked around the gate as he finally entered the institution.

"Man, what a waste of time. If it wasn't for this damned event, I wouldn't have appeared," the man said as he glugs down his sake and trying to find the spot reserve for his clan.

"Greetings Naobito, don't you go around being killjoy about it let us just enjoy this little event, wouldn't you agree?" Another man appeared before him as he tried to shake Naobito's hand.

"Che! You guys don't even have interesting children for this upcoming competition anyway. That is why you're being aloof about it, isn't it?" Naobito spits on the ground as he grumbles about the arrangement of various clans for this competition.

"That's not true we have some contestants from our clan as a show of our goodwill for this event," replied the man with a polite smile on his face.

"Well, well, well, clan Zenin is too busy with partying already, I take it." Another one butts in.

"Indeed, Daijiro, with Naobito being preoccupied with his ramblings, I would like, as the head of the Kamo clan, to extend our appreciation for your clan's participation in this event," he offered to the other clan head as he slightly nodded his head while offering gifts of trinkets and Taiyo no Tamago (Egg of the Sun).


AN: Taiyo no Tamago (Egg of the Sun) is an expensive red mango in Japan.


"Very well then, Kageyoshi Kamo, I, on behalf of my clan Gojo, accept your appreciation and gifts. Let us move forth from this, shall we?" Holding the gifts, Daijiro led Kageyoshi to the main reserve seats for their respective clans while talking about various participants within the events.

"Enough chit chat already! lets move to our spots for god sake." Naobito Chugs more sake on their way.


-------------------------------------- Scene Change ----------------------------------------


3rd POV: Track and field


The announcer said as the young fighters take their stance as the event finally unfolds as various children varying from 6 to 10 years old from the shortest to the tallest child readying their self for the upcoming fight.


"Fighters are you ready!"

"Daiki of Zenin clan are you ready?"

"YES!" The taller boy shouted.


"Ryu from the clan Kamo are you ready?"

"YES" Shouted the shorter one.




"Haiiyaah!" Shouted the child blocking the strike sent to him by a taller one and using it to counter with a fist of his own hitting the taller one's solar plexus.

And he keeps this up with other more barrages of attacks in punched, kicks, and elbows.

While the taller one tanks it with his solid stance and waiting for a moment he punched Ryu the shorter one into the other side of the field.

Daiki seeing opportunity dashed forward until he saw a fist coming right straight into this face.

"WOHOOO!" Shouted the audience as the first battle won.


On the other hand....


"Hooo!" A child rushed out as he use his legs to trampoline himself in the dirt as he moves around, and around the younger opponent with a swift motion.

He kicked the dust and dirt within the earth to distract the other kid with his air kick aiming for finisher.

But not to be outdone the other one blocked the dirt thrown his way as he slides down and drag the other child's feet to let him float around his face.

With his white hair flowing in the air he uses his hand to act as a barrier for the other one to float him in preparation for his attack.

Imbuing it with blueish like flame out of his fist aiming for the Abdomen.

With the child's slide punching the stomach he connects it with a spin kick to the guts as the other child lose consciousness from the two impact of punch and kick to the belly.






"Hmmm," said the child as he raised his fist into the air with blue eyes twinkling through the day light.

The announcer shouted, bursting from his mouth, the excitement going higher with him hyping up the crowd of the clans as they said ahhh's and oohh's from the fast win of the young heir.

NPC 5: "Truly the strongest of this generation, is he not?"

NPC 7: "Yeah, he truly is the strongest."

NPC 9: "What a monster."

NPC 12: "We are so glad for the Gojo clan to finally birth a worthy heir."

"Such power!"


"Loads of shit."


Said Naobito, drinking his sake from his seat, with the meeting for various clan heads has been put on hold with the Jujutsu higher-ups.

"Ougi, what do you think of the brat?" Naobito said as he twirled, moustached, and stretched out his bones from his seat.

"Hmm, it should not surprise us that he is a strong fighter and a pride of their clan, Naobito there is no denying that," Ougi said as he took a seat.

"But that's not what you are truly asking?" said Ougi as he took a sip of his tea while watching Naobito with his fellow Zenin guards.

"I mean, if we can assess his threat, Ougi, you buffon," Naobito said as he took another chug and suddenly realized he had run out and looked for another one.

"Hmmm, if you are so unsure of it yourself, why don't you try to kill him then?" Ougi said as he took another sip from the cup and lightly smirked at the jab.

"Oyy, you asshat just because I am cautious of a brat that doesn't mean I am afraid of him, you get it!?" Naobito shouted as he threw the gourd at Ougi while he dodged it and sipped of his cup.

"And besides, there might be a chance for us to get close with their clan since they will need help raising him with the combat instructors and jujutsu teachers who will taught him."

"THIS IS ANOTHER OUT FOR OUR COMPETITORS!" The announcer shouted as they continued conversing with each other while the people shouted.

NPC 2: "The clan heir is truly strong huh?"

NPC 3: "Indeed another streak of wins!"

NPC 4: "Is he really going to be the strongest of this era!"

There are no better people to collaborate with than our Zenin clan. "Naobito spoke as he brought out another gourd, pouring out sake into the cup.




But as he took another chug of his gourd, he felt the presence of a curse spirit.



He turned to Ougi and said, "Thi-this, do you feel its presence?"

Ougi nodded as the katana was opened, charging it with curse energy as they braced themselves for the worst as other clans drew their weapons in anticipation of an impending onslaught.

"Yes, we need to stand guard. I just felt its presence along with the others," Ougi said as he looked around.

"This might also be the spirit with which they are talking about the report of a failed cursed subjugation, Naobito," Ougi said with caution as he realized the situation.

"The recently promoted 1st grade class, Kusube, right?" Naobito asked as he observed the sudden shift in the arena.

"Yes, which is why we must take control of the situation," Ougi said.

"But isn't the cursed spirit dead, no?" Naobito asked as he himself used his senses to detect the incoming spirit.

"We must wait for further events to happen to act accordingly, Naobito," Ougi said as he continued.

"Some of you take higher vantage points to scout the threats; others protect our clan members and the young ones!" Ougi rushly commands while fully unsheathing his katana in case the worst scenario happens.


-------------------------------------- Scene Change ----------------------------------------


While all this was happening, a shadowed creature of wolf-like appearance appeared right at the top of a building near the field, along with countless eyeballs with wings taking flight along with a dark raven with crimson eyes.


"Welp there goes the plan of coming announced." The child said as he went down the building with said creatures following him from behind.


-------------------------------------- Scene End --------------------------------------------

Author: Dang that was a bit tense to write and kinda hard too :Z 

anyways everyone hope you enjoy this little chapter and the next one is going to be spicy. :D

I think this might be my almost first ever 2k words to booth heh :)D.

And lastly PEACE OUT!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Endless_ASxcreators' thoughts