
Jujutsu Kaisen: At The Beginning, There Is Six Eyes

Lu Ming traveled through Jujutsu Kaisen and became the experimental assistant of the most evil Jujutsu master Kamo Xianlun, but he became a genetically modified experimental subject of the Big Three Sorcerer Families. During the genetic experiment, he developed a strong resentment towards Naohua and resonated with Lizi, the mother of the Nine Cursed Fetuses. Unconsciously, Lu Ming curses Li Zi, turning her into a special Cursed Spirit. With the help of the Mother of Cursed Fetuses and the Nine Cursed Fetuses, who were bothexperimental subjects, Lu Ming managed to wake up after 150 years. In this world, he became the only person who possessed the genes of the Big Three Sorcerer Families and mastered the ancestral techniques of the Big Three Sorcerer Families.… Possessing the protective Cursed Spirit of Okkotsu Yūta! Possessing Cursed Spirit manipulation skills like Xia Youjie! It has ten shadow spells, red blood manipulation, Six Eyes and unlimited spells from the Big Three Sorcerer Families. Gojo Satoru: Am I the strongest Jujutsu master? Lu Ming is the one. Okkotsu Yūta: Me, the God of War of Pure Love? However, he cannot defeat the motherly God of War who protects her children. Ryōmen Sukuna: With so many weird techniques, isn’t Lu Ming, a weirdo, a bit too cunning? Kensuo: What kind of monster have I created! Lu Ming, who is in the chaotic neutral camp, is moving towards becoming the strongest in the world in the process of revenge against Kang Suo. The window period of Throne of Heaven is about to end! From now on, he will stand at the top... faloo 咒回:开局,有六眼会操血懂影法

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Chapter 23 I Came To The College To Do Only Two Things

Lu Ming didn't see anything wrong with his chaotic neutral stance at all.

After all, I can't let myself work hard for those rotten old guys in the Jujutsu Masters Association and be a good and lawful character.

Then, when they needed it, they were sold directly by these old guys, and you still counted the money for them?

Sorry, although nothing has happened yet, Gojo Satoru's future fate is still vivid in our minds.

After Gojo Satoru was sealed by the Prison Gate in Shibuya, the Jujutsu Masters Association directly issued a decision about cerebral palsy, completely opposing Gojo Satoru and the protagonist group.

In the end, Itadori Yuji survived Okkotsu Yūta's betrayal, but the principal of the high school, Yaga Masamichi, died at the hands of his old friend.

Anyway, if he puts himself in Yaga Masamichi's position, then he will never sit still and wait for death. If he wants to let himself die, then he will definitely turn the entire Jujutsu world upside down.

As for the ending of Yaga Masamichi?

This is the fate of the good and lawful camp. In this world where Curse is rampant, who is the decent person who stands in the good and lawful camp?

By standing in the Chaotic Neutral camp, you are already giving face to the Jujutsu Masters Association.

If he really made himself anxious, he could just stand in the evil and chaotic camp and beat up Kensuo first before participating in Kensuo's plan.

Anyway, everything depends on your mood.

In this way, while Lu Ming was spreading his thoughts, he and Itadori Yuji followed Gojo Satoru into the dojo.

Even though it was broad daylight, dim candles were still lit around the gym. It seemed like there were no windows at all in the gym. As soon as I walked in, I felt that the whole world suddenly became dark.

"So slow, Satoru!"

As a deep middle-aged man's voice sounded, the door of the gym closed spontaneously.

The sound of the door closing made Itadori Yuji startled, and he subconsciously turned his head and looked around.

Lu Ming looked with interest at the man in sunglasses in front of him. As the principal of a high school, he actually held a poking needle in his hand and was carefully making cute stuffed toys.

The whole picture looks so inconsistent and weird.

"You're eight minutes late! Although it's not enough to get scolded, but I also said, didn't I tell you to get rid of this bad habit?"

Yaga Masamichi's voice sounded again, and Itadori Yuji also noticed this middle-aged man.

Then, Itadori's expression also froze. He didn't pay attention to the movements of Yaga Masamichi's hands. He widened his eyes, swallowed his saliva, and looked at Yaga Masamichi's back coldly.

This uncle who looks like a gangster is sitting among a circle of dolls, looking full of girlish heart.

——[Is this Jujutsu High School? Why do I feel like I'm in the wrong place? This uncle is actually making cute things! ]

"Since it's not worthy of being scolded, then teacher, please stop scolding me!"

Gojo Satoru looked indifferent.

"You are making dolls anyway, so it doesn't matter if you wait for eight minutes, right? Isn't it just that you are late? If you are late, you are late."

After saying that, he smiled and looked sideways at Itadori Yuji and introduced:

"This is Principal Yaga Masamichi!"

As for Lu Ming and Gojo Satoru on the side, they showed no concern at all. Since Lu Ming knew him so well and had an unclear relationship with the Zenin family, it was quite normal for him to know some of the personnel composition of the high school.

Lu Ming, who was deliberately ignored, shrugged, with the same indifferent expression. His goals for joining the high school were only Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro Megumi, and at most Kamo Noritoshi during the high school competition.

The holders of these three Big Three Sorcerer Families' ancestral spells are his real purpose. As for the others, they are just clouds.

On the other side, Yaga Masamichi finally raised his head, holding a white and green doll in his hand, and glanced at Lu Ming and Itadori Yuji.

"Is it just these two people?"

Yaga Masamichi put down the doll in his hand and pushed up his glasses, his face full of seriousness.

"My name is Itadori Yuji, my type is Jennifer Lawrence, please take care of me."

Itadori Yuji knew that the gangster opposite him was actually the principal of a high school, so he quickly bowed and introduced himself, and even reported his XP.

Lu Ming also followed the crowd and said his name with a smile.

"My name is Lu Ming, and I like Huaiyang cuisine."

After saying that, he ignored Yaga Masamichi and continued to look at the entire dojo.


Yaga Masamichi has black lines all over his face.

——[These two students are really strange, not normal at all. Itadori Yuji likes foreigners, but is it necessary to say this? Lu Ming likes to eat Huaiyang cuisine, which seems to be a type of Chinese cuisine, so is he really Chinese? ]

Yaga Masamichi looked at Lu Ming and Itadori Yuji.

He already knew something about Itadori Yuji, the Sukuna container, during the communication last night.

However, he wanted to observe Lu Ming himself, a person who was extremely eccentric.

——[Strong, like Okkotsu Yūta! He can feel the power of the special Cursed Spirit, but he is not as difficult to control his Cursed Spirit as Yūta. ]

——[If Wu hadn't said it in advance yesterday, I might have actually regarded the curse power of this Cursed Spirit as Lu Ming's! So, is the relationship between Lu Ming and Cursed Spirit already so compatible? ]

——[Coupled with the shadow magic technique, this kind of strength can indeed be regarded as one of the top troops in the Jujutsu world. ]

In terms of strength, Yaga Masamichi has no reason to refuse Lu Ming to join the high school.

"What is your goal? Lu Ming."

Yaga Masamichi cuts straight to the point.

Hearing this classic interview question, Lu Ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stared at the principal whose future would be a bit miserable.

"I came to the High School to do only two things -"

"First, I can do whatever I want, it just depends on my mood, no one can order me!"

"Second, I want to become stronger, strong enough to achieve the first thing!"

Yaga Masamichi suddenly fell silent when he heard this.

This answer was so general that he could not see Lu Ming's true thoughts at all. However, through this answer, he did see that Lu Ming did as he pleased.

I'm afraid only Gojo Satoru can control such a person.

Yaga Masamichi and Lu Ming looked at each other. Both of them wore sunglasses, and the eyes behind the sunglasses could not see each other.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Yaga Masamichi nodded slightly.

"Lu Ming, qualified!"