
Jujutsu Kaisen: Anomaly

Yuichiro Uchiha was anything but a regular high school student he was a genius in anything especially things physical wise. So how would our Non-regular Protagonists do in the world of Jujutsu? Welp there’s only one way to find out.

TrashyWriter01 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Part 2


Sugisawa Hospital: Patient room

Third P.O.V

We can see Yuji inside a hospital room setting up some flowers inside a vase it was quiet until it was interrupted by an old man sitting up on the medical bed.

"Yuji I have final words for you. Its.. its about your parents."

"Stop, I don't care!" Yuji interrupted the old man deliberately speaking louder than the him so that he wouldn't hear what the old man had to say. The old man Wasuke Itadori, was an old man that looked to be in his mid 60's, he had white spiked up hair. Undeterred by Yuji's loud speakin tried to tell his idiotic Grandson once again spoke louder.

"It's about… Your parents! Listen." But once again was interrupted by Yuji, only this time he wasn't speaking loudly.

"Like I said, I don't really care Gramps. Also, would stop trying to look cool before you die?"

After hearing that Yuji really didn't care to hear about his parents he left it alone but, he twitched hearing the second part about him trying to look cool before he dies he sat up quietly in the medicle bed before yealling at his foolish grandson.

"You just Don't get do you? Evey man on earth wants go out in style you know! And stop buying flowers all the time save your money"

Yuji who was still setting up the flowers ignored the first half about every man wanting to go out in style, but he had to agree every man did wanted to die in style before telling his granpa. " They're not for you they're for the nurses."

"Thats a even bigger reason to stop buying them idiot!"

After yelling at Yuji telling him how much of an Idiot he is Wasuke looked at his Grandson before asking "What about your club? Stop wasting time by coming to a sad place like this."

"Oi! My club finishes before five! I wouldn't be here so much ifI wasn't so bored you know!"

The room went silent as Yuji went back to attending the flowers. The silence was then broken once again broken by Wasuke who called out to his grandson "Yuji…"


"You're a strong kid so… help people. It doesn't have to be everyone. Just Whenever you can. You may feel lost. Don't expect graditude. Just help them. When it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others. Don't end up like me." The room went silent for a few seconds before Yuji called out.


Some second's went by before Yuji tentatively picked up the Hospital phone and called the front desk, the phone was picked up and after he heard a voice on the other end. "Yes? How may I help you Mr.Itadori?"

"My granpa is dead."


Sugisawa Hospital: front desk

Yuji's P.O.V

I was at the front desk finishing up on signing some documents. "Yup thats should be it for the documents. Okay thanks for everything." I said while looking everything over and as I was done looking everything over to makes sure nothing was amiss, the nurse shot me a question.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Well it's my first time experiencing this so the reality of it hasn't really sunk in yet. Besides my granpa would be mad if I just moped around… so I'll have to laugh while I burn him up."

The nurse looked incredulous and sweatdropped "How can you say that?!" However before I can answer her a voice from behind spoke up, interrupting our conversation.

"Yuji Itadori, correct?"

Turning around I was met with a boy who looke to be the same age as me with sea urchin like black hair and blue eyes, he was wearing some weird looking black uniform. However before I can confirm wether I'm Yuji Itadori he continued.

"Sorry but there isn't much time. I'm Megumi Fushiguro from Jujutsu Specialty High School. The cursed object you have is extremely dangerous. Im going to need you to hand it over right now."

"Cursed object?" I asked confusedly. The now named Megumi pulled out his phone showed me a picture the box that me amd the O.R.C were studying before.

"This you have it, don't you?"

"Oh yeah! I found that in a old beat up outdoor thermometer box. I don't really mind giving it back but my Senpai had taken a fondness of it. I'd at least like an explaination on why you want it though."

Megumi sighed before he began explaining " Nationally, the average of unexplained deaths and missing persons exceeds 10,000 yearly. The majority of those are the result of negative energy that flows out of people, and that results in cursed spirits being born."

"Cursed spirits?" I asked scratching the back of my head not really believing it. But as if he heard my thoughts.

"It really doesn't matter if you believe me or not! And so, places where crowds of people gather like schools, hospitals, graves are susceptible to receiving that energy. Emotions like pain, regret, humiliation, anger, sadness. The more people dwell on them the more negative energy that is produced.

And for that reason a cursed object is nine times out of ten found at such places as a talisman. The object you found was such an item."

"Talisman? Aren't those good things, how can they be dangerous?" I asked genuinely confused on how the cursed object which is supposed to act like a talisman him and his friends found could be so dangerous.

Fushiguro looked like he was losing patience before calming himself down and started to explain "It sounds harmless but the more evil placed on a cursed object the more it deflects ther curses, basically using poison to fend off poison. After many years the seal weakens and the talisman essentially changes form, instead of deflecting curses it attracts and feeds on them.

Among other cursed objects the one that was placed inside that outdoor thermometer box is extremely dangerous and it's categorized as a 'special grade'. Now before anyone dies… Hand it ov-."

Before Fushiguro could continue he abruptly stopped turned around and leapt back in front of me with his back facing me. Before I could question what was going on he got in a stance that will become iconic later as spoke loudly, "Who are you?!"

When I tileted to the side to seem what going on I saw my best friend and brother in all but blood, Yuichiro in some casual clothes standing there with his hands in his pockets. I put my hand in a form of greeting "Yo! Whats up Yu!"

P.O.V: Megumi

As I was finishing explaining to Yuji Itadori on why the cursed object he found was so dangerous I felt a huge amount of pressure and Cursed energy approaching from behind me. Turning around Iept back in front of Yuji ready to summon Mahoraga to deal with whatever this thing that was approaching was and shouted "Who are you?!"

It was then I heard Itadori from behind me speak, "Yo! Whats up Yu!" The one named 'Yu' Lazily put up his hand in the same form of greeting Yuji just did and said.

"Yo, whassup Yuji. And whos the sea urchin?" My eyebrow twitched at that, my hair doesn't look like a sea urchin dammit! I calmed dowm and looked at the two who were having a conversation, Yuji looked solemn and then looked to the one named Yu.

'So this is Yuichiro Uchiha that I've heard rumors about when I was at the school. It was said that his physical capabilities is even better than Ifadori's.' I thought. But there was an even bigger question in his mind.

'What the hell was that just now? That huge amount of cursed energy should be impossible to hide without proper training and yet. When I look at him now I can hardly feel anything.'

Third P.O.V

As Megumi Fushiguro continue to ponder on what that large amount of E that pulsed out of Yuichiro Uchiha came from, said young man was consoling Yuji. Yuji went quiet for a while before shooting his friend a question. "Hey Yu, does it ever get easy? Like how did you get over your old mans death?" Yuichiro pondered for a while before answering.

"It's simple I didn't get over it." He stated with Yuji shooting him a questioning look urging him to explain what that meant. And he did by continuing.

"There is no getting over it Yuji, because getting over it is signifying that you can look back at this moment and not really feel sad, or angry, or frustrated. I feel all of those things when I think about my grandfather's death. Frustrated and angry that he had to die, sad that I was once again left alone

Then I realized me being sad,or angry, or frustrated wouldn't bring him back… nothing would. So instead of getting over it I just moved on knowing that he wasn't here anymore. Long story short, no one ever truly gets over someone's death all we can do is just move on keeping all the memories you had with them."

Yuji shed a few more tears before he wiped them with determination shining through his eyes and loudly proclaimed. "Yosh I'll do my best to move on!"

Yuichiro on the other hand sweatdropped with a small smile on his face "You do that." He said. Yuji then remeber Fushiguro who was still pondering and called out.

"Oh yeah, Fushiguro! Here, if something as dangerous as this is really out there than its better in your hands than mines." Yuji threw the box that was supposed to be containing the cursed object to Megumi, who was knocked out of his pondering by Yuji saying his name and caught it.

Yuichiro raised an eyebrow in confusion before asking "Whats dangerous? And what was that box you just threw?" Yuji was about to explain when he heard Megumi muttered about something. Megumi Attempted to jack Yuji up by his jacket but all he managed to accomplish was shaking him.

"Why is it empty?! Where are the contents?!" Megumi shouted at Yuji while shaking him. Before Yuji could respond Yuichiro gently took Megumi's hands off Yuji's jacket and asked.

"First of all Calm down. Secondly What the hell is going on? Why are you panicking?" Megumi calmed himself down before looking at Yuji.

"There's nothing in here." He said showing Yuji the empty box that was supposed to carry a cursed object inside was indeed empty. Yuji thought about it for a moment before widening his eyes in realization.

"My Friends from the O.R.C mentioned something about…. Peeling off the seal tonight at school. Are they not supposed to do that or something? Will something bad happen to them?"

Yuji questioned seeing the widening of Megumi's eyes before he answered. "Worse than just something bad happening to them. They'll die!"

However Yuichiro looked at the both of them confused and frustrated on what they were speaking about and once again asked a little to loudly "What the hell is going on!"

However instead of getting the answer he wanted the answer he got was both Yuji and Megumi running torwards the entrance as they bith exclaimed "we'll explain on the way!"

Yuichiro sighed before looking at the nurse who looked even more confused than he did and said, "what can a guy do to get some answers around here, am I right?" But all he got was an even more confused look as he sighed again and ran after them easily catching up to them both.


Sugisawa Town #3 High School: Occult Research Club

In the O.R.C room two people were sitting around the table with a singular candle in between the both of them. The female member, Sasaki was attempting to peel off the wrapping of an object but couldn't getting frustrated she spoke loudly, "I can't get if off."

The male member Iguchi asked " was it really a necessary to sneak into school for this?" Sasaki however kept trying to get the wrapping off and answered.

"The atmosphere is important with stuff like this you know? Besides Nothing's gonna happen, so setting the creepy mold would make it more trolling. Oh! Look it came off!" She said excitedly she the wrapping came off and she widened her eyes at what she saw.

"What the-?!" Upon hearing her Iguchi looked at her to see what had her so shocked only to be shocked himself.

"…. A finger? Do you think it's real?" As they were discussing if the finger could be real or not they missed black gooey like portal open up behind them on the ceiling.


P.O.V: Megumi Fushiguro

Itadori, Uchiha, and I were currently running torwards the school I noticed they were ahead of me especially Uchiha. Then theres the other thing with him when we were running from the hospital I felt that huge spike of CE form him at least five more times and each time. 'The gap between when his CE would spike up is getting shorter and shorter, the last spike was a minute ago. What could this mean?' I thought as I was interrupted when his Uchiha's energy spiked up again.

'This time the time between the spikes was one minute and fifteen seconds compared to the one before that which was one minute and forty five seconds.'

Third P.O.V

As the three were Yuichiro slowed down a bit to so that he was running beside Megumi to shoot him a question, "Fushiguro, do seals come off that easily?" Megumi shook his head and answered.

"Normally? No someone with no cursed energy shouldn't be able to! This time though, the object inside is too strong and the seal was also old it might as well just be normal paper."

Yuji was strangely quite and in his thoughts 'I still don't get what he means by this curse business. Lets just hope he's not just some crazy guy.' As Yuji thought that they all stopped feeling the pressure radiating from the school.

Megumi walked forward "The both of you stay here. Where are the club rooms?" He commanded before asking. However Yuji had other plans.

"Hold on! Im coming with you! Its bad, right? And plus my friends are in there and I can't abandon them." He said to Megumi hoping that he would let him come and help. Megumi however, was not going to be swayed easily as turned his head to give Yuji a menacing look and once again commanded more strongly this time.

"Stay He-! Wait where's Uchiha?" However when he did look back Yuichiro Uchiha was nowhere to be seen he looked around still not finding him and thats when he felt another cursed energy spike coming form the school building as he thought.

'When did he get and the CE spike its only been 50 seconds! Dammit I have to find him!' He turned back to face Yuji and yelled.

"Im not kidding Stay Here!" As he ran inside the school.

P.O.V: Yuichiro

"Dammit they aren't here!" I said as I looked into the room it looked like a mess, like a tornado had ran through it as I was looking for clues as where they could've gone I heard a sound out in the hallway.

When I walked out of the club room I turned to place where I heard that sound and there I saw a disgusting looking monster, one that a little kid would accidentally draw while they were actually trying to draw a….. frog?

And the wasn't even the worse part was that it talked and its voice was anything but pleasant. "cAN YoU… LeND ME soMe ChANGe?" it asked the voice sounded so distorted that someone can barely understand.

Now anyone else would've shit bricks seeing and hearing a monster like this talk but Yuichiro Uchiha answered casually "Nah, didn't bring my wallet with me sorry, not sorry." That wasn't the answer it was looking for it seems as it like a frog lept at him at to normal people would be blinding speeds but to me?


The thing had crashed into the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. Before the thing could recover I dashed at it, appearing at its side and smashed my fist to the side of its head sending it crashing through one of the classroom doors and knocking down some of the desk and chairs in the process. Whe I was gonna walk away I remembered a movie I watched as a kid 'always check if your opponent is down or not.'

I sighed and turned to the door I felt something wrap around my waist and instinctively I tried going for my chokuto to cut whatever it was that was currently wrapping around my waist then I remebered I left it home.

'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid Yuichiro from now on you can NEVER leave your sword' as I was berating my self I felt like I was getting pulled im a circle and before I knew it.

Third P.O.V


Yuichiro went crashing through a wall and now was currently soaring through the air heading to the rugby field. And while he was soaring out of the corner of his eye he saw the frog like monster getting ready to bullet himself torwards him as he was falling.

It did not dissapoint as when Yuichiro was a few feet off the ground it leapt charging through the air like a bullet ready to pierce its opponent, however instead of hitting its opponent like it 'thought' it only hit air, as Yuichiro had tucked both his arms and executed some twist and flips to barely dodged it before he landed while the Cursed spirit.


Crashed into the rugby field knocking up dirt and rocks that obscured Yuichiro's vision of the Curse. Yuichiro looked at the shadowy figure of the curse before he caught the Curses tongue as the curse tried to catch him off gaurd again.

Yuichiro pulled the curses tongue instead, bringing the curse torwards him he readied his right arm and when the Curse was in range he punched as hard as he could. Just before Yuichiro's punch landed his cursed energy spiked up again and he unconsciously sent it to his right fist then when the hit landed.


The curse exploded, sending purple blood in every direction some even getting on himself and in his mouth. Yuichiro tasting the disgusting like blood in his mouth immediately tried anything he could do to spit it out… he mostly succeeded.

Spitting the last of the blood that he could get out of his he looked around seeing that at least 60% of the rugby field was covered in the purple he looked at his hand and closed and opened them a few times before thinking out loud, "I knew I was strong but to do this all in a single punch is insane."

Then he thought back to the fight and the punch. 'Now that I think that whole fight was weird, like how that monster sent me crashing the the wall I barely even felt it. And now that punch.' He continued to ponder before a playful voice interrupted him.

"Wow that was quite the show you put up!"


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter this was my first time writing out a fight. So please tell me if it's ass or not I wanna know you guy's opinion.