
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: Let's change things #11

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

 Narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.



A deafening roar filled the air, followed by an explosion that lit up the street with a blazing glow. An Itadori was thrown by the force of the explosion, his body wrapped in flames, flying through the air and landing almost two blocks away.

Another figure emerged from the explosion, surprisingly almost intact. This figure, with astonishing speed, reached the flying figure in the blink of an eye.

"I can't touch him," Naobito said, drawing the attention of the young man beside him. "I'm rusty," he admitted with a dry laugh, a laugh that did not hide the gravity of the situation.

"I'm faster than him," he admitted with some pride, but his face darkened as he continued, "But if I get close, his fire will turn me into ashes…". He looked at his burned hand, the same one that had tried to hit the curse, his expression was of regret.

"Give me a chance and I'll stop him," he asked, looking at the pink-haired boy. The young man nodded with determination, his eyes never left the smoke rising from the place of the explosion.

With those words, the old man disappeared, hiding in the shadows.

Step by step, a figure emerged slowly from the dust and debris. It was Jogo. "Where is that old man? Did he give up already?", he asked bored.

"I don't need him to turn you into ashes, volcano," Itadori replied, his voice full of determination and without a trace of fear, his gaze fixed on the fire being in front of him.

Jogo snorted with disdain, a mocking laugh escaping his lips. "Your arrogance is starting to tire me, boy," the volcano said, looking at him with evident contempt, as if he were looking at an insect.

"I try to be like my master, do you know him?", Itadori asked, his expression confused. But then, his face turned into a mocking smile. "Oh, that's right… He beat you up," the boy laughed, his laughter echoing in the air, filling the silence with his challenge.

The amused expression of Jogo faded, replaced by a look of anger. "What happened? Did your fire cool down?", Itadori asked, without fear of provoking the volcano's wrath, his tone defiant.

'If I could, I would kill you…', Jogo thought with hatred, his gaze fixed on Itadori's mocking expression. 'But we need Sukuna on our side…' He shook his head, patting a package he carried with him.

Itadori watched with confusion the action of Jogo, alert. 'He's planning something', he realized, his instinct told him to be prepared.

But he stopped his thought when Jogo lunged at him with great speed. This time, however, he was ready. He had been waiting for this moment.

He received Jogo's punch with his forearm, but to resist the force of the blow, he had to release fire from the opposite side, neutralizing the force. It was a risky maneuver, but necessary.

'Great trick, boy', Naobito thought, waiting for his chance. He watched from the shadows, ready to intervene at the right moment.

Itadori, releasing fire from his knee, using the fire as a propeller, hit Jogo in the stomach and lifted him a few inches off the ground.

Taking advantage of his high leg, he continued with a downward heel strike, which lowered Jogo's head to the ground. Jogo barely managed to stay on his feet with his knees. He was staggering, clearly affected by the blows.

'He's faster and more destructive than the plant curse', Itadori evaluated. 'But…'

The pink-haired boy released fire from his elbow, adding a great force to his blow. 'His skin is not that hard'

The blow hit Jogo full in the stomach, lifting him off the ground this time higher. His face was incredulous as he spat blood.

Jogo bent as he flew by the force of the impact, his body flew several streets, resonating an explosion in the distance. The sound of the explosion filled the air, a reminder of Itadori's power.

"Although everything good has something bad…", Itadori lamented, looking at his legs and arms, now broken. His voice was a whisper full of pain.

Despite resisting the attack, his body was subjected to two enormous opposite forces. This is an example of Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the forces were Jogo's punch and his own fire.

As a result, his bones were reduced to dust. This is because the resistance of his bones could not withstand the magnitude of the forces applied.

"You have a good trick there, kid…", Itadori heard behind him, an angry voice that seemed to emanate from hell itself.

He barely had time to react. His hands moved almost by instinct, covering his face just before a sea of fire engulfed him. The heat was unbearable, as if he were submerged in the heart of a volcano.

He could feel his skin burning, his eyes melting and falling off. It was a hell on earth, a torment that seemed to have no end.

His mind, plunged into unimaginable pain, barely registered when a huge force hit him, sending him flying through the air. He bounced on the pavement of the street, a poor street that was already a mess due to the battle. His body, broken and burned.

"What the fuck-" Said a person in the distance, something resonating in his brain, something he had not lived, memories of a person he did not know.

"You have angered me, boy," Jogo said, watching Itadori's collapsed body on the ground. "But I won't kill you, I'll make you suffer, I'll make you suffer a lot…", he muttered, his voice sounding like that of a unleashed demon.

"I know you'll recover, you have that technique, and I didn't put enough power in the fire to kill you…", he muttered, watching how Itadori's burns healed at an astonishing speed.

Jogo raised his head, confused. 'The temperature has dropped a little…', he thought.

"Come on! Get up!", he shouted, kicking Itadori's body, which was dragged several meters, leaving a trail of blood.

The boy's body trembled, before getting up slowly and with great effort. As he looked up, he could see a burned face, his eyelashes gone would be the stuff of nightmares for children and adults alike.

Itadori stood up in the middle of that melted street, his arms hanging and hunched over, his legs and arms still in the process of regeneration.

"That's my boy," Jogo said with a tone that bordered on pride, a cruel laugh on his face. "You know…", Jogo began, raising his arms, "we did all this for you…", he confessed.

Itadori would have shown an expression of surprise, if he could, his face still burned.

"All the deaths that happened and will happen today, are your fault…", Jogo said, an expression of jubilation on his face. "You killed my friends…", he changed his expression to an empty one, "and I'll kill yours, in very painful ways…"

That statement sounded more like an imminent fact, than a simple threat.

Itadori sighed. His breath formed a vapor that only seen on cold nights.

He stood up more firmly, his legs already healthy. He raised an arm in front of his face, his arm already healed. He extended his palm towards Jogo, making a defiant gesture of 'Come for me'. His spirit, despite everything, remained intact.

Jogo laughed maniacally. His laughter echoed in the street lit by fire. "I'll make you ashes!", he shouted. His head exploded and his body caught fire. With an explosion, Jogo flew towards Itadori. He grabbed him and took him through the air, piercing a building.

"Come on!", Jogo shouted. He threw Itadori to the ground with great force. The ground exploded as Itadori's body hit.

"Pure arrogance…", Jogo muttered. He watched the dust rise. But then, he noticed something. He turned his head slowly. 'My arm', he thought. His arm, the arm with which he had thrown Itadori, had disappeared.

He turned his gaze. Just in time to see how the dust dissipated. Revealing an upright Itadori, holding an arm, his arm, in his hand.

"You lost this," Itadori repeated. In a déjà vu of a previous battle.

"WHY, WHY, WHY!" the curse screamed, his voice echoing in the air as he landed with an impact that shook the ground. His arm, which had been regenerated, moved with renewed fury. "WHY DON'T YOU GIVE UP!" he shouted again, his patience was running out, his frustration was palpable.

"Guess what, volcano head," Itadori replied, his calm tone contrasting with the fury of his opponent. He got into the combat stance that Jogo had come to hate, his body ready for the next attack. "I'm a sorcerer," he declared.

"Grrrrr." Jogo growled, grinding his teeth so hard that they seemed to break. His body trembled with anger, the temperature around him rose and the air turned red, as if it were burning.

"To hell with the plan," he said, starting to walk towards Itadori. His footsteps left marks of fire on the ground, each step a promise of destruction.

But as he took a second step, he was forced to put his arm in front of his face, losing half of that arm to an unexpected attack.

"Why you…", he muttered, his face twisting with anger and hatred. He looked at the person who had attacked him, who was behind Itadori.

Itadori turned around, watching his unexpected ally. He had spiky hair, wore a white garment and had dark circles under his eyes. He looked tired, but determined.

"I won't let you kill my little brother," this person said, standing next to Itadori, to his confusion. "My name is Chozo, your older brother," he introduced himself, increasing Itadori's confusion. "Can you call me that?" he asked with a shy smile, despite the tension of the moment.

They had no time to exchange words, as they were forced to dodge a furious Jogo who lunged at them with unbridled rage.

[Blood piercing]

[Flame piercing]

These were the words they shouted in unison the duo of newly discovered brothers, adopting an identical pose, launching their attacks.

Jogo, with his agility and reflexes, managed to dodge Itadori's attack. However, he could not do the same with Chozo's, which was clearly faster.

Chozo's attack pierced Jogo's leg, moving with such speed and precision that it cut the next one, making Jogo fall to the ground, unable to hold himself.

Itadori, taking advantage of the opportunity, moved quickly and attacked the fallen form with a kick that pushed the curse to his new brother.

At that moment, he received a blow from Chozo covered in blood. However, Chozo could not hit twice, as his blood had evaporated by the temperature that Jogo's body gave off.

"Focus on the distance!" Itadori said, pushing Chozo out of the way of the fire attack that was coming at him. "Leave me the hand-to-hand combat." He ordered, as his arm began to regenerate.

"How do you have so much energy…?" Chozo asked, curious. "You'd be surprised," Itadori replied with a smile, though he could not hide his current fatigue.

'Again', Jogo realized, that cold air had returned. 'Is it another enemy…?' He theorized, attentive, but he could not feel anyone.

This time, Itadori attacked the curse head-on, but Jogo, skating, positioned himself behind him.

'You're slow', Jogo thought with a smug expression, about to receive Itadori's blow with a blow of his own. He knew his blow was more powerful.

But a feeling arose in Jogo, a premonition that indicated mortality. If that fist touched him, he would die.

 'It's done!' Itadori thought with a contained smile, a small knife peeking out between the space of his fingers, inches from touching Jogo's fist. But just as they were about to touch, Jogo vanished in the air, saving his life.

"Do you always have so many tricks?" Jogo asked, a few meters away. "That's pure positive energy, right?" The curse asked, though he already knew the answer.

Positive energy, created by the reverse cursed ritual, is the direct opposite of negative energy, deadly to any curse, which are formed by pure negative energy.

Although it is complicated to induce positive energy in a curse, since you have to form the entry hand-to-hand. However, there are few facts of positive energy in offensive use.

The weapon of the divine general Mahoraga, the strongest invocation of the ten shadows cursed technique of the Zenin clan.

Itadori Yuuji's ice, using his positive energy to convert his fire, into ice formed by pure positive energy. This is a unique ability that only Itadori possesses, which officially gave him the title of Special Grade.

'Although it tires a lot' Itadori regretted, he will not be able to form another knife unless he rests for a while.

A red lightning bolt attacked Jogo, but he already dodged it easily. 'The initial attack is the fast one' Evaluated the curse.

But he didn't have too much time to think, as he was attacked by Itadori with a knife in hand, forcing him to dodge.

Ducking quickly in front of Itadori's imminent attack, Jogo launched a blast of fire with the intention of burning his opponent. However, he was surprised when Itadori, conjured his own fire from the same place, negating each other.

Itadori's knife, whistled in the air, cutting the space at an astonishing speed directly towards Jogo. The sharp sound filled the air, a promise of imminent danger.

'I hate that knife, I hate this brat, and I hate that traitor' Jogo lamented in his mind, his face twisted in a grimace of frustration. He was forced to throw himself to the ground, his body hitting the hard pavement, to dodge that small but deadly knife.

He disappeared in an instant, barely avoiding Itadori stomping on him.

Reappearing at a safe distance, he quickly assessed the situation. Chozo was preparing his attack again, his concentration evident. Itadori, on the other hand, was already positioning his sight on him. 'Humans are sentimentalists' The curse realized with a cruel smile.

Ducking in front of Chozo's attack, Jogo ran at great speed towards him, moving in a zigzag pattern to dodge the incoming attack. His speed was such that he looked more like a blur than a solid figure.

Itadori, surprised by Jogo's sudden acceleration, could barely keep up to defend his ally. He attacked Jogo who was about to pierce Chozo's chest with his hand extended like a knife.

'Humans… Are sentimental beings' Jogo repeated, his cruel smile widened even more. He changed the movement of his hand at the last second, moving it to the side, to Itadori's surprise.

Blood flew in the air, a red rain that stained the ground. Fire surged, illuminating the scene with an orange glow. And Itadori's hand, the one that once held the knife, was cut off.

'If I can't go for the knife, I'll go for what holds it' The curse boasted, his laughter echoing in the air. Seeing the knife fly, Itadori found himself with two options: recover the knife or save Chozo.

Jogo received a blow to the face, a blow so strong that it managed to push him away enough for Chozo to jump back. "Stupid decision" The curse criticized, his voice full of disdain. He threw a ball of fire at the knife, destroying it in an instant.

"Can you make another one?" Chozo asked his brother who was next to him, looking at him with concern. Itadori shook his head slowly, his face showing fatigue. "It takes a lot of energy" The pink-haired boy regretted, his voice barely a whisper.

"Now, what trick do you have?" Jogo asked, his face lit up with jubilation. "I know you have little energy, you don't move like before, and you heal slower" He said, his eyes studying Itadori, noticing how Itadori's cut hand regenerated more slowly than before.

"You'd be surprised" Itadori answered, his voice firm despite his condition. He began to run towards Jogo, but slower than before, his body showing signs of exhaustion.

"Attack head-on in this situation?" Jogo laughed mockingly, watching Itadori running towards him. His laughter echoed in the air, filling the silence.

Jogo, finding a feeling of victory after what he considered a final move, was in a state of great security, of arrogance. His chest swelled with pride, his confidence in himself was evident.

And arrogance can be good sometimes, it strengthens you and doesn't let you give up… But in other situations, it's a price to pay.

"You lowered your guard" He heard a voice he recognized behind him, the voice of a person he thought had fled. The voice of the leader of the Zenin clan, Naobito Zenin.

"Old bastard-!" He shouted, invoking his fire, but he was too slow. When his voice froze, a product of the old man's technique, his body was left motionless.

Itadori, now positioned in front of the unprotected Jogo, planted both feet firmly on the ground, throwing his fist with great speed. Fire came off his elbow as a propeller, illuminating the darkness.

Violet Flash, a binding vow conjured by Itadori Yuji months ago, when activated, forces his cursed energy to concentrate on a specific limb, leaving his whole body unprotected. The strength that this vow grants depends on the danger that the sorcerer is in.

This vow was almost forgotten by Itadori when he obtained his fire, until now. But at this moment, it was his only option.

The flaming fist hit Jogo's solar plexus, summoning a violet explosion. The impact was so strong that it seemed that time had stopped.


An explosion echoed throughout the city, the shock waves shook the nearby buildings, simulating an earthquake.

Change of scene.

In a parallel universe, a lonely being was walking in what seemed to be a totally white dimension, an infinite void. His shoulders fell listlessly.

"I'm sorry, Hanami," he murmured with a barely audible voice, his gaze lost in the nothingness. He looked up, seeing the ally who had recently perished at the hands of Gojo Satoru.

"Don't worry, Dagon and Mahito are still alive…" Hanami answered, his voice resonating in Jogo's head.

"Alive?" Jogo asked, confused, his face reflecting disbelief.

"What are you talking about? Dagon died" Jogo affirmed, sharing his confusion with Hanami.

"And why isn't he here?" The forest curse asked, his gaze lost in the infinite distance of that white dimension. Jogo, also looking in the same direction, waiting for his ally's arrival.

But he would never arrive, Dagon was alive, although he wished he wasn't.

A life of slavery.


3000 words this chapter, I wrote it at dawn, I feel that way I write with epicness and I like it more, I don't know.

Give me power stones.

Do you feel that Chozo was introduced too quickly? I know it doesn't make much sense that he arrived faster than the other sorcerers, but forgive me this xd, it was the only way I had to introduce Chozo, I was between that or killing him.

Anyway, in the original manga, it was also like that, he appeared and said "I'm your brother" and that's it.

For those who ask why I introduced Naobito to take him out at the beginning of the fight, it was to justify the end, I couldn't find a way to make Itadori win, and I genuinely didn't want to involve the other sorcerers, Jogo would kill them with ease.

Jogo didn't conjure his domain because he didn't want to kill Itadori, and he wasn't that cornered to do it, he was just angry by Itadori's resistance.