
Chapter 3 Trois

"She builds others up because she knows what it's like to be torn down." ~ Pinterest.

"I heard everything." Andre sighed looking at his father who was also appalled by what his son had told him.

"I have a son with Della and mom was willing to keep him away from me." Andre looked at the view in his office that was on the twenty-sixth floor.

"What are you going to do then?" Benjamin Levetté asked.

"Della." was the only thing he muttered. He had not trusted her instead he listened to his mother and hurt her beyond all reason.

"You still love her?" Andre's father questioned.

"How could I not, Papa? She was my first love." He said in an exasperated sigh. He remembered how beautiful she looked on their wedding day. She wrote him the perfect vows that made the audience cry. Himself, he even felt as though his vows couldn't be compared to hers but he said them anyways she loved them. Their wedding night, she was a virgin and he took that from her. He became addicted to her, Andre loved Della so much. He found himself not wanting to leave for work every morning. Della was perfect, she made him happy.

"What about your mother does she know that you know?" Ben asked curiously. He knew his wife had something to do with their tragic divorce. Jeanine was the type to do whatever she set her mind to even if it meant hurting the other person. Determination drove her, Ben always told her that there is a difference between running a family and a fashion show... in family there is no competition but Jen always confused the two.

"I just want to win my family back, I will deal with mother later." Andre walked back to his huge mahogany desk.

"Della seemed different. I don't think she is the same girl who fell in love with you."

"Papa, I am aware of that but I will get her back at all costs. She has to know, I made a mistake!"

Della sat on the bench in the park, she had her off days every Saturday. After fetching Leo from his piano lessons they would sit in the park for a while watching the sun set. Della was so focused on the novel that she had been reading that she didn't realize someone had sat beside her. Leo had ran off playing with Mr. Griffins dog. She lived in the same apartment complex with the eighty year old man who spent his time playing chess at the park.

The cologne of the person who had sat beside her brought back a lot of unwanted memories. She turned to look up from her book still wearing her reading glasses. She saw the man whom she had been avoiding ever since she gave birth to her little Leondre.

"Beautiful view, isn't it?" Andre muttered to the beautiful lady who looked beautiful in her long sun dress and sandals, her hair in wavy curls.

"Uhm it is." Della said standing up but before she could, Andre held her hand and sparks between them were unavoidable.

"I'm sorry but I was just about to leave." She looked at anywhere besides his piercing blue eyes.

"Della-" before Andre could finish his sentence, she stopped him.

"Andre please we are in public and you know how the press gets." She said almost as a whisper.

"I don't care about the press." He replied.

"You can't be seen with me." She added.

"Why because my mother will be angry that I found out what she did." He hissed.

"She is your mother, she was just doing what was best for you? Please let me go!" She sighed feeling defeated. The man she once loved was standing in front of her.

"And keeping my son away was what was best for me?" He said trying to find her eyes but she didn't want to look at him.

"He is not your son, I cheated..." she sighed. "With many different men, I don't even remember who Leo's father is! There's a very low chance of you being the father. I know my cycle and we didn't... we were always careful. Please don't waste your time or have high hopes."

"We both know that's not true." He pulled her close but she instantly pulled away.

"Andre please don't be mad at your mother, she loves you and she helped both of us realize that what we had was a mistake." Della explained, she didn't want to be the reason why Jeanine and her son's relationship would be ruined.

"How can you defend her after she ruined our marriage?" He seemed shocked by every word that came from her luscious lips that he missed so much.

"She is your mother, she loves you and I'm just some girl who was a mistake child with a lot of baggage. She knew that I wouldn't be good for you. This isn't worth it. Just stop please!" Della finally looked at him, he seemed hurt by her words.

"You were good for me." He caressed her cheek but she pulled away.

"Please Andre, don't do this." She pleaded pulling away from his grip.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Lie to me." She finished his sentence.

"I'm really content with what I have and I hope you find the right woman for you. I honestly mean this from the bottom of my heart and I'm not bitter about how everything played out. Just please leave me alone. I always told you this —us— was a bad idea." She removed her reading glasses and put them in her bag as well the novel, she had been reading.

"Mom mom mom-" Leo ran towards them.

"Yes, sweetie?" Della asked.

"Mr. Griffins said Fierdo is having puppies and when they are born, I can have one." Leo said out of breath.

"That's great, we can have a puppy." She hugged him.

"Hey Mister Andre you finally met my mom, isn't she beautiful." Leo said looking at the man who was supposedly his father but of-course he didn't know that.

"She really is." He smiled at Della but she looked away feeling very much uncomfortable.

"Do you want to take her on a date?"

"Leo, no apologize right now! You don't say such things to strangers ." Della said awkwardly but Andre found this amusing.

"But mom I want you to know it's fine, I don't mind having a step father. I want you to be happy too." Leo said softly.

"But I'm happy with you." Della looked at her son who seemed to grew taller everyday. He was taller than everyone in his grade, people even assumed he was eight. Yes, he got his genes from the Levetté family. They were all tall.

"Fine, I'm sorry Mister Andre. That was rude of me." Leo said looking at the man whom he seemed to like a lot.

"It's okay little man in fact I would love to go on a date with your beautiful mother." He stole a glance at his ex-wife who only glared daggers at him.

"Mr. Andre, it was nice seeing you but we have to leave." She held her son's left hand.

"Yep, I have French class tomorrow. I wanted to take Spanish but mom says it's important I learned French." the boy explained.

"Well your mother is very clever, I speak French too." He answered.

"Really? You could help me with my homework sometime. My mom and I are always goog-ling but you speak French." Leo said excitedly.

"Leo-" Della hissed.

"I don't mind, here is my card call me if you need anything."

Della just wanted to leave but before they walked away. Leo ran back and gave Andre a hug. It seemed to warm her heart but it didn't matter maybe Leo deserved to know who his father is. She was so lucky that he was a clever understanding kid.