
Jujutsu Kaisen: Anomaly

Yuichiro Uchiha was anything but a regular high school student he was a genius in anything especially things physical wise. So how would our Non-regular Protagonists do in the world of Jujutsu? Welp there’s only one way to find out.

TrashyWriter01 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

As Yuichioro and Gojo approached they saw both Megumi and Yuji discussing something before Gojo interrupted them. "Yo! Thanks for waiting~. Oh I see your uniform arrived on time Yuji."

Yuji was wearing the standard boys Jujutsu High uniform but he had a red hoodie. "Yup, fits perfectly. Even has a hoodie." He said as he examined himself.

"Yup, if you make requests, you can add something to it. And it was me who made a request to have it changed." Gojo said while drinking from a juice box he got from god knows where.

Yuji was a little saddened that he couldn't customize his own uniform but before he could say anything a hand landed on his shoulder, looking at the hand he traced it to see that it was his best friend/brother in all but blood.

"Yu! Look at my new uniform, pretty sweet huh? Even has a hoodie." Yuji exclaimed, showing off his uniform to Yuichiro. Yuichiro sighed at Yuji's loud tone before speaking.

"Yes Yuji I saw when I was walking over." Yuichiro said tiredly, sometimes Yuji's personality was too much. Although, He did notice how his uniform was also different from Yuji's and Megumi's, he didn't mind it; he liked the one he had on better.

Yuji looked at Yuichiro's uniform and was about to ask him about it but, before he could, they heard yelling on the opposite side of the street. Looking over they see a young woman about 15 or 16 pressuring? an older looking man about something.

"Are we really going to talk to her?" Megumi asked a little unsure if the girl was the new student they had to pick up before Yuji walked up with popcorn and a crepe and had 2018 shades on spoke.

"That's kinda embarrassing."

"So are you."

Both Megumi and Yuichiro muttered seeing the shades Yuji had on.

"Hey, over here!" Gojo shouted to get the young woman's attention indirectly or directly getting the attention of the surrounding people who looked at them.


They were now in a different area where it was less crowded but the people that were there would look at them and start whispering to each other, Yuichiro looked around before he sighed he was never one for attention however his thoughts were interrupted by the young woman who was supposed to be their new classmate.

"Alright let's go over some things. I'm Nobara Kugisaki and I'm the flower in a group of happy boys." The now named Nobara Kugisaki introduced herself. Nobara was a beautiful young woman with neck length brown hair and brown eyes.

Although Yuichiro found it annoying he went ahead and introduced himself first.

"Yuichiro Uchiha. From sendai."

"Yuji Itadori. I'm also from Sendai."

"Megumi Fushiguro."

P.O.V: Nobara Kugisaki

First looking at Yuichiro she thought, 'He's not bad looking but he looks annoyed like he can't be bothered by anything, and it pisses me off.'

Then she looked at Yuji, 'This one is obviously unsophisticated, he looks like the type to eat his boogers as a kid. Yup, definitely a booger eater…'

Finally she looked at Megumi, 'And he only stated his name… probably thinks he's better than everyone, I can't stand boys like him. Probably like to light gulls on fire too.'

Third P.O.V

Finishing her thoughts Nobara sighed and stated, "I'm not very fortunate with my environment, huh."

Megumi looked at Gojo and asked "Are you going somewhere after this?" Gojo looked up at the sky and chuckled before he replied.

"Hehehe. I've finally gathered my four students and to make things better three of them are from the countryside, so I decided…we're going sightseeing in tokyo!" The three aforementioned countryside students were all excited, Yuji and Nobara showing more than Yuichiro, he was too 'cool' to show how excited he was outwardly.

All the while Yuji and Nobara were jumping on Gojo, rubbing themselves on him while excitedly shouting the places where they wanted to go.

"I've decided the first place where we'll be going is... Roppongi." This time even Yuichiro couldn't contain his excitement.










Abandoned building

"'YOU LIAR!!!"'

Megumi ignored the shout of the three new students and asked Gojo. "There are curses here aren't there."

Yuichiro, hearing that there were curses in the abandoned building, switched from being angry from not sightseeing to listening to gojo speak about why they're here.

"There's a huge cemetery, you know. Which means there's a curse outbreak there and in the abandoned building too."

"It's easy to come out of a gravesite right?" Yuichiro asked Gojo but Megumi was the one to respond.

"It's not the gravesite. It's the mindset of the people who think that gravesites are scary and haunting."

"Huh, so it's like what happened back at school." Yuji concluded havin since stopped complaining about not exploring Tokyo and listened in on the conversation before Nobara interrupted with a question.

"Wait a second, do these guys not know such simple things?" Nobara was confused as to how Yuichiro and Yuji could not know such simple information being Sorcerers.

"The truth is…" Megumi proceeded to explain Yuji's and Yuichiro's situation as to why they didn't know about Jujutsu society.

"So you're telling me that the idiot (Yuji) swallowed a finger that was an Special grade cursed object and this one (Yuichiro) beat a Grade 1 Cursed spirit without prior knowledge of the Jujutsu world and quite easily at that?" Nobara asked incredulously as both of their situations made no sense.

"Yup~! Now that's enough mingling for now! Nobara, Yuji. I want both of you to go and exercise the curses that are inside that building." Gojo interrupted.

Yuji looked confused at Gojo before voicing his thoughts, "Huh? But can't you only exercise a curse with another curse? I can't use sorcery."

"You're already something like a half curse. Cursed energy is already flowing through your body, you just can't control it right now, so use this." Gojo said before putting something that was wrapped up in cloth in Yuji's hands.

Yuji removed the cloth that was around the object and what revealed was a dagger with a black fur guard, brown handle, wide edge blade with two holes, and bandages at the base.

"It's a Cursed weapon "slaughter demon". It's a weapon with cursed energy confined inside, this should be effective on the curses. Ah, also you can't let Sukuna out… Well good luck~!" Gojo said as he watched both Yuji and Nobara walk into the abandoned building. Hearing movement to the right of him Gojo see's Yuichiro remove the cloth that was covering the sword.

It looked like a normal Chokuto with bronze color guard that was wrapped around bandages, an oval like guard, it looked like a normal Chokuto but Gojo could tell it wasn't by the Cursed energy radiating off of it but he didn't say anything.

Yuichiro after removing the cloth that was covering his Chokuto started walking towards the abandoned building that Yuji and Nobara went in but before he could he felt a hand on his shoulder stopping him. Looking back he saw Gojo with that same grin he always has on his face.

"No not you, the curses here wouldn't give you much of a challenge." After saying that he let go of Yuichiro's shoulder and leaned against the wall. Yuichiro looked at Gojo confused and asked.

"Wait, what am I supposed to be doing then? I thought this was supposed to be some test for us?" Yuichiro was confused as to why Gojo stopped him.

"Well yes but this is more of a test for Nobara and Yuji, Nobara more so than Yuji. And as for what you are supposed to be doing nothing for now because when we get back to Jujutsu High me and you are going to be training 1 on 1."

Megumi went wide eyed when he heard this as even though Gojo was a teacher he was always busy to teach due to being a special grade and barely has time to teach hell even practically growing up with the man he can count on two hands how many times he and Gojo had a 1 on 1 training.

Was he jealous? No, he's seen Yuichiro's potential first hand and the amount of cursed energy he has is enormous and if he was a prodigy like Yuta then the only one who could teach him was Gojo.


A/N: Sorry I didn't release this chaoter earlier im sick with the Flu AND Food poisoning. Anyways give me feedback on things I could improve on.