

After his dream had come true, he found himself in love with a girl in the pub after his mother had warned him against falling in love with any girl from a pub. At the long run, Bayo discovers the one he had fallen in love with was a goddess whose mission had been to destroy his life. Now, he was addicted to her and couldn't let go of her.

Senior_Boy · Fantasy
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14 Chs


I was lost in the handshake before I remembered what she called her name.

"Joygiver?" I asked myself. "Is there a name like that?"

I kept wondering how a name would be like that. This was the first time I would be concerned about somebody's name.

"Joygiver?" I asked her as if I didn't hear her well.

"Yeah, my name is Joygiver." She said.

"Was it a nickname or your real name?"

"How does that bother you?" she asked.

"So..... I'm sorry." I stammered. "I actually..." I was lost of words and didn't find the right word at the right time.

"Can we be friends?" I managed to ask.

"Are you sure it is only friendship you're trying to request from me?" She asked.

"What else could I have mentioned?" I asked myself. 

"Because, looking at you, I think I'm in love with you o" She said.

I was shocked. The same thing with Victor, Jacob and Maverick; they were shocked too.

"But this girl used to turn down guy's friendship request." I heard Jacob gossiping with others 

"This time around, she found herself wooing a guy." Victor added

"Is Bayo that handsome?" I was sure it was David that asked this question. 

All this while, I remained silent. I couldn't say a word as I was dumbstruck. She must have noticed this too as the next statement was coming from her.

"What do you say, Mr. Bayo?" She asked 

"Were you joking?" I asked

"I thought as much." I overheard Jacob whispering to other guys.

"Of course, no." She replied. "I expressed my feelings. You guys are funny. Do we girls ask of you are joking whenever guys woo us? But whenever a girl woo a guy, you guys take it as something else."

"I'm... I'm..... I'm sorry." I stammered. "Actually, I'm in love with you too, and I've come here to say that."

"And I guess you are a shy type." She smiled. "Can I kiss you?"

"Just like that?" Victor whispered to others. 

"Is my mom right?" I didn't know why I asked her this question but I quickly changed it. "Sorry, I mean to say is that not too soon?"

"Hmm...." She sighed. "Okay, can I hug you?"

A feeling of suspicion aroused in me. "Is she a prostitute?" I asked myself. I frowned my face immediately, not even giving a damn when she noticed it. I didn't know I fell in love with a girl like this. Suspense of no reason grew in me. I stood there like a dumb, not saying a word.

"Hmm." She sighed. "I understand. But don't take me like that. At least, I have your test the kind of love you have for me. Now, I love you more. Can I have your number?"

I was relieved. So, all these were tests, thank God I passed them.

"Why don't you give me yours, instead?" I asked. 

"How do I trust you?" She asked. "You're doubting me already. You may have my number now and add it to the blacklist."

"And you think I will do that?" I asked her. "What can I do to make you trust me?"

"Take me around and show me to the world that I'm your new girlfriend." She said

"New girlfriend?" I asked "I had no girlfriend before this time."

""Of course, I know." She said. "I mean let the world know you just met me and I'm your girlfriend."

The statement "Of course, I know" made the feeling of suspicion further aroused in me. She didn't know me before this time, how did she know that I had no girlfriend. Well, I'm a star and anyone can just find out about my relationship status. 

"I will love to do that." I said. I saw a smile on her face as I completed my sentence. She reached her hand forward for me to hold it, I got it. I held her hand and led her to where my friends are.

"She is...." I hadn't completed my sentence before Jacob cut in.

"Joygiver." Jacob said. "Your girlfriend."

"I knew you guys were listening to our conversation." I said

"Not at all." Victor said. "We were only happy that our guy has fallen in love."

Joygiver smiled. It was at that same moment that John approached the scene with his new found love. Joygiver immediately started staring at the floor as eyes met with that of John. I noticed that John also stare at her, mouth agaped

"Something is fishy." I said to myself. 

"Who is she?" John asked me.

"Joygiver." Jacob replied immediately. "Bayo's girlfriend."

"Oh, I see." John forced a smile "So, all of us had broken our promise." Then, he faced me; "Can I meet you privately."

"Is anyone strange here?" I asked him. "There is no one here that cannot hear our conversation. we are all friends, and the two girls here are already part of us."

"Go and talk to him, Bayo." Joygiver said

"Okay, sweetheart." I said and left to an angle with John.

"Where did you meet her?" John asked.

"Here, in the pub." I replied 

"But we all promised not to fall in love in the pub." John said angrily. 

"You fell in love in the pub too, didn't you?" I tagged a question for him.

"I thought your mother asked you not to fall in love with any girl from a pub." He said 

"Your mother must have given you the same warning too." I replied 

"If she had given me that kind of warning, I wouldn't have fallen in love with a girl in the pub." He replied. " You are making a very big mistake, Bayo."

"But, what is it?" I asked angrily. "Did I question you for falling in love with that girl?"

"Mine is a different case, Bayo." He said. "That girl you fell in love with is a demon in the shape of a woman. She has probably been sent to ruin your life. Even, I'm so sure she wooed you first."

"But, when did you start discovering spiritual matters?" I asked "I thought you are an actor."

"Back down, oh Lucifer!" He exclaimed. "The girl has put something on your heart that won't you listen to anyone. No one could notice the third eye on her forehead, but I did. She is a spirit."

"If she was actually a spirit, she would have found out that you wanted to leak her secret and she won't let me follow you to this place." I said. 

"She made you follow me to this place so that she could run away." John said

"Run away?" I asked. Not waiting for an answer, I quickly went back to where our friends were standing, I saw everyone there excluding Joygiver. 

"Where is Joygiver?" I asked. 

"She said she will be back soon. She wants to get some snacks for herself." Jacob said.

"Hmm.." John sighed as he approached the scene. I only hissed and look away. 

We all waited for what seemed like eternity for Joygiver to come back, but she didn't. That is when I discovered that she had flee for real. But I didn't believe John, I believed it was a different story and John had told me another story. My mind kept telling me that John and Joygiver knew each other before this time. 

On getting home that day, I couldn't take my dinner. I kept thinking about Joygiver. I think I had fallen deeply into the poll of love with her. And now, I couldn't do without her.

"A girl I just met?" I asked myself. 

I didn't see Joygiver again for weeks, I had to go back to my normal life. She didn't give me her number when I asked for it, so there was no means of contacting her. I continued blaming John for this.

"Thank God , she left you." John said when we met in his home. " You escaped from that demon."

"Will you stop calling her a demon!" I said angrily. "Tell me the truth, John. What is between you and her?"

"Like what?" He asked. "Do you think I knew her from somewhere? I will tell you a secret. In my family, we do have inner eyes. That is, we are always able to see what others cannot see. Even if not me, if my sister had seen that girl with you, she would have told you the same thing I told you."

"That's because you would have planned the whole thing with her." I said.

"Try to understand, Bayo." He said. "I won't see a pit before you and tell you to continue moving."

"Hmm...." I sighed.

Jacob walked in with Maverick and Victor. They were all laughing as they entered. I knew Jacob must have been cracking jokes with them.

"You guys didn't tell us you are meeting here." Victor said.

"You didn't tell me you are coming here, either." John said. "Well, sit down and let me entertain you with a story as I have no Juice in my house currently. 

"It's okay." Maverick said as they all took their seat. "You are free to bribe us with a story."

"Well, I was actually joking", he said. "Let me get you some juice from the freezer. 

"Well, we actually don't need your juice." Victor said. "Tell us a funny story."

"Hmm.." John sighed and wet deep in thought for a while. Then he faced everyone and started;

"A man embarked on a journey to the other country in his car. Though, he should have travelled on a plane, he loves the long drive and fantasies he would enjoy by travelling on land. He knows he is going to see a lot of things he had never seen in his life. He knew he was going to pass through many places he had never been to or heard of in his life.

Well, you knew what? He spent day an night on the journey and he would seek shelter from people when it becomes dark. Well, on the third night he went to seek shelter from a house as usual. This time around, the house he had been to belongs to a group of monks.

"I'm travelling from Nigeria to Egypt. It becomes dark. I need a place to stay till morning." The man said.

"It's alright, you can stay with us till morning." A monk said.

To be continued...

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