
Judgement of Demon God

In the modern world, two realms coexist - the divine Gods from heaven and the Demons from Hell. Long ago, Zeus and Hades signed a peace treaty when there was magic and sword, kings were ruling the land, but as time pass and human became more advance in science and technology they started to forgot about the Gods then Zeus created a plan in secret to gain lost faith of human once again by betraying the King of hell Hades. Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 16 - Rank Advancement : Forsaken child

Heo read the alert message from the system, and he decided to hide in a street corner. He was now out of mana, and his deceptive appearance had reverted back to its original state. Now he faced a pressing problem - avoiding detection by the apostles, who could sense his demonic aura. As a trainee Demon Lord, Heo was particularly susceptible to their perception.

"What should I do? How can I hide my demonic aura? It will hinder my plans," Heo inquired of the System, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.


[You need to find an artifact that can conceal your demonic aura.]

"Yes, an artifact. Let's check the dungeon app to find any dungeon that might provide an artifact to conceal my Demonic Aura." His tone conveyed a sense of urgency and eagerness as he navigated through the app's interface.

With a determined expression, Heo's eyes focused on his device as he opened the dungeon app. His voice held a mixture of anticipation and resolve, searching for a suitable solution to his predicament.

After searching for an hour, he finally came across a Dungeon that might possibly contain the artifact to hide his Demonic Aura. However, it was a D-rank Shadow Dungeon of a demonic nature. Entering such a Dungeon would be challenging due to the rank difference. He realized that he needed to take the Hunter Advancement Rank Test to raise his rank and gain access to this Dungeon.

"What is my current rank?" He inquired of the system, his tone laced with curiosity.


[Your current rank is F, but your current level is 20. You can advance your rank to E.]

"How ? " Heo's eyes widened in anticipation, his curiosity piqued by the possibility of advancing his rank. His gaze was fixed on the System's response, his mind racing with thoughts of how he could achieve this advancement.


[You need to take a test in a different dimension. Would you like to take the test? Y/N]


[Do remember, this will advance your class. You will gain new skills and power, but in the real world, you will still be considered Rank F. To advance your level in the eyes of the real world, you need to take the Hunter Association advancement test.]

A surge of determination coursed through Heo as he read the message. Without any hesitation, he typed in "Y" to accept the challenge. He was prepared to demonstrate his capabilities and conquer whatever trials awaited him in this alternate dimension. As soon as he pressed "Y" in the system interface, he was teleported to a different world, a realm specifically prepared for him to undergo his test to advance to rank E.

He found himself in a different world, lying on the ground. As he opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of a stunning blue sky above. He was resting on a grassy hill beneath a towering tree. Shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight, he used his hand to cover his gaze. The sky stretched out in a flawless expanse of blue, and birds soared gracefully through the air above.

"Where am I?" Heo muttered aloud, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and confusion as he took in his surroundings.


[Quest Unlocked: Rank Advancement

Quest Name : Help the girl in his quest for Justice

Rank: E

Time Limit: None]

[ Quest Rewards:

1. Artifact : You will randomly get the unique artifacts that hold power in this alternate dimension. ]

2. Skill : You will randomly get the skill suited to your class

3 : Hidden ]

[Quest Objectives:

Find the Girl : Find the young girl who need your help. (0/1)

Offer Assistance: Approach Young Girl and offer her help. (0/1)

Share a Glimpse: Share a glimpse of your true intentions with Young Girl. (0/1)

Moral Reflection: Reflect upon your motives for helping Young Girl. (0/1) ]

[Remember, Heo, the path of justice is not always clear, and the truths you uncover may challenge your convictions. Choose wisely, for your decisions will shape the destiny of this world and yours.]

"Where can I find this girl?" Heo inquired of the system, seeking the location of the girl who needed help.


[Where there is darkness, there is light.]

"What kind of vague answer is this? Ah, I guess I know the location," Heo muttered in frustration, realizing that the system's response was intentionally cryptic. However, as he pondered over the response, a spark of understanding ignited within him.

Amidst the bustling streets of a city, where grand structures and opulent mansions towered, lay a forgotten corner - a dim alley, tucked away from the glittering lights. This was a place where society's outcasts, including outlaws, bandits, and other criminal individuals, found solace.

Heo, traversed the city's labyrinthine paths in order to find the girl for his rank advancement. As he walked farther, a voice carried on the breeze, a faint sob that pierced through the noise of the city. His steps quickened, leading him to a heart-wrenching scene.


[Partial Quest Completed]

[Find the Girl : Find the young girl who need your help. (1/1) ]

There, in a shadowed corner, sat young girl. Her cheeks were stained with tears, her body shivering from the cold. The indifference of the passing crowds was palpable, as if the plight of one young girl mattered little in the grand scheme of their lives. Those who belonged to nobility had callously cast her aside into this alley, teeming with outlaws and criminals. A young innocent child, had lost everything to the whims of the nobles. Her life now hung in the balance, forsaken and forgotten in this forsaken alley.

Heo's eyes locked onto young girl, his heart aching for her suffering. He approached with a grace that mirrored his resolve. In his hands, he held a simple bundle of food, an offering to the hungry soul before him. Her wary gaze met his, a mix of desperation and suspicion. In a world where the rich and powerful often trampled upon the weak, trust was a rare and precious thing.

"Here, take this. You don't have to suffer alone," Heo said gently, extending the bundle towards her. His eyes were filled with genuine sympathy, and a warm, compassionate smile graced his face.

Her eyes widened, disbelief etched across her face. No one had ever shown her such kindness, especially not someone who appeared to belong to the privileged class. Suspicion still lingered in her heart, but the warmth of his voice and the sincerity in his eyes began to chip away at the walls she had built.

"Why would you help me?" She whispered, her voice trembling, her body shivering in the cold. Her words were barely audible, almost a question to herself as much as to Heo.

"I want to help you because of my..." Heo's voice wavered, his gaze fixed on young girl desperate eyes.

A mixture of emotions swirled within him - empathy, guilt, and a sense of duty. He had stumbled upon her because of the quest given by the system, but now he was facing a moral dilemma. Was he truly helping her out of compassion, or was he using her situation as a means to achieve his own goals? The weight of his decision pressed heavily on his mind, as he struggled to find the right words to convey his intentions.