
Jujutsu Kaisen: Book of the End

A boy gets reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen with abilities of Tsukishima from Bleach. Reborn into the Zenin Clan as Toji’s Son and Megumi’s half brother.

astrofluid · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


There came a chaotic tidal wind, rushing in and out, fluttering Shukuro's hair as he stood motionless on a rocky platform. A sense of obscurity now engraved into him by the words he had just uttered, and the smoke only added to the enigma that was Shukuro.

"Wrong…" Gojo muttered, facing the floor with a smile plastered on his face before breaking out into a maniacal chuckle. "Sorry, it's just been a while since I've been wrong. Kind of refreshing to be honest." He now lifted his face and locked his azure eyes onto amethyst ones. A silence followed before it was broken by Shukuro's voice as he brought the sword close to his face, seemingly inspecting it's metallic blade.

"Book of the End. My technique allows me to split the past of whomever I cut. And no, it doesn't work through manipulating time or memories, but by literally inserting my presence into the victim of my cut's history." He informed the man in front of him who seemed to be absorbing the knowledge judging by his slow nods.

"And it works on inanimate things too, I'm guessing? When you first cut the ground before the battle started, you must have 'inserted your presence' to alter the battlefield's structure and set traps, specifically explosive ones?" With that question, he looked back towards Shukuro, who confirmed his suspicions with a nod. "Impressive, quite a terrifying ability you have there. Well since you've revealed your hand I guess it's my tur-"

"No need. I already know of your Limitless technique." The dark haired boy interrupted. "Are you finally going to use it against me?"

"No, I'd rather not." Looking up to the sky, he saw hints of orange meaning the dusk had come. "I think it's time to get back, let's finish this another day, eh Tsukishima? "

With that, Gojo walked away from him, leaving Shukuro in deep thought.

'I mean, I knew that Gojo Satoru is the strongest sorcerer alive but damn, I couldn't land a single hit even with Infinity off. He didn't even bother to use his technique whilst I practically used all of my cards, being my cursed property and technique. Shit, this sucks. I need to get stronger. And fast.

From what I remember in the manga, the Shibuya Arc is only around two months away and that's when the story truly starts. From what I read in the latest chapter, Gojo and Sukuna were locked in a deadly battle and if I were to compare myself to the likes of them at that moment, it would be like an ant to an elephant in terms of strength. If I truly want to survive this second chance at life, then power is a necessity.'


"So what your saying is that the intel we received from the Zenin Clan is wrong? And that we should promote the boy to grade 2 status, effective immediately?"

"You really are a great listener! Anyways, I need to get going, thanks for this great conversation." With that, Gojo Satoru left the principal by himself, as said man let out a heavy sigh.

"Shukuro, it seems like you've managed to impress the one and only Gojo Satoru." A heavy laugh escaped his lips. "These first years will surely be ones to remember."

"You sure you don't mind sharing a room with me?" Itadori looked towards the taller male who always seemed to be in a world of his own.

"It's all right and by the looks of things, I won't be staying here long." The last part said under his breath, yet was heard by his roommate.

"What do you mea-" A knock interrupted the pink haired boy's question and in came in the pinnacle of the Jujutsu World with a smile adorning his face.

"Yo. This is yours, Shukuro." He extends his hand, passing over a card.

A new student ID. The boy in question thought to himself. Did Gojo make them reconsider my sorcerer rank?

Taking the card, he glanced over to the rank and saw a two in place of a four.

"There seemed to have been a mishap regarding the information we received from the Zenin Clan. No need to worry, it's all fixed now. You can throw the old one in the bin." The white haired man informed him.

Seems like my clan truly don't know of my full abilities and graded me on what they thought was my cursed technique. Guess my mother actually managed to keep up a lie for ten years. Impressive.

"Well anyway, I'll leave you guys to get some rest after today's good work. See Ya." With that, he left them but not before giving a two finger salute.

"This must be my bed, right?" Shukuro asked, pointing towards a small bed on the other side of the room that would definitely not hold his 6'2 stature.

Giving a nervous laugh, Itadori scracted the back of his head and gave a sheepish nod.

"No worries." Walking over to the bed, he scratched the wood with his nail then in an instant the bed along with the matress became bigger.

Problem solved.

"How did you do tha-" Itadori's question was cut short once again by the sudden arrival of a mouth on the pink haired boy's face.

"What is your technique kid?" His menacing voice now laced with curiosity as he observed the boy in silent contemplation.

Like I'd tell the King Of Curses.

In frustration, Itadori clamped a hand over the mouth and groaned. "Sorry about him." He apologised but Shukuro waved him off as if it was ordinary.

"I'm gonna go explore the school, I'll be back in around in a hour." Quickly, he grabbed his hoodie and left the room.

"An Interesting Ability, for sure."