
Juijutsu kaisen:Lost in the flames

A loner teenager who just been asked out to a date is nervous for his date he has a bad feeling in his gut but this will be first time and maybe the last time too?

Venda_Boi · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

First and last date

"Hello, my name is obi."

I feel dumb for thinking she doesn't know my name when she asked me out. Who knew going on a date could be this tough? Trying not to think about the upcoming disaster of my date, I splash cold water on my face, hoping it'll wake me up and make me feel less hopeless.

In high school, I struggled to have long conversations with others, and I felt like I didn't fit in with everyone else. I was different, and I hoped to find someone like me, but that never happened. Instead, I ended up sitting alone, watching others having fun together, which made me feel pretty down.

I knew I was a bit weird, and it made me wonder if something was wrong with me. I tried to make friends, but it didn't work out, and I felt lonely. As graduation approached, I felt both relieved and sad because I wanted to leave high school behind, but I worried about being lonely in the future too.

Despite the challenges, there were some small moments of hope when I connected with a few classmates. It reminded me that maybe one day, I'll find my people who will accept and understand me. As I move forward, I'll keep searching for my identity and hoping to find where I belong.

It's not like I wanted to be alone; I would have been content with a small group of three people, maybe I'm thinking too large one person would've been enough

But to my surprise, in yet another lonely depressing lunch, a girl sat at my table. While I wouldn't describe myself as ugly, I am undoubtedly not attractive enough for a girl to sit at my table who is gorgeous enough to receive modeling agencies contact in the future.

She was apparently a new student from a couple weeks ago, which is strange because I've never seen her before. I mean, I watch everyone in this lunch period; perhaps she got switched to this lunch period anyways when she sat, I could feel the social energy oozing off of her, and as I anticipated, she was pretty social right away striking up a conversation with me. Her name was Mina Hatsue, and as the lunch came to an end, she asked me for my number, which I was very surprised and kinda excited I gave it to her.

After that interesting lunch, and throughout the rest of the school week, I started to have feelings for her. I know it's unrealistic to fall in love, but I don't care; she's cute and has a nice personality, so on Friday I planned on asking her out. To my surprise, she asked first, and we scheduled a date. Now I'm stressing about what to wear and what to say to her.

After selecting an outfit—basically consist of a black graphic tee paired with black skinny jeans. To add some flair, throw on a black leather or denim jacket. Complete the look with black cats.

"Mom, I'm heading out!" I call out to my mother, letting her know that I'm leaving.

My mother has played a crucial role in preventing me from sinking into depression. Without her support, I often find myself engulfed in a constant state of numbness. However, I'm Hopeful that this feeling is slowly starting to recede, or at least I sincerely hope it is.

Despite everything, I find myself reading the text message that simply states, "I'm here." As I glance around the park, I can't help but notice its charming features, including vast open spaces, majestic tall trees, and an array of vibrant flowers in full bloom. The beauty of the park contrasts with the weight of emotions I'm experiencing, yet somehow, it provides a sense of solace amidst the anxiety within.

A girl with black hair has a bob cut with her short, jet-black hair framing her face.Featuring captivating dark eyes that hold a depth of emotion. A pair of gracefully arched eyebrows accentuates her expressive gaze, while her petite nose adds a touch of delicacy. Completing her charm, her lips form a subtle, warm smile that adds an air of approachability to her overall appearance.Her confident demeanor is accentuated by her stylish appearance, making her stand out in any crowd.

Unaware of my actions, a smile adorns my face as my legs instinctively carry me towards her. Before I realize it, I find myself walking closer to her, propelled by an inexplicable force that seems to guide my steps.

When I see her, everything stops, and I can't breathe for a moment. Her outfit is on point, with a cool black hoodie crop top that shows off her style, matched with black high-waisted pocket jeans that fit her perfectly. The black ankle boots she's wearing complete the look with a touch of edginess. She looks absolutely stunning, and I can't help but be captivated by her presence.

I nervously lock eyes with her, feeling a lump in my throat that I can't seem to swallow. "Oh, hey, thanks for inviting me out," I manage to say, my voice carrying a slight stutter.

Her sweet giggle in response eases some of my tension. "It's no problem," she replies warmly, her eyes softening as she glances over my outfit. "I like your outfit," she compliments, causing a shy grin to spread across my face.

"Thanks," I reply, trying to gather some courage. Encouraged by her kind words, I take a deep breath and blurt out, "I like your outfit too; it's really cute." The words escape me before I can overthink it.

A genuine smile lights up her face as she responds, "Thanks." Her smile makes my heart skip a beat, and I feel a surge of happiness wash over me, grateful for her patience and the ease she brings to this moment.

As the conversation progresses, we find ourselves sharing stories, laughing at each other's jokes, and discovering common interests. The initial shyness between us begins to fade away, replaced by a growing sense of comfort and connection. We talk about our favorite movies, hobbies, and dreams, realizing how many similarities we have.

As the day goes on, we decide to take a leisurely stroll through the nearby park, under the sunny day. The ambiance becomes enchanting, and our conversation takes on a more intimate tone. We share our hopes and fears, opening up to each other about our past experiences and personal journeys.

At one point, she reaches out to hold my hand, and I feel a warm sensation spreading through me. Her touch is gentle, yet it sends a rush of excitement through my veins. I can't help but smile, knowing that this connection is something special.

As the day turned to night, I thought it was time to walk her home. "So, this is where you live, huh?" I asked, and she nodded with a smile. But then something unexpected happened – she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek! I was totally stunned, and my heart started to race, feeling all weird inside. After the surprising moment, I slowly walked back home, lost in my thoughts.

While heading back, I decided to stop by a convenience store. I figured a snack might help me clear my head and calm my nerves. So, I went inside and browsed through the aisles, searching for something tasty. Eventually, I found my favorite bag of chips hot fries and grabbed a cold sprite to go with it. As I go to the cashier to pay for the snacks, I couldn't help but replay the unexpected kiss in my mind. It felt like my whole world had turned upside down in just a few moments.


As the cashier handed me my change, a sudden deafening sound echoed from the entrance door, causing me to flinch in surprise. I instinctively turned to look, and there he was – a man who appeared to be in his mid-30s, standing near the entrance. His posture was slightly hunched, and his demeanor seemed uneasy. He wore a worn-out dark gray hoodie that draped over him, concealing much of his face in the shadows. The dim lighting in the store made it even more challenging to discern his features clearly.

I couldn't help but notice his eyes darting around nervously, never settling on one point for too long. It was as if he was constantly on high alert, observing his surroundings with caution. A scruffy beard seeped under his mask, and unkempt hair peeked out from under the hood, giving him an unkempt appearance. The combination of his evasive body language and the hood obscuring his face heightened my sense of unease. In that moment, an unsettling feeling washed over me.

"Give me the money now!" The words sliced through the air with desperate aggression, and my heart pounded in my chest. I couldn't help but notice the man's hand reaching inside his hoodie pocket, and in an instant, it became chillingly clear that he had a gun. Fear gripped me, and I instinctively raised my hands in surrender, trying to show that I posed no threat. The store seemed to shrink around me as I found myself facing this harrowing ordeal.

Glancing at the robber, I noticed his face specifically his eyes was a mix of anxiety and eerie sense of resolution. His eyes darted around the store, making sure no one else would intervene. His tense body language exuded a volatile energy, making it evident that he was on edge and unpredictable. In that moment, the gravity of the situation became all too real.

Despite the fear coursing through my veins, I knew I had to remain calm and cooperate. I tried to steady my breathing, not wanting to escalate the tension any further. My mind raced, contemplating the safest course of action. My hands trembled slightly, but I forced myself to keep them raised, silently praying that everything would end peacefully. I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on me, and I knew that any wrong move could have dire consequences.

"Here take the money man"With a shaky voice, the cashier complied with the robber's demand, opening the cash register and handing him the money.

"Hey there's still money in there give it up now I'm not playing around!" The man voice boomed throughout the store I feel my face scrunch up in terror as he takes out the gun flashing it at the cashier

"Don't do anything stupid or I'll shoot" The man says with a dangerous undertone to his voice

Feeling a rush of fear and adrenaline, I carefully slide behind a nearby snack shelf, my heart pounding loudly in my ears. As the man continues to demand money from the cashier, I seize the opportunity to inch my way toward the store's exit. Every step is calculated, my breath held in anticipation.

Glancing over, I notice a stack of cardboard boxes piled against the wall, forming a makeshift barrier. It's not much, but it might provide cover. Waiting for the man's attention to be fixated on the cashier again, I dart towards the boxes, my footsteps as quiet as possible. The cool sweat on my forehead mixes with the tension in the air.

With my heart racing, I manage to reach the boxes. I crouch down, trying to regulate my breathing. The man's voice grows louder as he becomes more agitated. It's now or never. I glimpse an exit sign across the store, a beacon of hope. Timing it carefully, I push the boxes with all my might, creating a loud crashing sound that echoes through the store.

The man's head whips around in surprise, his focus momentarily diverted. Seizing the moment, I burst from behind the boxes and sprint towards the exit, my pulse pounding in my chest. The store's automatic door slides open just in time for me to dive out, into the cool night air.

Adrenaline fuels my legs as I run, not daring to look back until I'm a safe distance away. Sirens wail in the distance, growing louder with every passing second. I've escaped the immediate danger, but the aftermath of this harrowing experience is far from over.

As the sound of angry shouts and blaring car horns erupted beside me, a brilliant, blinding light suddenly engulfed my vision, and then... everything faded to an empty void.