
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 1: Little Changes #1

"." Character dialogues Example: "Hello"

'.' Character thoughts Example: 'Hello'

Omnipresent narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Cursed Techniques]


Author's note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancy in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to investigate how it was in the manga. It is a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters)


Place: Undefined place, Tokyo, Japan.

3rd Pov

Gojo Satoru could be seen; The strongest sorcerer, sorcery teacher at the Tokyo Sorcery Academy, among several other titles. Sitting with Itadori Yuuji; The vessel of Ryomen Sukuna.

"Who passed away?" Gojo asked. "My grandfather, but I think he's more like my dad" Itadori replied, his voice trembling slightly. "I see, I'm sorry for bothering you at a time like this" Gojo lamented, his tone was soft and understanding.

They remained silent for a few seconds, the air was charged with unspoken emotions. Finally, Gojo broke the silence, "So, have you made a decision?"

"…" Itadori did not respond immediately, he seemed to be struggling with his thoughts. "Are there many people affected by curses like this?" He questioned, his voice was barely a whisper.

"This is a rather unusual circumstance…" Gojo began, his tone was serious. "…But if you talk about potential damage, yes. You're lucky if you can have a normal death after encountering a curse, even if they find your body all torn up, that could be considered good" He continued, his voice hardened at the end. "If you start investigating Sukuna's remains, you'll probably come across grotesque scenes… I can't guarantee that you won't be a victim someday" Gojo confessed, his voice was somber.

"Choose your hell" He finished, his voice was an echo in the room.

Itadori did not react to his words, at least not externally. But inside, his mind was in a whirlwind. He remembered what he experienced at school, his friends and the danger they were in, and what would have happened if he hadn't arrived in time.

And his grandfather's last words.

"If Sukuna is completely eliminated, will there be fewer people killed by curses?" Itadori questioned. "Of course" Gojo replied, his voice was sure. "Do you still have that finger?" He extended his hand, his palm was open. "Yes" Gojo affirmed, putting the finger in his palm.

"Now that I look at it again, it's quite disgusting" Itadori said, looking closely at Sukuna's finger, Glup Then proceeded to arrogate it to his mouth and swallow it, under Gojo's not so discreet look of disgust.

"Pig…" Gojo murmured, in a voice inaudible to Itadori.

Itadori began to mark himself with the typical black lines of Sukuna, releasing a pressure of cursed energy, under the watchful eye of Gojo. "Disgusting!" Itadori said, ending the tense atmosphere.

'It's confirmed… it's not just his body's resistance, he's able to control Sukuna without a problem. Only once every thousand years or so, a person… With a phenomenal ability like this appears' Gojo thought.

"Now that we're done with that topic, I want to teach you something" Gojo said, his voice was serious. "I wanted to teach you after you're accepted into the sorcery academy and do a couple of missions, but I think for your safety and lack of time, I'll teach you now."

Itadori looked at Gojo attentively, wondering what he could teach him "Tell me, Mr. Gojo" He replied, full of determination.

"First of all, call me Sensei-".

"But I'm not a student-" Itadori interrupted, his voice was confused.

"Call me Sensei!" Gojo said abruptly. "Ok Ok Gojo-Sensei" Itadori said, sweating.

"Ok… What I wanted to teach you is called cursed energy, it's an energy that few Japanese have, and only some of those few know how to use it, originally you didn't have cursed energy, but now that you're Sukuna's vessel, you have it" Gojo explained, his voice was informative.

"Cool!! And how can I use it!?, I want to do a rasengan, a kamekameha, a-Ouch! Why did you hit me?!" Itadori said, rubbing his head, indignant.

"As I was saying, Cursed energy is born from the negative emotions that naturally flow through the body. Almost all Japanese emit it, Cursed energy is born from the negative emotions that naturally flow through the body." Gojo explained

"To use it, you need to concentrate all your negative emotions in your body, your anger, sadness, fear. And give it shape."

"Alright, I'll try!" Itadori replied "Remember, concentrate all your negative emotions, concentrate" Gojo advised, encouragingly. Itadori nodded, determined to learn to control this new energy. He closed his eyes, focusing on the negative emotions flowing through his body.

He remembered the sadness of losing his grandfather…

There are records throughout history of people using their cursed energy for the first time in desperate situations

The anger of not being able to protect his friends…

In the worst case, Itadori would be one of those cases…

The fear of facing the curses…

But this boy is special

Itadori opened his eyes, feeling euphoric, there was a dark blue aura surrounding him "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He shouted excitedly, but by losing concentration, the aura surrounding him went out. "No! No! No!" He shouted again.

Only once every thousand years or so, a person… With a phenomenal ability

'Although there are some problems…' Gojo thought watching his new student trying to do a kamekameha

"Are you okay?" Itadori asked, to the quiet Satoru "It's nothing" Gojo replied, his voice was calm. "Are you prepared for what's coming?" Gojo returned the question.

"…" Itadori looks at his fist

"Not at all…" He murmured, his voice was barely audible.

His fist flashes with cursed energy

"Nah, Id can." He finally said.