
Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed user in the Jujutsu world

After the monotonous life of John, who was but a simple mortal, has taken a liking to the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen due to the fight scene and philosophy they have ingrained in him, in particular the fate of a certain Jujutsu sorcerer.

Endless_ASx · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: The Cooking

Author Notes: Thank you guys for the early likes and all I will try to deliver more chapter on the way thank you! :D....


1st POV:


after the event at the zoo was over and the subsequent exorcism of the sorcerer, Geto realized that he needed to become stronger and not get complacent just because he could use a little bit of curse energy.

With this curse ball that he had taken from the spirit, he truly got lucky with this because he might have spent the rest of his childhood making use of curse energy in practicing instead of fighting to truly hone his skill.

"I summon you forth into this world dark as night GRENDEL" Geto chanted using his voice as a focal point to summon the floor below him suddenly turned slimy black and appeared before him a huge beast with blackened fur as its hair and standing in front of him somewhere around 7ft to 7.2ft.Why did Geto name his curse spirit you may ask? It's because of these properties that can be enhanced just by giving meaning to a cursed object or beings can be more effective either by being blessed or cursed by a person.

And then with his summoned appearing now he uses its body and spirit as a way to gather a bit more curse energy to do one thing.


"I vowed that Grendel will only be summoned as a shadow of his form so as not to get killed permanently in exchange for that Grendel's powers are reduced to 65% of his power"

"And I can also retract this vow If I were to be in danger thus ending this vow"

Geto said as Grendel instead of dark fur turned into a slimy black substance and its curse powers waned with the vow but this exchange is beneficial Geto reasoned.

He didn't want what happened to the OG Geto happening to him, losing an important grade curse could be a pain in the ass to replace and more costly than needed right now and he did not want that happening at all.Within his room being messy due to his laziness there is one thing he wanted Grendel to do now.

"Grendel with powers within my palm! I command you to clean my room!" Geto commanded with a childish voice befitting a spoiled brat instead of a dignified shikigami user.

'Hehe summoning for the win baby.' Geto takes a sit within his bed cross sitting while watching his cursed spirit clean his room and making a bit of mistakes here and there in doing so Geto taught it basic cleaning techniques that his mother taught him


Flashback: Started


"Geto-chan clean your room unlike your father, ok? He's quite lazy even when we were boyfriend and girlfriend" said his mother sighing and yet looking from the past longing.

His father butted into the conversation "Well I have you to thank don't I? Heh my sweet beautiful baby girl Ayako!" Isami replied with a smile on his face.


Flashback: Ended


'Thanks dad for making me see the truth' Geto looked around his room now spotless without even a speck of dust settling on it because of the thorough cleaning done by Grendel using its cursed eyes to see through all kinds of trash hidden and unreachable places with Geto's hands."What should I do now that I have curse spirit?" Geto wondered as he tried to remember the general flow of the story and how to best not only survive through it but thrive in it.

'There is also that man or woman kenny'

'The honored one'

'The king of curses'

'Heh more like the previous king of curses' Geto proclaimed as he thought about what to do with this new world that he was inhabiting now and about to participate in.

And lastly that "Man"

'Toji Zenin Fushiguro'

'I need to plan around him if I were to save Riko around this time instead of her getting headshot' he thinks about the plans he made in order to reach that dilemma if he were to encounter him.

'Spamming him with curse spirits won't work, and even worse, he might use it against me."

'Gojo could not kill Toji yet because he doesn't have reverse energy yet and he's still thinking of himself as invincible.'

"Man i've been dealt a bad hand." "There must be some other way for Gojo to get strong along with me." he internalize those 2 questions and he arrived at one answer alone.

'Since I am going to be a curse user, might as well go against Satoru early on and get his friendship in an instant by showing him the error of his ways. Yes, that could work'

'But how would I find him I don't even know where to begin with it.'

'There are also those corrupt higher ups in the jujutsu high and society in general'

'Gojo Satoru could be a beacon of symbol for sorceres around japan in order to bring progress into it.'

'Should I go for it? Yes, that could work while I work on the curse side trying to steer clear of the disaster class curse spirit into a better form and Satoru has a clear goal in mind to become stronger.'

'I know he will lose to Sukuna Megumi or heian-era or not. I also need to outmaneuver an old being like Kenjaku which would be not the ideal thing to be doing the best I can do is stall events from happening.'

'After all I hope to gain something with all these things happening after all'

'I will establish a clan of my own and become the king of curses of this jujutsu world' Geto smiled as his plan is being set for the future.

Hello again everyone hope you enjoy this one peace!

Endless_ASxcreators' thoughts