
Jujutsu Kaisen (Fanmade)

Taehyun_Smile · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Suspicion under the weather

(Might be swearing)

"Oh that's fine I thought you were watching what I was playing." He looked back at me suspiciously. He said it in such a non threatening manner I was still scared.

He told me to go to bed and he will give me hot cocoa and I should read my manga for a while to get my mind off things. After I drank it I just fell asleep very quickly when I wasn't tired. I woke up too panda shaking the bed and I was about to fall off. I put my uniform on and walked out to see Y/N Megumi and Nobara waiting for me. "Ur late again what happened now?"

"I don't know I think Gojo drugged my drink."

"What do you mean?"

"I drank the hot cocoa and went to sleep instantly."

Their eyes widened in shock. Turns out the same thing happened to them but at different times. Something seems off.

In the hall.

"We are going to have try and have combat with some targets so show me how you would approach the target like you would approach the curse."

Nobara pushed a needle in the target and used her straw doll and beat it through the heart which broke the wood imedately.

We all clapped and Y/N used her bow technique to peirce the target with her bow it broke into peices.

We were all amazed. Megumi used his owls to pull up the pillow target and ket it drop.

Nobara POV

It was Itadori's turn let's say he broke multiple targets in one minute he just punched one and the force was so much it blew away the others.

"Well I guess you are ready to fight some real cursed. I'll see if there is any available mission. We heard there was an available mission where someone seems to have their house filled with curses."

We got to the place and saw inside. Y/N had PTSD if what happened with her mom and going into small packed homes almost made her panic. She walked inside perfectly normal and had no fears. An old lady was showing us around. She grabbed Itadori and tried to give him food but we pulled him away saying he was fine. She tried to insist but gave up instead. We walked upstairs and we saw no curse there Megumi bought out his demon dogs to smell out for curses but it went up to the old lady. "

"Aww looks like I can't hide it anymore." Her face changed to this young ladies face and tried to stab us but we had quick reflexes and moved out the way making debris. We coughed out the smoke but she was gone. She felt familiar so familiar that she reminds me of someone I met before when I was younger. I tried to look for her but she disappeared. We looked around searching for her but no sign. She left a note on my desk saying I work w a little friend you might know. Don't get too deceived. ;)

"That fking bastard." As I banged my fist on the table in anger. I showed Gojo this note and he seemed alarmed. I felt like he knew who she was.

"Do you kno-" he shushed me and pushed me back that note was exorcised. The note changed and said:'PLEASE HELP ME he has kept me hostage for so long" I felt sceptical about this note. It was too set up to be real.

"We must attend to this note. Immediately. You guys should go get rest. The other sorcerers will attend to this."

"But shouldn't you analyse the note first? It's too dangerous to take sudden precautions like this we should start slow-"

Then he ignored me. WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS EVERYONE ON HIGH ALERT?! Can someone please tell me what is going on?

I went to bed having a meltdown worrying and overthinking. Maki and Y/N came to ask me what was wrong. I told them everything just crying it was scary how everything was moving so fast. I just hope everything is ok.