
Judgement: In Heaven, as on Earth.

"We were so close" "We had him right there!" "Order! Order in the court!" "Let the proceedings go. Now, Omega, if I could ask, who will be leading council today?" "Gamma will be." "Now, if you fools will stop whining, I will let the speaker take over." "Fine." "I, Gamma, shall be leading proceedings of the Council of Heavenly Beings. Today's meeting topics will be over the escape of Sigma and Beta, and the apparent kidnapping of Theta." "A mockery, I say! The lord of traitors, the betrayer of heaven, the killer of God, his own father. And he escapes? We cannot let him return to the lands of Aldea and wreak havoc among the mortals." "While I agree with your words, calm down Epsilon." "I believe I am aware of his plans. He and Beta, are attempting to finish what they started." "But how? Not after He made the ultimate sacrifice, and split himself asunder." "While your shock is noted, I do believe it is true." "I think Sigma is trying to rebuild the seat of God."

swag_lord · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Judgement: Arc 1, Chapter 5 - Lightning War

Lena glanced over to Joseph, and Joseph nodded, signalling for her to respond. "What's the mission?" Lena asked. Michael says, "We have a target. His name's Thomas Conway, also known as the Doctor. He is a criminal who's been threatening the capital." Lena responded, asking, "So, why do we have to deal with this now, and not later, or earlier?" Michael replied, saying, "He's planning something tonight, so they are sending us to intercept and clear them out." 

Lena thought for a moment, before asking, "So, where do we need to go?" Michael told her, "Bring the rest of the team to the harbor, we'll leave by 8:00 PM." Lena says, "Alright, we'll be there." She ended the call, and turned to the rest of the team, saying, "Did you all hear that?" Joseph replied, "Yeah, I'm ready!" Roy says, "Let's get back into the game." They all went and got their respective equipment for the mission, and ran out.


"You all can't leave me! Wait up" Joseph would be yelling out as Roy and Lena outpaced him. Lena asked Roy, "So, is it usually like this?" Roy asked, "Like what? Joseph trailing behind?" They would hear Joseph distantly, saying, "I can hear you!" Lena replied, "Yeah, about like that." As they were running, the docks came into view. They saw Michael standing on top of the boat they were taking. It was a smaller boat, equipped with machine guns on the deck.

Lena and Roy hopped on the boat, and Joseph finally arrived. He put his hand on the boat, and said, "Give me a second... I need to catch my breath." Michael says, "While everyone's getting settled, I'll explain the plan. We're gonna take this boat, and intercept and take down the transports. Hopefully nothing will go wrong, but it usually does most of the time. So, is everyone ready?" Joseph says, "Yeah, I'm ready." He jumped on the boat. Lena says, "I'm ready too!" Roy continues, "Ready." Michael says, "Alright, let's go."

The boat's engine started up, and began to sail north. The radar on the ship's black box detected nothing. Roy walked up to Michael, and asks, "So, how strong is this guy?" Michael scratches his head and replies, "Honestly? I don't know, but he has mastered several forms of magic, even some to be considered taboo, like Death Magic. He's probably a pretty strong person." Roy asked, "Do you think we would win?" Michael replies, "We'll see."

 As they were talking, shots suddenly rang out from the fog in front of them, and searchlights came on. The radar suddenly detected several targets. Michael yells, "Everyone, down now!" From the fog, emerged two ships, about the same size of their ship, and one larger one. As they were thinking about what to do, two people jumped on the ship, one had a blue coat, the other one was taller, and had a large sword, the blade of which higher than the average person. The man in the blue coat says, "So, these must be the "people" interfering in our boss's plans."

The taller one replies, "Are you sure? They just seem like a bunch of fishermen, since there's no way that such weaklings could be hired by the military. The man in the blue coat walked forward, and says, "Hello, foolish children, we've been commanded by our boss, the Doctor himself, to annihilate your petty crew. Be happy that such fantastic, amazing, warriors will be the arbiters of your death. I, am Aqua, and my ally is Stol."

Michael responds, "Alright, I get the memo. But, I don't see any fantastic warriors around here, other than me and my team. But, if you want a watery grave, I'll let them take care of the executions around here." Aqua responds, "I am aghast! How could such foolish people make such preposterous claims in front of me!" Stol swung his blade at Michael, but he was able to evade it. Michael yelled out, "Joseph, come with me, we're gonna go to the main ship and take it out. Roy and Lena, take out the trash." Joseph jumped after Michael, and they ran onto the main boat.

"So, we have to deal with you all?" Roy asks? Roy runs at Aqua, and unveil his mechanical arm, activating it's attached boosters to increase it's velocity, and punches Aqua in his chest. Aqua would be launched over to the other ship, and fall face flat on it's deck. Roy says, "Now, that is preposterous." Aqua responds, "You hit me! You runt, you'll pay in blood! Water Magic: Wave-breaker" A large bolt of water launches from Aqua's palm, where his mark was located.

Roy jumps over to the ship, and blocks it with his arm. The ventilation from his arm would evaporate the water. Roy unholsters a grenade, and primes it, to throw it at Aqua. Aqua shoots a water bubble at it, trapping the grenade in it, and stopping the explosion. Roy jumps above Aqua, and yells out, "Here's a trick I have!" His arm lights up, and releases a bolt of energy, shooting down at Aqua. Aqua jumps away, but the bolt penetrates the ship. Aqua yells out, "Water Magic: Kraken Whip!" Three strands of water shoots out from his hand, and wraps around Roy.

Aqua pulls Roy to him, and then slams him down to the ground. Roy responds, using the back-blast of his arm to launch him back up to Aqua. Aqua and Roy both launch punches to each-other, hitting each-other directly. They would both be launched back into the water. As soon as they got in the water, Roy tries to swim up, but he felt a tightening feeling around him. Aqua says, "Water Magic: Siren Spell!" Aqua continues, saying, "With this ability active, all creatures around me in water are pulled to me, and cannot move!" However, that would come out as gurgles.

Roy struggles, but then overheats his arm, causing large air bubbles to emerge where the water had been evaporated. The air enables him to activate the boosters, launching him forward, and into Aqua, breaking the spell. He swims up, and jumps back on the ship. However, as soon as he got out, he heard large splashes take place behind him. He suddenly heard Aqua yell, "Water Magic: Leviathan!" Aqua would come shooting out of the water, immersed in water. Large tendrils of water emerge to attack Roy.

Roy rapidly starts to move across the ship, evading the whips of water. He jumps on top of the ship, and unholsters another grenade. He would also charge a blast up in his arm.He jumps into the water to Aqua. Aqua says, "Have you forgotten about my spell?" Roy responds, "Hell no." The grenade falls out of his hand, as the blast shoots him out of the water. He fell down on the ship, as the grenade exploded in the water. Suddenly, the water deforms, and fall down back to the ocean. Aqua suddenly gets shot out onto the ship, unconscious, but not dead.

 Roy gets up, and says, "Well, I wonder how Lena's fairing."


"So, what's your deal?" Lena asks Stol. Stol responds, saying, "That's not important. We all have our own reasons to fight. The only thing that matters is the outcome of the fight." Lena replies, "Then by all means, let's fight."

Stol lifts his clay-more up, and begins to rush towards Lena. Lena runs at him similarly, raising her hand to meet his sword. Then, Lena says, "Electric Magic: Joule Heat!" She shoots what seemed to be a bolt of lightning at his sword, causing it to heat up. He winces from pain, before throwing the sword at Lena. Lena slides under the sword, before running directly at Stol. She says, "Electric Magic: Static Effect!" Her hands began to spark with electricity. She jumps up to Stol, and begins to rapidly punch him. As Stol walked backwards to try to evade the punches, Lena continues to land hits on him.

Stol finally saw a opening, and lands a uppercut into Lena's stomach. She gets launched back, but regains balance on the ground. Stol slowly rips a piece of the metal deck off, and would throw it at Lena. Lena presses her hands together, and says, "Electric Magic: Energy Grid!". Bolts of electricity shoots out, forming a cage-like shape around Lena. The metal would get stopped by the strands of electricity, like it had lost all momentum, and would fall down. Then, she holds her hand out at Stol, and says, "Electric Magic: Direct Current!" She shoots out a large bolt of lightning, which hits Stol in the chest. It seemingly had stun him.

Stol then dashed to Lena, and launches a punch at her. His fist pierces through the grid, and lands. He grabs her, and throws her across the ship. She lands on the other side, injured. Stol grabs his sword, and walks over to her. He raises his sword, and swings down. Lena quickly says, "I'm not a one-trick pony! Ice Magic: Mirror Break!" The sword would be covered with ice. Lena follows up, by punching the sword, shattering it.

Stol would try to punch Lena, but she catches his hand, and twists it. She kicks him in the stomach, then launch a lightning bolt at him, blowing him away. She says, "Electric Magic: Greater Speed!" She jumps over, faster than a car, and says, "Now, I'm gonna end this charade of a fight!" She yells, "Electric Magic: Blitzschlag!" Her hand would be coated with light, with lightning shooting from it. She punchs Stol in the face. The lightning diffuses, shooting through the ship, and splitting it in half. Stol was launched all the way to the main ship.

Lena turns to the main ship, and would begin to walk to it.


Two men stood in the helm of the ship. One of the men wore a plague doctor's outfit, and had a scythe on their back. The other one was wearing a black suit, with a purple tie. "Are you going to handle them soon, Thomas?" The man, known as Thomas, replies, "Soon, soon. I just want to have the best possible position for a fight, right" The man in the suit, says, "I have no time for games, I've waited for longer than most history books cover. If you don't take care of this, I think I may have to rethink our partnership."

Thomas says, "O-oh no, I promise I'll take care of it, just one question. Why don't you take care of it?" The man in the suit replied, "I have a mission of my own. If I try to do both at once, it will not be profitable in the long term. I believe you can take care of it, but do not take my belief for granted. Am I clear?" Thomas replies, "Yes, you are clear, boss." The man in the suit says, "Good. Now, I will be taking my leave. Do not disappoint me." Suddenly, the man in the suit would disappear.

Thomas would take a breath, saying, "Well, looks like this is my problem now."


Michael cuts through the locked door, it opening to show a hanger area with a large group of the Doctor's troops in it. "Flame Magic: Blaze Shield!" A shield made out of fire forms around Michael's arm, as bullets fly through the air. Joseph jumps through the door, into the room. He says, "Move forward, I got you!" Michael runs through the room, knocking out anyone in his way. They would run into another hallway.

Michael asks Joseph, "Do you think that they're done yet?" Joseph responds, "Hell if I know, but I would guess so." As they were talking, a vent falls down from the ceiling, and troops would fall out. Michael uses close-quarters combat to knock them out. Michael asks Joseph, "Where now?" Joseph responds, "Probably up, since he's gonna be at the helm." They would continue to run down the hallways, and eventually reach a stairwell. They started running up it, when they heard loud footsteps from below them.

Joseph aims his gun at one of the bolts of the stairwell. He shoots the bolt off, causing the stairs to become unstable. "Come on Michael, let's go!" Joseph says. They both run up the stairs. As they made it to the top, the stairs suddenly collapsed. As they were preparing to open the door to the helm, they saw two hands grabbing on the ledge where the stairs used to be. When they looked over, they saw Roy, and Lena, who was grabbing Roy's leg. They pull Roy and Lena up. "So, what happened to you all?" Michael asks. Lena says, "We were running up the stairs after we beat those people up, and then, they suddenly collapsed!" Joseph ignores that.

Michael then says, "So, you all ready yet?" Everyone says something along the lines of, "Yeah, I'm ready." Michael walks to the door, ready to cut it open, but it opens normally. As they walked in, they saw how large the helm was. But, the door behind them would suddenly close, being locked. As they turned to look at it, they heard someone speak from behind them.

"Ah, so you are the rats in my ship."

"I am the Doctor, and I promise that this ship will be your grave."