
Jujutsu Kaisen: Crossed Destiny

Set during the student years of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto at Jujutsu High School, this story centers on Yuno Rentaro, a reluctant first-year student with the ability to see into the past and future. As Yuno forms bonds with his eccentric classmates, including Gojo, Geto, and Shoko Ieiri, he begins experiencing visions of pivotal future events that spell tragedy for his friends and the world of Jujutsu sorcerers. Determined to change these dark fates, Yuno uses his power to alter the course of destiny. He attempts to prevent Geto's fall into darkness, avert the Star Plasma Vessel incident, and change other crucial moments he's foreseen. However, a mysterious albino boy with a god complex emerges as Yuno's adversary, seeing his interventions as a disruption to a grand design. As Yuno strives to protect his friends, he finds himself in a battle of wits with this young mastermind who works to ensure destiny unfolds as planned. Yuno must navigate the consequences of changing the future while facing the challenges of student life, powerful curses, and threats within the Jujutsu world.

Orrlex · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Yuno sat at his desk, absentmindedly chewing on his pencil as he gazed out the window. The summer sun streamed through, casting a warm glow across the classroom. He leaned back in his chair, savoring the gentle caress of the summer breeze. To Yuno, summer had always been a special time—a season when the world seemed more vibrant, more alive, and the sky a deeper shade of blue.

The classroom was a picture of tranquility. Rows of empty desks stood in neat lines, their surfaces reflecting the sunlight. Posters detailing complex jujutsu techniques and theories adorned the walls, while a large chalkboard dominated the front of the room, still bearing faint traces of the previous lesson. The air was thick with the scent of old books and fresh chalk, a comforting aroma that Yuno had come to associate with his studies.

The peaceful silence was broken as Shoko sauntered into the room, playfully twirling a lollipop in her mouth. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she approached Yuno's desk.

"What are you up to, Yunichi?" she asked, her voice lilting with curiosity.

Yuno straightened in his chair, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Nothing much," he replied, his tone neutral. "Just doing some studying."

Shoko perched herself on the edge of his desk, her legs swinging idly. "You're always studying so hard. What's the deal?"

With a soft sigh, Yuno rose from his seat and walked towards the classroom bookshelf. His fingers trailed along the spines of the books until he found the one he was looking for. Pulling it out, he turned to face Shoko.

"I want to learn to control my power," he explained, his voice tinged with a rare hint of enthusiasm.

Shoko's eyes widened with interest. "Sounds intriguing," she remarked, leaning forward.

Yuno returned to his desk, carefully placing the book down. "Right now, I can't control what I see—whether it's the past or the future. But if I could master it, it would be incredibly useful."

"Useful how?" Shoko prodded, her curiosity piqued.

A small smirk played on Yuno's lips as he sat down. "To win the lottery, of course."

Shoko burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the empty classroom. "You're really transparent, aren't you?"

Yuno shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "I just don't want to play the superhero."

"You're not really interested in being a sorcerer, are you?" Shoko asked, her tone more serious now.

Adjusting his glasses once more, Yuno met her gaze. "No, I'm not. I'm only here to control my power and maybe make some money along the way."

A playful grin spread across Shoko's face. "Hey, Yunichi, if you win the lottery, will you take me on vacation?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Leiri," Yuno scoffed, though there was no real bite to his words.

Shoko's smile widened. "Say, want to skip class?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Yuno frowned, his brow furrowing. "Leiri, you've skipped too many classes already. You really should take this more seriously."

"Oh?" Shoko raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me to take it seriously when you don't even want to be a sorcerer? Isn't that a bit contradictory, Yunichi?"

"I never said I wasn't taking it seriously," Yuno retorted, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his voice.

Shoko clapped her hands together, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Wow, Yunichi, you really are every woman's dream—boring and straight-laced."

"Ha ha, very funny," Yuno deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, let's skip class," Shoko persisted, nudging his arm playfully.

Yuno sighed, exasperation evident in his voice. "Why don't you ask Satoru or Suguru?"

Shoko's expression softened slightly. "It's not the same. They're always together, you know? I thought maybe we could be a duo too."

Yuno flipped through his textbook, his eyes scanning the pages. "That doesn't make any sense."

"Sure it does," Shoko insisted. "Haven't you noticed? Even though I call them by their first names, they still call me by my last name. But you're the only one who uses my first name."

Without looking up from his book, Yuno replied, "That's because you call me by my first name. I'm just being polite."

Shoko swung her legs back and forth, her voice taking on a teasing tone. "Hmm, I think it's because we're best friends."

Closing his book with a soft thud, Yuno fixed her with a pointed stare. "If you're such a good friend, you'd let me study."

Undeterred, Shoko's smile grew wider. "As a good friend, I want you to have fun."

Yuno let out a long-suffering sigh. "I'm going to Kyoto on Saturday," he relented. "There's a girl there who can enhance cursed techniques. I want to see if she can do anything for me. So, I suppose that's fun enough."

"Eh? You're going to Kyoto?" Shoko's eyes widened in surprise. "Won't you get lost?"

Yuno's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Who do you think I am? Satoru?"

A thoughtful expression crossed Shoko's face. "Why don't we all go? The four of us?"

Yuno stroked his chin, considering the idea. After a moment, he nodded. "Well, I suppose I could use someone to carry the souvenirs. Alright, let's all go."

As the words left his mouth, Yuno couldn't help but wonder if he'd regret this decision. The thought of traveling with his boisterous classmates was both exciting and terrifying. But as he looked at Shoko's beaming face, he felt a warmth in his chest that he couldn't quite explain.

The classroom, once a sanctuary of solitude, now seemed to buzz with the energy of possibility. The sunlight streaming through the windows took on a new quality, as if illuminating a path to adventure. Yuno found himself looking forward to the trip, despite his usual reservations about social outings.

"I'll let Satoru and Suguru know," Shoko said, practically bouncing with excitement. "We'll need to plan our itinerary. Oh, and we should definitely try some local specialties while we're there!"


The rhythmic clatter of train wheels filled the air as the midday sun blazed overhead, casting long shadows across the countryside. Inside the train car, four young sorcerers-in-training sat together, each lost in their own world.

Yuno, his nose buried deep in a thick, leather-bound book, sat by the window. His eyes darted back and forth across the pages, absorbing every word with intense concentration. Beside him, Shoko fiddled with her flip phone, the soft clicking of buttons a counterpoint to the train's steady rhythm.

Across from them, Geto gazed out the window, his eyes following the blur of trees and fields as they sped by. Gojo, never one to sit still, fidgeted with his dark sunglasses, twirling them between his fingers with practiced ease.

The comfortable silence was broken by Geto's curious voice. "Hey, Yunichi, what's the name of that girl we're going to see at Kyoto Jujutsu High?"

Without looking up from his book, Yuno replied in his usual monotone, "Utahime Iori."

Shoko's eyes lit up with mischief. She lowered her phone, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Wow, you even researched her name. You must really be interested in her, Yunichi!"

Yuno's eyes never left the page as he responded, his voice devoid of emotion, "Don't be ridiculous, Leiri."

Gojo barked out a laugh, his sunglasses coming to a stop as he pointed them at Yuno. "That's right! The day Yunichi shows interest in someone is the day I stop being the strongest."

Geto rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. "Satoru, a little humility wouldn't hurt you, you know."

Gojo puffed out his chest, his voice filled with pride. "But it's true, isn't it? I'm the legendary chosen one of the Six Eyes."

As Yuno turned a page in his book, he spoke up, his voice calm and matter-of-fact. "A previous user of the Six Eyes was defeated by a member of the Zenin clan, using the Ten Shadows technique."

Gojo's brow furrowed in confusion. "The one where you can summon little animals?"

"They're called Shikigami, Satoru," Geto corrected, shaking his head in amusement.

Yuno continued, his voice taking on a slightly lecturing tone. "It was actually because of Mahoraga. Don't underestimate that technique."

Gojo's confusion only deepened. "Maho-what? Is that some kind of fish?"

Shoko snapped her flip phone shut, laughing. "You seem to know a lot, Yunichi!"

Yuno's lips curved into a small smirk. "If you paid attention in class, maybe you'd know these things too."

Geto leaned forward, his smile widening. "But Yunichi, they haven't taught us that yet."

For a moment, Yuno's stoic facade cracked, and a genuine smile spread across his face. "You're right. I guess I am intelligent after all."

Gojo's jaw dropped in mock outrage. "Eh? Why does he get to brag? Why aren't you saying anything to him, Suguru?"

As the banter continued, the train sped on towards Kyoto. The countryside outside gradually gave way to more urban landscapes, signaling their approach to the ancient capital.

Yuno, despite his outward indifference, found himself secretly enjoying the company of his classmates. Their light-hearted teasing and genuine curiosity about his knowledge made him feel a sense of belonging he hadn't experienced before.

As they neared their destination, Shoko stretched her arms above her head, yawning softly. "So, Yunichi, what exactly are you hoping to achieve with this Utahime girl?"

Yuno closed his book, finally giving his full attention to his companions. "I'm hoping she can help me gain better control over my ability. If I can choose when to see the past or future, it could be incredibly useful."

Geto nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. But aren't you worried about the implications of seeing the future? What if you see something... unpleasant?"

A shadow passed over Yuno's face, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "That's a risk I'm willing to take. Knowledge is power, even if it's sometimes painful."

Gojo, sensing the shift in mood, clapped his hands together. "Well, I for one am excited to see Kyoto Jujutsu High! I bet their students aren't half as strong as us Tokyo folks!"

Shoko rolled her eyes, a fond smile on her face. "Always thinking about competition, aren't you, Satoru?"

As the train began to slow, approaching Kyoto station, the four friends gathered their belongings. The excitement of their adventure was palpable, even Yuno feeling a flutter of anticipation in his chest.

Stepping off the train onto the bustling platform, they were immediately enveloped by the unique atmosphere of Kyoto. The air was thick with history and tradition, a stark contrast to the modernity of Tokyo.

Geto took a deep breath, inhaling the unfamiliar scents of the city. "So, where do we go from here, Yunichi?"

Yuno pulled out a small notebook from his pocket, flipping it open to reveal a meticulously drawn map. "We need to head to Kyoto Jujutsu High. It's in a more secluded area, away from the main tourist spots."

As they made their way through the station, weaving through crowds of tourists and locals alike, Shoko couldn't help but marvel at Yuno's preparedness. "You really thought of everything, didn't you?"

Yuno shrugged, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "I just like to be prepared."

Gojo threw an arm around Yuno's shoulders, nearly causing him to drop his notebook. "That's our Yunichi! Always three steps ahead!"

As they emerged from the station into the bright Kyoto sunlight, the full weight of their journey settled upon them. They were far from the familiar halls of Tokyo Jujutsu High, about to enter the domain of their sister school and meet a student who might hold the key to unlocking Yuno's true potential.

Geto, ever the voice of reason, spoke up. "We should probably find the school first. It might not be wise to wander around the city aimlessly."

Yuno nodded in agreement. "I've got directions. We should be able to find it without too much trouble."

As they walked through the streets of Kyoto, the mix of ancient temples and modern buildings creating a unique tapestry around them, each of the young sorcerers was lost in their own thoughts.

Yuno, his mind racing with possibilities, couldn't help but wonder what changes this trip might bring. Would Utahime truly be able to help him control his power? And if she could, what consequences might that have?

Shoko, observing her friends with a keen eye, noticed the subtle shifts in their dynamics. Yuno, usually so aloof, seemed more engaged and at ease with the group. She couldn't help but smile at the positive change.

Geto, always alert, took in every detail of their surroundings. The rich history of Kyoto seemed to seep into his very being, and he found himself eager to learn more about the city's sorcerous past.

And Gojo, his boundless energy barely contained, practically bounced with each step. The prospect of new adventures and potentially stronger abilities had him grinning from ear to ear.

As they turned down a quieter street, the imposing gates of Kyoto Jujutsu High came into view. The traditional architecture stood in stark contrast to the modern buildings surrounding it, a testament to the ancient practices housed within.

"Well, here we are," Yuno announced, coming to a stop in front of the school's entrance. "Kyoto Jujutsu High."

As they stepped through the gates of Kyoto Jujutsu High, the four Tokyo students found themselves enveloped in an atmosphere steeped in tradition and ancient power. The meticulously maintained gardens stretched out before them, a harmonious blend of carefully pruned trees, vibrant flowers, and smooth stone pathways. The architecture of the school buildings was a testament to centuries of history, with sweeping rooflines and intricate woodwork that spoke of a time long past.

Their quiet observations were interrupted by the appearance of an elderly man, his weathered face etched with the lines of wisdom and experience. Gojo, ever tactless, blurted out, "Who's this old geezer? Must be some crazy guy who snuck in to beg for money."

Yuno, quick to rectify the situation, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for receiving us, Director Gakuganji." A shiver of recognition and embarrassment ran through Gojo as he realized his mistake.

Gakuganji nodded, his expression unreadable. "Professor Yaga informed me that first-year students would be visiting. It's a pleasure to meet you all." Shoko and Geto offered polite bows in response.

The director's gaze settled on Gojo, who was now nonchalantly whistling as if to distance himself from his earlier comment. "You must be the Six Eyes user," Gakuganji observed.

Gojo's chest puffed out with pride. "Naturally. Can't you see my beautiful blue eyes?"

Gakuganji sighed, clearly accustomed to dealing with overconfident youth. "Just don't cause any trouble. Utahime should be in the library." With that, he turned to leave.

Yuno bowed once more. "Thank you very much," he said, his voice sincere.

As soon as Gakuganji was out of earshot, Geto smacked Gojo on the back of the head. "Satoru, try not to be so rude! You'll get us all in trouble."

Gojo shrugged, rubbing the back of his head. "What does it matter? He didn't seem bothered."

"That's because I apologized in advance when I called," Yuno interjected. "I told him you were a hopeless idiot."

"Eh? What did you say?" Gojo's voice rose in indignation, but Yuno was already walking away, ignoring him completely.

Gojo huffed in frustration as Shoko chuckled beside him. "Seems like Yuno isn't interested in your squabbles," she observed.

"One of these days, I'll teach that smug bastard a lesson," Gojo grumbled.

Geto patted his shoulder consolingly. "Good luck with that, Satoru."

As they walked, Yuno suddenly turned to face Gojo. "I know, why don't I take a look at your future?"

Gojo's eyes lit up with excitement. "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

Yuno removed his glasses, his eyes focusing on something beyond the present moment. The group watched in fascination as Yuno's gaze grew distant, seeing things they couldn't begin to imagine. After a few moments, he blinked and replaced his glasses.

"Well?" Gojo pressed, impatient for details.

Yuno's expression remained impassive as he replied, "It seems you'll have a scar on your forehead. With any luck, they'll give you a brain transplant while they're at it."

Gojo laughed, throwing an arm around Yuno's shoulders. "I bet you'll be the one to give me that scar with your stupid katana."

Yuno allowed himself a small smile. "You owe me a bowl of ramen," Gojo declared.

"Deal," Yuno agreed.

As they approached the library, the atmosphere changed. The air grew heavy with the scent of old books and polished wood. The silence was almost palpable, broken only by the soft shuffle of their footsteps on the worn floorboards. Towering shelves lined with countless volumes stretched out before them, creating a labyrinth of knowledge that seemed to go on forever.

"I don't see anyone," Yuno observed, his voice barely above a whisper in deference to the hallowed quiet of the library.

Gojo, never one for subtlety, cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, "UTAHIME IORI!"

Geto winced at the volume. "Satoru, don't yell!"

"What? There's nobody here anyway," Gojo retorted, his voice echoing off the high ceilings.

As if summoned by the disturbance, a young woman in a traditional kimono appeared from between the shelves, her hair tied back in two neat pigtails. Her expression was a mixture of annoyance and resignation as she approached the group.

"Please refrain from shouting in the library," she admonished, her voice firm but controlled.

Yuno stepped forward, bowing slightly. "I apologize for the disturbance. We're looking for Utahime Iori."

The girl's expression softened slightly. "Well, it seems it's your lucky day. I am Utahime Iori."

Gojo moved closer, scrutinizing her with undisguised skepticism. "What's the matter?" Utahime asked, her irritation beginning to show.

"She looks pretty weak, Yunichi. Are you sure this is her?" Gojo's tactless observation hung in the air for a moment.

Utahime's jaw clenched as she fought to maintain her composure. "I'm a top student with excellent grades. Don't underestimate me."

Gojo waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, but that just means you're a bookworm. In other words, a weakling."

Shoko intervened, her voice apologetic. "Satoru, don't be rude."

Geto couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, Satoru. Remember, Yunichi is a bookworm too, but that doesn't mean he's weak."

"But he is weak," Shoko quipped, earning herself a sharp tug on the ear from Yuno. "Ow, Yunichi! That hurts!"

Utahime took a deep breath, clearly trying to center herself. "Well? What did you come here for?"

Yuno stepped forward, his manner respectful. "I wanted to ask about your technique. I thought you might be able to help me."

"With what, exactly?" Utahime asked, her curiosity piqued despite her irritation.

"Well, I was hoping you could help me adjust my technique, so to speak," Yuno explained.

Utahime considered for a moment before responding. "I'm sorry, but my technique doesn't work like that. It only amplifies existing abilities. If your technique is imprecise, for example, it won't make it more accurate - just more powerful."

Yuno's face fell slightly as he processed this information. "I see. Then it seems our trip here was in vain."

Gojo couldn't resist the opportunity to gloat. "See? Told you she was a weakling."

A vein throbbed visibly on Utahime's forehead as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Geto, misreading the situation, tried to smooth things over. "Satoru, don't tease her. You'll hurt her feelings. Remember, it's tough being weak."

Another vein popped up on Utahime's forehead as her anger continued to build.

Yuno, in an ill-fated attempt to defuse the situation, added, "Satoru, don't be rude to her. It's not her fault she's like this."

That was the final straw. A third vein appeared on Utahime's forehead as she finally lost her cool. "YOU THREE ARE MORE INSUFFERABLE THAN A TOOTHACHE!" she bellowed, her voice echoing through the library.

Gojo burst into laughter. "What kind of comparison is that?"

"GET OUT!" Utahime shouted, her patience completely exhausted. She began forcefully pushing them towards the exit, her face red with fury.

As they stumbled out of the library, Shoko couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She watched as Gojo continued to laugh, Geto tried to calm the situation, and Yuno maintained his usual stoic expression.

"Well, that could have gone better," Geto mused as they found themselves back in the courtyard.

Yuno nodded, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "It seems we came all this way for nothing."

Gojo, still chuckling, threw an arm around Yuno's shoulders. "Ah, don't be so glum, Yunichi! We got to see a Kyoto student lose her cool. That's worth the trip, if you ask me."

As the group began to make their way towards the guest quarters, Yuno suddenly came to a halt. His abrupt stop caused the others to turn and look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong, Yunichi?" Shoko asked, concern evident in her voice.

Yuno's eyes flickered towards the library they had just left. "You all go ahead," he said, his tone casual but with a hint of something unreadable. "I want to see if there are any interesting books in the library."

Shoko nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Alright, don't take too long. We're going to get some ramen later."

Gojo couldn't resist the opportunity to tease. "Try not to fall in love with the bookworm, Yunichi. You two are perfect for each other," he grinned mischievously. "Or Shoko might get jealous."

In a swift motion, Yuno plucked Gojo's sunglasses off his face and put them on. "Look at me," he deadpanned, his voice a comical imitation of Gojo's. "I'm Satoru Gojo, and I can't keep my mouth shut."

The group erupted into laughter as they walked away, their voices fading into the distance. Yuno watched them go, a rare smile gracing his features. Once they were out of sight, he turned and made his way back to the library, his footsteps echoing in the now-empty hallway.

As Yuno entered the library, the familiar scent of old books and polished wood enveloped him. He began to peruse the shelves, his fingers trailing along the spines of ancient tomes and modern texts alike. The silence of the library was broken only by the soft rustle of pages as he occasionally pulled out a book to examine it more closely.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the quiet. "You again?" Utahime appeared from between the stacks, her expression a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. "I told you to leave."

Yuno didn't even bother to look up from the book he was examining. "You don't own the place," he replied coolly, continuing to flip through the pages.

Utahime's eyes narrowed. "But I can kick out rude idiots," she retorted, her voice sharp.

Yuno ignored her, his focus entirely on the book in his hands. The lack of response seemed to irritate Utahime even more.

"You Tokyo students are all so arrogant," she huffed, crossing her arms.

With a sigh, Yuno closed the book and turned to face her. "Fine," he said, his tone resigned. "As an apology, I'll look into your future."

Utahime blinked, taken aback by the sudden offer. "What?"

"That's my technique," Yuno explained, his voice neutral. "I can see the future."

Utahime's skepticism was evident in her voice. "I'm not interested," she said dismissively.

In a swift motion that caught Utahime off guard, Yuno removed his glasses and placed his hand on a nearby shelf, effectively trapping her between his arm and the books. "Just be quiet and let me do it," he said, his voice low and intense.

Utahime found herself staring into Yuno's crimson eyes, a slight nervousness creeping over her. There was something mesmerizing about those eyes, something that made her heart beat just a little faster.

Yuno's gaze became distant as he peered into the future. The library around them seemed to fade away, replaced by a vision of things yet to come. He saw Utahime lying on lush grass, the bright blue sky stretching endlessly above her. And there, leaning over her, was himself. Their lips were pressed together in what appeared to be a tender kiss.

The vision faded as quickly as it had appeared, and Yuno found himself back in the present, facing a slightly flustered Utahime.

"Well?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady. "What did you see?"

Yuno replaced his glasses, his expression unreadable. "You're going to have a bad case of diarrhea," he lied, his voice deadpan.

Utahime's eyebrow arched in disbelief. "What? Why are you lying?" she demanded, her earlier nervousness replaced by indignation.

Without a word, Yuno turned on his heel and began to walk away. Utahime, however, was not about to let him off so easily. She started after him, her footsteps quick and determined.

"Hey! Don't you walk away from me!" she called out, her voice echoing through the library. "Tell me what you really saw!"

Yuno quickened his pace, weaving between the bookshelves with practiced ease. Utahime followed, her frustration growing with each step. The chase led them through the labyrinth of books, past ancient scrolls and modern journals, their footsteps and Utahime's occasional demands for the truth the only sounds in the otherwise silent library.

As they rounded a corner, Yuno found himself at a dead end. He turned to face Utahime, who was slightly out of breath but triumphant at having cornered him.

"Now," she said, her voice firm, "tell me what you really saw in my future."

Yuno's expression remained impassive, but there was a hint of something – amusement, perhaps? – in his eyes. "Why does it matter so much to you?" he asked, deflecting her demand with a question of his own.

Utahime faltered for a moment, caught off guard by the query. "Because... because it's my future!" she sputtered. "I have a right to know!"

Yuno leaned back against the bookshelf, his posture relaxed despite being cornered. "The future isn't set in stone," he said, his voice taking on a philosophical tone. "What I see are possibilities, not certainties. Knowing too much about what might happen can change the course of events."

Utahime's anger seemed to deflate slightly at his words. "Then why offer to look in the first place?" she asked, genuinely curious now.

A small smile played at the corners of Yuno's mouth. "To apologize for my friends' behavior," he said. "And perhaps... to satisfy my own curiosity."

The admission hung in the air between them, charged with an energy neither of them quite understood. Utahime found herself studying Yuno's face, seeing him in a new light. Despite his initial coldness, there was a depth to him that intrigued her.

"Your curiosity?" she prompted, taking a step closer.

Yuno nodded, his eyes meeting hers. "You're different from what I expected," he admitted. "Most people react with fear or greed when they learn about my ability. You... you're more concerned with the truth."

Utahime felt a warmth spreading through her chest at his words. "And what did you see?" she asked again, her voice softer this time.

For a moment, Yuno seemed to be on the verge of telling her. His eyes flickered with an emotion Utahime couldn't quite place. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, the moment passed.

"Some things are better left unknown," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "Let's just say... your future holds more possibilities than you might think."

With that cryptic statement, Yuno slipped past Utahime and began walking towards the library exit. This time, she didn't follow, instead watching him go with a mixture of frustration and fascination.

As Yuno reached the door, he paused and looked back. "Thank you for the books," he said, holding up a volume he had somehow managed to keep hold of during their chase. "I'll return it before we leave."

And with that, he was gone, leaving Utahime alone in the library with her thoughts and a growing realization that her encounter with the Tokyo students.